What Do Blogging And Dieting Have In Common?

Blogging can be compared to dieting in many ways. In some ways, blogging and dieting are opposite, but in other ways, blogging and dieting are the same.

With dieting, you want lower numbers
With blogging you want higher numbers

With dieting, we may be obsessed with our “numbers”, and “weigh in” daily
With blogging, we may be obsessed with our “numbers”, and “weigh in” hourly

With dieting, if our “numbers” go up, Ugh! Not good. You “beat yourself up”, go on a binge, and say “why bother?” Or, you may jump on the treadmill, and work your butt off.
With blogging, if our “numbers” go down, Ugh! Not good. You may feel discouraged, say “why bother”, and turn off the computer. Or, you may say, “I need to change this”, and sit down at your computer, and concentrate on writing a great post, filled with tons of value.

With dieting, if you eat the wrong foods, your numbers will go up.
With blogging, if you don’t post great articles, your numbers will go down.

With dieting, if you don’t incorporate exercise into your daily routine, the numbers may go up.
With blogging, if you don’t incorporate keyword density, meta tags, etc., your numbers may go down.

With dieting, if you don’t start with a good plan, you may not lose weight.
With blogging, if you don’t start with a good blogging platform, you may have problems “getting off the ground”

With dieting, if you don’t rid your pantry and refrigerator of fattening foods, you may fail.
With blogging, if you don’t have Akismet (or another spam killer) installed, you may spend all of your time dealing with spam.

With dieting, several small meals spaced throughout the day, supposedly works better than three large meals.
With blogging, posting several shorter articles (a series), may work better than posting one long article.

With dieting, it’s best to stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed.
With blogging, it best to “shut it down”periodically, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy life.

Before starting a diet, it’s wise to find a diet that will work for you by doing some research
With blogging, it’s wise to do research, so you can learn more

With dieting, if something doesn’t work for you, learn from it and go on.
With blogging, if you make mistakes, learn from them and go on.

With dieting, you need to drink water, water, water.
With blogging, you need to post, post , post.

With dieting, incorporating fun activities into your routine, makes getting exercise fun
With blogging, remember not to take it too seriously. Show your personality in your posts, and give your readers a laugh every now and then.

With dieting, successful dieters usually attend weekly meetings.
With blogging, successful bloggers, usually “connect” with other bloggers by visiting other sites.

For dieters, there are lots of free resources online.
For bloggers, there are lots of free resources online.

For dieters, when your clothes get too big, it’s best to get rid of them.
For bloggers, when your old posts aren’t being read, it’s best to “let them die”

With dieting, if one diet doesn’t work for you, you can try a new one.
With blogging, if one theme doesn’t work for you, you can try a new one.

With dieting, you can try to “jump start” your weight loss with “diet pills”.
With blogging, you can try to “jump start” your ratings and earnings, by using words like “mesotheloma” (not really)

With dieting, you can put off starting your diet until “tomorrow”
With blogging, you can “post date” your posts for “tomorrow”

With dieting, you can create a “buddy system”
With blogging, you can incorporate “linking”

With dieting, you can draw more attention to yourself by losing weight.
With blogging, you can draw more attention to your blog by using meta tags, keyword density, and comment on other sites.

With dieting, you can be an inspiration to others by telling them about your success
With blogging, you can leave your comments open so your readers can communicate with you.

With dieting, you can easily get hung up on “tags” i.e. price tags or size tags
With blogging, you can easily get hung up on “tags”, i.e. meta tags, word tags…

With dieting, spokespeople like Kirstie Alley (Jenny Craig), and the Duchess Of York, Sarah (Fergie) Ferguson, (Weight Watchers) are great role models
With blogging, Darren Rowse (Problogger.net),and Lorelle VanFossen (Lorelle on WordPress), are great role models

With both dieting and blogging, if you don’t stick to it, you won’t be successful

And, with both dieting and blogging, patience is the key.

3 thoughts on “What Do Blogging And Dieting Have In Common?

  1. Haha. Great post. “With dieting, if you don’t rid your pantry and refrigerator of fattening foods, you may fail.
    With blogging, if you don’t have Akismet (or another spam killer) installed, you may spend all of your time dealing with spam.” Funniest thing ever to a nerd like me! keep it up.

    Diet Blog´s last blog post..Don’t Punish Yourself And Don’t Give Up

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