NBOTW Author Says “Life Is A Jungle”


In his “About” page he writes:

Life can seem like a jungle sometimes, overgrown with all the “things” that are in our life. The animals that consume us (debt, busy-ness, work, family, etc) lurking around every corner.

Isn’t that the truth?

This week’s New Blog Of The Week (NBOTW) is written by an author who writes from his experiences. He stops to think why, and then asks us for our response.

In a recent post titled Going Down The Road We Know he says:

It’s important that we take time to evaluate where we are going in life, and why we’re doing what we do. Spending the time to determine what we want and desire in life will lead to us having the life we desire.

With our busy schedules, how many of us really STOP and think about where the road of life is taking us?

Each post on his blog is started with a quote. For his post titled: When You Fall Down, Get Back Up, he used a favorite of mine.

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” — Wayne Dyer

The post goes on to explain how he motivates himself. His encouragement leads his readers into a short assignment.

This blogger found me. His blog is named “The Jungle of Life”, and “he” is Lance.

To explain what he hopes to accomplish with his blog, I’ll turn it over to Lance:

Here at “The Jungle of Life” I’m looking for you to walk through this jungle with me as I look at ways to tame this jungle we call our lives.

Join me in re-welcoming Lance to the BWAB community.

Hello again Lance.

Count me in for the “walk through the jungle”. 🙂

Photo Credit: A. www.viajar24h.com’s photostream

21 thoughts on “NBOTW Author Says “Life Is A Jungle”

  1. Hi Lance. Welcome! Life IS a jungle, isn’t it? But it’s not just bad… jungles are fascinating places, full of new experiences and surprises.

    vereds last blog post..Best Shot Monday: Random Thoughts On Paper Mache, Connectivity and Television

  2. I like jungles and the great views of it, I can say then that life is awesome 🙂

    Welcome Lance! and thanks Barbara for featuring this blog.

    AxeCitys last blog post..Manage your artwork online

  3. Hello Lance.

    This reminds me of the song, “Welcome To The Jungle” by Guns n Roses.

    Sorry, I was in a band in the 90’s (yes long hair and all) and they were one of my favorite bands.

    Welcome to our little corner over here on Barbara’s blog 🙂

  4. First of all, Barbara, it’s an honor for me to be included in this NBOTW feature! I am deeply grateful for your kind words and glowing review. Thank you!!

    Vered – thanks, and yes it is a fascinating jungle we’re in! I’m looking forward to lots of exploring.

    Axecity – thanks, it’s great to be here!

    John – Thanks! Guns n Roses, a fun band to listen to. 80’s music rocks (and rolls)!

    Sara – Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it much!

  5. I’ll be subscribing, Lance. Keep up the awesome scouting, Barbara (please!).

    Saras last blog post..What Elizabeth Taylor Can Teach Us About Simplicity

  6. Hi Barbara: Lance has a very “kind” voice, both in his blog and in the comments he leaves when he visits others. Very good choice for NBOTW.

    Marelisas last blog post..How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

  7. I can’t wait to read your blog Lance! I just popped over there and after the first scan I knew…. It’s driving me crazy now, because I have some work I have to to first.

    Glad you found Barbara, and Barbara THANKS for sharing.

    Davinas last blog post..Hello My Friend

  8. Hi Vered,

    Thanks for stopping by and checking out the NBOTW.

    Hi AxeCity,

    Hey, that’s a great way of putting it. Life is awesome!

    Hi John,

    A band you say? Were you a singer or did you play an instrument, or both? 🙂

    Hi Sara,

    I think you’ll like Lance’s blog. I haven’t had a chance to read all of his work, but what I’ve read is great.

    Hi Lance,

    You’re very welcome. 🙂

    Thanks for coming by and responding to the comments.

    Hi Marelisa,

    Lance does have a “kind” voice, doesn’t he?

    Hi Davina,

    You’ll really enjoy it. Get your work done fast. 🙂 I just finished mine, so now I can blog for awhile. Yipee!

    Hi Dr. Cason,

    It is peaceful, isn’t it. Like you, I like the quotes too.

    Hi Ellen,

    Thanks for coming by and leaving a message for Lance.

    Hi Bamboo Forest,

    I was just thinking, you’re “Bamboo Forest” and Lance’s blog is “The Jungle of Life”. Sounds like you two are are the same page. 🙂

  9. Barbara-

    What a great blog. Very peaceful and reflective. I added it to my reader!

    I love the quotes at the beginning of the post. It’s like an appetizer, a little a taste of what’s to come. 🙂

  10. Hi Lance,

    I haven’t been to the jungle yet, but I have to say that sloths are my favorite animals. I like the way they hang in trees collecting mildew. They seem very peaceful. I think peace is something we are all looking for.


  11. Cool presentation on Lance’s blog. Looks like a winner.

    Bamboo Forests last blog post..Making People Feel Appreciated can Make You Rich

  12. Nice pick Barbara…You know that Lance’s style of writing is similar to yours? You and he write with precise brevity.

    chriss last blog post..Are You Patriotic?

  13. Played the guitar and was a back singer! I also played a few other instruments back in the day but I’m primarily a guitar player.

    John Hoff – eVentureBizs last blog post..How To Buy A House Like A Real Estate Investor: Part 8 – Good Terms vs. Low Price

  14. Barbara,

    You shared a gem of a blog with us!! Thank you — commented and subscribed there!

    @Lance, I love your analogy of life as a jungle. Luckily, no lions are roaring in mine, and I hear the flutter of leaves in the breeze and peaceful bird calls at the moment . . . .

  15. Hi John,

    Thanks for sharing. Do you have a mini meme picked out for Thursday? Since we already know you sing and play the guitar, you’ll need to share something new. 🙂

    Hi Linda Abbit,

    Glad you like this choice for NBOTW. He’s well worth subscribing to.

  16. @Marelisa – Thank you, you are too kind!

    @Davina – Thanks for stopping by.

    @Dr. Cason – I like quote too – but I guess you figured that out! Thanks for visiting.

    @Ellen – Hope to “see” you around in the jungle!

    @Bamboo Forest – Thanks!

    @Chris – Thanks!

    @Linda Abbit – Thanks, I’m glad you liked it. Glad to hear you jungle is a “peaceful” one!

    @Patricia – Thanks, and yes sometimes our jungle can be an adventure.

    @Linda – Thanks for visiting!

    @Barbara – I may have said this earlier, but this has been a wonderful honor to have been recognized here with your NBOTW feature. The community you have here is great, and I am looking forward to checking out a few new blogs as well now. Thanks again for the service you provide here!

  17. Pingback: The Impact We Have On Others | The Jungle of Life

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