NBOTW Wants You To Love Your Job


If I have my math correct, this is the 19th New Blog of the Week I have showcased.

If you’re new to this series, I try to find new blogs on a variety of subjects to expand our reading and learning experiences. A new blog is featured each Tuesday.

This new blog author found me. He showed up in the comment section of my “Be Inspired By Nothing” post.

His topic is something we can all identify with. Work. Although some may work until their dying day, this NBOTW will teach you how to be happy in any work environment.

His tag line reads:

Maximizing your work happiness should be the theme of your working life. Happiness creates success. When you stop putting in the hours and start extracting joy from work, you’ll be successful.

In his post titled: Create The Work Atmosphere You Want he shares three tips. He then says:

By applying these techniques, you can create the work atmosphere that makes you the happiest. When you are happy the people around you will feed off of your positive actions, helping to make work fun.

Earlier today I laughed out loud at his post titled “Inside Out Shirt Day”. I don’t want to give it away, but if you’re in for a good laugh, please check it out.

He’s writing not only to share how employees can enjoy their jobs more, but how employers can also improve working conditions, thus retaining and attracting employees.

The name of the NBOTW is “Work Happy Now”, and the author is Karl Staib.

Please join me in welcoming Karl to the community at BWAB.

Hello again, Karl!

Photo Credit ElFrenetico’s photostream

16 thoughts on “NBOTW Wants You To Love Your Job

  1. I’ve had many jobs in my life and only a few of them made me truly happy. It makes a difference on not only your job, but your homelife as well. I need another blog in my reader like I need another hole in my head, but I think Karl’s sounds like a must read for anyone!

    Debbie Yosts last blog post..Death of a Dream

  2. Wow! That was a really cool read. I’m honored to be highlighted on your blog. We really do all deserve to work happy, no matter what we are doing. It’s been a passion of mine for quite a few years and I’m glad I finally made the leap to creating the blog. The best part has been my readers and commenters. They have truly made my blog interesting.

    I’m glad that I could add a little laughter to your day with the “Inside Out Shirt Day” post. It’s why I blog. Being able to bring a little entertainment with some new ideas into people’s lives makes my life that much more fulfilling.

    Thank you so much for highlighting Work Happy Now on your blog.

    Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matterss last blog post..10 Secrets to Motivating Teenagers

  3. well then i need to change my job. i will check out his blog though. thanks for passing stuff along Barbara!

    Naturals last blog post..Enjoy Retirement, but Don’t Spend My Inheritance

  4. Congrats Karl! Thanks to Barbara I was once her “blog of the week” and as a result I’ve gained some wonderful fans and have received their wonderful insights and feedback. I look forward to reading your blog.

    Mark – Creative Journey Cafes last blog post..How to Conquer Your Fear of Creating, Part 1

  5. I’ve been a fan of Karl and I’m glad that he’s getting this recognition.

    Chriss last blog post..Farewell: See You Next School Year

  6. Hi Debbie,

    Yes, Karl’s blog is a must read. As an employer, he has written articles that help us as well.

    Hi Hunter,

    πŸ˜† Yes, check your shirt.

    Hi Karl,

    It’s been my pleasure to showcase your blog. I like what you write and how you add humor to some of your posts. With all everyone deals with in life, it’s always good to have a good laugh, and to know work doesn’t always have to be so serious.

    Hi Sara,

    You are fortunate to have a job you’re happy with. A lot of people don’t, so hopefully by reading Karl’s blog they can find a way to bring joy to their work days.

    Hi Natural,

    You’re welcome.

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for your support.

    Hi Chris,

    He’s good, isn’t he?

  7. Hi Marelisa,

    Isn’t that a great post? It reminded me of when I went to work once with two different colored shoes. One was black and the other was brown. I didn’t realize it until late in the day. After that I kept my feet under my desk. πŸ˜†

  8. “Inside Out Shirt Day” was very funny (as I shared with Karl on the comments section of this blog, I almost went to work in my slippers once).

  9. I’m in the midst of extricating myself from a job that is wrong for me. In the meantime, I’m trying to find joy and creative fulfillment elsewhere. I look forward to visiting Karl’s blog.

  10. Barbara –

    Again you’ve shown your acumen. Karl is such a great guy. He is one of the most selfless friends I’ve made in my short journey. He took time to look at my blog and suggested few critical changes that have made my blog rank on Alexa jumped from 900,000 to 147,000. I’m glad for this one great friend be honored by you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    Shilpan | successsoul.coms last blog post..How I Transformed My Life with These 5 Simple Thoughts

  11. Karl is definitely a great choice for this week’s NBOTW! I’ve started to read his articles and his posts have the fun and enjoyable tone to it too! πŸ™‚

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