Just The Facts

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With blog posts that read like a text book, this is a “go to” blog you won’t want to scan. This blog author writes not only from his experience, but from what he has learned through research.

Although his blog is not brand new, nor one everyone can identify with, it’s a blog worth showcasing as the information is not only accurate, but helpful.

This is a blog about anxiety disorders and all aspects of it.

In his post titled, Surviving the Recession, Part 2: Anxiety, Harmful Behavior, and Paralysis, he shares,

Falling prey to catastrophizing is like striking out in your mind before you even get to the plate. Both of these types of catastrophizing limit your ability to respond to the challenges and opportunities of your current economic situation. They can affect your entire outlook in life, and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, disappointment and underachievement.

Isn’t that the truth? If we’re not careful, our attitude and self talk can easily affect the outcome.

With anxiety, comes stress. Stress is something we all know about and this author debunks the myths of stress in his post Seven Myths About Stress That You Really Need to Know About

From the post,

Myth 1: Stress is the same for everybody

Every person is different, not only in their genetic and biological makeup, but in the environment of their upbringing and their personalities. Every one of us has a different stress threshold and learned ways of handling stress. Stress does not affect everybody the same way, nor can it. What is a stressful situation for one may not be stressful for another. Each of us responds to stress in a different way.

Often we think we know how others are feeling based on our own circumstances, but as this author shows, that may not always be the case.

To share why he blogs, on his About page, he tells his story and then says (in part)

My experience with Anxiety Disorder began about six years ago, after decades of struggling with bipolar disorder. I had always been fearless and outgoing, but suddenly I was so overwhelmed that I could no longer leave the house, speak on the phone, or bear the presence of more than one other person, even family members. The onset was like the proverbial ton of bricks: It was like nothing I had ever experienced! My Story goes into my experience with mental illness in more detail.

This blog provides the information that I wish I had had when I was ambushed by Anxiety Disorders, as I was struggling to hold my life together, as I was learning to regain functionality. I have worked hard over the past six years to fight back against this malady, and have had many successes, though I’m not entirely out of the woods yet.

Some may feel this is a subject that doesn’t apply to them, however, if we look around, anxiety may be affecting someone we know. By subscribing to this blog and learning more about anxiety and it’s affect on our lives, we’ll become more empathic to those who struggle with this problem.

Without further ado, I would like to introduce Mike Nichols of Anxiety, Panic & Health – “Living With Health, Wellness and Wholeness”.

Please join me in re-welcoming Mike to the Blogging Without A Blog community.

Welcome Mike.

It’s a pleasure to have you here.


Photo Credit: Stewart

18 thoughts on “Just The Facts

  1. Welcome Mike! I’ll bounce on over to make your acquaintance.

    Writer Dad´s last blog post..6 Secrets Every Writer Shares

  2. Welcome, Mike!

    You already know that I think your articles are awesome and your site is beautiful. So glad to see it showcased here.

    It was only a matter of time before Barbara was on to you. 😉

    Mary Anne Fisher´s last blog post..Why Providing Massive Value Isn’t Enough in Today’s Online Marketplace

  3. Another wonderful blog choice Barbara. I can’t wait to read more about Mike. Thanks again!

    Caroline´s last blog post..My soul in photos…take “2″

  4. I have a child with mild anxiety disorder, can not sleep, due to Celiac Disease.
    I will look at Mike’s blog in the morning as I am very tired tonight ( my time to read blogs) after working on PTSD all day.

    Thank you Barbara for introducing another very interesting blog.
    Mike I will check your work out in the morning light.

    Patricia´s last blog post..Dawn and Release

  5. Since I have wrestled (yes, wrestled) with bouts of anxiety and depression since I was a child, this definitely applies to me. Thank you for show-casing this wonderful blog. I am on my way to check out “the rest of the story.”


  6. Hi Mike

    Welcome to the community here. I’m looking forward to heading over to your site and having a peek!


    Tumblemoose´s last blog post..The Flash Fiction e-book is published

  7. Your posts are really relevant to me ! Its teaching me alot as I am trying to start a blog now myself! Please do continue posting!

  8. Welcome, Mike. Anxiety hits me only now and then, and only started the last few years. It’s terrifying. Though I don’t talk about it or focus on it much, I listen when others do, and realize it’s fairly wide-spread.

    I’ve become addicted to Barbara’s blog because she gives us — through others — so much to think about that expands our minds. And now I’ll scoot over to your blog……….

    Barb Hartsook´s last blog post..Why Does an Artist Paint? Or a Writer Write?

  9. Thank you, Barbara, for showcasing Anxiety, Panic & Health! I am both flattered and humbled that it joins such august company! And thank you to all the people welcoming me and my blog to the community!

    Although the main topic of the blog is the Anxiety Disorders, I try to have about 40% of the articles deal with general mental health topics, such as the mentally ill homeless, surviving the stress of the recession, and the stigma of mental illness. There are many articles about how to help a friend with a mental disorder, getting discount or free medications, and group therapy. I hope people other than those with Anxiety Disorders will find posts of interest to themselves and others.

    I feel a real responsibility to my readers to present articles that are factual, up-to-date, and with something they can really use. That’s the reason that the articles are so heavily researched and sometimes lengthy: I try to winnow through all the disparate sources of information, help, and hype out there so my readers won’t have to!

    Please feel free to come over to Anxiety, Panic & Health and look around. Start with the “Most Popular Posts” sidebar box. Then check out the “Categories” tab, and use the search box to find topics of interest. I’m sure there’s something on the site to pique the interest of almost anybody!

    Mike Nichols´s last blog post..5 Interesting Articles for You: Your Occasional Reader

  10. What an appropriate topic. I know I have more stress than I need right now and Mike’s site is certainly an eyeopener. Good choice for the week!

    Linda´s last blog post..Ecigarettes on Hold?

  11. Barbara, it’s wonderful of you to highlight such an important topic with Mike’s blog.

    Welcome Mike! The support you provide for people affected by this issue will I am sure be greatly appreciated.

    Christine´s last blog post..Twitter Decides to Hide Certain Replies; Users Revolt

  12. Hi Everyone,

    Thank you so much for supporting Mike, his blog and all of the fabulous information he shares. His is one of those blogs that not only helps people, but gives them hope.

    I appreciate all of your great comments and heads up to Mike.

    Enjoy his blog. It’s a wonderful resource.

  13. Hi Mike,

    You’re welcome. It’s been my pleasure to showcase your blog and to share your knowledge with the Blogging Without A Blog community.

    Keep doing what your doing. Your words are undoubtedly helping many. I wish you great success.

  14. I love his tag line — “Living with health, wholeness and wellness”. I’m off now for a new discovery! Thanks again Barbara!

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