Prepare For Uncreative Blogging Days

If you have been blogging for any length of time, you may have found that some days, you don’t feel very creative. In fact, you don’t even feel like writing. And, the harder you try to write a post that contains value for your readers, the bigger the writer’s block becomes.

However, if you prepare, in advance, for days when you won’t feel creative, you can alleviate this problem.

Today’s Lesson

How can you prepare for uncreative days?

How can you gather an “inventory” of subjects to blog about?

1) If you use WordPress, you can use the “write posts” section, as a “filing” system.

When you get an idea, you can start a post, and just “save” it. Later, when you are looking for something to blog about, you can go to your “file”, and finish a post you started.

2) When you are not at your computer, keep a notebook, or journal with you.

Jot down ideas as they come to you. Revert back to your notes, when you are not feeling very creative.

3) If you get ideas while your driving, or sitting in traffic, use the voice recorder on your cell phone to give yourself reminders for future posts.

Just remember to put safety first.

4) On days when you are feeling creative, and the words are coming easy, write numerous posts.

Use the “post date feature” (Post Timestamp – WordPress) for publishing, or keep the completed posts in your “file”.

5) Step away from your blog. Make time to visit other blogs, or websites.

Often, when we visit other sites, we gain inspiration for something we feel passionate about.

For 15 ideas of where to find inspiration, read a previous post of mine, tittled: Blogging Block – Can’t Find Anything To Blog About?

Today’s Assignment

What do you do when you are not feeling creative?

Do you avoid posting?

Do you post an article anyway, knowing it is not your best?

Do you have a inventory of posts on hand, ready to be published?

Do you use any of the above methods I listed?

Drop me a comment, and share what works for you.

6 thoughts on “Prepare For Uncreative Blogging Days

  1. Barbara,

    I’ve had one of those fortnights on blogging! I’ve kind of been really busy and when I’ve found time to sit down and write, I’ve been lacking in inspiration!

    I’m hoping things settle down.

    I’ve been okay on the company blog, but my personal one has suffered a little of late. I suppose I’d rather not write for the sake of writing and frequency. I’d rather wait for something to say.

    I have actually been drafting posts in WordPress on the company blog.

    But I suppose I need to do the same on the personal one and stockpile a few posts or a themed series.

    Just waiting for that inspiration (and a little more time!).

  2. Hi Ian,

    Like you, I, too, maintain two blogs. Oftentimes inspiration comes easier for one than the other. And, like you said, time becomes an issue too.

    I was on your company blog yesterday. It is shaping up very nicely. I also noticed you’re getting more participation in the comment section. With your well written posts, I’m not surprised. It appears your readers are enjoying being able to “have their say”.

    I will be back to check out your forfeit video. I’m anxious to see how you handled having pies thrown at you.

  3. Hello Barbara,

    I totally resonate with Ian. Recently, I am overloaded with so many other business needs, my mind refuses to think… and the worse I have no time to stop by at a cafe…

    I do have articles stored, but am running them out. I am barely trying to survive till the holiday seasons, so that I can write a bunch again to prepare for the new year.

    The question of if you would post knowing it is not the best is a difficult one. I decided I should not. My website is really not in the chronological nature. It is really about topics, so what I need is a collection of good topics. I think it is depending on the strategy of the blog, if it is about news, then, you do have to publish something, even if it is not the best, I think.

  4. Hi Asako,

    No trips to the cafe? That’s not good, as I know you do lots of blogging at the cafe.

    You’re correct. If one is writing “newsy” articles, they need to be published quickly. News is changing so fast, if you miss posting in a timely fashion, your article may never be found.

  5. You can’t really prepare for uncreative days sometimes they just don’t go together and it’s better to take that day off and do something else other than blogging.
    .-= Check out Blue Montoya´s awesome post: Why Are You Broke? =-.

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