Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 8 – The Future of Blogging

Lorelle ( of Lorelle on WordPress) has been blogging for a long time. Can you imagine the changes she’s seen through the years?

But, what about the rest of us? What changes might we see?

Let’s ask Lorelle to get out her crystal ball.

8.) You’ve been blogging for 15 years. Where do you think blogging will go next? What can bloggers expect?

I see so many things changing soon within the blogosphere, it’s hard to break them down into trends, fads, and actual forecasts. We could talk for hours on where I see blogging in the future. I see programs like changing how blogs and websites work with the instant interaction and live tracking.

I see social networking expanding into communities, which is long past due by my account, of like-minded individuals coming together to work on mutual interest projects, much like the forums from the days of CompuServe and usenets. Blogs will continue to be at the center of all of it, becoming our online business cards and resumes, the place we point people to for more information about us and our expertise.

I see blogs becoming more influential in the business world as people want to get back to the village, where everybody knows your name. Putting a human face on business, increasing corporate transparency and trust, will become very important and hold sway in the public relations success for the company. Unfortunately, it is still a challenge for companies to understand the importance company blogs have on the economy – word of mouth has evolved and it is the blog.

I also do not want to discount the personal blogger, the ones blogging about their daily lives. I equate these people to the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Thanks to them, the world will have a historical chronicle of our lives today, looking back thousands of years into the past. As a family history blogger, I sure wish my ancestors blogged – or at least preserved and passed down their diaries. My perception of my family history and the past would be so much different if they had preserved their thoughts for posterity. I honor the online journal bloggers very highly for helping to preserve our history now.

Today’s Assignment

Lorelle said people want to “get back to the village”. Based on what you’re seeing in the world around you, do you find that to be true?

If you’re working for “the man”, does your company have a blog?

If so, do you read it?

Might there soon me a demand for corporate bloggers?

How will your words be construed 100 years from now? 200?

Photo Credit: Lorelle’s Logo

38 thoughts on “Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 8 – The Future of Blogging

  1. “I also do not want to discount the personal blogger, the ones blogging about their daily lives. I equate these people to the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls.”
    That is a powerful statement, and I believe it is very likely correct. I was updating my blog today and was suddenly struck by an urge to keep the tone very upbeat. Yes it is about very serious issues, but my daughter could be reading it in a few years. Lorelle’s comments only drive the point of leaving a legacy for all who follow home even more.
    If I am to leave a legacy in the form of my blog I would like it to be that yes, life is incredibly difficult at times and you do feel like giving up sometimes, but you stay positive, you stay hopeful and you go on.

    Peace to All

  2. I think in another generation, having a blog will be as ubiquitous as having a phone number.

  3. Hi Genlisae,

    I visited your blog yesterday for the first time. The writer in you shines through. Based on your comment here today, I also see a person who, by maintaining a positive attitude, will overcome whatever circumstances are thrown your way. You’re creating a great role model for you daughter, and your blog will be your written legacy.

    Hi Writer Dad,

    I’m hoping blogs go that way. It’s unbelievable to think they’re still in their infancy.

    Hi Scott,

    I agree, community in blogs will be BIG. There’s so much we can learn from each other, and in a world where we can all connect at a moments notice, we’ll no longer have to wait for an answer.

    BTW: I hope you’re getting closer to becoming a blogger. 🙂

    Hi Davina,

    Blogs do draw like minded people together. Just think of what we could do as a group. It could be phenomenal.

    I see corporate blogs gaining popularity. Just as we want to go back to the village, employers will have to start being more accountable – not only to employees, but to the stock holders, as well.

  4. Hi Davidya,

    It’s good to see you here again.

    And, what an enlightening comment. Your friends discussion group software package sounds fascinating. I’m guessing he’s onto something with great potential. Can you imagine if hundreds (or thousands) of great minds got together? The results could be amazing.

    Aren’t you glad we’re already “in the loop”?

  5. I definitely believe that blogs are about to evolve and explode into the mainstream, Barbara.

    I’m ultra-enthusiastic about the community aspect of a blog and the interactive potential of readers shaping content.

    In my opinion, the next generation of cutting-edge blogs will combine community and interactivity in amazing and innovative ways.

  6. Hi Barbara. I don’t know about everyone else, but I would celebrate “getting back to the village”!!! We are becoming so removed from each other with modern technology, and as a result I feel we’re also becoming removed from ourselves.

    Blogging offers an opportunity to build community of like-minded people online. I see it happening at quite a few blogs that I visit, including yours.

    The idea of corporate blogging is intriguing. With the way blogging and other social media networking is catching on, I could definitely see a demand for it.

    My words in 200 years? I could get real creative here. How about, in 200 years the human race’s only language is telepathy and the written word is no longer. Instead a story is recorded with pictures like hieroglyphics… you know… “a picture is worth a thousand words!” 🙂

  7. Hi Barbara
    The wise speak of being together to support a vision. Of personal growth being enhanced by being with the like minded. At one time, this was the Village. Now that “Village” is appearing online, in online communities. Virtually.

    I suspect Blogs may evolve into some blend with Discussion groups. One might have a blog within a context. A bit like MySpace pages, for example, but more focused. In other words, blog groupings, like the way you see Blogrolls and bloggers commenting on other blogs. (I note for example that Barbara shows up in a wide range of blogs comments – impressive – I barely have time to monitor but a few)

    A friend of mine is attempting to build a discussion group software package with member ‘columns’. This has something of that – a community group (local artists in this case) with a sub-group who are the ‘journalists’ – the thinkers, the reporters, and the synthesizers. They trigger internal discussions. As it’s a web, the community need not be closed but can link off into related material….

    “Go together, speak together, know your minds to be functioning together from a common source… an assembly is significant in unity, united are their minds while full of desires… By virtue of unitedness and by means of that which remains to be united, I perform action to generate wholeness of life.

    United by your purpose, harmonious be your feelings, collected be your mind, in the same way as all the various aspects of the universe exist together in wholeness.”
    — closing stanzas of the Rig Veda, one of the oldest known texts. And probably the best idea of where we and the technology are going (laughs)

  8. I don’t think blogging will become something that everyone does. Blogs require a commitment and a level of talent. I don’t think most people have the patience to run one.

    I don’t see blogs becoming a business card or the future of business either. I see blogs more like magazines. They are interesting to read and widely varied so that there is something for everyone.

    Blogs are a tool for both the author and the reader, a very versatile tool. People always come up with interesting and innovative ways to use technology. The same will hold true with blogs I guess.

  9. “I also do not want to discount the personal blogger, the ones blogging about their daily lives. I equate these people to the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls.”

    I love this line. I have talked before of what kind of legacy I want to leave and that is one of courage, beauty and gratitude. I feel proud and am grateful that other people can acknowledge that blogging is a very powerful way to connect- from person to person or generation to generation

    Dr. Cason’s last blog post..Garlic and Ginger Mashed Potatoes

  10. I don’t think we can predict where blogs will go. When the Compuserve bulletinboards were around and the hottest thing for the tech-set, did anyone picture blogging?

    I wonder how the looming energy shift (literal energy like oil, electricity) will affect blogging. There’s already an idea out there that flying will soon again belong to the domain of the rich, and other groups like Cavell looking at the power-consumption problems of IT, what will happen to the Internet when the full impact of all the computer processing power gets factored into the cost of doing business?

    I don’t have any answers to any of these questions, nor any speculations – it’s just too unpredictable for me to even guess!

    Travel by Air – Grounded:

    Environmental Networking:

    Alex Fayle’s last blog post..What the Salmon Taught Me

  11. Lorelle keeps you thinking. Blogs will have a legacy and how they will be used is the question. Dead Sea Scrolls, you betcha! Where else would the writings of and by an individual be available? My question would be how to preserve a blog for future viewing or use 100 years from now? 🙂

  12. I would love if my company had a blog connected to their website, but unfortunately a lot of my co-workers just don’t get it. We’ve talked about it, but never went further than the discussion phase.

    Lorelle made a great point. It would have been cool to have a running scroll from my ancestors. I wrote a novel a few years ago, never tried to get it published and maybe I will, but I know that I can pass it on to my family. That’s a cool feeling.

  13. I certainly do find that I’m more drawn to companies with a personal touch, whether it is through their blogs or their very friendly, funny and casual user interfaces on the web. So yes I think Lorelle is right on with her village comment.

    My husband is shortly launching a software company and this is his goal as well – to be connected to the customers personally. It should be all about the user and the user feels more confident in the product if they know who is behind it and that they’re real human people. I also see that they tend to be more forgiving of mistakes if they actually know who you are instead of seeing you as a cold corporation.

    As far as my words from 100-200 years from now – given the subject matter of my blog (health), I surely hope that they will be as relevant as they might be today.

  14. Hi Barbara – I love this series. But I`m going to have to read the posts I´ve missed when I get home, or I´ll wind up spending a fortune on Internet access in this place.

    I love the idea of things people have written being right here in a couple of hundred years time. I really hadn´t thought that far ahead, but it really is incredible to think that future generations will be able to access all this stuff.

    Business is changing and marketing is changing far faster than some of the big companies realise. Companies have become huge and impersonal. And I do think there´s a desire to get back to the village.

    But it´s definitely a new type of village. Years ago, you´d be stuck with other villagers who didn´t necessarily share the same interests. But now, people are seeking out villages to share with likeminded people and I think companies who understand that will thrive.

    As for corporate bloggers – big companies who haven´t really “got it” will begin to panic in a couple of years time and seek out corporate bloggers to promote them. I don´t know how this will work out though. It`s like Seth Godin says – you can´t create a sundae out of a meatball company.

  15. 10 years ago, there were still companies without a website. Now they all have a website.

    10 years from now, every company will have a blog. By the way, I write our company’s corporate blog (warning self promotion)

  16. Lorelle said people want to “get back to the village”. Based on what you’re seeing in the world around you, do you find that to be true? No, not in the personal sense but in the business sense, guess it can’t hurt.

    If you’re working for “the man”, does your company have a blog? NO blog, we have a company newsletter we can’t talk about, oops.

    Might there soon me a demand for corporate bloggers? A demand? I doubt it, if you have a website, that might be enough information. I don’t read company blogs, if they have a site, I’m okay with that.

  17. I very much enjoy the thought of an online village. In fact that’s what many blogs that aim at community-building already have in a sense. I feel that way when I visit here and I strive for the same feel on my blog.

    Villagers band together and support one another and bloggers certainly do that. Our comments and traffic would be pretty sparse without the well-intentioned support of our fellow bloggers. I’ve enjoyed exploring alliances and joint ventures with other bloggers and I see more of that on the horizon.

  18. I work for a software giant and in fact a bunch of new generation or W2.0 kids requested for a corporate blog at org levels. Some took initiative to build the same and there’s not even half a dozen posts there yet 🙂 If it doesn’t work within a R&D team, I doubt if it works with other units.

    I do not subscribe to the village concept. In a matrix organization probably there are better means to communicate and educate the individuals than blogs. For that matter, some people have even tried ‘intra’ social networks…even that is a failure. But WiKis are somehow working well with many!

    Just my 2 cents


    Ajith Edassery’s last blog post..Know when to stop blogging

  19. I think a blogging community is like a village (like Lorelle says). Within the group of blogs that I visit regularly I tend to see the same people in the comments section. I see these same people in my blog and I in turn go to theirs. So basically, you’re spending a lot of time with all of these people even if it’s “virtually”. I can read a comment and I can basically tell you who wrote it just from the content, even if I don’t look at the avatar or the name. You just start “knowing” people.

    Marelisa’s last blog post..How to Be Happy

  20. My parents used to be part of a dinner club and theatre club. They had a community of friends who committed to these events. Basically those evenings were carved in stone on everyone’s calendars. Try and organize an event with friends now? It is darn near impossible. Everyone wants to, but nobody has a free night. It’s insane. Instead we build a virtual community, which we can tune into at our convenience. In one way, it’s a sad statement about our crazy our lives have become. In another way, it’s exciting because we get to ‘meet’ people from all over the world, whom we wouldn’t get to know otherwise.

    My words 100 years from now? I imagine they will show, that fundamentally relationships are still the same. Same sorrows, same joys, same ups and same downs.

    Urban Panther’s last blog post..Please don’t make me eat that

  21. Hi Dr. Cason.

    That is a powerful statement, isn’t it? Can you imagine how exciting it would be if our ancestors kept a blog (or even a journal) of times past. I would have loved to read my grandparents stories of when they left their home countries and traveled to the States via the large ships.

    Hi Alex,

    The fun part of it is, we can try and guess what the future holds. Many factors will determine the absolute direction of blogs, but I do believe they’re here to stay.

    Hi Chase,

    Blogs do take commitment, however, I’m seeing young people using their blogs on MySpace as a way of keeping all of their friends abreast on what’s going on (replacing snail mail). Although they’re not “blogs” as we know them, they are online communication. Then if we look at social media sites like Twitter, many are also getting into micro blogging.

    Yes, some blogs are like magazines. and blogs are also our online resumes. Can you imagine applying for a job and being able to tell a potential employer, “The rest of my experience is online @…”

    Hi Karl,

    It appears many companies don’t “get it”, plus many are probably concerned that customers may complain on the blog and the whole world will see it. I have heard of some companies using internal blogs as a way for the executives to communicate with the employees – keeping them informed of changes, etc.

    Hi Linda,

    Can you imagine? 100 years from now your ancestors reading how the world and our lives were in 2008?

    Hi Space Age Sage,

    Savage Chickens cartoon blog? Is that part of your site?

    Hi Sara with an “h”,

    I agree, if companies show transparency, we are more apt to deal with them, and even tolerate mistakes. It’s the next best thing to dealing with a real person.

    Hi Hunter,

    No address or phone number? That’s strange.

    Hi Catherine,

    I see you’re blogging/commenting remotely. How’s your vacation going?

    Yes, blogs are great for attracting like minded people. If companies realize the power of a blog, they will be that much further ahead than the competition. I believe some advertisers are realizing this and are approaching blog authors.

    Hi Vered,

    I didn’t know you were also writing on your company blog. I’ll have to check that out. Thanks for sharing the link.

    Hi Natural,

    A company newsletter you can’t talk about? Hmmmm… That’s an interesting(?) concept.

    Hi Tom,

    You’re right! Bloggers do support each other. There’s a lot of power in each blogger’s community.

    That reminds me of last year when Debbie Yost was asking for help to get a video removed off of YouTube (it made fun of children with disabilities). We all banned together, Dugg and Stumbled her post, and within days the video was down.

    Hi Ajith,

    Your statement make me wonder if the corporate world isn’t quite ready for blogs, since a lot of people don’t even know what they are (yet). That’s something that will be very interesting to watch.

    During the past six months I’ve been hearing Anderson Cooper (CNN) saying how viewers can go to his blog. It appears to be gaining popularity. Political blogs are huge, too.

    Hi Marelisa,

    I see that too. I know most of us here “run in the same circle”. It’s always great to see a new blogger joining in. Little by little our community grows. Sweet! 🙂

    Hi Urban Panther,

    That is rather sad how it’s turned out, isn’t it (the social gatherings)? We’re so busy in life, but in our down moments we can meet and visit friends from all over the world. Isn’t it great how we can learn different cultures, view photos, and ask questions, etc…?

    Hi Chris,

    Amazing, isn’t it? To think, we’re all a part of it.

  22. “I also do not want to discount the personal blogger, the ones blogging about their daily lives. I equate these people to the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Thanks to them, the world will have a historical chronicle of our lives today, looking back thousands of years into the past.”

    I’ve always thought this idea of bloggs being like the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Blogging is a vibrant community. It’s a natural evolution.

  23. Barbara,

    This one hit home. As someone who is not a “techno”blogger” I loved the “Dead Sea Scrolls” line – though I hope that our blogs would be found in slightly better condidion! As to how my words would be construed in 100 – 200 years, I’ve actually given that a lot of thought. What will my descendents think of me?

    I shudder at that thought!


    Rita’s last blog post..Stereotypical Stereotypes – PART I

  24. Hi Rita,

    For one, your descendants will say, “WOW, she was a great writer”.

    It does make us wonder though, doesn’t it. And for me, it will make me hesitate before hitting “publish”.

    Hi T Edwards,

    Yes, it wasn’t long before cell phones became a household “must have”. Just as everyone says, “What did we do before cell phones?”, years from now, many may be saying “What did we do before blogs came along?”

    I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying blogging so much. Just as you are learning from others, your blog is teaching many. Keep up the great work!

  25. I can sincerely see blogging becoming as mainstream as cell phones. I can remember when having a cell phone was a BIG DEAL. Now they’re sold at 7-11 and my ten year old daughter has one. As blogs become more and more mainstream it is only natural that they completely segment into communities. I have only been blogging for DAYS and already I’ve completely fallen for my fellow bloggers and I learn something new every day.


  26. The comment about the village caught my eye since I, too, firmly believe that people want to step away from impersonal websites and “get to know others.” Blogging is such a wonderful way to truly interact, and a platform for those of us with a lot of opinions, thoughts, dreams, and help to offer. Followed your comment off of Linda’s blog, Forced Green, and I’m glad I did 🙂

  27. Hi Bamboo,

    Fifteen years is a long time, isn’t it? She was blogging before it was known as “blogging”. How’s that for seniority?

    Hi Evelyn,

    That’s a good question. Whether it’s 100 or 30 years from now, we are leaving our “mark”.

    Hi Diane,

    Welcome to the BWAB community. I’m glad you followed my comment, too. 🙂 Gotta love CommentLuv.

    Blogging is a fabulous way to meet and interact with like minded people, isn’t it? Just think, because of Linda, (Forced Green), we met. I love how that works.

    I’ll be by later to repay the visit.

  28. First of all, I’m amazed Lorelle has been blogging for 15 years, wow.

    It’s a good point that blogs are helping us preserve history.

  29. I’m wondering about that too…not just 100 years later but how would my girls view my writings say 30 years from now? Would they embrace every part of me that were in my most revealing posts?


  30. Barbara,

    Regarding the Savage Chickens — it’s a very odd and quirky cartoon blog I subscribe to, but my point was that not all blogs will carry the same weight, or be understood by far future generations. I love the Dead Sea Scroll analogy — it’s brilliant and makes you think — I’m also saying that we have enough trouble keeping up with social media now, and that the next generation will be practically wired to it. Even our language and lingo changes rapidly. Did you know with some younger folks “wicked” can mean “very” and “sick” can mean “good?” How will I keep up with all that when, way down the road, I turn 80? How will people interpret my “future Dead Sea Scroll” (my blog) if such changes continues or cultural norms radically alter?

    So back to the quirky Savage Chicken cartoons –In the far future, perhaps chickens (cartoon or otherwise) might be extinct. With my Sci Fi overloaded mind, I imagined by great, great, great, great, great grandkids finding my dusty laptop computer in the family heirlooms, figuring how such inorganic technology works, and seeing one of those cartoons.

    And so now you know why I wrote in an earlier comment:
    “Heaven help us when someone in the future uncovers the Savage Chickens cartoon blog!”

    SpaceAgeSage’s last blog post..Actions and attitude — ripples on the pond

  31. I enjoyed this post very much and hope that I have something posted worthy of future generational reference. I am enjoying the community spirit of blogs and the comments folks are making on my posts these days. Thank you all.
    I am worried about the “like minded” communities joining together in the village of blogging. I choose to live in a diverse old neighborhood and not in a like minded – homogeneous community and we have great talk and I learn so many insights and my children are more open to many kinds of people. Some one just wrote a book and was on the Daily Show all about how dangerous it can be as we all turn into “like minded” groups. I think the Dead Sea Scrolls writers might have been worried about this too. I think it takes diversity to make the most peaceful, joyous world… I put together a study group last winter to work on personal transitions in life and the age mix and experience mix enabled some profound and exciting problem-solving and thinking to emerge. We must not give up on our diversity, but I love this blogging world and all of it’s amazing members – don’t leave me out! Thank you for the post and interview

    Patricia’s last blog post..Voting

  32. Hi Patricia,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

    When I think of “like minded people”, I’m thinking of people who are kind, loving, wanting to help others and who want to learn. They can, and do come from different backgrounds, and are of all ages.

    This blog is a great representation of this. We have bloggers who are 14 to 60+, males and females, people from all over the world with diverse backgrounds and varying points of view. What they all have in common is, they care, thus “like minded” (in that sense).

    I hear what you’re saying in your comment as we certainly don’t want to be like the Stepford Wives. 🙂

    You will never be left out of the BWAB community of bloggers. All it takes is participation. From there, reciprocation will result. I love how that works.

  33. Barbara,
    Thank you for your response to my comments, oo wee! I would not want the Stepford Wives at all!…Thank you for your reassurance. I think this looks and feels like a wonderful blog community to keep checking in with and finding new voices in this medium.
    Respect and compassion – caring all good “like mindedness” in my book.

  34. Hi Patricia,

    You’re welcome!

    This is a GREAT community of bloggers. You’ll have to check out the other blogger’s sites. They’re all fantastic writers sharing lots of valuable information.

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