Learn Blogging From The Best

To blog is easy, but to become a problogger, now that’s a different story. My goal is to become a problogger. As a newbie, I realize I must post often, continue learning (and that includes learning from my mistakes), and essentially “pay my dues”.

My favorite problogger site is Problogger. Darren Rowse has been blogging since 2002, and is still going strong. I may not always agree with what he has to say, however, not to tap into his knowledge, would be a huge mistake.

A few days ago I found an old article of his 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt As A Blogger. This article was written in 2005, however, it has stood the test of time, and his 18 lessons still hold true today. That article is definitely a classic that should be read by all bloggers.

Wouldn’t it be great if all of our posts could become “classics” in the world of blogging? Now, that’s something worth striving for.

2 thoughts on “Learn Blogging From The Best

  1. Hi Barbara,

    What is your blog about?
    If you really want to become a problogger you should offer your visitors some real information instead of just rambling on about your wish to become a problogger.
    What is this “Terms of use” about?
    People who read your content understand that you have copyright and will respect that.
    People who steal your content also understand that you have copyright but they won’t respect that. Boring your readers with your terms of use won’t change that.
    Where is your “best of” page. I followed a link from the Problogger blog. Something about 18 lessons you’ve learned.
    I would have expected that link to carry me straight to that article. Or, failing that, I would at least expect a easy way to find it.
    (And might I suggest losing the “Archives” category. Except if your blog is about archives. You might expect that every article will end up in the archive. Archives can be reach via the “month” link.

    regards Henk
    BTW Your link at Problogger didn’t lead to many visitors, did it?
    You linked to “www.bloggingwithoutablog.com,” (did you notice the comma?). Clicking this link gave me “opera:illegal-url-30”.
    I had to mark the link and use my browser “go to highlighted” function to visit you.
    You might not have noticed but in a comment section your name links to your website. Adding your webaddress to your comment has something spammy. People don’t like that.
    I regularly follow links to websites of people who leave interesting comments. If someone leaves an interesting comment probebly his/her blog will also be interesting.
    I’m a newby myself which is why I’m interested in the problems other newbies have, but otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered.

  2. Ah, I’ve found the article I was looking for. Right under the comment section. Might I suggest moving your “related posts” section to the sidebar at the same hight as the post it’s related to.

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