NBOTW – It’s More Than A Funhouse

Whenever we read a blog and see the author’s sense of humor, we often return to read more.  This New Blog Of The Week (NBOTW) keeps you coming back.

A great place to get you started with this blog, is to listen to some of the songs she wrote.  My favorite is titled:”Wedgie Wedding”. What’s great about listening to her music is you not only learn more about her personality, but you also get to hear her sweet voice.

Hop over to her “About” page where she shares:

Welcome to my “nicheless niche of a blog.”…..I write songs, yodel from rooftops, do cartwheels in the produce aisles and blog……I think the mind’s the limit and I know I’ll be blogging until I am no longer physically able to do so!

Those are powerful words: “I think the mind’s the limit”. She definitely has the right attitude.

When you read her posts, she freely shares her views and experiences. In her post titled “Ten Honest Things” she reveals,

I once hid the above [see photo in post] ”It’s Haunted” book for a week when Kelly [her daughter] was two. Just couldn’t hack one single second more of it. Sorry.

It’s hard to categorize this blog except to say it’s a joy to read. In each post she shares more of herself and more of her thoughts. She makes us think and inspires us to comment.

Without further ado, I present Jannie of Jannie Funster.com, with a tag line that reads, “now with less eyeball but more brow”. Confused? Dig through her archives and you’ll find the answer.

Please join me in re-welcoming Jannie to the BWAB community.

Enjoy your reign Jannie.

Your tiara’s in the mail. 🙂


Photo Credit:Jef Poskanzer

18 thoughts on “NBOTW – It’s More Than A Funhouse

  1. Awesome, awesome choice Barbara!!

    Jannie, I love your site! I think it’s the way you mix in humor into your writing. Or the way you shared something personal in your writing. In any rate, it’s a great mix you’ve created, and I find myself coming back again and again!

    This is SO cool! You are amazing Jannie Funster (I love that name!!)! Enjoy your reign here…

    Lance´s last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day

  2. P.S. I was so looking for a tiara to go with my new blue chiffon for the cod fishing tournament I’ll be participating in next month. THANKS!

  3. Brilliant choice Barbara – I love Jannie’s blog. She writes some amazing poetry too. And she also talks about some hilarious stuff – do you remember the bra flinging post she wrote a few weeks ago?

    Cath Lawson´s last blog post..I’m Not A Bloody Fortune Teller But….

  4. Jannie is hilarious! Great pick, Barbara!

    Betsy and Pete´s last blog post..WING YOUR FLIGHT O’ER ALL THE EARTH…

  5. Oh. My. God.

    I cannot believe you picked ME. My first reaction is to hail you like Wayne & Garth to Alice Cooper in “Waynes World,” with “I’m not worthy. I’m not worthy.” But gee, I’ll try to get over it.

    Thank you, Barbara. I am more than honored. I think your blog is ace, as are all your wonderful readers, and am humbled you would think of me.

    Not sure what else to say so I’ll go fling my bra now. ; )

    Jannie´s last blog post..Three Good Things

  6. Congrats Jannie!

    Now I want to read “It’s Haunted.” I’ve always had a thing for haunted houses.

    I agree – the mind’s the limit – and we’re our own best cork or catapult.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Lessons Learned from the Dip

  7. Jannie sounds like a lot of fun. It’s the bloggers that have fun with the medium that I enjoy reading the most.

    Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matters´s last blog post..Creating A Project Ritual to Encourage Happiness

  8. Hi Barbara. Thanks for showcasing Jannie’s blog. I’ve just listened to one of her songs, “Motorcycle Cop”. Jannie, I love your voice! … and your sense of humour.

    Davina´s last blog post..Future Self Meditation Invites Guidance

  9. Hi Lance – Thank you. Jannie is awesome, isn’t she?

    Hi Catherine – Thank you! Great reminder about her poetry, too. Yes, I remember the bra flinging post. That was funny.

    Hi Betsy – Thank you.

    Hi Jannie – Yep, you’re the one! And…you are worthy!

    You’re welcome. Thank you for your kind words. I’ll make sure your tiara matches your blue chiffon. 🙂

    Hi J.D. – Isn’t it great how Jannie inspired you to read another book? I love how that works.

    Hi Karl – Definitely! Jannie makes blogging fun.

    Hi Davina – You’re welcome. Isn’t her voice beautiful? She’s a star.

  10. Jannie is brilliant – I found her awhile ago, but lost the subscription somehow! Love her work.

    Matthew Dryden´s last blog post..Living You a Story

  11. It’s true: you have to keep coming back. Her warmth and sense of humor and appetite for life are inspiring.

  12. Wow! What a joy to have Jannie the new blog of the week. She just emailed me her song “I need a man” and it is just perfect and her voice is lovely…

    I am so happy I found Jannie and that she found me….and her commenters are equally fun – she just brings out the humor and lightens the spirit and sincerely cares…

    the mind is the limit….awesome idea

    Patricia´s last blog post..Waiting

  13. Thank you all.

    And again, with all the wonderful inspirational blogs out there I am humbled to be considered for this honor.

    Thank you, Barbara!

    Jannie´s last blog post..Three Good Things

  14. that’s one blog i have not send, i did check it out a bit and bookmarked it in my favorites. thanks!

    Natural´s last blog post..You’re So Vain You Probably Think This Post Is About You

  15. Jannie! Congrats! Barbara, I love that you host a NBOW issue! How do you go about finding the new ones?

    Kevin Sandridge´s last blog post..The Ultimate Florida Real Estate and Mortgage “Yule” Blog Roll…

  16. Hello Natural. I enjoyed your “Oh, Sense Less One” post a while back, that one really stuck with me. And Kevin, hope you’re having fun over in Florida, only been to that state twice but loved it both times.

    So fun to be part of this community!

    Jannie´s last blog post..Totally Somebody Now

  17. Merry Christmas Barbara! Great choice with Jannie!

    Hey Jannie,

    You deserve a huge applause. You make each and everyone one of us smile with each post.

    Hugs to you Jannie. Hey, I will even sling a bra for that one.

    Cricket/Tammy´s last blog post..Hear me sing

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