It was January of 2008 when I started the “New Blog Of The Week” (NBOTW) series in which I would hunt for new blogs and showcase one each week. Over the past 19 months I added some not so new, well worth the mention blogs, as well.
As I look at the list of the 93 blogs and contemplate where I want blogging to take me, I’ve decided it’s time I pass the NBOTW torch onto another blogger.
The commitment to this assignment can be time consuming, however, for me it has always been rewarding.
The criteria I used was a blog was approximately under 4 months old, had compelling content, and was a blog the BWAB community members would enjoy. Many of those chosen have continued on to become popular bloggers, whereas some of the authors have gone on hiatus and/or sadly closed down their sites.
As I pass the torch, I’m including the complete list for one last time. Please note, the “Featured Blogs” page will remain active in my header.
In the order in which they were showcased, they are:
- Natasha’s World by Natasha
- NezSez by Nez
- David by David Lano
- Three Weddings by Debbie Yost
- Bizlift Blog by Sterling Okura
- In My Heels by JEMi
- Admnistrative Arts by Jodith
- The Growing Life by Clay Collins
- Plain Talk – Ordinary Wisdom by Pat
- Creative Journey Cafe by Mark Penta
- Yes To Me by Akemi Gaines
- Kitchen Table Medicine by Dr. Nicole Sundene
- Success Soul by Shilpan
- Between Us Girls by Lori
- Golden Zen by Harmony and Ginger
- Life’s Little Inspirations by Wendi
- Be by David
- Happy Dogs Make Happy Humans by Kaye Swafford and Krystal
- On Simplicity by Sara
- Work Happy Now by Karl Staib
- Forced Green by Linda
- Abundance Blog by Marelisa
- MomGrind by Vered
- The Jungle Of Life by Lance
- Dr. by Dr. Cason
- Urban Pather’s Lair by Urban Panther
- Urbane Panther’s Den by Urbane Lion
- Rajaie Talks by Rajaie
- Tender Loving Elder Care by Linda Abbit
- Our Best Version by Ari Koinumra
- Writer Dad by Sean Platt
- Pun Intended by Bamboo Forest & Flying Llama Fish
- Blogger’s Lab by Sunil Pathak
- Avani by Avani
- Loving Pulse by Davina
- Motivate Thyself by Eric Hamm
- Blogger Dad by Blogger Dad
- Deeper Issues by Dot
- Exit 78 by Mike Goad
- Ribeezie by Ricardo
- Teach My Children Well by Dave Fowler
- Think Maya by Maya
- She-Power by Kelly Rigby
- Let’s Live Forever by Robin Birch
- Passing Thru by Betsy and Pete
- Face To The Sun by Grace
- Cath by Catherine Lawson
- Thinking Out Loud by Natural
- Hunter by Hunter
- Someday Syndrome by Alex Fayle
- Sources of Insight by J.D. Meier
- Jannie by Jannie
- All Is Within by Sharon
- October5 by Ryan and Sarah
- Be 4 Success by Neil
- Wisdom and Life by Miguel de Luis Espinosa
- Attraction Mind Map by Evelyn Lim
- PZ’s Money Makeover 2.0 website & free book from Paul Zilizer
- I Profit On Purpose by Mary Anne Fisher
- Patricia’s Wisdom by Patricia
- Spiritual Journey of A LightWorker by Patricia Singleton
- Porsidan by Jay Schrver
- The Ever Changing Thought by Scott Carver
- Pink Ink by Jewel
- Ulla Henning’s Weblog by Ulla
- Notes From the Voices by Jacqueline
- Communicate Value by Christine
- The Book Chook by Susan
- Matthew Dryden by Matthew Dryden
- Urban Monk by Albert
- Florida Mortgage Blog by Kevin Sandridge
- Balanced Immune Health by Craig Maltby
- The Journey Within by Netra
- Awaiting The Crown by Sarah
- Over Coffee by Barb Hartsook
- Barbara by Barbara Ling
- No Wordz – Photo Blog by Caroline
- Standing Still Photo blog by Tammy
- Travelin Local by Lisa
- Tumblemoose Writing Services by George
- I Hate My Message Board by Tracy
- Anti Social Development by Kim Woodbridge
- My Pursuit Of Happiness by Chania Girl
- Anxiety, Panic & Health by Mike Nichols
- Real Delia by Delia
- by AJ Kumar
- Think Like A Black Belt by Lori Hoeck
- Hope Springs Internal by Dani
- WpBlogHost by John Hoff
- Numb Nuggets by Chris
- Sharing The Journey by Janice
- A Beautiful Distraction by Karen Chaffee
- Joy Discovered by Jody
To those bloggers who faithfully visit this site and whose names were not listed, you are not forgotten. For me, you are just a click away.
Today’s Assignment
Would you like to carry the torch?
If so, do you have any questions or concerns?
P.S. As I pass the torch, this will also be the end to my Wednesday’s posts. (However, that’s subject to change)
That is quite a list, Barbara. I’m honored to be a part of it.
.-= Check out Akemi – Yes to Me´s awesome post: Are You The Only Spiritual Person You Know? =-.
Hi Akemi,
Can you believe it was April 1, 2008 when I showcased your blog?
Your post on your journey from Japan pulled at my heartstrings. I thought of you as a young girl coming to a foreign country, forging your own path, meeting and beating the struggles along the way. You’ve done good for yourself.
Now, look at you. You’re a successful entrepreneur, a Akashic Record Reading specialist, an active blogger and a fellow Oregonian.
Good luck in the future, neighbor.
This is a great list, and thank you for your kindness all this time!
You’re welcome, Albert,
I brought your blog to the attention of the BWABers based on your entry in the Blog Registry. I love how you describe yourself and your blog. For the sake of those who didn’t see it, you wrote,
It’s great to see you’re still blogging. Best wishes for continued success with your endeavors, Albert.
Quite the list (except for that number 37 hack). You’ve provided quite a service to the featured bloggers and the community at large. As one who has benefited from your kindness, thank you for the time and dedication you put in here. Whoever follows will have large shoes to follow. Best of luck!
Thank you for your kind words, Blogger Dad,
I was thinking back to when I showcased you . Your post Your Toddler is Full of Crap still makes me laugh.
For those of you who haven’t read it, here’s an excerpt.
You know I wish you well as you continue on your journey.
Why pass the torch, Barbara. You’re doing great finding and showcasing new talents. I don’t quite get it. Why not make it twice a month instead if it puts a heavy load on your time? Just thinking out loud, Barbara.
.-= Check out jan geronimo´s awesome post: Jena Isle: Surrogate Mother, Sublime Writer, Incomparable Friend =-.
*smiles* Jan,
That is actually great advice.
Currently I’m at a fork in the road and have a blogging project (it will be another site) I’m enjoying working on that is eating up a lot of my time, plus it is letting me incorporate another passion of mine. (Watch for the unveiling…)
Showcasing bloggers has been a wonderful way for me to meet and introduce bloggers to each other as well as to grow my community. Knowing this is a strategy that works, I feel this would be a great opportunity for another blogger (or two) to pick up the torch, use a similar technique on their blog and continue to spread the love as they too, grow their blogs.
Because of the lack of time I’m encountering, I’m also missing out on visiting all the bloggers who frequent this one. Although I do enjoy writing, reading the posts of others is a part of blogging I thoroughly enjoy and choose not to give up.
Now, if I could be cloned…..
P.S. Did you see on Twitter where Blogger Dad nominated you to pick up the torch?
#31 and #37 should have only been counted once.
Same person, really.
Hi Friar or is it Brett?
Why doesn’t it surprise me you raised that issue? Next, you’ll question why I showcased Cath’s blog. It’s really not nepotism.
BTW: I just read your latest post, Friar’s Tips For Ladies On How Not Attract Men. Discussing womens hair sure put you on the hot seat. Bet you weren’t expecting that.
And that Davina, she jumped right in and started the rant. She’s saucy, isn’t she?
I must admit, I’ve never had one of my posts touch off so much discussion. That was quite a surprise.
Davina’s rant was awesome! But she did it in a civil, respectable manner, which is what blogging should be all about.
I did get a few trolls, though, who just got downright nasty and insulting. I thought that was pretty funny, how they got defensive and felt the need to personally attacked me. Oh well…there’s a few in every crowd.
That’s what makes blogging so interesting…the comments, I mean. (which ties back into your earlier post from last week..)
.-= Check out Friar´s awesome post: Friar’s Tips for Ladies on how NOT to Attract Men. =-.
Hi Barbara: It’s interesting to go back and revisit those blogs and see where they are now. I’m really glad to have been a part of this list. The NBOTW series was such an integral part of this blog, but I guess all things must come to an end.
.-= Check out Marelisa´s awesome post: 15 More Ways to Celebrate Life =-.
Hi Marelisa,
I don’t know if you remember or not, but you found me. When I showcased you, I titled the post, NBOTW Will Donate $1,000,000. You had written that was one of your dreams.
When I read your post, where you said this
I was hooked. That’s fabulous advice we can all use.
Once again, congratulations on all of your accomplishments. You’re a shining star.
Hi Barbara,
I’ll admit, there’s a hint of sadness for me as I read this post. And there is because you’ve been a real and clear voice for the “new guy” out there. You’ve given so many people wings with which to soar. Wings they may not have discovered, or wings that may have taken much longer to have been ready to use. Of one thing I’m sure, and that is that you have constantly taken chances on so many new people, and showed your belief in their work.
Barbara, it is such an honor to be included on this list, and not even so much that I’m on it with so many truly gifted bloggers – more that you had the belief in me and what I was writing…back when this was all so new to me, and I was not sure at all if what I wrote was even worth reading. And that gift has been so great, and helped me more than you’ll ever know.
So, while there is sadness as I see one thing come to a close here, there is also excitement as I look forward to what other possibilities this opens up for you! And I know, Barbara, that whatever your tomorrow’s hold – they will be filled with the caring and love you’ve always shown.
Godspeed, my friend…
.-= Check out Lance´s awesome post: Where Is This Journey Taking Me? =-.
Oh Lance,
Your kind words always get me choked up. I wish you wouldn’t do that.
Like Marelisa, you also found me. And, I’m so grateful you did. Looking back on when I highlighted your blog, you were already using quotes. In your post titled, When You Fall Down, Get Back Up, you quoted Dr. Wayne Dyer.
We do have choices, don’t we Lance? I so happy you decided to continue on your blogging journey. You always brighten up blogosphere with your kind words and caring demeanor.
I hear you’re working on a book. Rumor has it, it will be on the best sellers list. Oh wait, that’s not a rumor. It WILL be on the best sellers list. (and I want an autographed copy )
Hi Barbara,
I understand that this must take up a lot of your time. Unfortunately I cannot pick up the torch as I simply don’t have the time and energy to do what you have so effectively done for so long.
I could volunteer to send you one or two posts on this theme but I couldn’t possibly commit to any more than that. I don’t know if that is what you are looking for.
Kudos to you and your blog for all that you have done for your fellow bloggers.
.-= Check out Chase March´s awesome post: My Journal Has Been Reborn =-.
Your words warm my heart, Chase,
That’s one thing about this assignment, I see it as a commitment, but one with many rewards. I wouldn’t expect anyone to take it on who doesn’t feel they have ample time to devote to it.
I’m sure happy to see you’re still blogging, Chase. I remember a time when you questioned if you should stop or not. Now you’ve added your hiphop feature and your blog is coming along nicely. Even though I don’t visit as often as I’d like, know I’m a big fan of yours.
P.S. Your Nothing post still remains a favorite of mine. Oh how I wish I had the nerve to do that.
Barbara – You’ve done a great job with the New Blog Of The Week series. Talk about a list of “winners” – you’ve got a real “who’s who” listed here.
While I’m sad to see the series ending – I can only imagine how time consuming the hunt for these gems has been.
I’m sure they saying, “You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince” came into play with this.
I do have an idea for a possible torch bearer for you. Let me contact her and see if she’s interested.
.-= Check out Kathy | Virtual Impax´s awesome post: When Customer Feedback is like Drinking from the Firehose =-.
Thank you Kathy,
You know, in the beginning, I did find a lot of “frogs”, but in the last six months or so, many new blogs have been started that are jewels. In fact, I’ve had days where I’ve wanted to showcase a half dozen at a time.
It’s also been great having a seasoned blogger like you showing your support for my choices. Remembering back to when I was new, I cherished comments from the “pros”. Thank you for all you contribute to blogosphere, as well.
You’ll have to keep me posted on the possible torch bearer.
WOW! I can’t believe you’ve done SO many blogs. That’s great! I’m excited to check out the ones that I’m not familiar with (and hope they’re still up and running) and I want to personally thank you again for featuring my blog on your site. It was (and still is!) one of the biggest highlights in my life as a blogger so thank you!
.-= Check out Positively Present´s awesome post: how to start right where you are =-.
Thank you for your kind words, Dani,
Sometime I forget how many I did, too. When I added the last of the names, I was surprised it has gone over 90.
Many of the blogs are still up, and from what I see, those that are still alive, are as good as ever.
It was my pleasure to showcase you blog(s). I wasn’t sure if I should highlight Positively Present, or your new one, Hope Springs Internal. Since you were already getting a good bit of traffic to PP, I chose your “Hope” blog, as new blogs can always use a boost.
I wish you much success in your blogging endeavors. You know where to come if you ever have a question.
Hi Barbara, thanks so much for all that you do and have done. I’ve met so many new blogging friends through your site.
Unfortunately, I can’t commit to doing a once a week NBOTW like you did on my blog because I don’t think it fits the scope of what I write about however what I can do is let new bloggers list their blog on the TNT bloggers lounge and once a week feature a new blogger.
Do you think that would work out?
.-= Check out Tracy´s awesome post: 7 Things I really need to get the heck over =-.
You’re welcome Tracy,
I should really be calling you the Whole Chicken In A Can blogger. I love that post of yours.
I like your idea of listing new bloggers on the TNT Bloggers Lounge forum. Maybe you can do that in conjunction with whomever picks up the torch and their vision of how they want to bring bloggers to the attention of others.
Hi Barbara!
What a list! I understand how busy you are, I am suffering from a lack of time myself this year- hence the decrease in commenting on my most favorite blogs, your included. I’ve found the only way I can keep up with reading all of them is to read, read read, and save the commenting for only the times when I feel really compelled to add my voice to the conversation.
It’s sad really- but it comes from having so many people that I have come to love out here in blog land and being so busy in the physical world right now.
sadly, I will not be able to be your torch bearer. It is, I agree a wonderful opportunity for a new blogger to get some great traffic, and perhaps just doing it once in awhile might work OK for you as well…I think as bloggers we need to learn to be less rigid with ourselves. We don’t always have to have an all or nothing thing going. You can do it when you feel like it or when you stumble across a new blog that really gets your energy going!
Barbara, thank you for all you have done for me, I will always appreciate it. LLI will carry on, slowly for a bit more as I struggle through some difficult days but I won’t give it up and I appreciate all the help you have given me along the way!
.-= Check out Wendi Kelly-Life’s Little Inspirations´s awesome post: Precious Moments =-.
You’re welcome, Wendi,
It’s really good to see you here. I read on your blog how busy you’ve been. Life has a way of happening and often blogs are put on the back burner, so I totally understand.
You know, Wendi, it was May 6th, (2008) when I showcased your blog. At that time your tag line read,
You make a difference in people’s lives and blogosphere, too, Wendi. Even though your schedule keeps you from posting regularly, when you do post, your words continue to have meaning and to move people.
I know I’ll be seeing you for a long time to come.
I pray all is well in the real world. You are missed.
I just want to echo what others have said: Thank you so much for featuring me! As I look through the list, I still can’t believe that I’m on there with so many great bloggers. I’m still so honored and thankful to you for placing me in such esteemed company. Like Dani said, it was the biggest highlight of my blogging career. Overnight, I went from 2-3 people reading each of my posts to over 50, and it has grown steadily since then. I just can’t thank you enough!
I *do* hope that someone picks up the torch, because I think life would be a lot dimmer if it goes out.
.-= Check out Jay Schryer´s awesome post: Happy Birthday, Baby =-.
You’re very welcome Jay, and thank you for your kind words.
It was your comment on an old post of mine that got my attention. In fact, when I showcased your blog, I quoted you.
In part, you said,
It was that comment that moved me to check out your blog, and I’m so happy I did. When I read My Dad, My Hero I smiled as I read how your dad had taught you “to be smarter than the cow”. That was a great lesson and one we all can use.
I’m happy to hear your blog is growing. With your great writings and your online presence, in no time, you’ll be one of the “big boys”.
What a fantastic resource and wonderful list of great writers. Thank you for doing this!
.-= Check out Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s awesome post: The Kids Who “Get It” =-.
You’re welcome Megan,
Showcasing bloggers, especially new ones, has been a real pleasure for me. I’m hoping I can now pass this marvelous assignment onto another blogger and they can continue the “tradition” (in their own way).
I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed your blog. You’ve shared a lot of good information here and given hope to newbies whose work might have otherwise been overlooked.
I’m looking forward to your new project!
.-= Check out Elaine Garrett´s awesome post: Measuring Engagement =-.
Thank you Elaine,
Fortunately I’m not going far. Although I’m ending the “new blog of the week” series, I’ll continue to publish on Monday’s and Fridays (although some Fridays will be guest posts). The extra day off will give me more time to devote to my new project and to visit great blogs like yours, as well.
See you in blogosphere.
Hi Barbara. It’s been quite a journey and lots of new blogs have been discovered over here thanks to you. I wish you the best in the coming years and your next blogging endeavor.
.-= Check out John Hoff – WpBlogHost´s awesome post: Creating A Blog Supermodel: Professionalism & Production Quality =-.
Hey John,
You were An Oldie, But A Goodie in the list.
How can I ever thank you for all you do for us who use WordPress? I feel so fortunate our paths crossed in the world wide web.
Thank you for your kind words and your continued support. You do know I wish you all of lifes best as you raise your hand to help us understand stuff like blog security. Your tutorials are fantastic, as are your blog posts. You also have a compassion for new bloggers. I feel honored to have you on my team.
Hi Barbara – I can’t say that I was surprised to read this post based upon a couple of conversational clues you passed along, but I join with the others in celebrating your herculean effort with this series! So many good blogging friends are on the list – and if not for you, we wouldn’t know nearly as many! Like the others, Pete and I count ourselves so fortunate to be featured. But more importantly, we are fortunate that you continue to make the rounds and contribute. You have been unfailingly supportive, and that means the world to new bloggers just starting out and to those who’ve been around for a while.
What’s important to note is that we all continue to grow and share in our own ways. I am excited to see what you have in store for this site, and also with your new ventures. Like you, we’re in the process of branching, and it’s fun and rewarding. Wherever we are, we know you will be there. And wherever you are, Barbara, you can count on all your readers as well. Congratulations on a job well done with this series and cheers to your changes!
.-= Check out Betsy Wuebker´s awesome post: PASSING THRU: A YEAR =-.
You’re so sweet, Betsy,
For The Love Of Words was how I titled my post when I highlighted your blog. I still remember landing on your blog and you had tabs for Michigan and Alaska. My first thought was, “I’ve come home”. And visiting your blog feels that way. With you being another Midwestener (my background), I connected with you and your writings from the get go.
BTW, your post, Compass was (is) powerful. For those who haven’t read it, it says, in part,
With both of us spreading our wings and rearranging what’s on our plates, it will be exciting to see where each of us ends up. Know I’m a fan and will be cheering for you and Pete, all the way.
Barbara, I echo Lance by saying there is a “hint of sadness for me as I read this post.” I remember the thrill I felt when I received your email informing me my blog had been chosen as NBOTW. It was a thrill and I thank you for that! I’ve looked forward to each new blog you showcase.
I can appreciate how generous you have been with your time and understand the passing of the torch. This might even be a possibility for a few bloggers to come together and create a NEW blog that only features new bloggers. Perhaps a different theme each week.
.-= Check out Davina´s awesome post: Come Alive with Favourite Music =-.
You’re welcome Davina,
I still smile knowing I was the first one to comment on your new blog, which at the time was, Loving Pulse. I just checked and I see it’s still live. I’m so happy you have left those beautiful writings online even though you’ve since moved over to your Shades of Crimson.
Your post The Eye Of The Storm is fabulous. Remember when you wrote,
Rereading it now gives me the shivers.
Having more than one blogger take on this assignment is a fabulous idea. It would not only relieve the pressure off of one lone blogger, but create a bond amongst them as well.
Any takers?
Barbara, thanks for the work that you have done on this series of articles and the new and not-so-new blogs that you have featured. Thank you for including my blog in the not-so-new category. Like Jay, my statistics grew quite a bit after you featured my blog. It continues to grow today.
Like several others have mentioned, lately my blog posting schedule has become erratic because sometimes Life just takes over and writing time becomes harder to come by. That is ok. It taught me that I don’t have to be so hard on myself and unflexible and overly controlling about my posting schedule. No one but me is holding me to any kind of schedule. I believe that quality is always better than quantity when writing.
Since you featured my blog back in February 2009, I have started writing more articles in which I have given Link Love out to fellow bloggers that I run across in my ramblings across the internet. I do like passing on those blogs that I enjoy reading to my readers. With my current schedule, I don’t have the time to do it as often as once a week like you have. I was amazed in going through this list of yours to see how many of these that I have actually subscribed to and read every week.
Thanks for the excellent job that you have done with your blog and, in particular, this series of articles. They will be missed. I do hope that someone steps in and carries the torch for you. Have a glorious day or not. It is always your choice.
.-= Check out Patricia – Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker´s awesome post: Happy Birthday Daniel =-.
You’re welcome Patricia,
Remember when I highlighted your blog? The post was titled “Patricia Times Two” and it was a dual presentation – You and Patricia of Patricia’s Wisdom. I was thrilled to bring you gals to the forefront. And to know your traffic continues to grow warms my heart.
Although I haven’t visited you in awhile, I always enjoy your honesty. I think about what your wrote on your “about” page and how far you’ve come.
You’re a strong woman, Patricia, and I admire you immensely for all you’ve been through and all you’re sharing with the world.
You took the magic out of Wednesday! I am really going to miss this series. But I am equally excited for you and am waiting to see what you have in store for future.
I wanted to thank you again for featuring me and more than that for connecting me with so many wonderful bloggers. My feed is filled with blogs I discovered from this series.
.-= Check out Avani Mehta´s awesome post: Tap Into The PowerHouse Of Negative Emotions =-.
You’re welcome Avani,
With you, I was attracted to your spirit. In fact, I named the post, Determined To Be The Best and you’ve gone on to do just that.
I was just looking over the posts I used, and even in your second post you were nailing it. Titled, Lies Remain, Truth Sets You Free, you wrote,
You have a way of getting your readers to think, and I like that.
BTW: I’m so happy to see you’re blogging again. Although we were able to connect on Twitter, I missed reading your words of wisdom.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Your support and encouragement is going to be an unforgettable part of my blogging journey.
I’m glad to blog again as well. The break was required and did me good. Will write about it someday.
.-= Check out Avani Mehta´s awesome post: Tap Into The PowerHouse Of Negative Emotions =-.
You’re welcome Avani,
I’ll be looking forward to your post(s) about your blogging break.
This site and you have taught me a lot about blogging. I wish you good luck. You have helped and showcased many. Thank you so much!
.-= Check out Silly Girl´s awesome post: An enjoyable day =-.
You’re very welcome, Silly Girl,
You entered your blog on the Blog Registry and that was how I found you. Lucky for me you did. When I read your writings I get to learn more about eating disorders and how it affects your life and how it can affect the life of others, as well.
As you journey down the pathway to perfect health, know I am cheering you on. You’re a strong girl. By sharing your story you’re also helping many others.
I’ll see you again soon -either on your blog or here.
Happy Blogging!
I think I missed a lot of the blogs you featured so it will be fun going though all of the blogs you featured.
On my own blog, I have a hard time sticking to a weekly theme myself so I do understand why you cant/wont continue.
.-= Check out carla | green and chic´s awesome post: Two Great Green Living Blogs =-.
Hi Carla,
Have fun clicking on the blogs that are listed. There are dozens of gems with content that is phenomenal. As I look at the list I see bloggers who are coming up on two years of blogging and still going strong.
And you, you’re an old pro that makes it look easy.
Happy Blogging!
I am honored to be included in the list! Thank you for all your hard work.
.-= Check out Vered – Blogger for Hire´s awesome post: Value of Social Networking =-.
You’re welcome Vered,
You know, by the time I showcased your blog, you had already developed a strong presence online. You were everywhere.
I know you don’t do them anymore, but your Wordless Wednesdays were always a favorite of mine.
As you explore your new blogging endeavors, I wish you tons of success. I’ve no doubt you will go far.
Barbara, you’ve done wonderful work for half of a forever already. Best of luck with whatever you’re hiding up your sleeves. Thank you for the highlight, as well as for the spotlight shined on all other NBOTW’s.
I second Dave’s nomination for Jan.
.-= Check out Writer Dad´s awesome post: At Long Last, Link Love =-.
Thank you for your kind words, Sean,
I don’t know if you remember, but your blog was nominated by BWABers to be showcased. Everyone loved your writings from the get go, as did I.
You have that writing ability that captivates your readers – just like your post, Crabs Don’t Walk In a Straight Line For a Reason
That kind of writing doesn’t come around everyday. Now look at you. You’ve created more blogs and before we know it, you’ll have your name up in lights.
P.S. I hope you don’t forget us when you make the “big time”.
P.S.S. Jan doesn’t seem to be taking the bait.
Hi Barbara,
I Love the list. So much hard work…but all your work has made so many bloggers meet here. Your site has been my place to find blogging buddies. I thank you for the support and the immense hard work you have put into bringing us all together. Yay for Barbara!!!
.-= Check out Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s awesome post: Expectations or Contentment??? =-.
Hi Zeenat,
Thank you for your kind words and support. Having read your writings, I’d say yours would be a great blog to showcase whenever someone picks up the torch.
You have a way with words that draws your readers in, makes them think and leaves them wondering. That, is a talent not everyone has.
Happy Blogging!
I could be taking the Torch, Barbara, but I’d like to see what everybody else has to say at that.
.-= Check out Miguel de Luis´s awesome post: Joyful noise =-.
Hi Miguel,
Oh, that would be awesome if you would carry the torch. With your writing abilities and your love of humanity, you would be perfect. And, you could also share some Spanish blogs with us as well (provided they can be translated for people like me who can’t read Spanish).
Think about it and let me know. I’m here for whatever guidance you need.
Hi Barbara,
Wow what a community you have built! It’s amazing how it all comes right back at you and more. I’m excited to see you move on. This decision must have been difficult. All my best on your upcoming projects.
.-= Check out Tess The Bold Life´s awesome post: Meet Caity! A Bold Blogging Buddy =-.
Thank you Tess,
It is difficult to put an end to this series, but I must move on. Ironically the next project of mine will also revolve around blogging, so you might say, “I’m not moving far.”
Hi Barbara,
This announcement was bittersweet for me, too, as others have already said. However, I totally understand your desire to put your time and energies towards your new, mysterious blog. I look forward to its debut!
Thank you again for encouraging me to take the plunge into the blogosphere! If it wasn’t for you, I still might not be ready to push “Publish.”
I will always be proud of being named a NBOTW along with so many other wonderful bloggers & now riends. As Davina said, I’ll never forget the thrill of the day you e-mailed me that it was ME! Woo Hoo!
I just created a new phrase you’re my BFF — Blogging Friend Forever! Best wishes on your new venture — can’t wait!
.-= Check out Linda Abbit´s awesome post: Funny Fridays 7/31/09 — Because It’s Better to Laugh than to Cry! =-.
BFF, I like that Linda,
I was just looking at the post where I introduced you to the other BWABers. It was on that post, I included a photo of my grandmother. Like your Mom, she was a special force in my life, too.
When I saw your blog, I immediately loved what you were doing – writing about elder care. Too often old people are forgotten about, or mistreated, and you’ve become a wonderful spokesperson for them. As we all know taking care of our parents or anyone elderly can become stressful so when you introduced your Is It Better To Laugh Than To Cry series, caregivers were given the permission to laugh and rid themselves of some of the tension.
Linda, I know your Mom has since passed, but I do hope you continue to do what you do so well for all of us who have elderly loved ones and/or are caregivers. We need more people like you to lead the way.
WoW! When I look at the list, i am absolutely honored to be part of it! Not only that, I had no idea of how many of us you had featured… Thank you for your hard work in presenting to the world your selections.
.-= Check out Linda´s awesome post: Florida’s Green Ocean Energy =-.
There she is, my favorite “green” blogger, Linda.
Thank you for your kind words and also thank you for sharing with the world, ideas and inventions that all of us can use to help save our planet.
One of the simplest things we can do was/is written in your Green Switch post,
That tip has stuck with me every time I sign off from my PC.
Keep blogging green. We need all the help we can get.
I have a surprise for you on the 15th of August. You thought that i gave you a great tip? You have seen nothing yet. Please be sure to visit on the 15th!
.-= Check out Linda´s awesome post: Finisterre’s Strong Green Line =-.
I’ll be there Linda.
That’s next Saturday. I’ll mark my calendar.
Hi Barbara – Thank you for putting this list together and for all the hard work you’ve done on NBOTW since the beginning. It’s sad to see you passing the torch on but I can understand why you’re doing it, as I know how much hard work you put into finding great new blogs and writing about them each week.
You’re welcome Catherine,
I need to thank you for all of the support you’ve given me. Even before I started this series, it was you who was there for me. Coming by, commenting on my silly posts and holding my hand along the way. There’s a lot to be said about the first friend we make in blogosphere, and you’re mine. I still recall the days when you, Ian and I would make the rounds to each others blogs and bond. We’ve come far since then, but not so far, I’ve forgotten your loyalty. For that I am forever grateful.
Stay safe, my friend
I love to see featured blog articles especially when they come from someone with similar interests.
I only know a few here and I need to check out the others.
Thank you for the heads ups –
Hi Bunny,
Thank you for stopping by. I know you also love to highlight other bloggers. Might you like to be part of the continuation of this series? Miguel has also shown an interest. Maybe between the two of you could create something where you share the load.
Think about it and let me know.
Hello Barbara. What a wonderful service your showcase has provided, both for those of who blog, as well as though of us who love reading the work of other bloggers. I know it must have required great time and effort on your part, and I thank you!
.-= Check out PeacefulWmn9´s awesome post: Whiff of Nostalgia =-.
You’re welcome Karen,
Yes. Showcasing other bloggers does take time, but the rewards far outweigh the time. If I wasn’t working on another project (also blogging related and very time consuming), I wouldn’t have thought twice about ending this series.
But you also know about time. You not only have the great blog I showcased, but have your second blog, as well (Building A Positive Life).
BTW: Every time I see wildflowers growing on the road side, I think about your post about guerrilla gardening. I LOVE that idea.
I’m so appreciative of the community that you’ve created here. You highlighted my blog and I added 10 new friends just that week. It’s because of your generosity that has taken me to the level that I am currently at. Thank you for all your support.
You’re welcome Karl,
I’m going to be watching if you start a new blog named, “Parenting Happy Now”. Congratulations again on the addition to your family.
I was just rereading the post where I highlighted your blog, and still like when you said, …
That”s so true. Joy can be contagious.
I’m wondering, have you had any more “Inside Out Shirt Days”
Hi Barbara
This morning I witnessed how much time you devoted to answer to each and every comment. You have earned a great thank you, my friend.
.-= Check out Miguel de Luis Espinosa´s awesome post: Thursday Haiku: How to fade away =-.
You’re welcome, Miguel,
This post is making me feel very melancholy, so as I read each comment I can’t help but remember when I showcased the blogs and/or how I met each one of you. You know, Liz Strauss says on her blog, “you’re only a stranger once”, and I feel the same way. Even if I don’t visit blogs as often as I’d like, I never forget a blogger.
Miguel, are you still thinking about carrying the torch? I’d be more than happy to get you started and put the word out. If not, I understand. I don’t want you to feel any pressure as I know you also have a full plate. Or, if you want to discuss it, let me know and I’ll send you my personal email address ( I don’t check the one I use on blogs as it’s full of spam).
Sigh:~( I don’t know what to say. I can’t imagine anyone else doing the New Blog Of The Week series. Your introductions and commentary about the sites are always so special.
On the other hand, I recognize that this does take a lot of time and energy. For a long time, you have been the source of blogging information and contacts for many of us who blog. So, while sad, I must say I respect and understand your decision.
One idea is to have a group of well known bloggers take over this series. This would spread the effort. Use the same criteria you’ve always used for new bloggers, and let them pick their newbie. they could even pick their newbies from their target area, e.g. business/marketing blogs, personal growth, etc. Just an idea to consider:~)
.-= Check out Sara B. Healy´s awesome post: Who is Your Target Audience? =-.
Thank you for your kind words Sara,
That is a great idea – to have a group of bloggers take over the assignment and pick bloggers from their niche. It’s just a matter of finding those who have the time to devote to it and then following through.
Hi Barbara
I have just recently come across your site and I am blown away by how you actually are practicing spreading the love for real.
I guess we are all talking about how we would love a better world, but how often do we see people behave in such a generous way that would make a better world possible. You are a wonderful inspiration because of who you are and what you are showcasing with this site.
The world needs people like you, thank you.
.-= Check out Wilma Ham´s awesome post: How I dare to ignore the recession. =-.
You’re welcome Wilma,
And thank you for your kind words. Like you, I believe in spreading the love. In fact, in my original “about me” page, I ended my bio by saying I wanted to leave this world a better place. Although what I did by showcasing other bloggers seems so small, comments like yours make me realize how if each of us do a little, it calculates to be a lot.
I’m so glad you found my blog, as that’s how I found you. I look forward to reading more of how you, too will be making a difference.
Happy Blogging Wilma.
Wow Barbara that is quite some list! Amazing compilation because it is very interesting and includes some diverse topics!
I have to tell you this project sounds like a lot of fun and something that I know I actually would enjoy, but today I do have my hands full with a few projects of my own and I can tell from your write-ups that you put in an amazing amount of care and effort into it!
Well done, you have an amazing gift at for finding and sharing many gems with the rest of us – thank you
.-= Check out Evita´s awesome post: The Human Dream =-.
You’re welcome Evita,
Having read your work and knowing a little about you, you would be a great torch carrier. But, I also remember reading about an upcoming “unveiling” (I believe) of yours.
Thank you for your kind words, Evita. I truly appreciate them as well as your continued support.
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for the honor of being a part of what I think will be blogging history. You not only introduced me to so many goodhearted bloggers, but also to what blogging can be as a community and as a force for good. You’ve touched us all.
You put so much into blogging and the blogging community with your online classroom, your support, and with NBOTW that I hope it comes rolling back in to you and to your new endeavor a thousand-fold.
.-= Check out Lori Hoeck´s awesome post: 21 self defense questions you (and your teenagers) may want to think about =-.
You’re welcome Lori,
I see you’re Kicking It with that new blog of yours. How happy I was when you came back on the blogging scene, not only with your fabulous blog about self defense, but with your book, “Think Like A Black Belt” as well.
I predict your blog and your book will save lives. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping all of us become more aware.
Congratulations Barbara on doing what you have done so very well.
Big hug for you and thanks again for all that you share.
xoxo Ribbon
.-= Check out Ribbon´s awesome post: Monk… =-.
You’re welcome Ribbon,
((Hugs)) for you, too. I’ll be seeing you again soon.
Happy Blogging!
Wow, Barbara, very sweet of you to actually feeature young ang budding bloggers here on your blog.
Though I am not included in your list, it is always a pleasure to visit here and interact in yoru blogging class.
If I may pitch in a question: You already visited my blog. After seeing my blog, what advice could give to me as a newbie blogger in order to succeed on my blogging?
I will appreciate your thoughts on my blogging
.-= Check out elmot´s awesome post: Sen. Jamby Madrigal’s Shameless Presidential Campaign At Pres. Aquino’s Funeral. Damn! =-.
Thank you for your kind words Elmot,
It’s great having you interact. Between myself and all of the other bloggers who frequent this blog, usually someone knows the answer or where to go to find it. That’s what I like about the community of bloggers you’ll find here. They’re all so helpful.
With regard to your site. I’ll come by and study it. If I see anything that jumps out at me, I’ll shoot you an email. So far, between blogging and Twitter, you are doing great. (Getting your name out there, is key.)
Thanks Barbara! I am very excited to recieve an email from you…but your words so far has already been a great boost to my blogging enthusiasm.
.-= Check out elmot´s awesome post: Sen. Jamby Madrigal’s Shameless Presidential Campaign At Pres. Aquino’s Funeral. Damn! =-.
Hi Elmot,
When I was on your site, all I can say is it’s perfect for you and for the information you’re conveying. It’s clean and looks professional. The only change I see you could make is to capitalize the “c” in the beginning of your tag line.
It’s also easy to navigate. You’ve used your sidebar in such a manner your readers can find your most current posts, as well as those in your archives.
Even though you’re showing ads, they’re not annoying.
I also like the “translator” feature as well as your “opinionated people” section.
I’d say, have fun blogging. To me your front page looks great.
You are known to me as Barbara with the BIG Heart!! Thanks for featuring my site at one stage, even though it hardly qualified as a new blog. You’ve certainly done a great job and it is clear that you are well loved by the community! You deserve every bit of praise and admiration
I wish you every success in your new project! May you be able to find someone whom you can pass the torch to!
.-= Check out Evelyn Lim´s awesome post: Off On A Meditation Retreat =-.
You’re welcome Evelyn,
I remember. That’s when I titled the post “From Spain To Singapore” and I featured you and Miguel
Thank you for your kind words, Evelyn. It was you who wrote 7 Ways To Center Yourself In Gratitude and that’s a concept that comes into play in my life daily.
The above mentioned post plus the others you write are always so positive, anyone reading them can’t help but feel uplifted.
Thank you Barbara, for all you do and all you’ve done. You just need to see the length of this list, the quantity and quality of loving comments you receive and the caring responses you give to everyone individually to know that you’ve made a wonderful contribution to the Internet. I look forward to enjoying your new rythm or any new projects you have planned.
.-= Check out janice´s awesome post: Alfonsina and the Sea =-.
You’re welcome, Janice,
Yes, I’m feeling the love. As I read the comments and reflect back on when I showcased all of you, and read comments from bloggers who faithfully visit my blog and didn’t get showcased, I’m reminded of what a loving community this blog has.
I was just looking at the tulips I included on your showcase post. I remember reading you liked tulips so I just had to include some for you.
You’ll be known to me as the Desiderata blogger. When I landed on your site and saw you had a page devoted to that poem, I was hooked. (As you know it’s my all time favorite poem – what it says is timeless.)
Happy Blogging Janice. It’s fun reading not only your writings, but your daughter’s as well. She did fabulous with her first post and it’s obvious where she got her talent from.
My gosh, that list is INCREDIBLE and you’re beyond incredible to have done all of that!! I am truly impressed by your skills and insights.
You’re truly one of the stars in the blogging field. Thanks so much for, well, doing so much! It’s very much appreciated.
.-= Check out Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s awesome post: Delight Your Visitors – Easily Add Online Help for Free =-.
You’re welcome Barbara,
What’s In A Name? Remember that? Barbara means “meaning foreign or strange, traveler from a foreign land.”
I need to be saying what you do is incredible. Your site is phenomenal. Between blogging, Twitter and all of your other projects, I don’t know how you do it. Plus, you’re a mom to four kids, author of 20+ ebooks, master site builder, +++ . You deserve an award.
Oh my goodness, Barbara, that is one cool long list. I admire your work on it.
I so respect you knowing when it’s time to move on. Considering how many torches I have lit of my own at the moment, I best not carry another.
No questions or concerns, just hoping you will still be here putting up other posts?
.-= Check out Jannie Funster´s awesome post: 46 Blogging Observations So Far =-.
Thank you Jannie,
Yup! I’ll still be here, cranking out the lessons.
You do know it was your sense of humor that got my attention, don’t you, Jannie?
I’m laughing as I reread the quote from you,
That’s one thing I always like about your blog, you know how to make me laugh. Thank you!
As someone who has struggled from time to time on what I wanted featured on my my blog, I understand what you are going through. It can be hard to let go of something you hold dear, but sometimes it’s difficult to keep it going. I think NBOTW is a great idea and I’m honored to be among the many you have featured. Whatever you decide, I support you!
.-= Check out Debbie Yost´s awesome post: Play Date Inclusion =-.
Thank you for your continued support Debbie,
Did you realize you were number 4? I still remember when Catherine Lawson told me about your blog and recommended it for what was then my “new” series. I so happy she did. A visit to “Three Weddings” is always a joy for me.
Not only do you help to educate all of us about Down syndrome, your daughter Peanut has stolen my heart. Even though I’ve only seen photos of her, I love her dearly and wish all of life’s best for her (and your family, as well).
Hey Barbara, I’ll echo what others have said and agree that you’ve done a great service showcasing so many great blogs. I know it was a lot of work to keep up with it all so I totally understand you’re need to move onto other things. I really hope the best in your future endeavors. You deserve success! Eric
.-= Check out Eric Hamm´s awesome post: How To Be Endlessly Motivated =-.
Thank you Eric,
You know, I named the post where I showcased you, Helping You – Helping Others and with your free WordPress theme and everything else you do, you’re still doing just that – helping others.
I know it’s buried in your archives, but the post, 10 Reasons Why Community Is Essential To Our Success And Well Being remains one of my favorites.
BTW: I still love what you did to my site when we redesigned it.
I know you’re busy with the new baby and your business. but I truly do appreciate you coming by and sharing such kind words.
Hi Barbara,
You know it could be the right thing to do for my new/old blog. But as a new born blog, there’s nothing I could do to provide the kind kind of services you provided.
So this is my proposal. I write the NBPOW, you publish/edit them. Deal?
.-= Check out Miguel de Luis Espinosa´s awesome post: Starting with a blessing =-.
Thank you for volunteering, Miguel,
I haven’t been ignoring your comment, I’m been thinking how and if that would work with the schedule I’m trying to set up for myself. I’ll let your idea marinate some more and will get back to you soon.
Hi Barbara,
Sorry for the late hat toss, but if you’re still accepting folks, count me in.
.-= Check out Tumblemoose´s awesome post: Book ‘em, Dano – Ten fully arrest-able query gaffs =-.
Hi Miguel and George,
Thank you for your interest in carrying the torch. I just sent you both an email.
Barbara – I remember when I first got your comment letting me know about “New Blogger of the Week”. I was new to the blogging world (still am) and was ecstatic and thrilled to get a response from a post no less all the comments that followed from your followers. I think it was the most hits I got in one day and probably still is.
You give so much to your readers on a regular basis and I want to personally thank you for that day for what you gave to me – you let me know there is someone out there in cyberspace wanting to connect and show kindness.
I appreciate you and your work and marvel at what you’ve accomplished and learned and share with all of us. Thank you for extending your kindness and including my blog on your list.
God Bless You
.-= Check out Pat R´s awesome post: Fitting In – Cookie Cutter or Piece of Puzzle =-.
You’re very welcome, Pat
I read your comment earlier, however didn’t get around to answering it until now.
I remember that too. I love your kitchen table photo and knew I had to showcase your blog. When I read your posts, I feel like we’re sitting at that table having coffee and girl talking. It always gives me the warm fuzzies.
I’m hoping you’ll be back on the blogging scene sometime soon. Please stop by when that happens.
God Bless you too, Pat
I am so late in the game on this post but agree with so many commentors here. I really loved Lance’s comment…and almost choked up myself! I have found so many wonderful blogs through this list…Jay (of Porisdan) who became an blog angel for me! I would love for you to continue this and echo another who mentioned doing this every 2 weeks. Nonetheless, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for highlighting my photoblog and all incredible new blogs out there.
I will always be a huge fan and supporter of your blog…whatever you do!
.-= Check out Caroline´s awesome post: True words of wisdom… =-.
Thank you for your kind words, Caroline,
As luck would have it, George of Tumblemoose Writing Services has picked up the torch and will continue to showcase new blogs. I’m so thrilled as I didn’t want this series to end. (I’ll be adding a link here so others can find him and the new bloggers).
As you know, I LOVE your photography – especially the white flowers you do. You have such a great eye for detail and the macros are phenomenal.
I’m happy to hear you and Jay became buddies. He’s a great guy.
As for me, I’ll continue to post twice a week and will be unveiling my next project/site in the near future.
Happy Blogging – Happy picture taking!
Hi Barbara,
I’m a little late to the party, but I did just want to say thank you for featuring my blog way back when.
I’m one of those on hiatus but I want you to know I haven’t given up. After lots of experimentation with blogging and never quite finding the right balance I felt I had to step away for a while to learn more about it in ‘offline’ mode. I know that sounds like a strange strategy but it’s the only way I could do it.
I have plans for my old site and my selfish site as well. Anyway, I didn’t come here to talk about me, I came here because you deserve a big thank you for helping out a rookie blogger (me) and I needed you to know you didn’t waste your time on me.
Thanks again Barbara.
.-= Check out Dave Fowler´s awesome post: The Return Of A Selfish Blogger =-.