Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 4 – Finding Fresh Content

The interview with Lorelle (of Lorelle on WordPress) continues.

Thus far, we’ve covered staying motivated, errors bloggers make, and if good content is good enough.

Today Lorelle will be sharing her view on a problem new bloggers may not have (yet), but it’s a scenerio that can strike at anytime.

4) You’ve been blogging for many years, and have also written the book, Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging. How do you find fresh content without rehashing old subjects? Or, is rehashing old subjects a good way to give new birth to older posts?

Rehashing is such a harsh word. πŸ˜€ With time, everyone is redundant, and sometimes topics need to be revisited, so revisiting them in new ways puts a fresh light on things. For instance, I’ve written a lot about copyright protections and content theft. I still don’t get that people think stealing is bad, and plagiarism is really wrong in the offline world but think nothing of it in the virtual world. I don’t know “if it’s on the Internet, it’s free” mythology got started, but it’s got to stop, especially when it comes to content theft. After a while, you would think there isn’t much anyone can say new on the subject, then along comes someone like who throws some new logs on the fire and once again I learn that there is even more that can be said on the subject. I encourage him and he encourages me, and we’ve built an amazing friendship in the process.

Here’s another perspective. Orson Scott Card created one of his most powerful characters, Andrew Wiggin in Ender’s Game. He went on to write numerous sequels to follow one of the world’s most popular and award winning books. Years later, he wrote Ender’s Shadow, telling the same story of Ender but from a different perspective, the point of view of one of the other characters, Bean. That started a new series of sequels. Just when you think that Card had broken all the rules as he described so well in Ender’s Game, he did it again and started a new series for the twentieth anniversary of the first book, part of the Enderverse (“Ender Stories”) series, again rehashing the original from totally new perspectives.

Orson Scott Card has influenced several generations and new audiences by writing about the same story, over and over. Imagine the market potential! How many ways can he come up with to tell the same story? Who knows. I learn so much from what Orson Scott Card writes and publishes, I think most of his books should be required reading, no matter what your business or writing genre.

Another expert at finding new ways of making old subjects interesting is Liz Strauss. Her new ebook, The Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding Blog β€” The Insider’s Guide to the Conversation That’s Changing How Business Works, is a life changing book on blogging and social networking for me and a lot of other bloggers and companies working on the web trying to get our heads around the quickly changing market. You asked if content was still king and I told you that a successful blog is about conversation – Liz writes all about how to write for the conversation in a way that is an eye-opener on the subject – even for those of us who call ourselves experts.

I love how people find new ways of saying the same old thing. I dig deeply through the web to find articles on blogging and WordPress which say the same thing, but in a new way. It’s like sitting in a room with friends debating an issue. It’s a chance to hear all the different opinions and see the reactions and feedback. I read through the posts, check out the comments, and it’s like I’m at a party. I love it.

The web has opened up the world to millions of points of view, so it’s easy to get locked into a march on your blog, but open yourself up to new perspectives and watch your own shift and change.

And attend conferences and meetups. That will get your juices flowing and your head spinning every time. Meeting bloggers in person is one of the greatest joys of my life as they fuel me!

Today’s Assignment:

Short of using Hunter’s “Automatic Blog Post Rehasher”, where does your inspiration come from?

Are you often at a loss for creative ideas, or is your list long?

When you see other bloggers write on the same subjects you do, are you intimidated, or do they inspire you to do a better job?

Photo Credit: Lorelle’s Logo

39 thoughts on “Interview With Lorelle VanFossen – Part 4 – Finding Fresh Content

  1. This is very useful content itself, Barbara! πŸ™‚

    I feel that the best topics for writing are inspired by your own experiences in life- whether that be because you have lived them yourself or by you having an opinion on them.

    Even if you research ideas for new topics online, I would think that the writing can only come alive when you put your own personal spin on it.

    For example, if you were just to regurgitate the dry facts on a topic or epouse someone else’s opinion, it would be pretty dull both for your own creativity as a blogger and for your readers.

    I look forward to hearing how your other readers generate their ideas for content.

  2. Hi Vered,

    I remember your apology post. That was very commendable of you to write it, even though you hadn’t copied the other blogger. In the end, it gave you even more credibility than you already had.

    Hi Scott,

    I LOVE to see bloggers put their own spin on topics. And, you’re right, it’s our own words that can make a subject come alive. Their passion often shines through.

    Hi Catherine,

    Yes, you know Lorelle must be passionate about blogging when she can show 15 years on her resume. Her writing shows that she loves to help and inspire others and push them to do better.

    Isn’t that the truth? If we stay alert, we can find ideas in the least expected places, at the least expected times.

    I now have Lorelle’s and Liz’s books on my “to read” list.

  3. Hi Ribeezie,

    Haha. I had to laugh at how comments can inspire you write a blog post. I’ve written an answer to a comment, and stopped in my tracks to cut and paste it into a blog post draft. πŸ™‚ The commenters here often give me ideas for posts, whether it be their answer or a question. It makes me realize I need to expand on the original topic

    You’re right, it only takes one reader for us to make a difference. (even if they don’t comment).

  4. No shortage of ideas YET. πŸ™‚

    When I see others writing about the same subjects, I am often inspired, but once I wrote something that was SO similar to something that another blogger wrote a few weeks before, that I got quite upset. Upset enough to wrote a post about it, and as you pointed out at the time, it was actually a good thing, because it gave me material for a new post!

    Vereds last blog post..Powerful Men, Half-Naked Women (Best Shot Monday)

  5. Hi Barbara – Another great interview. And it’s wonderful that Lorelle is still so enthusiastic about blogging after 15 years.

    I get ideas in spurts. When I’m feeling a bit low they dry up and other times they come faster than I can write about them.

    If you know your topic well and you’re really interested in it, ideas are easy to come up with.

    And ideas are everywhere – talking to people, inspiration from things you’ve read, films, people watching and your own experience.

    I’m glad you mentioned Liz’s book. I stayed up all night reading it. It’s by far the best book I’ve read this year.

  6. My inspiration comes from:

    – Reading,
    – Watching movies (believe it or not. I take inspiring scenes from certain movies and find a way to engage and make a point through a new post. It’s a nice way to relate with readers and make the content enjoyable)
    – Having discussions on other blog posts (sometimes a comment turns into a whole new post all-together. C’mon, I know you’ve experienced this. When this happens I like to either 1.) bring the conversation back to my blog, or 2.) create a new post all-together).
    – Real life moments/examples. (Being social in life isn’t all that different from being social online to connect and build community. At the end of the day, and at the core of it all, that’s all we need to be: social.)

    When I see other bloggers write on the same subject I do, I don’t think I get upset. I’m flattered that I’ve inspired them to want to do something similar. (Wow that sounds awfully nice of me. Can you tell I’m a happy-go-lucky kinda guy?) It does motivate me to push myself and create better content. Then again, what’s better content? I’ve always thought that READERS are what makes your content matter in the first place and that all it takes is one (1 reader to listen to whatever you have to say).

    I’ll leave my thoughts here for the evening and check back in the conversation tomorrow…

  7. Hi Barbara,

    I only write when I’m inspired, not intimidated, and I think that helps me to keep things on track. When I set up my blog 3 months ago, I was feeling intimidated – actually I started thinking about setting up my blog a year ago but I was too busy being a chicken. The only thing that finally made me do it was the desire to connect with like-minded folks – to inspire and be inspired, at my own pace. That gave me some peace.

    There’s really no running away from similar topics, since we’re talking about being like-minded! But it’s been interesting to read about other people’s perspectives on the same things, and we all learn and unlearn from these exchanges. It’s been fun for me.

    Thanks again to you and Lorelle for sharing! I really love the phrase “open yourself up to new perspectives and watch your own shift and change”. πŸ™‚

    Irene | Light Beckonss last blog post..Ask Why

  8. @ Barbara – I’m going to read Lorelle’s book when I get back from vacation. Thanks for telling me about it.

    @ Irene – I know that feeling of intimidation too. It can be really daunting when you first start blogging can’t it? I still worry now that readers will think some of my posts suck.

    Cath Lawsons last blog post..Make The Business Of Influence Work For You

  9. Hi Barbara – the interview continues to be fantastic. I agree with Lorelle. “Rehash” is a harsh word. I think if a topic is strong enough or important enough, it can merit multiple perspectives.

    I heard it compared to photography. A photographer can take a picture of an object from so many different vantage points, and each vantage point can tell a different story, some resonating with us stronger than others.

    Al at 7Ps last blog post..Jump Right In!

  10. my inspiration comes from what i see around me. personal experience, conversations with friends, things i’ve been taught or am learning.

    right now i don’t even have a list of ideas or anything in my drafts. blogging, i guess is like my next meal, i know i’m going to eat, i just don’t know when. i’m just confident something (an idea) will come from somewhere.

    i like when i read the same subject written a different way. not everyone uses words, illustrations or thoughts that will appeal to you. some teachers are better than others and have a way of getting their point across better. by there being so many different ways out there, i’m able to find the post that speaks to me.

    enjoying the series.

  11. I love the freedom we have to express our thoughtts and views online. Laurel is right when it comes to have a live conversation or an online conversation. Pretty much the same without the facial expressions, voice and ears. Either way, we are being educated, horizons expanded and richly blessed with all the folks we have come to know through our blogs. Laurel’s experience just lays it out ! πŸ™‚

  12. @ Catherine, I think we’re hardest on ourselves. πŸ™‚ We can’t really control what other people think of us, but we sure can fix how we feel about ourselves. Well, I’ve decided to roast that chicken inside of me, and I sleep better these days, LOL! By the way, I do love the “Mistakes” section of your blog … there’s no end to learning. πŸ˜‰

    Irene | Light Beckonss last blog post..Ask Why

  13. I love Orson Scott Card and The Enderverse! The two different series are absolutely brilliant. He is a talented writer who saw the same story from two different points of view. I have seen this done a few other times as well.

    Of course, it would be hard to blog from two different points of view. It might throw off our readers who have come to know us through our writings. That being said, I think we can learn a lot from fiction. That is why I constantly have a book on the go.

    Revisiting a topic too often can make a blog boring. You want to make sure you don’t get stale. So if you are going to revisit a topic, make sure you are saying something new about it.

    Chase Marchs last blog post..The First Silent Cacophony

  14. I sometimes hear people say that there’s nothing new out there anymore, that everything’s already been done. But a post doesn’t have to be completely original, never-before-seen, Nobel prize winning content in order to be fresh and interesting. I can’t imagine that we’ll ever be at a point where there’s nothing left to write about. Thanks for the link.

  15. Hi Barbara.

    I agree with Scott. Putting your personal spin on a topic can make it come alive. And, like Ribeezie, I get ideas from the sheer act of making and reading comments.

    I carry a small notebook around with me. One day while I was on my power walk I stopped every few blocks to write something down. Not much of a power walk huh?

    My ideas come from feelings and self-reflection on personal experiences and experiences of others. Flashes of insight are awakened by certain phrases or words in conversation. Sometimes a word in a sentence flashes out at me as if it were highlighted on a page in a book.

    Davinas last blog post..Core Value Statements

  16. Hi Irene,

    You’re welcome!

    I agree, it would be difficult to feel creative if we are feeling intimidated. What’s great about blogging, it lets us have our own voice on so many issues. Just like Lorelle, and so many others who blog about blogging, we all cover the same (blogging) subjects, but by putting our own spin on it, it comes out sounding different, and fresh.

    Hi Catherine,

    You’re welcome!

    Hi Al,

    The comparison to art is right on. As in blogging, even two photographers can take a picture of the same object, and they’re different. I love how that works.

    Hi Natural,

    Inspiration is all around us, isn’t it? I like how you said that, you KNOW “something” will come from “somewhere” (for a post idea). Confidence in our creativity is half the battle.

    Hi Linda,

    It is a great freedom. isn’t it; expressing our views online? I agree, if we’re wiling to open our minds, conversing (and reading) online can benefit us in unimaginable ways.

    Hi Chase,

    When revisiting the subjects of old blog posts, we do risk sounding redundant, however, if we can expand on them, it becomes a new topic.

    Hi Davina,

    Isn’t that amazing how that works? Words that we speak, or others say, can spark an idea that can blossom into multiple blog posts.

    It sounds like your power walks have become great exercise not only for your body, but for your creativity, as well. πŸ™‚

    Hi Hunter,

    You’re welcome!

    What I read you’re saying is, we’re only limited by our own thoughts. All we need to do is open the gates and let our creativity flow.

    Hi Marelisa,

    Looking at a subject from a different viewpoint can often inspire a great post. It’s also a great way to educate our readers. It opens the door to the other possibilities and also becomes a teaching tool.

    Your pirate story sounds fascinating. Do you think you’ll ever share it on your blog? Congratulations on the A+.

    Hi John,

    Yes, hearing it’s good to revisit (I won’t say “rehash” πŸ™‚ ) old posts from someone like Lorelle, is comforting. Like you, I’ve seen some of those comments about “it’s been said…”.

    You get it. It’s just like when you write your posts about real estate. You’re writing from the investors viewpoint. Having been a Realtor, you’re teaching me how “the other side” views a purchase. I find that SO informative.

  17. I for one think that there is an endless amount of ideas, and even if something has already been said, it can always be improved upon. That’s where creativity comes in. Plus, as Lorelle said, you can tell the exact same story from many different viewpoints; I remember when I was in the 8th grade I wrote a pirate story from the viewpoint of the captain’s parrot. I got an A+.

    Marelisas last blog post..Creating Your Dream Life: Practical Intuition

  18. Hi Harmony,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Welcome back. I’ve missed you. I noticed you wrote a new post. I visited you and left you a comment. Hope to see you again soon.

    Hi Dr. Cason,

    Yes, within seconds, we’re live; sharing our inspiration with the world. It’s amazing, isn’t it? That, in itself, is true inspiration to give it our all.

    Hi Sara with an “h”

    One thing great about blogging is that no one writes exactly like we do. Although the same subjects will be written about often, if someone inspires us to write a post, we can/should link to them. Otherwise, it’s best to confidently publish our own work, knowing we didn’t steal the idea from someone else.

    Do check out Lorelle’s and Liz’s books. They’re written by two of the blogging greats.

    Hi Urban Panther,

    Yes, that is an advantage to have someone else to brainstorm with. With your blogs written on the same topic (but with the he said/she said twist), that, in itself, puts a whole new spin on topics. It’s an ingenious idea and the two of you pull it off fabulously.

    Hi Ann,

    Dish gloves? Yes, that was a great (and funny) post, but it got me and your other readers thinking. You take those mundane chores, write about what you’re gong to do, and have your readers saying “Me, too”. It’s a great way to inspire others to follow your lead (and get more organized).

  19. It’s nice to see for a change someone with “Authority” says it’s ok to revisit talked about topics. Everywhere I go bloggers are saying how they are tired of the same topics, it’s been said, etc. etc.

    Like Lorelle infers (I think), you have to see the new light, the new insights, and what other bring to the table – then learning and challenging yourself begins.

    For me, inspiration usually comes from when I discover something, like my next article coming up is about showing people how to allow their blog readers to subscribe to their article’s comments without having to comment and checking the “Notify” box. It’s already built into Subscribe Comments Plugin, I just didn’t know.

    So for me, inspiration usually is in discovery.

    John Hoff – eVentureBizs last blog post..Hello & Welcome To The eVentureBiz Blog

  20. Thanks Barbara and it is good to see you again.

    I have been hearing of you from friends who read your blog and love it. I hope all is well.

    I am grateful for people like you who have so much to give your readers.


    Harmonys last blog post..Sometimes Silence is the Only Way

  21. I’m really amazed at the creativity and art that can be produced on the web and within seconds it can be published and people actually SEE your work.

    I am humbled by other people’s work yet inspired.

    I find inspiration in the things I love. I love that blogging can grow and evolve into what you want it to be. For now- this second. this minute. – Has been about photography and cooking but next month or next year?? Who knows….

    Dr. Casons last blog post..Salmon Baked in Foil ala Giada

  22. Yes, I’m intimidated by people who have recently blogged on the topics I was choosing for upcoming posts. Not because I don’t think I can put a different spin on it, but because I’m afraid they’ll be annoyed and think I stole their idea.

    I do try to have a wide range of topic ideas to pull from each time I sit down to write a new post, and generally I try to blog on something no one else in my “circle” has blogged about recently.

    Thanks for the book rec! It looks really interesting.

    Sara with an “h”s last blog post..The Truth About My Grocery Bill

  23. I haven’t directly rehashed old content..mind you, I’m still fairly new at this…but I have done what Lorelle talks about, which is taking an idea from a previous blog and shooting it off in another direction. Or, a single sentence from a previous blog might spark a whole new story.

    My job at coming up with new ideas is a bit easier because I have a partner in crime. Since the Urbane Lion and I have duelling blogs, at the beginning of the week we brainstorm ideas for posts. It takes the pressure off of both of us not having to be the sole creative genius.

    Urban Panthers last blog post..Whatever you do, don’t go there

  24. My inspiration comes from looking around me! No shortage of topics here . . . I don’t know how original they are – but really, who else has blogged about dish gloves??

    I just subscribed to Liz’s blog and it sounds like I need to read her book too.

    Ann at One Bag Nations last blog post..The Dilemma of the Left-Handed Gloves

  25. Finding ideas is not difficult. There are so many topics to write about that probably I can go for years. But getting inspired and into the topic sometimes proves very difficult. Unless it’s a series, I really don’t what am I going to write about on a given day. It’s post-to-post basis.

    Avani-Mehtas last blog post..Cheat Codes To Have A Happy Marriage

  26. Hi Debbie,

    From the sounds of it, you’re never at a loss for ideas.

    Hi Karl,

    That’s a great idea. By “digging deeper” into a topic, you do give your readers more value.

    Have fun in Vegas!

    Hi Linda Abbit,

    I hear you. I certainly don’t get bored. πŸ™‚ You do bring up a great point. As time passes, our views often change. It’s from those changes new ideas emerge, and often older blog posts are the inspiration.

    I’m in the process of reading Lorelle’s book. It’s a book I wish was available when I started blogging. She covers all of the issues of blogging. It’s subtitle should be: “Everything You Wanted To Know About Blogging, But Were Afraid To Ask”. I highly recommend it.

    Hi Avani,

    With a little bit of planning and writing post dated articles, that can easily be avoided. Write when you’re inspired, and the rest will (hopefully) fall into place.

  27. From upstairs usually. Sometimes it comes downstairs to show me all the great blogging material to choose from!

    Hee hee. Just today I was trying to decide what pic to use for Wordless Wednesday and by 9:00 a.m. I had all I needed and more!

    Debbie Yosts last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!

  28. I’m in Las Vegas on business and this post makes me think of all the ads for all the shows in this entertainment capitol. I don’t know how many people know how many shows are here in Vegas, but it’s overwhelming. Cirque de Soleil has so many different kinds that my wife and I couldn’t figure out which one to go to.

    What I’m trying to say is most things have already been done, but it’s up to the creator to find a new angle that helps a person see something different within themselves. If you feel like your post is old news then try Google to see if others are writing about your topic. If they are what angle did they take and how can you go even deeper to give your readers even more value.

    Karl Staibs last blog post..Getting Someone to Care

  29. Hi,

    I’m on the late side here today, and I think you’ve all said everything there is to say on this topic. Hehehe!

    This spoke the world to me, “It’s like sitting in a room with friends debating an issue. It’s a chance to hear all the different opinions and see the reactions and feedback. I read through the posts, check out the comments, and it’s like I’m at a party. I love it.”

    I also know my viewpoint changes on issues as I grow and change, so I won’t have trouble re-visiting a topic with my new perspective when I my blog grows to that point. For now, every day is a new topic and I have no shortage of them — no wonder it’s like meeting friends at a party.

    My inspiration comes from everyday life, conversations around me, newspaper stories, and even David Letterman (see today’s post)!

    I plan on buying those two blogging books to read. And I’ll also check out the Ender’s Game series, too. Thanks for the recs. How do people in this world ever get bored??!!!

  30. Hi Bamboo,

    Mission possible. I like that attitude. Posting our best ideas is a great idea. Often those not so great ideas start propagating, and become a fabulous idea. They give you something to fall back on.

  31. Coming up with compelling idea after compelling idea is certainly a challenge every blogger faces – but it seems it is the only ticket to success. In short, it has to be done. Call it mission impossible if you like. But then, make the impossible possible.

    So, is my list endless? I don’t know. I will say this however, if I have a long list of ideas and a post coming up. I will always choose the best idea of the list for the next entry, generally.

    Bamboo Forest’s last blog post..You are The Writer of Your Own Story

  32. Someone emailed me to say about an article I posted elsewhere and that “imitation was the sincerest form of flattery”. But the thing was that I’ve not even read his article before. When I checked on the link provided by his email, the content was different save for a similar title. In any case, my content could not have been the same because it came from my own personal observations of things around.

    My take is that there can be several topics that are somewhat similar but each of us can put a unique spin to things. For instance, I can’t declare to be the one who owns the rights to article titles like “7 tips to be boost self esteem” or “10 tips to increase creativity”. I don’t stop myself from writing articles like these either, because there may be certain keyword phrases that I’m targetting and I’m in to compete for the first page of google search!

    Evelyn Lim | Attraction Mind Map’s last blog post..Confess Your Secrets

  33. Barbara,

    What a powerful interview series! I was particularly impressed with the way the potentially “negative” question you asked today was quickly turned into a positive. Brilliant question, responded to in an equally brilliant way!

    Though I’m certainly new to the “blog game,” I have never been at a loss for things about which to write. I am trying very hard to keep a balance of humor and occasional “reality” blogs, but I tend to gravitate towards the humorous, as I believe that that’s just how my brain works! (Today being a REAL exception.)

    As for other bloggers writing about the same things I write, oh, Heaven help them! It’s not that I’m so “creative,” it’s that the ideas mainly emanate from my own-life events. Hence, as long as I live, I can write!


  34. Hi Rita,

    Welcome to the BWAB community!

    Lorelle’s good, isn’t she?

    Although you are new to blogging, your words are written in a manner that I want to read them all. I loved your funny story about the futon covers. I could “see” you and your reactions, every step of the way. πŸ™‚

  35. Another source of content inspiration comes from comments, as I wrote in When Your Comment Inspires Posts. As I read through the incredible comments on this post, I’ve got at least 10 story ideas popping into my head – unfortunately, all at the same time! Stop that, Barbara! You’re dangerous and addictive!

    Inspiration can come from anywhere – but the trick is to convert the idea into a story worth publishing. Therein lies the difference between the talkers and the writers. I see we have a lot of writers here. Lucky you!

  36. Hi Barbara –

    Another great post with lots of points to consider. I can relate to what several others have mentioned with sporadic inspiration – you write when you’re inspired or have something to say but the rest of the time, things seem rather stagnant and you can go days without posting anything.

    I like the idea of future posting and I do that sometimes. But here’s my bigger dilemma – and I wonder if anyone else experiences this –

    I write a post, think I’m done and publish it. Later (an hour or two or a day or two) I realize I have more to say on the subject or that I didn’t really say what I intended. Perhaps it didn’t convey what I truly meant. The problem, then, is do I rewrite the original post? Do I create a new post with additional thoughts? Do I add my new thoughts in a comment?

    Often, I’ve gone ahead and written additional posts but then I think, “Gee, what if someone comes to my blog and thinks this is all I write about?” Too much of the same thing can go the other way on you.

    I’d love to hear your opinion on this.

    ~ Annie

  37. Hi Lorelle,

    Thanks for coming by again. Yes, comments are a great source for blog posts. The incredible visitors/writers in the BWAB community inspire me, and each other. I love how that works. πŸ™‚

    I like how you put that ” the trick is to convert the idea into a story worth publishing”. That’s right on!

    Hi Annie,

    In response to your question, here’s what Lorelle said in Part 2 (in the comment section)

    There are no rules for editing a blog post, but my rule of thumb is to fix whatever needs fixing without saying anything, unless it is a bit of updated news or a change in policies. Do you readers check back in to see if you’ve changed the post content? Rarely. They usually just check comments – or are arriving for the first time to the post and whatever they get better be as right as it can be.

    That may answer part of your question, but you can also tie a new post (on the same topic) to your old post. Just be careful not to be redundant.

    With regard to leaving other thoughts of yours in the comments, I’ve done that as the commenters inspire me to expand on what I wrote. I make sure I tie “those thoughts” in to someones’ comment so it doesn’t sound like I’m just babbling.

Comments are closed.