Can Perceived Blogging Success Be A Turn Off?

Remember when we discussed how when we blog it’s our choice?

A Dr. Phil episode was the inspiration for that post and it was also on that show Dr. Phil stated,

Being busy is a status symbol

My first thought was, “Surely that can’t be true”.

Being busy, a status symbol?

But, based on an article by Brigid Schulte, who was a guest on the show and who wrote an article for the Washington Post titled, “The Test of Time: A busy working mother tries to figure out where all her time is going”, busyness may indeed be something many are striving for.

In the article Brigid cites cultural sociologist Edson Rodriguez who says,

Every-body who aspires to be anybody is busy.

Gone are the days when the goal of the wealthy and elite was to laze around doing nothing. These days, even billionaires are on tight schedules. “We derive status from feeling overwhelmed,”

But, leisure scholar Ben Hunnicutt argues,

To the Greeks, a life of leisure was a human’s highest aim. Liberated from work, one could devote his or her time to the pursuit of the higher arts such as poetry, art and music. (Though this applied largely to men.)

[Whereas] Americans devote their lives to work. “Work now answers the religious questions of ‘Who are you?’ and ‘How do you find meaning and purpose in your life?'”

Hunnicutt goes on to say,

Leisure has been trivialized. Only silly girls want to have time to shop and gossip.

To be idle is to be unproductive. To waste time.

Does that mean if we look busy to others, we are projecting importance?

Or,… on the flipside, if we don’t appear to be busy, does that mean we’re lacking status. That we are “less than”?

I say, “No”.

Today’s Lesson

Let’s take this busy issue  a step further and apply it to bloggers.

Are we falling into the same trap?

I’ll admit, I’ve said “I’m busy” or “I’m swamped” more times than I can count.

In fact, when I started The Blog Boutique, I voluntarily added even more to my plate.

And I see others doing the same.

We start one blog, and then add another, then join a social network or two, and publish ebooks, or add a service, and ___fill in the blank___.

We pile more on, and then state how busy we are, often making it sound like a complaint. Or for some, a bragging right.

But, Brigid also shares,

Rodriguez studies middle-class frenetic families. He’s finding that, although people say they feel overwhelmed, they secretly enjoy it.

I’ll go a step further and admit I not only enjoy being busy, but I thrive on being busy.

In fact, I feel I do my best work when I’m under pressure, whether it’s self induced or other.

Unfortunately, busyness both off and online also creates the perception we may be unapproachable. We may appear to be so busy, others will go elsewhere for advice or for a service.

After all, if we know someone has a plate full, we certainly don’t want to add to their burden.

I’m that way. Although I have approached several A-list bloggers for an interview, when I did, I felt I had to apologize for asking them to take time out of their busy schedule to answer my questions. In some ways I felt my request was an intrusion.

I don’t know about you, but that’s not how I want to appear.

Although my plate is full, I have another stack waiting for more.

What about you?

Today’s Assignment

Do you thrive on being busy?

Or do you prefer to have more down time?

Will you approach a blogger if they “appear” to be too busy?

Care to share?

signature for blog post.

51 thoughts on “Can Perceived Blogging Success Be A Turn Off?

  1. Hi Barbara, I’m like you in that I do some of my best work when I’m under pressure but what I’ve found is I can’t sustain that over any significant duration. Instead I find I work best when I do huge chunks of work punctuated by huge chunks of downtime.

    Unfortunately that’s not the way my world works and it all melts into one big chunk of untidy activity which is physically and mentally tiring.

    I do avoid contacting people if I feel they’re too busy and that’s a mistake. None of us should feel apologetic for reaching out to someone else. 🙂

    .-= Check out Dave (MisterGoodGuy)´s awesome post: A Bit Of Friday Fun =-.

    1. Hi Dave,

      You’ve raised a good point. It’s one thing when we work best under pressure, but if we don’t have time to recharge, our world can end up being chaotic. What I’ve found works for me is to “schedule” that pressure cooker work, and also schedule down time so I can reflect on what I accomplished and have some leisure time before moving on to the next big project. Although it doesn’t always work perfect, it does help to keep me in balance.

  2. For the first time in ages I’m busy in the sense that I have such a big web design deal that I have to tone down my online production. That’s a good thing, but I do miss the sense of being only as busy as I wanted to be.

    I agree with Dr. Phil: being busy IS a status symbol these days. But part of that busy comes from relatively unproductive things like social networking, so it’s not really about productivity, is it?
    .-= Check out katinka´s awesome post: Why is self control important? =-.

    1. Hi Katinka,

      Congratulations on your web design deal.

      That’s true. Many people are busy being unproductive. With regard to social networking, I can see how people spend time doing it as a leisure activity, but if we’re not careful hours can pass without us realizing it.

  3. Hi Barbara – Back in the day when I was a stay at home Mom, I added volunteer commitments to my plate. Within these groups of (primarily) women, there would invariably be a few who fit your description. The irony is, often they would choose inefficient ways of getting things done, as if they were oblivious to multi-tasking, better travel routes, tools and shortcuts, etc. It was maddening to work with them, as their inefficiencies inevitably created a domino effect. And as they were volunteers, there was little accountability when they blew off their portion of a task. Stressful for everyone.

    I always felt my time was precious within the context of my priorities, and worked hard on streamlining. I’ve often heard it said, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” I think the axiom appeared because many successful (and busy) people do practice oversight and improvement towards greater efficiencies.

    It seems, though, that more and more successful people are getting things done by doing less at once. Eliminating excess noise allows one to focus completely on the task at hand, and do better work. “Flow” is singleminded – everything stops to allow the created to spring forth. I think we’d do well to remember that, especially if we’re recovering perfectionists.
    .-= Check out Betsy Wuebker´s awesome post: Spring is Early in Minnesota =-.

    1. Hi Betsy,

      Yes. I’ve heard that too; “If you want something done, ask a busy person”.

      I think you nailed it in your last paragraph. Busy people appear to spend less time multitasking, and more time focusing on one task at a time.

      Just as you mentioned, I’ve found I’m more productive when I’m working with a minimum of noise.

  4. Hello Barbara,

    This topic has always, always fascinated me. “Beware the bareness of a busy life”, so speaks Ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates. Was he right? Is being busy a productive and beneficial way to spend your life. That, of course, is a personal choice. However, in my opinion, if there is one thing everybody desires more than anything else, more than money or love or success, it’s meaning.

    Meaning is what humanity has always strived for: a reason, a purpose, a point. We see this arise in almost all human societies. Religion comforts as it tells us that there is someone or something that is stronger than humanity and that this being has a grand plan for us all. We are reassured by this knowledge, by the knowledge that there is some point to us all being here. Work is another example. We are perpetually working. What for? To get more money. Why do we want money? To live a comfortable life. What’s so great about a comfortable life, what is the point in working when sooner or later everything you’ve ever done will be forgotten and and your life will be over?

    That last idea is one that people hate. They hate to think that everything they’re doing is completely and utterly insignificant. So, they do more, set themselves goals, aspire to do more, work more, achieve more, earn more, all in an attempt to breathe substance and meaning into their lives. In short, to give them something to do.

    During the Great Depression of the late 20’s and early 30’s in the USA, President Roosevelt was accused of boon doggling. This means setting up ridiculous, pointless jobs in order to provide work for the unemployed and, hopefully, get the economy to grow again. One such of these fanciful jobs was an occupation in which an individual was paid to escort boxes from one side of America to the other. Little did they know that the boxes were empty and that their task was entirely futile. However, this gave these people something to do, to work at. It was pointless, unnecessary, but it gave them meaning. They felt like they had a purpose.

    In some instances, people are busy because they feel that being busy gives their life a purpose, it makes them feel important. In other cases, some people just like doing what they’re doing and want to do more if it. Let’s not be too cynical, just because you are always busy does not mean that you are some sort of attention seeking histrionic.

    As a creative individual, I have to have solitude, silence and peace in order to create a piece of work. But when I am not writing, I, like you, adore being busy. I do enjoy leisure, and there are some days when all I want to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and read a book. But there are other days when I want to be out, working, speaking, exploring.

    Like most things, I feel that a balance is required. Sure, be busy, work and work hard. But always remember that there are more important things than being busy and sometimes it’s nice to just slow down and reflect. In the words of Gandhi, “There is more to life than increasing its speed”.
    .-= Check out Sam Liu´s awesome post: I’m Back, A Premature Return =-.

    1. Hi Sam Liu,

      Wow! What a great comment.

      You’ve hit the nail on many heads but what stands out for me is the part where you mentioned how some feel if their life if busy, they have a purpose. And like you said, most people want to feel they do have a purpose. It gives us a reason to get up each day.

      With most bloggers having a creative steak in them, I think blogs give us a chance to be busy doing what we love. Although we can overdo it if we’re not careful, a blog can be the road to discovery of that “What is my purpose?” question.

      A cup of coffee and a good book. Yup! That’s a perfect way for me to experience leisure time, too. 🙂

  5. Ah Greetings Cuz’s,
    Yes, as they say ,”no dust gathers on a rolling stone” or something like that . If you are busy , you are doing something that is productive in one way or another . Besides , you are happy when busy as opposed to being dull and drab when idle . So , come on get up, get busy, and have a good day ya’ll .
    Have a Good Day !

  6. It basically comes down to two catergories: People who live to work, and people who work to live.

    I’m the latter.

    I HATE work. I avoid it like the plague, only doing what’s absolutely required.

    Because I much prefer to go fishing, skiing, hiking, painting, and relaxing and drinking beer.

    The only reason I’ll ever work hard on something, is if there’s a pay-back later on…. Eventually, I hope to reap the rewards of my labor, so that there will be more and more slack-off time for doing the things I like. And ultimately, only working, if or when I feel like it.

    I know too many people who have no life, except work work work. If they God Forbid have any free time, they seek even MORE more work to fill the void. At the expense of their health, or their friends, and family relationships.

    And I feel sorry for them. What are they running from?

    At the end of the day, sure, they make more money than me, and they have more ‘Stuff’.

    But I aint’ exactly starving msyelf. And at least, when my time is up, I can say I’ve taken the time to enjoy life.

    Well, anyway, that’s my two cents.

    There are more things in life than a career. There are friendships,
    .-= Check out Friar´s awesome post: The Bear visits the Charlevoix region =-.

    1. Hi Friar,

      Your comment reminds me of the workaholics I’ve seen in my life. Their friends and family are put on the back burner as they bury themselves in their jobs. Then when their final days arrive, they’re saying “woulda, shoulda, coulda…” and wishing they had more time on this Earth.

      I like that you brought up the point of how we might work harder NOW so we can reap the rewards in the future. It’s just like us who blog. We can share our talents and via our blogs, may get “discovered” or build a business or sell a service. When that happens we may be able to give up those jobs we only work for the paycheck and live our life doing that which we’re passionate about.

  7. Awesome article, and absolutely true. In fact, even God comments on being “idle”….

    “How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep—So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, And your need like an armed man.” (Proverbs 6:9-11)

    I feel a lot like you about people who are too busy. In the beginning I tried contacting a “big name” blogger, but I never got any responses. Being busy is one thing, but being ignored is another. I know for myself that no matter how many clients or work I have stacked up I will always stop and respond to people who contact me and need to talk. You have to make time for people otherwise what’s the point?
    .-= Check out Doug C.´s awesome post: Draw On Yourself =-.

    1. Thank you Doug,

      That’s true. It does come down to the fact we’re all people. As busy as we may be with work or blogging, responding to others is the courteous thing to do. Just as we want to be heard, so do others.

      Thank you for sharing the scripture that deals with this, as well.

  8. Great discussion! I love busyness. Even though I do complain about it when I’m swamped with work. lol But like you, I secretly thrive on it. That being said, I think down time is very important. It helps me regenerate and when that happens new, fresh ideas start to flow. Which then equates to more busyness. 😀
    .-= Check out Heather Villa´s awesome post: Idea of the week =-.

    1. Hi Heather,

      It does have a snowball effect, doesn’t it?

      I agree, downtime can not only help us to rejuvenate,but can get those creative juices flowing again.

      All work and now play, makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl.

  9. heck yes! I would ask a busy blogger! LOL! they are probably working smarter not harder! The longer I blog, the better I feel when I can get the list of things to do in an efficient manner. However, I do have the thought of working on one blog, keep it up to date, and ensuring that content is good before even tinkering with putting up another.

    I love downtime and work hard at getting there. To me, it is the badge of honor to laze around for one whole day.
    .-= Check out Linda´s awesome post: A Company Raising The Green Bar =-.

    1. Hi Linda,

      You go girl!

      I think you’re right. The “busy” bloggers have found a way to work smarter. And…some of them have also hired help so they can concentrate on what they do best while delegating the parts of blogging that may be more time consuming.

      Oh yeah. Those days when we can laze around and do as little as possible are pure bliss. 🙂

  10. I definitely thrive on being busy, and, in some ways, I get why people think of it as a status symbol. However, I think it’s really important to be busy doing things that make you feel fulfilled, which is why I love being busy with blogging. It’s a choice I’m making, but it’s a choice to focus on the things that interest me and make me happy.
    .-= Check out Positively Present´s awesome post: words to live by: staring in awe at our still lives =-.

    1. Hi Dani,

      That makes a huge difference, doesn’t it? – When we’re busy doing that which we love instead of spending our days dreading each slowly passing hour.

  11. I have gotten the impression the one’s I have experienced personally and professionally that yes it is a means of telling the world how sucessful and important they are, a status symbol and seems contrived to me. I am not talking about people who are busy with a lot of projects/work, or enjoy being busy, but those who make a point of always letting you know how bloody busy they are, and can’t fit a quick cup of coffee in, are always running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, and are constantly on the cell or texting. As others have said, balance is the key.

    Not quite sure how I look to others, it seems to be a mixed bag based on my gender, age, cultural upbringing and activities and status as an artist. I do know some seem to think I have “TIME” to do my art because I work on it full time. That time was made possible by careful consideration, but whether that means I am viewed as using that time busily I don’t know.
    .-= Check out jafabrit´s awesome post: Wee Beastie and Banksy Movie Trailer =-.

    1. Hi Jafabrit,

      I hear you. Like you, I see some who are so busy with their cell phones and/or texting, they don’t even see their life is passing them by.

      Your comment reminds me of how when we do end up in that place of our lives when we can do what we love full time, many forget what we had to do to get there. I think many bloggers are on that same path – putting in our time now so later we can reap the rewards.

  12. Hi Barb! Maybe I’m Greek and just don’t know it? It’s comical but I feel I am busy in the pursuit of a leisure life. I still can work well under pressure – if necessary – I just make sure it doesn’t happen very often.

    I really think a lot of the busy-ness out there is really close to a vanity call – maybe an unconscious ego thrust to feel important? I will approach a busy person – and have in the past. What is strange to me is how people use busy-ness as excuses for not staying in touch with friends, not reaching out to others, their communities etc. It’s becoming some status thing, I totally agree. And it is sad!
    .-= Check out suzen´s awesome post: No Limits Thinking =-.

    1. Hi Suzen,

      Welcome back. How was our time off?

      As I mentioned to Jafabrit (see comment above), I think many bloggers are also in pursuit of that leisure time and we’re putting our time in NOW, so we will have that leisure time later.

      I do agree. For some being busy is a vanity call, but do think others truly have so much on their plate they can’t possibly see adding more.

  13. Heh. You know what they say, if you want something done, give it to a busy person.

    Some folks are busy because they just have big plates and they heap things on. Others are busy because their organizational skills are lacking – they show up late in a flurry with papers flying about and out of breath.

    I think busy is in the eye of the beholder.

    .-= Check out George Angus´s awesome post: I Publish Thee, I Publish Thee Not =-.

  14. Having great down time, helps me have great up time.

    I schedule my free time and I reward myself for adding to it. I find I add to it by setting boundaries and by finding ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

    I think of it as investing across my life portfolio (mind, body, emotions, career, financial, relationships, and fun) and I set minimums and maximums where I need to for balance.
    .-= Check out J.D. Meier´s awesome post: Spring Cleaning Sources of Insight =-.

    1. Hi J.D.,

      I like the way you put that. If our down time has refreshed us, than our up time goes more smoothly.

      That’s a great way to have balance – by setting boundaries and rewarding ourselves. Unfortunately, I think a lot of us forget to do that and then feel stressed when we don’t get enough “me” time.

  15. Hi Barbara.
    I think that in a lot of cases, when people say they are busy it’s a way of saying they’re not doing what they really would like to be doing… nothing! When I used to work in an office, I’d hear colleagues complain about being too busy and then 10 minutes later I’d see them hanging out in the coffee room chatting. Guess they weren’t as busy as they wanted to appear. For those who love to be busy, another way of saying it would be that they are focused, cause you can be busy having fun too.

    I have friends who are workaholics; my dad is one. Personally, I prefer to be doing NOTHING but that’s not the way my life is set up right now. I’m very good at entertaining myself and don’t get bored very easily. If I didn’t have to work, I wouldn’t be working.
    .-= Check out Davina´s awesome post: Diapers or Dog Food? =-.

    1. Hi Davina,

      That’s true. If we’re focused on doing what we love to do, it’s really not that we’re “busy”, but we’re passionate about that which we’re doing and living it.

      You mentioned you wouldn’t be working if you didn’t have to. If that were the case, what do you see yourself doing? Writing, maybe?

      1. I’m glad you asked! If I didn’t have to work I would definitely be writing. I’d take up a musical instrument, probably the clarinet or guitar. Go hiking and camping as much as I could. People would come from miles around to admire my gardens 🙂 And I would still do life coaching just because I enjoy it. I’d live in the boonies and would fly my clients in to my luxury log cabin for their sessions (expenses paid), hah, hah.

        Nice little dream break. Thanks Barbara.
        .-= Check out Davina´s awesome post: Diapers or Dog Food? =-.

  16. Hi Barbara .. yes I believe it can be and often is used as such .. I’m important – I’ve got so much going on. It’s he people working quietly in the background who probably achieve more, and help others more. As my mother says do what you can today and what can be done today .. then tomorrow you can start again feeling refreshed.

    So people can make work for themselves .. whereas if we were more productive and organised .. we wouldn’t need to be rushing round in small circles … pretending we’re busy, when in fact we’re disorganised and not concentrating and dealing with the first things first! I’m off to do my first things first ..

    Thanks – really good post and thought provoking comments .. Hilary
    .-= Check out Hilary´s awesome post: Fancy a Cornish Cream Tea? In Cornwall, in Tokyo or at home? =-.

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I like that…”I’m off to do my first things first…” 🙂

      What you said is very true. A lack of organization can lead to unnecessary busyness. Like you, I like to set priorities. Once those are out of the way, then we can concentrate on the other tasks at hand, or better yet, play.

  17. What a thought provoking article, Barbara. Although I have to admit that over the years I’ve given a LOT of thought on this very topic.

    I don’t thrive on being busy at all, especially in the context of busyness as a status symbol. Frankly, I know that when my time is done that the world will roll on and it will be as if I’d never existed.

    I have wasted many years railing against that reality only to come away bitter and jaded. It’s a very human thing to want to have a purpose and want to have us and our actions count for something. But I’m beginning to come to the conclusion that meaning has to be found in the act of whatever we do whether it be grand or mundane. Busyness in and of itself is meaningless.

    Just look at the hamster caught in that spinning wheel.

    I prefer to have plenty of down time because that’s where meaning is also found for me. It’s in the act of whatever I do, but also in those times that I spend with friends laughing over stupid jokes. It’s in those times that I read a book, listen to a favourite CD for the gazillionth time, and when I doodle silly little pigs when other adults would be doing something more adult and sensible.

    As for how this all ties into blogging… well, I’m learning that the act of blogging can be meaning enough of itself. If I die tomorrow, you all will forget about me soon enough and it’ll be as if my blog never existed. Now please, PLEASE understand that I don’t say that to be accusing in any way, and I’m certainly not saying that with any bitterness or malice. It really is just the way of things. Death happens. Things change. But life goes on. Life always will. 🙂

    So I have to blog because I want to. I have to learn to appreciate my readers no matter how many or few they might be. There is no realistic model for a “successful” blog. Success is just all in the mind. In my mind, success for me is the act of continuing to create no matter how famous or obscure I might be.

    By the way, if I’ve offended anyone with what I’ve said there, you have my sincere apologies. I do not wish to get anyone’s noses bent out of shape over what is merely my opinion. 🙂
    .-= Check out Tony Single´s awesome post: Alive in Hatey =-.

  18. Hi Tony,

    First, I’ll say, you don’t need to apologize to me as I understand where you’re coming from. Bloggers come and bloggers go, and no matter how popular we may become, in time we, as individuals, will all be forgotten.

    One thing I’ve found about blogging is no matter what size a blog is, or how “busy” a blogger appears to be, it comes down to their work (written, audio, video or other) and how they have contributed to blogosphere. With the world wide web supposedly going on forever, it will be the works of bloggers that will remain behind.

    Your comment also reminds me of something Dr. Wayne Dyer said, (and don’t quote me word for word on this), “in the end, it all comes down to being of service to others that makes our life meaningful”

    With blogging, I feel we all do that in one form or another, even if it’s just to make another person smile.

  19. Hi Barbara,

    Actually busyness is something I love till it not interfere my enjoyment, my personal life. I love to work on pressure but I don’t like to work 12-14 hrs. I’m working for better life not to spoil my life. I never thing busyness is a status symbol if that busyness means I need to spoil my personal enjoyment or if that busyness means I need to wait for a holiday to execute what my heart want.

    .-= Check out Arafat Hossain Piyada´s awesome post: Use Flickr GeoTag As Tag into your images semi-automatically with Flickr GeoReverse =-.

    1. Hi Arafat,

      I know what you’re saying. Working 12 to 14 hours a day can get old and can interfere with our personal life. As long as we can find that balance, I think we can have both and still have a fulfilling life.

  20. It is completely our “fault” for lack of a better word. Those of us working from home, and multitasking chose to do so.

    I like to be busy, as it means things are moving forward. I do not like to feel overwhelmed though, and I always hope to portray an open sign to anyone that needs me.
    .-= Check out Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s awesome post: DEDC Remains DoFollow – BUT… =-.

    1. Hi Dennis,

      Yes. It is our “fault” (or choice) to be busy.

      Like you, I don’t want to be portrayed as unapproachable, either. When we blog to help others, our doors should remain open.

  21. I agree with J.D., balance is best.

    Business at work (workaholism) is one of the great American ways to avoid dealing with feelings, and the entrepreneur model which is so popular on the Internet right now is a great way to become a workaholic.

    1. Hi Dot,

      That’s a good point and it makes me wonder – once a workaholic, always a workaholic? Unfortunately being online may make it even easier to become a workaholic since we have 24 hour access.

  22. Busy is good. It means you are working toward something. But I’d say… we must be careful how we invest our time. We should be busy in the smartest ways we can.

    For example… if you’re a blogger, it might be more effective to spend an hour writing up a guest post than commenting on other blogs.


    It may be more effective commenting on other blogs than spending the same time in your reader.

    In that sense, I think we should invest our busyness in ways that give us the greatest return.
    .-= Check out Bamboo Forest – PunIntended´s awesome post: 7 Ways to Guarantee an Oscar =-.

    1. Hi Bamboo,

      That’s very true. How we spend that “busy time” can either benefit us or end up being a waste of time. Measuring our return on investment (of time) is a great way to figure out if how we’re spending our time is worthwhile, or not.

  23. Hi Barbara,

    They say if you need something doing ask a busy person…we get more done and this is a good platform for success. Lazy people don’t get anywhere.

    Enjoy the journey.

    .-= Check out Mandy Allen´s awesome post: Do you feel famous? =-.

  24. Hi Mandy,

    Yes. Busy people do seem to have it figured out, don’t they? They have not only learned how to manage their time efficiently, but are effective, as well.

  25. Barbara,

    I had fun exploring your new site, The Blog Boutique. I love your photographs and I’m pleased to see them showing up a theme ideas. You really are quite talented. This isn’t a surprise to me, but more a pleasing awareness. There is so much talent in the blogoshere. I love it:~)

    In answer to your question, I prefer down time. It took me a long time and lots of stress related problems to realize this. Now, I actually work at creating the quiet times in my day.

    As I am the guide-person for blind elderly dog, I have learned to use the many times we must take a “rest” break outside to be quiet. I sit and watch nature while she takes care of her “business!” It seems to work pretty well for both of us:~)
    .-= Check out Sara´s awesome post: Picture Story: Season of Spring =-.

    1. Thank you Sara,

      I’m happy to hear you enjoyed exploring The Blog Boutique. Manipulating photos is another passion of mine, so that will become the perfect place for me to showcase my work.

      You know, you’re onto something. Often when we’re stressed out, trying to do too much, or not saying “no” to more, we begin to feel overwhelmed but don’t know how to rid ourselves of that feeling. Once we realize it’s a little bit of quiet time we need to recharge, we soon find a way to fit that into our day and end up being closer to that “balance”.

  26. HI Barbara,
    I do thrive on busyness….but I often get tired of it too. So, when i feel like its all too much I just go in withdrawal from all things electronic computer, phone, tv…and just relax with my family and doodle my time away. I think i need a bit of both or rather a balance between both. What works best fro me is atleast 1 full day of relaxation per 2 weeks.
    But i agree it is the illusion of busyness that seems to give people the thought of us being unreachable or unapproachable.
    I think a post like this one puts things in perspective for your readers…they now know you are infact ready to be approached, if they thought otherwise.
    I think its the subtle lines in our posts/blogs that give our readers the comfort to reach out to us. Dont you think so too ?
    Much love,
    .-= Check out Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s awesome post: The Secret to an Unwavering Positive Outlook =-.

    1. Hi Zeenat,

      That’s true. If we can find balance between busyness and leisure time, we’re better off for it.

      I agree.. Bloggers do send subtle messages to their readers via their posts as well as comments on theirs and other blogs. By reading them, we quickly find out who is approachable, and who prefers to be left alone.

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