Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 1 – Stay Motivated

Anyone who has followed my blogging journey, knows Lorelle VanFossen (of Lorelle on WordPress) is whom I often turn to when I have questions about WordPress and/or blogging. She has been my blogging “rock”, and like so many others, I tagged her as “Queen of WordPress”.

I am humbled and honored that Lorelle granted me an interview. I chose to ask her questions that would not only help me, but the BWAB community as well. She answered eight questions from which I have created a series.

Lorelle took great care in responding to my questions. Read carefully, as her answers hold value for all bloggers.

Let’s get started:

The Interview

Thanks again, Barbara, for taking time out to talk to me and for being such a loyal supporter. It means so much to me to know that there are people like you out there, showing the world that it is a great place to live and friends are everywhere. Thank you for that.

1) Blogging Without A Blog (BWAB) caters to new bloggers. Since most blogs do not make it past month four, what advice can you give a new blogger to help them stay motivated to continue blogging?

Month four? Wow, I thought they didn’t make it past the first week. ๐Ÿ˜€ Kidding. Sort of. Sigh.

I’m always puzzled at why people thinking blogging is different from any other hobby or job. Motivation to keep blogging is no different from anything you do. If you don’t find job pride and satisfaction within the work, you never will.

Blogging is like assembly line work, and not. You have to keep producing content, not as often as most people think, but frequently and on a regular schedule. Not because search engines will love you more, or most of the reasons you hear, but because you want people to trust you and reply upon you. You want them to depend on you. We like it when people show up on time and in a regular manner. So it goes with blogging.

Blogging is also about creativity, finding new things to write about – or the same old things written in new and interesting ways. I blog about blogging. You would think that after all these years, I’d be bored blogging about blogging. After all, there is only so much you can say about blogging, right? Then why is it you and so many others are blogging about blogging, too? There must be something of interest and value to support myself, you, and the many others out there in this saturated market.

Choose a subject that has long term interest, and you will have a never ending source of inspiration for story ideas. The motivation will be there naturally.

If your topic is narrow, and you run out of things to say, then stop. If your topic is too big, you will burn out just because you have little focus. You can’t blog about everything and anything. There is just too much. Still, there is a middle area there worth exploring.

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to have a plan – a long term plan. I’m always working off an editorial calendar covering two years ahead. I write for a variety of blogs and have to plan what I write about so I don’t overlap stories, but also to connect them occasionally together by content and theme. I keep a running list of article ideas in a text file on my computer, one for each blog, so I always have an idea or three waiting there in the wings if my brain locks up. I set goals, story ideas, and themes way in advance so I’m always working towards something and not hunting for things to write about in the instant, though that does happen occasionally.

Blogging is no different than any work. You set goals, you make plans, you stay focused and disciplined, and you show up. If blogging isn’t working for you, find something else to do. Not everyone is meant to blog – but for those who stick around, it’s fantastic, isn’t it?

Today’s Assignment

Based on Lorelle’s answer, do you feel any different about your niche, or lack thereof?

Do you have a long term plan for your blogging activity?

Photo Credit: Lorelle’s Logo

48 thoughts on “Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 1 – Stay Motivated

  1. Hi Catherine,

    Thank you!

    I know you’ll love the rest of the series, as well.

    I doubt there is a way to find out how many abandoned blogs there are, but I’m sure the number is staggering.

    I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment, “you canโ€™t be a success in business unless you get your life in order” Too often the problems we’re dealing with in life have a way of interfering with our business and the decisions we make.

    It will be a challenge to switch your blog focus, but I have not doubt you’ll make it a smooth transition.

  2. Thank you, Barbara, for featuring this brilliant interview. This is all great food for thought.

    Can I just say how much I appreciate your efforts to help new (and pre-) bloggers develop the knowledge and skills to be a success.

    There’s a new target audience for you… the pre-blogger!

    Can I trademark the phrase??! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hi Scott,

    You’re welcome!

    I love the new term “pre-blogger”. As you follow this interview, you’ll get tons of information that will make your transition from pre-blogger to blogger much easier. (Notice I did say blogger, as I know you have it in you to become a great one ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  4. I’m sincerely grateful for that comment, Barbara.

    It means a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi Barbara – Great interview. I really wish there was a way to find out how many abandoned blogs there are on the Internet. I know there’s meant to be millions of blogs in total but I’d love to know what percentage are abandoned ones.

    I’m putting together a long term strategy for my blog. For the first few months, it really was just a hobby – then I began to work on building a brand.

    The scary thing for me at the moment is that I’m switching my focus slightly to blog about business and lifestyle. This is because I’ve begun to realise that you can’t be a success in business unless you get your life in order. But it’s going to be a challenge to pull off the type of posts that will help readers to create the type of business and lifestyle that is right for them.

    Cath Lawsons last blog post..The Everlasting Gift That Costs Nothing

  6. What a great inspiration!

    My long term goal is to travel, write, take photos and practice pediatrics doing humanitarian missions. I plan on funding all this! ( I know! But you have to dream big. Otherwise how does the universe know what you want!)

    I always wanted to be a photojournalist and now I guess I am one. Just about my and my life. It’s such a glorious journey.

    I’ve said this before but I really believe that you need to post what you’d be proud to call your own. I read somewhere that bloggers need to keep their opinions out of their posts because nobody wanted it to hear about what they thought. I guess they thought it was too narcissistic!


    That’s all I want to hear. That’s the best part! When people make it personal, it all becomes clear and relevant and sooooo compelling. Like when you blogged about the garage sale! I was so intrigued! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Dr. Casons last blog post..Aerial Roots

  7. Barbara, thanks for this series. It’s interesting, I can understand the part about blogging being a hobby, but I’ve never looked at blogging as “work” … maybe I’m a newbie so that part hasn’t quite settled in yet, LOL! But Lorelle’s answer does make a lot of sense – I do see the efforts put in by successful bloggers and that’s also why I like them. I sense their goals, their discipline, their focus, their passion! I’m so looking forward to part 2. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Irene | Light Beckonss last blog post..10 Things That Make Me Happy

  8. Good Morning, that was an interesting interview in that I can appreciate how she mentions that blogging is just like a job, I totally believe that, it is “work” can be enjoyable and it can be difficult but it can also bring you pleasure.

    The only way my blog differs is that I’m all over the map, there is soooo much in this world to talk about, that I can’t focus on one thing. I think that’s what keeps me inspired is that I get to “go there”. My focused blogs didn’t quite make it, although I found a niche I may be able to stay with on one of my blogs. No long term plans for my blog, just to “keep blogging”, I’m having fun.

    Hope your garage sale went well!

    Naturals last blog post..Advertising: Information or Manipulation

  9. This first part was terrific, Barbara! I’m so glad you managed to get 8 parts out of this. Sometimes I think that interviews about blogging get a little stale–but not this one!

  10. Why can’t you blog about “blog about everything and anything?”

    My blog doesn’t have a small focus. I’m not sure it has much focus at all other than me and my interests. And I don’t think that this is a bad thing.

    Maybe not having a niche holds me back from acheiving the huge traffic numbers that other blogs get. But there are some blogs that are just so narrow in their focus that I feel after I have read a dozen or so posts, that I have read everything. That’s not so good either.

    Being “all over the map” sometimes makes for a good blog. I know that I enjoy reading Natural’s. I hope people enjoy mine as well.

  11. Great interview, Barbara. The editorial blogging calendar really has helped me. Did I read that right though in the interview – two years?!

  12. Great interview! I like her instincts and wisdom. I have found my niche and believe I am part of a revolution! She is correct about making sure you find something you are not only passionate about but have content that will not run out of steam. Thanks for sharing another insightful blogger!

  13. I feel ambivalent about my niche. On the one hand, there are a zillion blogs about productivity, and quite a few geared at moms (stay-at-home and working moms) about how to keep it all together, but most of those blogs are the “tips and tricks” type. Sometimes I feel I’m in a niche all my own; I don’t write tips and tricks, I just chronicle my struggle to get it together. That, combined with the fact that I’m on the free means to me that one bag nation will never be a money-making enterprise! But I want to keep at it, even if at a slower pace because among other things, it helps keep me accountable for my organizational goals – and I would miss my dear readers!

    I do have plans for another blog that I hope will earn at least enough money to pay for the hosting. I’ve realized, even before starting it, that an income-earning blog is like a small business; it really takes some time and attention. So before I take the leap, I need to get my ducks in row – I think this is what Cath was saying above.

    I love Dr. Cason’s enthusiasm and “dream big” attitude! I don’t have 6-figure goals (a la problogger) in mind, but an annual family vacation to somewhere warm and sunny would be pretty nice!

    I’m looking forward to the rest of this interview; Lorelle is certainly a legend and it’s great to hear from her on a more personal level.

  14. I guess a lot of people take up all sorts of hobbies and then just abandon them when they realize that it wasn’t right for them. A lot of people also start “business ideas” and then drop them when they realize it’s going to take more work to get those ideas to produce than they originally thought. Blogging has a really low cost of entry (it can even be free if you use Blogger, for example) so in a way you don’t really have to think about it twice before getting started. This is a great interview Barbara, and Lorelle, thank you for this series.

  15. I don’t have any long-term plans. I guess my plan is to blog for as long as I enjoy it. If it ever turns into a chore or stops being fun, I will stop (but will say goodbye first. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hunter lately said that I’m a mommy blogger, who is not really a mommy blogger. I think it’s true and that means my niche is quite wide… I went to one of this weekend’s BlogHer events, and when I was asked about my blog, I said I was writing a personal blog. I write about things that spark my interest. I could never do what other bloggers do – manufacture a post just so that it gets to the front page of Digg, for example. If I don’t write for fun, then I don’t see the point.

  16. Hi Dr. Cason,

    There’s nothing wrong with dreaming BIG. It’s often those who don’t, who won’t succeed. Having seen your photographs, and knowing how dedicated you are to pediatrics, I have no doubt your dream will become a reality.

    Leaving personal opinions out of blog posts is often due to the “style” of blog the author is trying to create, such as “informational” articles. Like you, I prefer to read some personal information, however, unless a blogger is sharing a recipe or review, I prefer not to read what someone had for dinner every day.

    You’re latest “series” on finding an answer to Jakey’s medical condition has been one I’m following. I pray you find your answer soon so your son can start living a life “illness” free.

    Hi Irene,

    You’re welcome.

    Yes, blogging is often defined as a hobby, but many use it as a stepping stone to a business, whether it’s in freelance writing, publishing or as part of their resume in their chosen field. As you get deeper into blogging, you’ll see that potential.

    For success, discipline, determination, patience and passion are key.

    Hi Natural,

    Even though your blog is “all over the map”, it’s YOU, and that’s what I like about it. When I come and visit, it’s always pleasantly unpredictable.

    The garage sale was a huge success. Although it entailed tons of work coordinating with our 40 homeowners (not all participated), it created a bond between neighbors, which also results in a “unplanned” neighborhood watch.

    Hi MizFit,

    You’re welcome!

    If you have a chance, I would love to see you come back and elaborate on your answer i.e., “yes” ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Al,

    Thank you!

    Yes, you read that right. Lorelle has her future planned. Smart woman, isn’t she?

    Hi Hunter,

    You won’t be seeing anything stale in Lorelle’s answers. She has the knack of writing timeless posts, and the answers to the following questions won’t disappoint you either.

    Hi Chase,

    Your niche is smaller than you think. As you wrote, you blog about “me and my interests”.

    Although you may not get the high traffic numbers some blogs get, your blog is also your resume. By sharing chapters out of your “book” and having already written a screen play, your success will come from your writings, and not necessarily your blog posts.

    Hi Linda,

    I believe your niche is great. (Edited – oops, wrong Linda). Living green and recycling is something that is near and dear to my heart. You always find such great stories to share about how we can conserve energy, save money, recycle, and/or live greener. Your niche is definitely here to stay.

    Hi Ann,

    I love how you admit that your blog keeps you accountable. When I read it, I know what struggles you’re facing, but also know you’ll overcome them. It shows in your words. You “put it out there” and we’re all cheering for you.

    Often, we don’t have a choice other than to take blogging slow. Most of us have lives outside of blogging, and our jobs, family, friends and other commitments do come first. It’s when we add “succeed at blogging” to the mix, that we learn how to prioritize and enjoy the journey.

    Hi Marelisa,

    You’ve hit on a great point. Blogging does have a low “entry fee”. For many, they read how so-in-so makes six figures with a blog, so they jump on board. They don’t realize it took that blogger years of hard work.

    Hi Vered,

    I know you say you don’t have any long term plans, but based on the popularity of your blog and your interaction with your commenters and visits to other blogs, I see you blogging for a long time.

    Although you are writing for fun, I also sense it’s a passion of yours.

    I hope you never have to write a “goodbye” post. I would miss your work.

    Hi Sara with an “h”

    When I first visited your blog, I wondered if I would be able to identify you. (you on a raw food diet, and me, on a conventional diet), but as I dug deeper into your posts, I found value that applied to me as well.

    Although your niche is small, you have the opportunity to educate others on a trend that is becoming quite popular. If you concentrate on that, in time you will be deemed an expert.

    Hi Lorelle,

    What a pleasant surprise to see you joining in the discussion, and elaborating on your answer.

    I have to laugh at your comment about too many people blogging about blogging (on this blog about blogging ๐Ÿ˜† ), and how it can become boring. As you know, I’ve been doing this for quite some time, and instead of it becoming boring, it’s become even more exciting for me as I venture deeper into the subject and reach out to help others.

    Can I see myself doing this five years from now? Oh ya! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lorelle, I’m so happy you elaborated on the choice of blogging platforms. It’s something that often confuses bloggers as they join blogosphere. Although many are free services, obviously we’re not comparing apples to apples.

    Prior to blogging, I did my homework, and using WordPress was the right choice for me.

    I love your idea (for new bloggers ) of committing to 3 months. That would give a potential blogger a good “taste” of what blogging is really all about.

    Hi Urban Panther,

    Yes, you are unique, and you’re also “ground breaking”.

    Your scenario reminds me of a business endeavor we started years ago. When I called to have an ad put into the yellow pages, they told me they didn’t have an existing category for our services. I wasn’t content with their answer, and didn’t want to be thrown into a “general type” category, so I asked them if they could create one for us. They did.

    Take that frustration and make time to contact “those” sites. You may be surprised at their response(s).

    How exciting it would be to have the first “dueling blogs”.

  17. My niche is tiny and big at the same time. I’m pretty narrowly focused on what a fruitarian diet can do for ya – and yet my intended audience is not just to other fruitarians, but to health seekers in general. So I find plenty of middle ground to write about.

    As for long term plans – I’m kinda with Vered on this one – although I HOPE to stick around for a long time, if my blog ever becomes a chore instead of something I look forward to – or if it begins to take away too much time from my family and my own growth, then buh-bye!

    Sara with an “h”s last blog post..Using Your Diet as a Tool to Enrich Your Life.

  18. Thank you all for the kind words and a great introduction to this series. It is so exciting to be a part of helping so many restructure their thinking when it comes to blogging.

    As for the issue of “lack of niche” blogging, it all depends upon what you want to achieve with your blog and your personality. If you are a person without a strong focus, purpose, or direction in their life (it isn’t a bad thing, just a fact), then your blog could easily reflect that personality trait. However, if you want someone to come to you and say, “We’ll pay you $80 an hour to consult with us on X because you have proven your worth as an expert with your blog,” then you better focus on your expertise.

    Look at the very top blogs, especially those with multiple bloggers. Engadget, Smashing Magazine, and others cover a wide variety of subjects, but they keep them under specific umbrellas such as technology products and web-based technology. The bigger the subject umbrella, the more things you can cover, but the harder you have to work to really cover the field. That’s why they hire bloggers to blog for them. It’s hard to do it alone and still stay focused.

    The narrower the field, the more likely you are to become an expert.

    The key for the individual is finding your passion in the work. That keeps the motivation and energy going. And the readers can tell when you are passionate about your blog – and when you are not.

    I think back to when I was getting ready to leave college and branch out into the “real world” of life and work. I’d been studying so hard for so many years, learning about my specialty and the industry that I wanted to spend the rest of my life working in. Those last few months, I realized that I would go crazy working in my trained field. I hated it. I loved part of it, but not most of it. This is what I was supposed to do, not what I wanted to do. Now what?

    I’d been living in the safety and comfort of the educational world where the next step I took was pretty much dictated by others. Now I had to set the course for myself. This changes the whole dynamic.

    When I hear bloggers who’ve been blogging a while stop and ask themselves “Why am I blogging?” I realize that they are hitting that learning-versus-real-world-working wall. Until you answer that question for yourself, you are dog paddling, going somewhere very slowly, a little to the left, a little to the right, randomly self-correcting along the way. Once you switch to swimming and head in a specific direction, you will get to your goals faster.

    Honestly, too many people start blogging about blogging because they are blogging. They might be blogging about something specific, but the intricacies of blogging take over their lives as they have to learn how to blog in order to blog. It’s new and exciting and they want to share the newness factor with others. After a while, blogging about blogging is boring. It’s blogging about ANYTHING else that can be exciting, so you have to dig into where your passions really lie. It’s not in the blog, in is in what the blog can give you and how you can use your blog to share yourself with others.

    Have you found yourself thinking this way? Blogging about blogging just because it is new and exciting and wanting to share what you learned? Is really what you want to spend the next five years writing and talking about?

    Lorelles last blog post..A Bloggerโ€™s Life: Why Blog and When Do You Stop Blogging?

  19. Marelisa: You brought up a really good point about the blog platform you choose that I’d like to elaborate on. More and more people are very accepting of blogs on free blog services, my blog as case in point. There is very little of that “oh, she’s blogging on THAT service. She must not be very good.” is changing how people perceive free blogging services. Unfortunately, Blogger/Blogspot is not. It continues to be a clumsy service, especially for comments, but the number of splogs that Google hosts on Blogspot is overwhelming, and many of them use auto-scraping, commenting, and trackback tools to flood comment spam on blogs. Experienced bloggers are very frustrated with the level of comment spam that comes from Blogspot blogs, to the point where some have actually put in a filter block of all blogspot blogs. I think that is very radical and unnecessary, but speaks to the reputation of the service.

    It is so wonderful to have free sources upon which to blog, but do be aware of the reputation within the blogosphere of the service you choose. There are some wonderful ones out there, and WordPressMU which runs is now being used by many companies, organizations, non-profits, and individuals to set up free blog services within a niche, such as a collection of all mommy bloggers with individual blogs on a networked blog service.

    Very exciting things happening in this area and well worth exploring. Just explore them well and decide if free hosting or self-hosting is the way you want to go.

    I usually tell new bloggers to just start somewhere and get their feet wet first. Commit to blog for 3 months and then decide if it is really what you want to do. By then, you should know if this is fun or not and from there, decide what you want to do and experiment.

    Lorelles last blog post..A Bloggerโ€™s Life: Why Blog and When Do You Stop Blogging?

  20. What the Urbane Lion and I have found interesting, is that we don’t seem to have a niche. We have checked out a variety of social networking sites, and advertising opportunities, and we don’t fit into a category. A bit frustrating, but then again, that makes us unique which can be a very good thing as well.

    We have yet to find another ‘Dueling Blogs’ scenario, so we are refining our writing to bounce more off of each other in our blogsites. I think the he said/she said storyline can be quite entertaining. To answer the homework question then, our immediate long term goal (sort of an oxymoron that!) is to fine tune our respective blogsites based on this storyline.

    Urban Panthers last blog post..So it begins

  21. Hi Ellen,

    It does make us think, doesn’t it? We certainly can’t move too far forward if we don’t have some kind of a plan.

    Like you, Lorelle’s words inspire me to expand on my thoughts (and actions).

    Ellen, you’ll love the rest of the interview. Tomorrow Ill be showcasing a NBOTW, but the interview will resume on Wednesday.

  22. Barbara,

    Thanks for this series, and thank you Lorelle, for participating.
    I too, was in the field of education and found it wasn’t what I wanted in my life. Not because I don’t enjoy teaching, but for many other factors that inhibited the actual teaching! Anyway, my niche is writing and photography, but I can relate to what you say about communicating with passion in your blog about something you care about.

    I do think there is a lot to learn about blogging and I really like what you say about being consistent and showing up because people expect that from you.


    Ellen Wilsons last blog post..Spontaneous Memoir Meme

  23. Hi Ellen,

    You and Lorelle sound a lot alike. She, too, loves photography, and shares her work in her photography in another blog of hers named “Taking Your Camera On The Road”

    Isn’t that true? We do have to “show up”.

  24. Hey Barbara,

    I came back because I had another thought. I like what Lorelle says about planning for two years in advance for blogs. That is quite admirable. I feel like the the first grader compared to the college graduate here – seeing that I usually have only two posts planned ahead! I am working at it though, it does require a lot of thinking and planning. I think I’m getting inspired here!

    Yeah! I like Lorelle’s travel blog! I wish I could hit the road like she did with her husband. Maybe someday…

    Ellen Wilsons last blog post..Spontaneous Memoir Meme

  25. Hi Karl,

    Yes, hearing advice from someone who has proven herself to be credible is always motivational.

    It sounds like you have your long term plan figured out. A speaking career would suit you very well. If you speak like you blog, you could easily hold the attention of the audience.

  26. Hi Mark,

    You’re welcome.

    Haha! I knew you would do it when I read your blog for the first time. The artist (painter) in you comes out in each of your posts, and with creativity like that, I haven’t a doubt you’ll be a success.

  27. Hi Evelyn,

    From what you wrote, it’s obvious that passion rules.

    Going with the flow is what many do. I’ve found that if I go with the flow too often, sometimes “the flow” starts to take me off course.

    I think Lorelle also meant that we need to think about where we, and our blog, want to be in two years. By looking out that far, we can often envision what we need to do/learn in order to meet our goals.

  28. Having a plan for posting (like, a month or two out, not quite a two years yet) has been an inspiration. The ideas aren’t running out, and knowing that I can go into either creative mode or execution mode (depending on my mood) has been really exciting.

    I can’t wait for the next parts in the series!

    Sara at On Simplicitys last blog post..How to Do Less: Simplifying Your To-Do List

  29. Once again Lorelle proves why she is a brilliant blogger. She’s right, the ones that are sticking around and making an effort to grow their blog, are really reaping the rewards. Like everything worth doing it takes hard work. I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

    My long term plan would be to have this grow over the next two years and hopefully use it to launch a speaking career.

    Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matterss last blog post..Try Laughing a Little More, Itโ€™s Good for You

  30. Thanks Barbara & Lorelle,

    I think your blog has to be an extention of who you are and what you love doing. The day I sat down and wrote 100 potential headlines for my blog in about an hour was the day I knew I could do it. I have days when it feels like more work than I should be spending on it, but I’m passionate about the subject matter so I keep going.

    Mark – Creative Journey Cafes last blog post..Itโ€™s the Journey, Not the Destination

  31. I’ve abandoned blogs even after 1-2 years; so I do realise that it is very important to be passionate about the topic that the site is on. I pretty much agree that blogging needs work. If we want readers to read what we say on our site, then we have to also spend time marketing it. Sure…just like any other activity, we must derive satisfaction and joy from it; otherwise there is no incentive. However, I’ve found that I could never get down to making a plan in what articles to produce in advance. I just go with the flow.


    Evelyn Lim | Attraction Mind Maps last blog post..Face Up To Your 6 Basic Fears

  32. Hi Bamboo,

    Blogging is often about growing, and learning. It’s a great adventure, and one that can take us far,

    Hi Davina,

    New bloggers often start just like you do. In time, you’ll probably settle into a niche, but in the meantime concentrate on continuing to provide the great content like you do now.

    The plugin is great, isn’t it? I made a typo on another blog earlier today and I was so pleased I was able to edit my boo-boo.

  33. I guess my long term goal is to continually write compelling and thought provoking material. And to grow as a writer. To get better at it, come up with better ideas, and never stop growing.

    Bamboo Forests last blog post..Realizing Youโ€™re a Magician Can Create Magic in Your Life

  34. I’m here to play and express myself. No long-term plans; no real focused niche yet… ho hum, I sound like a gypsy writer or something…

    I’ve been out of touch with writing for a long time and I’m happy to be back, enjoying it, sharing it, and reading other blogs.

    BTW, I love this editing feature Barbara. I’ve used it the last 3 times I’ve commented ๐Ÿ™‚ … I forgot to say that this Interview feature is a great idea. I look forward to the rest of the entries.

    Davinas last blog post..Like a Bird

  35. Wow – most don’t last past four months? That does surprise me! So, I’m doing OK then, at six months and counting? Excellent!

    It would seem that I don’t have much of a focus for mine, or perhaps that should be I have two or three foci? Mostly, I guess it’s a bit of a personal diary, with rants and reminiscences plus the Johnny Depp admiration thing going, and a sprinkling of greyhounds added for interest and self-indulgence. I hate to think what a reviewer would make of it!

    But the bottom line, to me, is ‘do people like to come and read, and then leave comments?’ By that standard, I think I’m fairly happy with the level of visitors/comments I get, especially since I am fairly new. More visitors and comments are always welcome though!

  36. Great interview!

    I do agree with you that if you like to be a blogger you have to be motivated all the time and look out for creative ways to come up with.

  37. Thank you Barbara for doing this great interview. This is the second interview I have seen with Lorell recently. The other is on Stephen has a neat interview series with Lorelle there. She must know what she’s doing if she is being interviewed by several bloggers!

    I just recently refocused my blog, life and business and what she said reinforced that I’m well on the right path. It was good to be reassured of that even though I knew I was going in the right direction.

  38. Hi Jennifer,

    Yes, that’s right. I followed that interview too. Thanks for adding the link.

    Oh yeah! She knows what she’s doing. She was blogging before blogging was known as blogging. It doesn’t get any better than that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m not surprised you’re on the right path. Your blog reflects that.

  39. Hi Jay,

    Six months, and counting is great. You’re on your way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You are having fun with your blog, aren’t you? It shows in your posts and comments.

    Hi Codrut,

    Yes, it is important to be motivated, and find ways to remain creative.

  40. I wish I would have written down my goals for blogging when I first started because I think they have changed over the months. I remember talking to my husband and spurting off my intentions, but now I can’t remember what I told him. Obviously Ds Awareness was one of the reasons and it holds true today. But there were other reasons and I’m sure they have changed over the months. One thing I absolutely agree with, however, is blogging is more like a job. It takes a lot of work. If you want to be successful you have to stick with it. But it’s not just writing, it’s networking. I wish I could just write and not have to worry about all the groups you have to join and background stuff. Of course, that’s a basic personality fault of mine. I hate the leg work and want to get to the heart of it.

  41. Hi Debbie,

    Welcome back. I hope your vacation was tons of fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I remember when you started your blog, you mentioned you wanted to be a spokesperson for Down syndrome, and you’ve done a great job of educating those of us who don’t understand all there is about it.

    As for our other goals, I think as we get deeper into blogging, some of our goals change. Then we realize that blogging is time consuming and we either give up, or re-prioritize. As with any job, there will always be parts of blogging we aren’t fond of (but we do them anyway).

  42. Motivation can be a tough nut to crack, for certain! I find that my Saturday morning Meetings with fellow Bloggers at Mitchell’s Coffee in Lakeland, FL really get my “battery recharge” needs met. It’s so hard to stay revved up when we get caught in the “rabbit hole,” so to speak. Getting out and meeting with other bloggers and social media users is so important!
    .-= Check out Petra Norrisยดs awesome post: Lakeland Real Estate Update: First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Stops Dec. 1st =-.

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