The Advantage of Having More Than One Blog

For me, having two WordPress blogs, has proven to be very helpful. Being in the process of learning HTML code, and adding advertising to my blogs, I spend a lot of time in the “presentation” section of my blogs.

Last night, I was on a quest to add my blog stats, i.e. number of blogs for each item in my “Category” and “Archives” sections. I thought I had found the perfect plugin for this purpose, however, after I activated it, I couldn’t get it to work. (In fact, I did something wrong, and ended up with a syntax error-not good. But, I got that taken care of.)

In my blog, the WordPress theme automatically shows the stats. Well, I knew the code had to be written on one of the pages, but wasn’t sure which page that would be. I carefully searched the pages in the “presentation” section, and found it in the “sidebar” page. I had both of my blogs open in my browser, so I toggled between the two blogs, and copied and pasted the code from one to the other. When I “updated”, the numbers showed up, just as I had wanted them to.

So, with that being said, having two blogs may mean twice the work, however, it has now proven to be a real asset.

Who would have thought?