Blogging Poetry – An Assignment

From time to time, I like to have fun with my blog.

Today’s Lesson

In the past I found enjoyment in writing two poems about blogging.

One is titled: ” I Love To Blog”, and the other is: “Creativity Strikes Blogger At 3 a.m.”

To kick off this lesson, and get you inspired for today’s assignment, I have written a third poem.

All About Blogging

A blog is a log
In which you type a post
Journaling is the same
But without a web host

A blog needs a name
Which is called your domain
It also has a URL
Which is usually the same

The World Wide Web is blogosphere
And that’s where blogs are found
Some blogs are short and funny
And others, quite profound

Posting brings blogs visits
From a spider or a bot
Comments often tell you
If you’re cold or if you’re hot

Stats are important
And so is your rank
Get lots of clicks
And it’s off to the bank

Ads can make money
For you and for me
But if ads clutter your blog
Broke you may be

We all like to see traffic
Come and visit our blog
We say “please leave a comment”
But don’t be a “dog”

We all need the engines
To visit out text
So we ping then and call them
And watch the index

We all want page one
Of the search engine’s site
So we post very often
And blog into the night

To blog can be easy
Creatively may be not
So keep your ears open
And write quite a lot

To maintain a blog
Is work, you will see
But we blog cause we love to
And don’t charge a fee

If you want to support
Your fave guy or fave gal
Just click on “donate”
And then click on “paypal”

A blog can be simple
They’re easy to start
Maintaining one forever
Takes work, and takes “heart”

Today’s Assignment

Have a little fun with your blog.

Write a poem about blogging, or a poem about your site

Come back here, and in the comment section, provide a link to your poem.

If your site isn’t conducive to including a poem, write your poem in the comment section here.

This will serve two purposes:

1) We can all see how creative others are
2) We can generate traffic between sites, and make new cyberspace friends

Now, that’s a win – win situation. 🙄

3 thoughts on “Blogging Poetry – An Assignment

  1. Cool poem, Barbara!
    Indeed it does take heart. It’s ironic because I was just catching up on some of my blogging links only to discover that 1 had shut down (forever?) and one was going on hiatus. The guy had a baby. 🙂

    Been kinda quiet in the websphere lately, hasn’t it?
    But i’m still here! 😀

    I wrote a poem about my website before I even created it. Then back in May, I decided to publish it for everyone to read. Gee, I hope at least 1 person had read it. Yeah, I’m sure at least 1 person has read it. 🙂 Check it out:

    Radiate in Binary

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