No One Put A Gun To My Head

When Dr. John Robinson was a guest on the Dr. Phil show he created a firestorm of comments when he said (not a direct quote)

… women have 30-40  hours of LEISURE time each week

But after interviewing a handful of mothers with young children, it was quite evident, Dr. Robinson would lose this argument.

After all, how can you argue with a mom who is up before the crack of dawn, carries a child on her hip as she does laundry, cooks, cleans, dusts and vacuums. Add to that the time she spends shuttling children from one activity to another, helps with their homework, tends to other family needs, maybe even holds down a full time job, plus tries to stay connected to friends and family.  For her, leisure time seems elusive.

One guest admitted, “… I did it to myself!”

Her words resonated with me.

Today’s Lesson

Every blogger CHOOSES to blog.

Let face it, no one had a gun to our head saying, “you must blog”.


Something in each of us drove us to put ourselves ‘out there”. Something inspired us to pick and learn a blogging platform, choose a topic(s) to write about, and continue to come back to our keyboards day after day, writing and hitting “publish”.

We make the choice whether to answer comments or not, visit other blogs or not, learn SEO (search engine optimization), or not, join social networks, or not. Plus much more.

But…every choice has a price.

Just like a mom who realizes by choosing to have babies, she’s giving up other aspects of her life, as bloggers we are choosing to give up “something”, too.

For me, other hobbies I’ve enjoyed in the past are now on the back burner. Reading a real book or just vegging on the couch are activities I don’t practice often. I find I cook and clean less, as well.

I sleep less, spend less time on gardening, go less, and talk on the phone less.

But you know what?

I have no regrets.

To blog was one of the best choices I’ve made in a long time.

What about you?

Today’s Assignment

When you chose to start a blog, what did you give up?

Do you regret it?

Care to share?

signature for blog post.

P.S. Dr. Robinson stated men also have the same amount of leisure time each week, however it appeared to come down to how each of us defines “leisure time”.

70 thoughts on “No One Put A Gun To My Head

    1. Hi Vered,

      I hope you find some “ME” time, too. As much as blogging can bring us pleasure, not taking time away from the blog can lead to burnout, as well.

  1. Looking around me right now, I’m smiling; my family would probably say I gave up cleaning and tidying to blog! I probably watch less TV in the evenings and sadly, I probably go on fewer ‘artist’s dates’, walks and café writing expeditions when the kids are at school.

    This is an excellent post, Barbara, one we should all re-read and absorb. I was guilty last year of feeling like I was being sucked into some kind of blogging feeding frenzy, but as you say, it’s all choices. I chose to have kids; I chose to be a stay at home mum; I chose to try and supplement our income by working from home. No-one made me blog, just as no-one makes me write comments or blog posts that could be shorter. No-one tells me how many blogs to visit, or how long to spend blogging each day. The minute I realised that, really took it in, a huge weight lifted. Any tiredness or occasional disillusionment I feel is all my own baggage.
    .-= Check out janice´s awesome post: A Patchwork Post: Quote-hunting, My Bloggling’s Birthday…and Cake! =-.

    1. Hi Janice,

      Yup! When we blog, those dust bunnies just grow a little bigger before we sweep them up. 🙂

      It is all about the choices WE make, isn’t it? It’s just like you said, we don’t have someone standing over us saying we HAVE TO do anything. It’s our choice and it’s up to us to decide what we want to do with it, and what we’re willing to sacrifice.

  2. I don’t think I’ve giving up anything to blog. I just wanted to be a writer and to build a platform. So I write. Blogging gives me the focus to continue writing and creating content.

    I find that it doesn’t actually take up that much time if you write when ever you can and have articles sitting on your computer waiting to be posted up, or not.

    I guess I’m a casual blogger even though I post quite regularly. I could put more time and effort into becoming well known and establishing a bigger audience but that’s not really my concern at this point. Of course, it doesn’t really have to be anyone’s focus either. We do all have a choice about how much time this blogging hobby actually takes up.

    1. Hi Chase,

      As I was reading your comment I wondered, “what would you be doing with the time you spend blogging, if you weren’t blogging?” Being a writer, would you still be writing or does the blog motivate you to have a schedule, of sorts?

  3. Hi Barbara.

    I just read Janice’s response and want to say, ditto, ditto, and ditto to her first paragraph. The cooking and cleaning and artist’s dates and cafe writing — all of which I used to do regularly. I still read though — every morning and at night.

    My only regret is the downsizing of painting time. I still have to figure that in, ’cause I love it as much as writing.

    Blogging is more than writing, of course, and writing is why I started to blog in the first place. But now I have a small few who come regularly for coffee, and I love their visits and thought-filled comments. What could be a lonely prospect isn’t so lonely any more. Reading others’ blogs is time-consuming, but I love doing that too. For many reasons you cited above.

    As far as Dr. Phil’s guest — I guess he meant sleep-time? It amuses me when people are so willing to be wrong without any idea what they are wrong about. 🙂
    .-= Check out Barb Hartsook´s awesome post: Spring Cleaning and New Beginnings =-.

    1. Hi Barb,

      I hope you figure out a way to incorporate your love of painting with blogging, too. Your creations are gorgeous, as are your words. Have the two joined would be awesome.

      You know, when we outweigh what we don’t get done around the house with the connections we make online, the choice is easy, isn’t it?

      1. Responding to your second paragraph with a resounding YES! After reading your post last night I had this amazing insight about just how special my online friends are to me. I’ve been involved in a forum for three years (help moderate in fact) and blogging for less than two, and I covet both — just for those connections you mentioned.

        I am working on incorporating more of my paintings and tutorials — not all the details have come together. Thanks for being an encourager…
        .-= Check out Barb Hartsook´s awesome post: Spring Cleaning and New Beginnings =-.

  4. I do not feel like I gave up on anything except sleep. But I find that I do not need much. So why not fill up the extra time by blogging! 😀
    .-= Check out Linda´s awesome post: Forced Green Is Now 2 =-.

    1. Hi Linda,

      It sounds like filling up your extra time blogging works perfectly for you.

      You’re so lucky you don’t need all that much sleep. I tried getting less and all I got was sick. Aurghhhh!

  5. I watch a lot less television and read less books. I too have no regrets Barbara, because I’ve been spending more time writing, which I love. I do less yoga, but more walking than I used to. I guess yoga is less appealing because I spend so much time in my chair that I prefer a more active form of exercise. But, I do miss yoga though.
    .-= Check out Davina´s awesome post: Beyond the Dysfunctional Family =-.

  6. Hi Davina,

    Isn’t it funny when we start blogging, all of a sudden, some of those TV shows we watched, lose their importance?

    You brought up a good point. When we blog, we often give up exercise. Although that can be easy to do, I think it’s essential we do what ever we can to maintain good health.

  7. Hi Barbara .. not having kids .. but I can see/feel the hours put in and contstant attention to everything, not just the child, is huge – having done some looking after in my life.

    Blogging became a release for me from the caring of my mother and uncle – but something they enjoyed from the inspiration and stimulation my eclectic posts gave them – it’s been a positive benefit.

    So exercise and freedom I’ve lost to an extent – but that’s not blogging, that’s life and the length of care for my mother only now. The experience I wouldn’t have missed .. though what I’m experiencing at the moment personally is a little more taxing that I’d anticipated – such is life (again!) .. a learning process and a tale or saga to tell later on.

    Blogging certainly provides lots of opportunities – so perhaps we need to evaluate where we’re going with the blog .. and absorb those thoughts into our daily process .. perhaps it’s like Uni .. terms, revision and a break, then we graduate and we’ll be able to fit things in ..

    thanks – great ideas .. Have a lovely Easter – Hilary
    .-= Check out Hilary´s awesome post: Chess, one of 100 objects, Northern Sea Trading Routes, India and Persia … =-.

    1. Hi Hilary,

      That’s a great point. Often blogging is an activity we can do to vent about what going on in our lives. Whether others are reading or not, writing about it helps to get it off our chest.

      I do agree we need to evaluate where we’re going with our blogs – whether it’s to make a business out of them or to only use them as a “hobby”. I think that, too, can affect how we much time we put into them.

      Happy Easter to you and your mom, Hilary!

  8. I have six kids, homeschool, volunteer in the community and at church, perform, and am a professional blogger, writer, and speaker. And people always ask me how I do “it all.”

    Huh? Although I’ve never seen a single episode of Dr. Phil, I agree with the sentiment here. Most of us have lots of discretionary time. We just forget how many time we, say, watch Dr. Phil.

    In business it’s called “opportunity cost.”
    .-= Check out Alison Moore Smith´s awesome post: Big Top Cupcake =-.

    1. Hi Alison,

      You’re comment makes me smile – how do you do “it all” 🙂 It is all about the choices we make, isn’ it? If we want something bad enough, we do figure out a way to get it/do it.

  9. I do find that since I like to write my blog posts early in the morning for the most part, I do give up some sleep. But blogging has opened a way to say some of the things that are just rambling around in my head anyway. Though my blog is tied to my business, I try to keep the focus in the right direction but every once in awhile throw in something off topic.

    As Chase said, it lets me follow through with my love for writing. Blogging is different than writing resumes and the connection between bloggers makes blogging fun. There are people I would never have met without blogging and commenting on blogs.

    I have some great friends from blogging and I also have selected people or services based on their blogs so there is value for me from that perspective. The world is less limited when you can talk to people around the globe. Twitter and Facebook do that too but I find that blogs help me see more of a person.
    .-= Check out Julie Walraven | Resume Services´s awesome post: I Don’t Wanna =-.

    1. Hi Julie,

      That’s true, isn’t it? Even if we blog for business, when we get outside of that niche and start meeting other bloggers, like you said, we find the world is less limited. And…that’s something we wouldn’t have known if we didn’t blog or interact online.

      To think we start a blog, often expecting one thing, and end up finding the rewards are priceless.

  10. Sad to say, I gave up both reading books and exercising regularly. I’m working on fixing the latter, though. I find it takes a lot more effort to get out and walk, or pop in my aerobics tape now because the lure of the blog (and peripheral blogging activities) is so strong for me.

    I try to tell myself “If you sit here for a half an hour and do blogging things, where will it get you? If you take that half an hour and go out and walk, you’ll feel better and all your blogging things will be right where you left them.”

    Hey, whatever it takes. I have a goal to fit into size 10 jeans before summer’s over. Wish me luck.
    .-= Check out Junk Drawer Kathy´s awesome post: Does the Five-Second Rule Count for Ice Cream? =-.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      Ah…..the lure of the blog. It’s gets to us, doesn’t it? It’s really no wonder so many people get hooked on blogging (and other online activities, as well), and find that which they once enjoyed or that which they know they should be doing, gets put on the back burner. Time for a 12 step program, hey?

      I wish you well with your Size 10 plan. 🙂

  11. Funny you mention sleeping less. I sleep less too (a lot less). But really, I gave up tv I suppose (and it’s a good thing really). I find I’m happier reading, learning and writing. Often times I’ll put on my favorite Pandora station and zone out focusing on creating new content for my various sites and for work. It’s fun!
    .-= Check out Ricardo Bueno´s awesome post: Start With the Basics =-.

    1. Hi Ricardo,

      Your comment reminded me of how when we do start blogging, and like it, our life can change. Instead of passing our time watching TV or being unproductive, blogging often brings out our creative side.

      And like you said, blogging has also made you happier. From reading your tweets, it sounds like you’re meeting tons of new friends online as well as off.

  12. Hi Barbara,

    Thank you so much for writing about this topic because it has been on my mind and have wondered am I alone in this realization. It is nice to see that I am not.

    Yes, my life has changed a lot since blogging. The concept of free time no longer exists. I had a busy life before blogging but had free time to just do whatever. Now, my free time, is focused on reading more about blogging and getting ideas for posts and so much more. I still have a personal life and my husband and I do go out and have fun. It is just that life no longer has those moments of being bored or dull. It is wonderful and I love it.

    It is nice to longer have moments of boredom. It is nice to finally have a life that I love where everything (for the most part) is a joy.

    Heather hit on great point too. Many people view blogging as a hobby so that may afford them more free time. But for those of us who treat it like a business or for those whose blog leads to a business, the method of handling it is very different.

    I guess to each their own and that is awesome!
    .-= Check out Nadia – Happy Lotus´s awesome post: Wisdom from the Dalai Lama: Being Like the Sun & Yes, We’re Moving =-.

    1. Hi Nadia,

      I’m happy to hear what has been shared here resonates with you. I know you’re in the middle of a big shift in your life, and it sounds like blogging is what started it.

      You’re right about not getting bored if we blog. If we ever get that feeling all we need to do is visit someone else, work behind the scenes, write posts, etc…. Oh, what fun!

  13. For some people, blogging is hobby, for others it’s part of their job – an aspect of running a business. Maybe it started at as hobby and became a job. Regardless, everything is about choices and balance. Finding a way to balance everything can be difficult, but ultimately I think we end up doing what we want to do.
    .-= Check out Heather Villa´s awesome post: If you are successful, you suck! =-.

    1. Hi Heather,

      Good point. Blogging often starts out as a hobby and transitions into a job or a business. Knowing that can happen is another reason some bloggers don’t give up and will make sacrifices to make “it” happen.

  14. I dont’ understand people who get stressed out about blogging.

    If you’re not blogging for a living, and it’s too demanding, for God’s sake, STOP. Or just blog LESS.

    Good Lord, it’s not like the BlogoLand Police will revoke your license or anything. The World will somehow survive.

    And if you ARE blogging for a living, you should expect to put in at least 40 hours a week on your computer. If not 50 or 60.

    That is…if you want to earn a comfortable living wage. That’s how many hours a week people do in the Real World invest in their career.

    And those 8 hours sitting in front of a computer needs to be “Work”-work. Not horsing around.

    NOT Twittering about what the cat ate for breakfast. NOT reading “10 Tips on how to re-organize your birthday candles”.

    That’s called “leisure time”, for people with full-time day-jobs.
    .-= Check out Friar´s awesome post: Lighthouse from Hell =-.

    1. Hi Friar,

      So….that’s what happens when you have a full time day job? No wonder Twitter is so busy during the day. 🙂 I want one of those day jobs. Do they pay good?

      I do agree we should not feel we’re under pressure to publish for fear of whatever…

      You have raised another issue. For those who hope to “make it” (whatever that means) online, we do have to find a way to put in our time, hence weighing what we’re willing to give up.

  15. Hi Barbara! I’m actually leaving today for a weeks vacation with NO computer and I really hope the time away lets me reevaluate some things. I love blogging and the people I’ve met, but it really is taking up more time than I am willing to give it anymore. You know I’ve written about this before. I’m evolving into a health and nutrition field so my blog may evolve as well. We’ll see where it flows – I’m open to whatever and have no regrets about anything – that is clearly NOT the way to live. I may be reflecting back to the hippie philosophy a bit – if it feels good, do it.

    1. Hi Suzen,

      Lucky you, Suzen. Five days without a computer. That sounds like a perfect vacation. I hope you find time to do all those other things you’ve always enjoyed but may have ended up on the back burner.

      Please do keep me posted on what you decide. Whatever you choose, you know you have my support.

      ((hugs)) to you, too.

  16. Oddly you might say I did have a gun to my head, kinda sorta maybe. 😉

    Seriously though, I was forced home full time with back injuries in 2003-ish and haven’t looked back.

    I would have anyway, as being my own boss was always a plan of mine…just not like that. lol
    .-= Check out Dennis Edell´s awesome post: Comment Contest Continues Through April! =-.

    1. Hi Dennis,

      Ironic how life works, isn’t it? We often get that which we wish for, but not necessarily on our terms.

      I’m happy to hear it’s working out for you. 🙂

  17. Barbara — I am very glad you decided to blog! If you hadn’t, I don’t think I would have continued my own blogging.

    Recently, I questioned my own blogging. I was feeling fatigued and stressed. I took a half day off and just sat outside. But the computer eventually called to me. I went back the next morning and read the comments from my most recent post.

    The comments reminded me of why I love blogging and keep doing it. I have such a wonderful group of people who visit my site. It’s not the things they say about my post; that’s nice, but that’s not what I’m into.

    What I love is that they share parts of themselves with me — their creativity, humor and joy — all expressed in the comment box. Reading their words gives me so much positive energy! I just hope I return the favor.

    Whatever I might give up in my life as a blogger, I get back double and triple times over:~)
    .-= Check out Sara´s awesome post: My Grandfather’s Old Journal =-.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words Sara,

      What you said is so true. It’s often those who comment on our blogs that keep us going when we might feel like throwing up our hands. Their words are telling us we make a difference, not only in their life, but maybe in the life of someone who’s not commenting.

      I can only speak for myself, but you always bring joy to me when you share your thoughts here. 🙂

  18. I have no regrets either! Well, maybe one — I do a lot less actual snail-mail letter writing. I find writing long-hand harder to do, now that my fingers are more used to this keyboard. But hey! Gotta keep up with the technology.

    I used to read a lot of books, but find blogs more interesting.

    And if I have a life question or concern, I get fast wonderful suggestions from my blogging buds — how can you beat that??

    1. Hi Jannie,

      Handwritten letters? Those are great to send, and receive.

      I like the point you brought up. When we have a question, our blogging buds are the best ones to ask. They always come up with great ideas.

  19. Hi Barbara
    Didn’t realise just how much we have to do until I read…

    “Something inspired us to pick and learn a blogging platform, choose a topic(s) to write about, and continue to come back to our keyboards day after day, writing and hitting “publish”.”

    I may not be at the keyboard day after day, but I do enjoy putting a good post together, adding a bit of humour and trying to motivate people to get involved in Public Speaking.

    For most of us it’s a passion and if we didn’t enjoy it… we wouldn’t do it. Or would we?
    .-= Check out Keith Davis´s awesome post: A helping hand… =-.

    1. Hi Keith,

      Good question. Would we blog if it wasn’t a passion? I’d say some do because they have read they can make six figures doing it. Unfortunately it’s in the fine print that tells us we might need to put in five or more years and attract tens of thousands of visitors on a regular basis.

  20. Hi Barbara,

    Yes, I definitely made some sacrifices when I started blogging. I don’t have as much free time and spend less and less time, well, just relaxing, I suppose. I’m always checking out the latest posts on the numerous blogs I subscribe to. Plus, I’m a bit of a perfectionist and I’m constantly refining the minutia of my own blog. So, in short, I spend a lot of time in the Blogosphere and don’t, consequently, have as much time for other things (sometimes even my real work, like essays and such, comes second to blogging!)

    But, I’m just like you. I don’t regret it at all. I love it. I love the people I meet, the things I learn and I love the ability to be able to publish my own thoughts and see what people think of them. If I could go back, I’d do it all again. Blogging is, undoubtedly, a truly wonderful thing.
    .-= Check out Sam Liu´s awesome post: And The Winner Is… =-.

    1. Hi Sam Liu,

      Isn’t it amazing what we will give up to blog? To me, that says it’s a passion; one of those things we’ll continue to do whether we make money at it or not.

      I know what you mean about blogging sometimes coming before work. Unless what I’m doing is under a deadline, I know I can blog a little before getting back to the task at hand. Fortunately we’re self employed so if I need to “work late”, I’m not far from the home office. 🙂

  21. I have no regrets….I still read about 3 books per week, but then I blog about reading them and share some insight I learned…

    …then again I have Adrenal Burn Out….a caregivers dis-ease where one did not take enough time for themselves along the way – or on a daily basis….

    I think because of my childhood illnesses, I always feel the driven need to prove myself.

    I would like to write a book (but so few are reading books these days!) so I blog and blog and blog…

    This was a fun post to read today – thank you
    .-= Check out Patricia´s awesome post: Barbara Kingslover, This Writer’s Writer =-.

    1. You’re welcome Patricia,

      You know, that’s a great idea. For those of us who like to read, to read books, and then blog about them. It’s a win-win.

      So…you have a book in you? Maybe it’s time to write it. Just as you are reading books and reviewing them, all of us blogging buddies of yours could read yours and blog about it.

      What do you think? 🙂

  22. Actually for me it was like Robert E. Howard — a barbarian with an axe appeared in my room and demanded that I blog, so I got on it. 🙂 No, I don’t have regrets about blogging — I’ve always written a journal, and now I just write my journal online — with probably a tad more professionalism, but oh well.

    1. You’re funny Chris, and the writer in you is showing. 🙂

      That’s true. Although we may have written in a journal, when we blog and realize others may be reading our words, we have a tendency to use greater care with how it’s presented.

  23. My marriage. And nope no regrets here either. What did I gain? A deeper appreciation for myself and my skills, answers about how my abusive child hood seeped into every aspect of my life (including my marriage) and a wonderfully eclectic community of supporters. Haters too, but they have a purpose as well… challenged me to re examine my convictions the result of which made me let go of some and reinforced my faith in others. Made me stronger, thats fer sure!

    1. Hi Hazel,

      That happens, doesn’t it? We start blogging and in some ways it ends up as therapy. Then in the process, we meet others with whom our words resonate and they become our biggest supporters.

      I like what you said about the “haters”. They too have their place. How smart of you to take what they said and use it to examine your convictions.

  24. I haven’t given up anything to be a blogger. Actually, if it weren’t for blogging I wouldn’t still be writing and drawing. Blogging gives me an outlet and purpose for those things that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Thank goodness for the internet, eh?
    .-= Check out Tony Single´s awesome post: Walking Through a Field of Thoughts =-.

    1. Hi Tony,

      I hear you. “Thank goodness for the internet”. If we’re going to be writing, and in your case, drawing (too), why not show others what we do. Who knows where the exposure may lead?

  25. I don’t think I’ve given up anything for blogging. It fits into my day in between my everyday chores. I enjoy the process of putting together a post that I think with help or entertain people. I have learned a lot by writing on such topics as Valentine’s day and St. Patrick’s day. Learning and sharing is always a good thing.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Yes. Learning and sharing are good things. It sounds like you’ve found the ideal way to incorporate blogging into your everyday life. Sweet!

    1. Hi Barb,

      I like the way you worded that. It shows what you are, plus also shows you’re a blogger, too. You’re definitely a woman who wears many hats.

      Mmmmmm. Coffee. That’s a fave of mine, too. 🙂

  26. In the beginning, no. My personal blog gave me something I needed to find myself again. However, over time, I did start to have some reservations. Like you, I was staying up late, cleaning less and putting my family in second place. It got to a point where I constantly worried about what I was going to write next and how I was going to get through all the posts in my reader. Slowly I turned the tables and now post rarely. And that, I have no regrets about, because, I spend more time with my family again. As important as the people are that I met on-line, my family is more important.

    That is the beauty with blogging. You can change things to suit you. I can’t however give my children back. Not that I want to and although I did “do it to myself” I’m not asking for martyrdom, just a little appreciation once in a while. 🙂
    .-= Check out Debbie Yost´s awesome post: How Others Affect Your Happiness in the Workplace =-.

    1. Hi Debbie,

      Thank you for sharing with such honesty.

      I do agree. Family (and our real life) should come first. However, as you know, it’s so easy to get so wrapped up in blogging, we may inadvertently spend less time with friends and family without realizing it.

      It sounds like you’ve now found a good balance.

  27. Barbara,
    Don’t you think that you are applying the approach of “No pain, no gain”? I haven’t given up anything for Blogging. I chose Blogging because I love to share my ideas and I try to keep a balance with the other aspects of my life. Pursuing what we love is our birthright and duty! I love what I do everyday.
    All the best,
    .-= Check out boris´s awesome post: Four ways of sharpening your Brain =-.

    1. Hi Boris,

      The “No pain, no gain” approach? Definitely if we want to do “something” with our blogs or blogging abilities – it takes a time commitment and often that time must be stolen from another area of our lives.

      I echo what you said about loving to share via a blog. What a great platform to do that, hey?

  28. I don’t think I give up anything to blog. I usually blog while downloading my pictures at work. Otherwise, I am just sitting there. Blogging gave me a voice when I felt like I didn’t have one. I love doing it because it is another facet of who I am.
    .-= Check out Silly Girl´s awesome post: Dreaming of my pillow =-.

    1. Hi Silly Girl,

      That sounds like an ideal situation – to be able to blog while at work when you’d otherwise just be sitting there.

      Yes. Blogging does give us a voice. And like you said, it exposes another aspect of who we are.

  29. My first visit, and I will definitely be back for more! I also get asked how I fit everything in, but I think if you really enjoy what you are doing then you just get on with it. I have plenty of ‘me’ time too – I’m an avid relaxer! Sometimes you just have to identify those things that are important and ditch those that really aren’t.

    Enjoy the journey.

    .-= Check out Mandy Allen´s awesome post: Do you feel famous? =-.

    1. Welcome Mandy,

      You said that so well, “Sometimes you just have to identify those things that are important and ditch those that really aren’t.”

      I think it’s amazing how what we once thought was important to spend our time on, no longer holds that draw when we start blogging.

  30. When i first started blogging i gave up watching tv, going out with friends, watching movies and etc. At first doing so was hard for me. But now i make time to enjoy myself. Because simply that is what life is all about. Plus i blog to not become attached to my computer all day.
    .-= Check out Josten´s awesome post: Brian Tracy Tribute to Jim Rohn =-.

    1. Hi Josten,

      That’s a good point. When we start blogging and realize we’re going to have to give some stuff up, it can be hard. Then, like you said, if we make time to enjoy ourselves too, it can be like having the best of both worlds. 🙂

  31. Barbara,

    Initially the blogging was just another aspect of getting my writing business off the ground. I’m kind of addicted now. I’ll happily take the ups and the downs of this roller coaster!

    .-= Check out George Angus´s awesome post: What’s Your Writing Background? =-.

    1. Hi George,

      Isn’t it amazing how blogging changes for us over time? For you, it was a way of getting your writing business off the ground, and now you’re getting known all over blogosphere (and Twitter).

      And I agree; it’s well worth the ups and downs.

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