Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 2 – Errors Bloggers Make

In part one of my interview with Lorelle, she discussed how a new blogger can stay motivated.

Now we move on to another subject I often asked myself. (To avoid redundancy, I asked Lorelle, to include any links to her posts or others she felt would be helpful to the BWAB readers).

2) New bloggers are often confused as to what’s the “right way” to blog. What do you feel are the most common errors bloggers make with their blogs and posts?

Right way to blog? A lot of people charge me with accusations of telling them there is only one way to blog. I never say that. I say that good manners are good manners, whether in person or in the virtual world. What goes in the offline world applies to the online world. We just seem to forget when we cross the Internet line. As my friend, says, “Play nice.” That goes a long way in both worlds.

As to specific and common errors bloggers make with their blogs and blog posts, I would say they are:

  1. Failure to Plan: Too many blog because they think it’s fun, everyone is doing it, they have to, and their friends made them do it. They don’t think the process through. A blog is an investment in time, energy, and creativity. It require participation – your participation not just by your readers. If you aren’t planning for the long haul, it shows. We know it. We’ll stop showing up. And so will you.
  2. Make Copyright Decisions Now – Update Them Later: It’s not a matter of if but when someone will steal your blog content. Stop everything you are doing right now and go read What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content, and Jonathan Bailey’s fantastic articles, 5 Content Theft Myths and Why They Are False and The 6 Steps to Stop Content Theft. Make clear decisions about what your copyright policy is and make it public on your blog on your About Page, copyright policy page, policy and legal page, or wherever and include a copyright link to the information in your blog’s footer. It is your responsibility to decide how you want your content used, and not used, but readers and copyright infringers can’t read your mind. If you don’t care who abuses your content, then say so. If you do, then specify how they can use it within your terms for Fair Use. If you don’t understand how copyright works – learn. You could be infringing upon other people’s copyrights. In order to blog, copyright is the most important laws you must learn. After that comes libel and defamation – learn about those, too. After a few months or a year of blogging, revisit your copyright policy and update it to ensure it continues to represent your policy on the use of your content. Remember, ASK FIRST before using other people’s content. They might say yes. And fight for copyright protection and education so we all learn to ask first.
  3. It’s All About ME ME ME: Too many people treat a blog like a scrapbook or notebook, keeping track of things they find on the web that they want to remember. That’s rubbish. If you are using your blog as a giant notebook, make it private. The Publish button on blog software is there for a reason. It’s about publishing. It’s about being read. It’s about being found. It’s about being quoted. It’s about the readers. It’s about the conversations. Treat the publish button with the respect it deserves. If you treat your blog like a scrapbook, make it one that will appeal to all those with similar interests – and you might learn even more about the notes you make.
  4. Categories are Your Table of Contents. Tags are the Index Words: I don’t know why categories and tags are so confusing to people. It is based upon book publishing. Categories are the table of contents for your blog. They define your blog’s content and purpose and should be keywords and search terms. Categories are not a place to use creative terminology, just words people use to search for that content on the web.Tags are the index words and they are post specific. A post about a recipe for salad can be in the Cooking, Salad, Vegetarian, or Recipe category and tag words would be cooking, salad, greens, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, salad dressing, raisins, and the ingredients in the salad. Someone searching for salad recipes may find your blog post, but if they want to dig a little deeper and only find recipes associated with lettuce, a topic you have some posts about but not enough to qualify for a post category, they can click the tag link for lettuce and find related content. You’ve just won a fan by helping them get the information they need.
    Tags got special recognition a few years ago as a new concept in categorizing and uncovering related content moving away from the traditional search engine concept. It failed. You don’t get bonus points for having tags on your blogs. Think of them only as navigation tools that increase a blog’s usability.
  5. Everything You Publish is Forever: Once you hit publish, there is no going back. It’s there. Forever. Within seconds, pings are sent out, search engines come back and cache (save) the content. Your server backs it up. People read it. Aggregators collect it. It’s there. Out there. Forever. You can’t undo what you’ve done, so write accordingly.
  6. Be Timely or Timeless: There are two types of blog content: timely and timeless. Timely content is news, information that applies to the right now. Timeless content lasts a long time, garnering visitors over the long haul not the short term Timely content blogging means writing fast, to be the first out the door with the news. If you can’t be one of the first out, then think about how you can turn timely content into timeless content so you can add more value to the words than just “here is the latest news.” Think about the subject. Look at it from different angles. Add your voice, your opinion, to the voices of the others to help continue the conversation, not just report it. Anyone can parrot the news, why not be one who expounds upon it? And enjoy the traffic you may get for years to come.
  7. It’s My Blog, You Can’t Tell Me! Yes, it is your blog. It’s yours to do what you will with it, but don’t break web standards in order to prove to the world that you are right. You aren’t right by trying to throw out the sidebar navigation links. You aren’t right by doing away with the header and putting your blog title and purpose information in the footer. Work within the standards that have been established as to what makes a blog work. Sure, push the envelop. We need new innovative thinkers and designers. However, be prepared to be snapped back in place if it backfires. Learn the rules first before you break them. They are there for good reasons. Usabilities studies prove this out over and over again. Yes, it’s your blog and you can do with it what you want, but remember blogging carries with it a responsibility: Blogs are for the readers, not the bloggers. Put your readers first in all the design decisions you make with your blog.
  8. As you blog, your definition of success will change. At first, it’s about the numbers, the score card of visitors to your blog. In time, it’s about the comments, how many comments, how many posts got comments, or didn’t – counting up the comments. Then it’s about the trackbacks. Who is linking today? What are they saying about what I wrote? How many are linking to my blog post? Then you chase after attention through the social networking and site submission services, getting people to “digg” your blog post and submit it everywhere. None of these are true measures of success but metrics we use to judge our work. Cumulatively, they represent a measure of our success, but individually, they are just things that happen naturally in the flow of a blog’s life.

    Later, the joy will come in the writing, the development of the work, and the reward of one person who says they enjoyed it and learned a lot, but it takes time to figure out what your definition of blogging success is. Don’t use other people’s metrics. Find your own joy in your blogging – and don’t let anyone tell you differently

Today’s Assignment

Based on Lorelle’s answer, do you see any mistakes you’re making?

If so, how will you correct them?

Photo Credit: Lorelle’s Logo

47 thoughts on “Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 2 – Errors Bloggers Make

  1. This is a brilliant series, Barbara- I am learning so much!

    Hopefully, both your own and Lorelle’s advice will help bloggers minimize mistakes.

    Failing to plan is the one to be avoided at all costs. I try never to begin a new project unless I have a good level of passion and commitment to see it through. Blogging is no different and deserves serious consideration in advance.

    I’m also going to look into all the “legal stuff”. It’s an important issue.

  2. Hi Scott,

    I was thinking of you when I was editing this post. I thought, “how great for Scott, in his pre-blogging days, to have access to this information”. The rest of us, well sometimes we learn the hard way…from our mistakes.

    Planning is SO important. When I started blogging, I knew I was in it for the long haul, and it was that determination that saw me through those days when I couldn’t think of anything to write, and had no comments. Thank goodness I had that imaginary audience. 😆

  3. Hi Davina,

    We have Lorelle to thank for this. She was so kind to take time out of her busy schedule to answer my questions, and all so thoroughly. We’re learning from someone whose been blogging for nearly 15 years. It doesn’t get any better than that.

    Knowing what our weaknesses are, is half the battle. With a little discipline, that can easily be corrected.

  4. Hi Linda,

    You’re welcome.

    That is a great explanation of timely and timeless, isn’t it. I hope most of my posts are timeless (at least for awhile).

  5. I’m really enjoying this series Barbara. This is all very helpful. Thanks for making Lorelle’s advice available.

    Failure to plan. That’s my big mistake. I have a habit of jumping right in to something. Plus, I couldn’t wait to get started. Now, I have 3 draft posts all at a standstill and here I am… not working on them.

    The legal component is something I still have to look into.

    You are being smart Scott. I wish I had done it differently. Now, back home to one of those screaming draft posts. 🙂

    Davinas last blog post..Like a Bird

  6. What a wonderful series of interviews for a newbie blogger like myself. Thank you Barbara and Lorelle!

    I need to learn all about copyrighting and the legal points about blogging. (Barbara, just found your link for getting a Privacy Policy — now that I looked under that tab.)

    I love how Lorelle distinguishes between timely and timeless content! Brilliant.

  7. My favorite part:

    “Later, the joy will come in the writing, the development of the work, and the reward of one person who says they enjoyed it and learned a lot, but it takes time to figure out what your definition of blogging success is. Don’t use other people’s metrics. Find your own joy in your blogging – and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

    So true. Stumbled!

    Barbara Ling, Virtual Coachs last blog post..81+ Enchanting Power StumbleUpon Destinations Waiting For Your Eyes Only

  8. There’s a lot of very useful information here. I agree that you have to know what the rules are before you break them, and that standards are there for a reason. You also have to remember that it’s not about you, it’s about your readers. If you want it to be all about you then keep a private blog.

    Marelisas last blog post..Six Steps to Creating the Life You Really Want

  9. Maybe my mistake is failing to realize that it doesn’t matter how many comments I get or what my stats look like.

    I enjoy writing and have gotten a few emails from people who related to what I wrote.

    I love writing and maintaining my blog. I plan. I don’t worry much about copywrite unless it is one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer work. I think I treat people in cyberspace with common courtesy and respect.

    All in all, I think I am doing a good job so far with my blog. Thanks for this series though. It is nice to see.

    Chase Marchs last blog post..Love At First Sight

  10. I’ve never thought about my copyright policy. I really do need one. I don’t really care what people do with my content as long as they give me credit. I just want as many people to read it as possible.

    I try to be timeless with my content, but I do fall into traps of using present day events. I have to be careful of this and try to stay with writing timelessly.

    Great questions. I hope we have more?

    Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matterss last blog post..When You Get Rich Slowly You Can Work Happier

  11. Hi Barbara and Lorelle. I’m really enjoying this series. And I’m glad you mentioned libel laws. I have a general idea on what I can get away with. But I do speak out against large companies sometimes, so I do need to read up on this some more and make sure I’m not putting myself at risk.

    Another thing that is so important is Lorelle’s reminder to focus on the joy of the writing. This is something I really need to remember. Every time traffic to my blog increases, I kind of get stage fright. I look at the posts I have in draft and begin questioning them. Should I publish it? What if it’s not good enough for all these readers? This is a silly way to think – I know and from now on, I will focus on the joy of writing when I’m feeling that way.

  12. Wow! Barbara, be proud. You have the BEST readers and commenters. I’m envious.

    How wonderful that you are “getting it” and understanding that blogging begins with a heart but continues with passion.

    I’m learning so much from your comments. Thank YOU!

    Lorelles last blog post..A Blogger’s Life: Why Blog and When Do You Stop Blogging?

  13. Wow, copyright issues have never occurred to me, though I’m not sure anyone would want to steal my accounts of digging out my messy basement LOL.

    The planning advice is a very good reminder. I admit I write on the fly a lot, though I always have a bunch of drafts going.

    I’m really enjoying this series – thank you!

    Ann at One Bag Nations last blog post..Thwarted. . .

  14. Hi Laurie,

    Welcome to the BWAB community!

    I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the series. There will be a total of eight posts.

    Hi Barbara Ling,

    I like that too, especially the part about “don’t use other people’s metrics”.

    Thank you for the stumble!

    Hi Marelisa,

    I agree, it is about our readers. If we don’t take them into consideration, they’ll move on, never to be seen again.

    Hi Karl,

    I think we all fall into that, (where not ALL of our content is timeless) however, having some posts that are, will ensure our blogs will remain “current”.

    Hi Catherine,

    I hear you (about the quality of blog posts). It’s tough knowing if it’s good enough. Fortunately, that’s tomorrow’s question, so we’ll get Lorelle’s take on it.

    Hi Chase,

    Blogs are about writing. As Lorelle said, the stats are just a “scorecard”. While some will put a lot of weight on their “scores”, others realize that’s not important to them.

    You’re doing a great job with your blog, and your love of writing shows.

    Hi Lorelle,

    You’re welcome!

    I am VERY proud of my readers and commenters. They are the BEST, aren’t they? It’s a real joy to have all of them as part of the BWAB community and for me to be a part of their communities, as well. Blogging has renewed my passion for writing, but the community aspect (of blogging) holds a close second.

    I love how you said you’re learning from the comments. It proves even if we blog for 15 years, we still have more to learn.

    Hi Ann,

    You’re welcome.

    I have to laugh at your statement about someone wanting to steal your content about digging out your messy basement. Maybe they have one, too. 😆

    Hi Tom,

    Thank you!

    Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are, is half the battle. Having read your blog, you have the writing part, down pat.

    Hi Bamboo,

    You’re right. No one should steal, but unfortunately there are many unscrupulous people out there who don’t have a conscientious, and think if it’s online, it’s free.

    Hi Vered,

    You’re welcome.

    That’s a great way of putting it; “learning and improving”. 🙂

    Hi Natural,

    I can tell you have fun with your blog. Your sense of humor comes through in your posts. You make us laugh. I like that!

  15. I would also suggest that when a person is just starting out they find someone who can hold their hand in the beginning and then blossom. Most of Laurels points are right on! She is the spert! I too am learning as I go but I write to ensure my readers are educated on a particular item before publishing. Great interview and points of interest!

  16. I’ll join the chorus, according to this list my failure to plan and to even consider copyright issues are my biggest mistakes.
    I think it really comes down to knowing thyself well.

    Yet one of my strengths is my ability to fly by the seat of my pants and respond in the moment.

    Also for now I’ll put that copyrighting idea in the same category as insurance. I am very seldom cautious and it seems to serve me well.

    I’m grateful to you and Lorelle for putting this together.

    Tom Volkar / Delightful Works last blog post..What brings you alive?

  17. Hi Linda,

    Oh yes, in an perfect world, hand holding would be ideal. Unfortunately, for me, in my personal life, I know no one who knows anything about blogging (let alone, what a blog is 🙂 )

    I love how you educate your readers (me included).

  18. I have a copyright notice on the bottom of each page. Right now, that’s about the extent of my copyright warning.

    It seems to me that it would be ideal to have a page dedicated to your copyright policy but at the same time – not having a dedicated page in no way shape, or form suggests to the would be thief that it is permissible to steal.

    It is understood by all, that if you take something you have to ask permission first. This remains true whether you have a page dedicated to this subject – or not.

    Bamboo Forests last blog post..The 7 Stages of Procrastination

  19. This was interesting. Thank you. I don’t really feel that I’m making mistakes… just learning and improving as I go along.

    Vereds last blog post..Who Cares About Truth In Advertising? Sugar Can Help You Lose Weight! (Wordless Wednesday)

  20. I feel like Vered, I don’t think I’m making any mistakes, improving and having fun, yes. I do like number 3…I keep another blog that is really just for me. Its out there (public eye) but liberating in that I don’t care what the rules are, I just play the game.

    Interesting series, look forward to the next installment.

  21. We haven’t looked into copyrights yet. I have noticed copyright information on other people’s blogs, but it sort of went in one eye and out the other. Will read the suggested articles and get on that! Thanks!

  22. Hi Urban Panther,

    I think you’ll enjoy the linked articles. They’ll get you well on your way.

    Hi Ann,

    Oh, that is too funny! 🙂 We all just learned a great lesson, didn’t we? Who knew your before and after photos would become popular?

    Hi Sara with an “h”,

    You’re welcome!

    Hi Sara,

    Don’t beat yourself up. 🙂 Tons of people don’t understand them. I didn’t in the beginning, so didn’t use them. I probably should, as I want my blog to be easy to navigate.

    Sounds like we’ll both be adding them to our “to do” list.

  23. What a weird coincidence! After our discussion about copyright issues, someone from another blog emailed me today to ask for permission to use a couple of my photos. I’m flattered, more than anything.

    And Barbara, they’re my “before and after” pics of my linen closet – so I guess my messy content *is* worth protecting!!

    Ann at One Bag Nations last blog post..Thwarted. . .

  24. Yes – I’m soooooo bad about the copyright stuff. Thank you for the tip and the reminder!!!

    Sara with an “h”s last blog post..Was Your Mother Right When She Told You to Eat Your Veggies?

  25. I feel like such a doof! I totally didn’t understand tags until that description. A case in point for “you can never be too obvious.”

    Thanks for the edumacation!

    Sara at On Simplicitys last blog post..A Big Day at On Simplicity

  26. Hi Barbara, Lorelle,

    Excellent points, indeed. I’d like to add to #5, “Publish is Forever.” An earlier discussion in this blog helped me to come to the conclusion that it’s OK to correct published typos that were missed in the first proofread.

    However, if there’s a fundamental correction needed for a specific point in a post, it seems like etiquette to not change the original article, but to instead just include an addendum at the end of the post with the correction.

    Al at 7Ps last blog post..The Best Investment Strategy During a Recession

  27. Hi Al,

    You’re right. What I have also seen done is the use of a strike through of the “incorrect” words.

    If it’s a subject where your views have changed or you want to do another spin on the subject, you could also write a new post (and even reference the old one, if you wanted).

    Hi Shilpan,

    Thank you!

    I’ve told you before, but I’ll tell you again, you sure are good for the ego. Your kind words always warm my heart. I’ve no intention of “turning the lights off” as I love helping and hearing from you all too much.

    Hi Robin,

    With your topics, tags would work best. I’m using a category cloud. It works with Firefox, but in IE it collapses (and becomes a column).

    Hi Irene,

    You’re welcome.

    Those are two great quotes, aren’t they? Too often people think they don’t need to use manners online. I’m glad Lorelle pointed out the fact there is no difference.

  28. Barbara –

    You are one of a kind. That’s why all of us love you so much. You are providing more value and advice to blogger like myself than some so-called experts who are getting paid to do so. Please keep up the good work and never turn the lights off on this blog. We need more discussion like this that you have.


  29. Hi Barbara, I love this series! Thank you and Lorelle for making this available. 🙂 I second Barbara Ling on her favorite quote from this post – “it takes time to figure out what your definition of blogging success is. Don’t use other people’s metrics. Find your own joy in your blogging – and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

    I also love this – “good manners are good manners, whether in person or in the virtual world. What goes in the offline world applies to the online world.”

    Irene | Light Beckonss last blog post..10 Things That Make Me Happy

  30. Barbara,

    This is very powerful.

    I haven’t done anything with the copyright either. I was sort of ZenHabits minded, but haven’t made any statements one way or another. It is something I guess I need to get clear in my mind.

    This really gives me a lot to think about. Thanks to both of you!

    Wendi Kellys last blog post..A Lighthouse in the Storm

  31. Hey…thanks for the tip on the copyright policy! I sure wouldn’t want someone to steal my content, especially when I’ve spent ages writing each.

    You’ve also made some very important points about considering the readers’ needs. I’ve got much to ponder over, in terms of the direction of my site.

    Thanks! Excellent tips!


  32. Wow, what a great interview she is.

    I’d say right now I’m in that middle stage of using social networks and can see on the horizon more of the joys in writing. I do like it, but I also have a billion other things to do.

    Hmm, I’ll have to think about your homework for a bit. Not something I can just type out real quick without thinking.

  33. @Al at 7P: There are no rules for editing a blog post, but my rule of thumb is to fix whatever needs fixing without saying anything, unless it is a bit of updated news or a change in policies. Do you readers check back in to see if you’ve changed the post content? Rarely. They usually just check comments – or are arriving for the first time to the post and whatever they get better be as right as it can be.

    When someone corrects your blog post, however, there are two ways of going about it. A “you misspelled mizspell” comment is a comment, and if comments are rare, fix the misspelling and leave the comment.

    If you get a lot of comments, such comments are nice to know but they are also clutter and often break the flow of conversation – or encourage it. Occasionally, I’ll be on the road and someone will catch an error and mention it, but because I’m not there to respond immediately, it sits there, so commenter 2, 3, and 6 all have to mention the error, or go looking for more and finding them, and the conversation is dead. They are all looking for bugs in their soup and not enjoying the soup. Those I delete after I’ve fixed the boo boo.

    I do hope you all will talk more about tags, categories, and copyright. These are critically important to your blog and bloggers not only need to be educated, especially on copyright and libel, but they also need to educate their readers.

    This is just too much fun. I feel like we are all sitting around the dining table with tea and cookies having a great chat!

  34. Hi Wendi,

    You’re welcome!

    Don’t forget to check the links Lorelle provided in this post, and if you check out my post for Friday. I’m linking to a few free resources I’ve used. Plus, I’m sure the comment section will provide more information, as well.

    Hi Evelyn,

    You’re welcome!

    Yes, we must remember our readers. Without them, we will feel like we’re talking to the wall.

    Hi John,

    If you think this interview is good, you must check out Lorelle’s blog, AND her book.

    I hear you. The list gets long, doesn’t it?

    Hi Lorelle,

    Don’t you hate that when ten different people tell you about your typos? I’ve seen that a lot on Darren Rowse’s (Problogger) blog, and it does break the flow of the conversation. All you can do is hope someone brings the comments back on track.

    Haha. You must have food on the brain, First you talk about soup, and now you’re onto dessert; tea and cookies. 😆

    Lorelle, you’re always welcome here.

  35. Hi Lorelle,

    I don’t mind if one or two people tell me about my typos (because I do make them), but like you said, if the comment section begins to be a “you’ve got typos” conversation, that totally takes away from the post.

  36. Actually, I don’t hate it that people tell me I have typos. It means that they are paying attention and that they want me to do my best. We are all on the same team and I love that. But I do decide if their correction is important to leave for the conversation or remove. I often remove it unless they have something more to say. And I’ll often send a thank you privately by email.

    But you are right. It’s about manners. It’s about respect. If we don’t play nice and treat each other with the respect we would want in return – I’m sorry, go play in someone else’s sandbox. I don’t want you in mine.


  37. I’ve enjoyed Parts 1 and 2 so far. I can tell I need to revise my categories and tags over the next few weeks. This explanation is the best one I’ve come across yet!

  38. Hi Amber,

    Welcome to the BWAB community!

    Isn’t Lorelle great at explaining the difference? Part three of the interview covered writing, and Part four (which will be published shortly), covers finding fresh content. Hope to see you here again soon.

    BTW: Your blog looks fascinating. I’ll be visiting you soon.

  39. Hi Canadian Finance Guy,

    Welcome to the BWAB community.

    This is a great interview series Lorelle blessed us with. There are 9 parts, so feel free to check them out. There’s tons of good stuff to help us blog better.

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