HitTail Results In More Traffic

Several weeks ago, I wrote about how to use keywords and keyword phrases , and how I had signed up for HitTail.

It took awhile to accumulated enough HitTail “keywords”, and for the long tail to grow.

Today’s Lesson

I carefully studied the keywords that HitTail produced, as well as the long tail.

In the beginning, I found, that based on search results (keyword, keyword phrases, and the long tail), I would have to write, what I would consider to be a duplicate post.

I waited awhile longer, and then used one of my “keyword phrases” (which are not extremely popular), and wrote a “review”. This enabled me to write a post, word it in a manner that wouldn’t be construed as duplicate content, and wait for the results.

Amazingly, my post soon started getting hits. When I checked, it has ended up on the first page for most search engine results.

So…..HitTail works! 🙂

What I also like about HitTail is, if you go to the “search hits”, it tells you which search engine your reader used. So, even if your post was not on the first page for Google, it may have been, for one of the other search engines.

Today’s Assignment

If you haven’t yet tried HitTail, give it a try.

If you have HitTail installed, write a post using either a “keyword”, “keyword phrase”, or a keyword or phrase from your “long tail”

Watch your stats for the next week or two, then come back and share your experience with using HitTail.

Good Luck!

4 thoughts on “HitTail Results In More Traffic

  1. I’ve had a quick look and you’ve managed to add something else to my things to do list!

    Barbara, you come up with such fantastic stuff that soon, I’ll have to book several days away from distractions to go back through your blog and get some action done!

  2. Ian,

    With blogging, as in life, I don’t think we can ever stop learning. But, that, is one of the reasons I am enjoying it so much.

    Blogging is about individuality, and with so many options, we can definitely create blogs that reflect our personality.

    Isn’t it great?

  3. Mike,

    Thank you for visiting my site, and reading the review.

    I’m finding HitTail to be a great traffic generating tool, and am grateful that HitTail exists, as it offers so many more great suggestions for future posts.

    Great job!

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