Meta Tags May Increase Your SEO

Anyone who blogs, and researches “about blogging”, will run into the terminology “meta tags”.

Today’s Lesson

Meta tags, are “hidden”, HTML tags in your blog. Search engines can “see” these tags, however, they are not seen by your visitors.

Meta tags can help with your SEO (search engine optimization), as they tell the search engines, more about your blog.

In WordPress, you can add meta tags, by using a plugin, named: “Add Meta Tag WordPress Plugin , by George Notaras.

By searching online for “meta tag builder”, you can also find sites which will assist you in building meta tags for your blog.

From my experience, niche blogs make for easier meta tagging, as your subject matter remains fairly constant.

Todays Assignment

Do you think meta tags are necessary?

Do you use meta tags?

If you use meta tags, do you think it helps with your SEO (search engine optimization)?

How did you determine which words, or phrases to include in your meta tags?