If We Knew Then What We Know Now

Lessons learned in blogging

I have always loved listening to stories being told by older adults.  They speak of when they traveled from “the old country”, how the farm house needed to be expanded with the addition of more children, their experiences on jobs, why others became their best friends, how being honest paid off, what they thought when the first man walked on the moon, and much more.

I learned a lot from them.

In most cases, our elders are very wise people.

Today’s Lesson

When I started blogging, I listened to what the blogging pros had to say. In fact, I was amazed how much information about blogging could be found online, for free. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

Today I’m reflecting on what I learned from my “blogging elders”.

  1. Content is king
  2. Even though each post of ours may not be our best work, the posts that hold the most value will become the ones others link to, comment on, and remember.

  3. First impressions are lasting ones.
  4. It pays to spend time tweaking our sites so readers don’t click off before they have a chance to read our work. If what we show above the fold doesn’t capture their attention, we can color them gone.

  5. The attitude of “If I build it, they will come”, doesn’t cut it in blogging
  6. In order to get found we need to use SEO (search engine optimization), comment on other blogs, be active on social networking sites such as Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg,…, register our blogs with Google Webmaster tools, and/or install a Google sitemap, just to name a few.

  7. Blogging is more than writing
  8. Although blogging is a big attraction for those who love to write, we must also learn what goes on behind the scenes of our blogs. If coding and tweaking our sites isn’t something we’re comfortable with, fee based professionals are available.

  9. Checking our stats too often can detrimental to our creativity
  10. A lot of bloggers become stataholics. Me, included. When we start relying on the numbers to measure our success, we’re apt to be disappointed. It’s when WE know we’re doing a good job, the pressure dissipates. Just as in life, our self confidence comes into play. Those who believe in themselves have a higher success rate.

  11. Other bloggers are not our competition
  12. In the world of blogosphere, there’s room for an infinite number of people writing on the same subject. Our words will ring true for some, but not for all. Fearing we’re up against “the competition” is another creativity smasher.

  13. There’s more to life than blogging.
  14. Chances are we won’t get rich quick with blogging, nor will we join the ranks of the pros without paying our dues. Although it’s great to know blogging can become our livelihood, it’s important to take time to make memories in real life. After all, THAT is what truly matters.

What about you? Are you listening to what others are saying? Heeding their advice?

Today’s Assignment

Whether you’ve been blogging for days, weeks, months or years, what have you learned that sticks with you?

Care to share? Just leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Thank you!


Photo Credit: cesarastudillo

50 thoughts on “If We Knew Then What We Know Now

  1. You’re not a stataholic, are you Barbara? Actually – I think there are good reasons for looking at stats – I often get good info from them, such as incoming links I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, and searches I am getting – but it’s not good to be relying on figures for self-esteem, like you said!

    I love the way you say there is room for an infinite number of people writing on any subject – blogging is such a great example of that principle.

    Robin´s last blog post..Making The Most Of Life

  2. Yes yes yes! Your point:

    “In the world of blogosphere, there’s room for an infinite number of people writing on the same subject. Our words will ring true for some, but not for all. Fearing we’re up against “the competition” is another creativity smasher.”

    I much prefer the take of folks as colleagues and not competitors – it makes life far more enjoyable.

    Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog post..Anti-Aging Fountain of Youth For Other People Via Your Money!

  3. Hi Barbara – a lot of the things you’ve just said. Also, not to get too stressed out when things go wrong. I had a huge disaster earlier in the year when Bluehost disabled my blog. I also lost a lot of traffic, mostly because I decided to re-direct it.

    At one time those things would have stressed me out a lot – but it’s best not to let them. Things will go wrong sometimes and other times they will go well.

    Cath Lawson´s last blog post..What Your Customers Really Want

  4. Hey Barbara,

    The biggest thing I’ve learned is you have to be patient. Successful blogs aren’t born overnight. They’re born over many years in most cases.

    Another thing I’ve come to learn is that even the big bloggers, the elders, or the pro bloggers, are also human. They don’t mind the occasional email. They will respond to your messages. They will appreciate your efforts.

    Many people ask me how I manage to write guest posts for large blogs. They think you have to be someone special or ‘big’ to write guest posts on large blogs. I usually answer simply with “I emailed them. Pro bloggers are human too.”


    Jamie Harrop´s last blog post..How to Find the Perfect Blog for Guest Blogging (Case Study)

  5. I was guilty of that “If I build it, they will come” mentality. At the same time though, I enjoyed blogging and the blogosphere so I didn’t really practice that….thank goodness.

    I have learned all that you have listed here. One of the things I struggle with the most, is this feeling of “I have to write something every day…or else.” I don’t write everyday any longer, but there is a bit of guilt that goes along with that for some reason everyday that I don’t write.

    Great Post!

    Scott´s last blog post..Do We Want to Change?

  6. Hear, hear, Barbara! Great summary! I’ve learned everything on your list + one more: that I can call myself a writer. A life-long dream has come true.

    Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post..I CAN HAZ COFFEEMAKER

  7. I’m delighted with the results of putting SE0 into practice because you can see the effectiveness of it over time.

    I would also add a number 8 to your list.

    8. Understand what you want to accomplish by blogging and continue to focus on that purpose, adjusting as necessary.

    When you blog in support of a business and the business grows, your blog is fulfilling its purpose and adjustments may be necessary to value your time and resources.

    But if you blog without purpose, how will you know when you’ve fulfilled it?

    Tom Volkar / Delightful Work´s last blog post..How To Play a Bigger Business Game

  8. What a great post. One lesson I’ve learned besides the great ones you’ve highlighted is be the kind of blogger on other people’s sites that you want on your site.

    Add value in your comments, and as often as possible, link back to other blogs. Always treat other bloggers as the person you know is sitting behind the keyboard.

    Even though blogs live in the “online” world, “real” people write them.

    LisaNewton´s last blog post..Independence Day, Paramount Studios, and a Contest

  9. Barbara – Tom’s response: “But if you blog without purpose, how will you know when you’ve fulfilled it?” is so true. It even goes further for me when satisfaction sets in and readers stop and say to me “I read your blogs all the time and enjoy the information you put out.”

    I’m blogging about a year now and still have a lot to learn about the stats and SEO.

    Petra Norris´s last blog post..Has the Lakeland Florida’s Housing Market Bottom Out?

  10. I’ve found that when I think I’m writing a “masterpiece” I rarely am. It’s the blog posts that I write “off the cuff” that seem to connect the most with other bloggers.

    Oh, and just because there aren’t COMMENTS to a blog post – don’t be quick to assume that no one is reading it!

    I’ve found that other bloggers will comment on my blog – but my blog is still speaking to people who aren’t bloggers – people who perhaps don’t know they CAN comment. But they are still clicking links and responding to your call to action within your blog posts!!! They are, in fact, a silent majority of your readers.

    Television executives know that when a viewer sends an email or letter that it represents thousands of others who didn’t take the time to respond. The same is true of your blog. A post may have several hundred readers but only two or three of those readers will take the time to post a comment.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is just because people aren’t commenting doesn’t mean they aren’t reading!!! Sometimes it takes a while for people to begin joining in the conversation.

    Kathy | Virtual Impax´s last blog post..Social Media Transparency

  11. Hi Barbara,

    Nice roundup of the basics of blogging here. As far as I’m concerned, the two key components of a successful blog post are authenticity and timing. You can write a masterpiece, but if the subject matter is not really hot or useful at the moment, nobody will care. Same thing about authenticity. If people think you’re talking through your hat, then they won’t ever come back. Need to be very honest, very genuine.

  12. “Google Webmaster tools” is a new one on me. Thanks! And by listening to you, my blogging “elder” I’m actually on Twitter now, not quite sure how to post messages yet but that’ll come. And next Stumble Upon.

    What I’ve learned that really sticks with me is be patient with my blog and realize it will take time to grow, as I am in this for a long long (wonderful,) haul.

    P.S. Is that YOU in the picture??

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..The “Seriously Weird” Winners

  13. I agree with everything you mentioned. I don’t really have anything to add. Over the past few months, the major point for me has been “there’s life beyond blogging” and the effort to find a balance I can live with – not letting my blog go, but not neglecting other aspects of my life either.

    Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post..The Psychology of Advertising

  14. This is a great list. I really need to take the time to figure out SEO techniques, and things like StumbleUpon and Digg. I also need to be patient with myself, and not spread myself so thin that I begin to dilute the good connections I’ve built on Twitter, and with the people whose blogs I regularly read and comment on. Maybe that’s one of the things I learned: Trying to do too much all at once will result in a whole lot of nothing.

    I really like your “content is king” point. I would add this: Be thoughtful and careful in crafting posts, but don’t feel like every last thought, point and argument must be figured out before you write about it. It’s OK to explore ideas you’re not sure about on your blog. It makes you seem more human and vulnerable, and it encourages comments and dialogue.

    Kristin T. (@kt_writes)´s last blog post..Parenting is not a spectator sport

  15. I always like your lessons.

    The key insight for me is that working on your blog is working on your life. If you get knocked down, get up again. If it’s not your passion, find one. Always find the joy in what you do. Focus on improvement, not perfection. Learn more about yourself by sharing with others.

    On a very pragmatic side, it’s less about what you do inside your blog and more what you do outside of it.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Top 5 Characteristics of Leaders

  16. I was stuck on “if you build it…” for a while. One thing I’ve learned in addition is similar to what Tom said. I need to keep my mind on what my goal is. Getting more and more readers is not necessarily what I want. I’m at the point where I have a great discussion going on for some of my posts, and adding a lot more readers might make it hard to keep up. I have achieved my goal of having a nice place to visit. Also, I wanted to see whether others would find my writing interesting, and I discovered that some do, but many don’t. So I’ve achieved that goal, too. The next question is, will I decide I’d rather increase traffic for the sake of the income, or will I want to keep my blog small. I also don’t like visiting blogs just for the return visit, so I don’t.

    Dot´s last blog post..Fun with Mad Libs

  17. Hi Barbara – Yes. Thinking of blogging buddies as colleagues and not competitors changes everything. There is room enough for all of us, isn’t there?

    Hi Jamie – Oh yes, the “P” word – patience. We definitely need that. And you’re right. The big name bloggers are very conducive to our requests. Like you said, “probloggers are human, too”.

    Hi Robin – I used to be a stataholic, but found it’s a waste of time to concentrate on the numbers. But, like you said, we can learn tons from our stats. So if we can extract that information and use it to our advantage, then stats can be a good thing.

    Hi Scott – That feeling of having to write everyday can haunt us, however, if instead we concentrate on producing quality content when we do post, our readers will appreciate that more. Plus, it gives them time to visit other blogs, or…

    Hi Betsy – Oh yes! We can call ourselves writers. And… published, at that. Sweet!

    Hi Tom – Great point. And that’s something we should decide early on. Like you said, it gives us something to focus on.

    Hi Catherine – Definitely. Just like in life, our blogs can stress us out. And you’re right; it’s best not to let them.

    Hi Lisa – How true. Karma can play a huge part in blogging. Kindness pays off.

    Hi Petra – It is great when our readers show appreciation for our work, isn’t it?

    Hi Ling – **smiles** “If people think you’re talking through your hat, then they won’t ever come back.” Well said.

    Hi Kathy – That’s one thing a lot of bloggers have difficulty with. Like you said, our work is being read by many who choose not to comment. Thank you for raising that point.

    Hi Jannie – Thank you. Yes. If we’re in blogging for the long haul, patience is key, as is enjoying the journey.

    P.S. No, that’s not me in the photo. 🙂

    Hi Vered – Oh yes. There IS a life beyond blogging. As you know, it’s finding a good balance that’s difficult.

    Hi Kristin T – That’s very true. We don’t have to know everything about everything before we post it. Like you said, often a question at the end of the post will encourage that dialogue we look for.

    Hi J.D. – Thank you. I like how you worded that, “Focus on improvement, not perfection.” Striving for perfectionism can paralyze us.

    Hi Dot – It sounds like you’re asking yourself the right questions and already know the answers. When blogs grow, so do our responsibilities and the demand on our time. Knowing that ahead of time may help us to tighten our goals (for our blog).

    Hi Nithya – You’re welcome. I don’t think as a blogger we should ever feel we HAVE to post every day – even if all of those around us are. Do what works for you. Your readers will become familiar with your schedule and will be there when you publish something new. It sounds like you’re enjoying the journey.

    Hi Caroline – Thank you. That’s true what you said, “I find that when I write from the heart and the material is somewhat “raw” I really connect to my readers.” Our readers can tell when we’re being authentic and it’s often those posts they can really identify with.

  18. Barbara,
    As a fairly new blogger, I’ve learned rather quickly that its commenting on other blogs and participating in the community that brings the readers. That said the growth in traffic on my blog is relatively slow but I’m enjoying the blogging process and soon enough will definitely start focusing on SEO( it seems so complex, right now).

    Most bloggers seem to be such prolific writers but I find it hard to post every other day. But I’ve accepted that my posting schedule will be the way it is with all the other things going on.

    I get a lot of inspiration and confidence from reading blogs like yours that are so encouraging and provide valuable tips and information. Thanks!

    Nithya´s last blog post..The Monday Muse

  19. Great post! Great comments! There is always something new to learn from the “elders.” I feel like Scott sometimes, guilty when I don’t post everyday. I feel like there is an expectation to “deliver.” I am getting over that. It’s too hard to keep up and honestly my content suffers when I force a post. I have learned so much since I began blogging and what readers want is value or a connection to the author. I find that when I write from the heart and the material is somewhat “raw” I really connect to my readers.

    Caroline´s last blog post..Soulful Sunday

  20. Never give up. Never, never, never, never.

    Matthew Dryden´s last blog post..Parents Cannot Count

  21. Great points about the nuts and bolts, like SEO and site maps. My advice to to concentrate on one thing at a time, and do your research, so you feel more confident about making these additions.

    You also are more likely to know what is really working best.

    WereBear´s last blog post..When Coping Skills Go Wrong

  22. Hi Barbara,

    Its been a long time! How are you? This post got me to come out of hiding. I’ve learned a lot in the couple of months I have been blogging actively.

    The biggest thing that sticks with me is that we all learn best in community. We throw our thoughts to the world and then our readers comment back. How awesome is that? With this constant give and take I believe our personal growth goes through the stratosphere.

    Meeting people online helps broaden our perspective and the opportunities for learning are endless in my eyes.

    We all have our own niche (and a lot of times those niches overlap) and its this great collection of experts talking about what they know and love. It reminds me of the group called The Inklings that CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were in. I think each person helps make the other better.

    That’s what I have learned about blogging. Who knows what great things are yet to come out of these communities of bloggers. I am definitely an evangelist for blogging! 😉


    Jeremy Day´s last blog post..Let This Recession Make You Richer

  23. Oh wow…you have certainly sparked off some very interesting comments to your post. For instance, I enjoyed Tom’s “blogging with a purpose”, Robins “statoholic”, Vered’s “finding a balance” and Kathy’s “off the current” posts that sparked more interests than her masterpieces.

    I have made some mistakes in the past with blogging. I realized that what resonated most with me is Tom’s comment on knowing what our purpose is with our blog. More importantly, the purpose should come from ourselves: what value do we hope to bring to the world. Blogging is only one vehicle or tool to bring our purpose into fruition.

    It’s not so much what we hope to accomplish with the blog but what we hope to accomplish ourselves in our current lifetime. We may have set up a blog for a certain niche and its purpose is to help people in that area, but what if the niche is not something that is aligned? Best is to sit down first and know who we are at soul level, our purpose and core values before starting a site.

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..How To Ground Yourself In 7 Ways

  24. Good lesson Barbara and good write up on your new blog today.

    I am still working on finding my stats…and have never figured out SEO. I just try to figure out one thing at a time – after writing as well as I can daily….I got behind being ill am glad to be in recovery – finally and now the email has gone out again – more phone calls and step by step….I just keep working at it…

    I was so sad that this down turn took out my reader again…I had such a great bunch of blogs to explore… ah me I will find them again.

    I have no funds for a tech team so must be patient with my IT person between her papers and exams…

    It will all work out…I am so lucky to be able to write and share this community.
    What a blessing Thank you

    Patricia´s last blog post..Someone’s in The Kitchen With Patricia

  25. I’ve learned that we can’t please everyone who reads our blogs.

    I’ve learned that some topics allow for a distinctive voice, a clarion call in the forest of blogs, while others do not.

    I’ve learned that pacing yourself when it comes to blogging is very important.

    I’ve learned to take what critics of your work say with a grain of salt.

    I’ve learned that on any blog you can be one of two types of blogger. A journal/diary keeper or a business blogger. There is no in between. The lines don’t blur well.

  26. Hi Barbara

    It feels great to be back on your blog after long time. and i see nothing has changed since i left except your followers and subscriber counts. You have made lots of loyal readers and follower, You are enjoying this love and support of your l readers, Because you have been loyal to them.

    You gave them 1st what you wanted from them. and that’s what works, If you want peoples to comment on your blog link to your post. You will need to take the initiative 1st, link out generously go out and meet other bloggers visit their blog share your views and ideas with them.

    Nothing else is going to work if you don’t follow this golden rule

    Sunil Pathak´s last blog post..Are you Slow Poisoning Your Blog?

  27. One of the main things I have learnt since I began blogging was actually from your site Barbara.

    That is to be the authority on your subject. Talk with confidence, do the research and you will rise a lot quicker.

    Since changing my style of posting to cover topics in much nore detail my site has grown so much in traffic. It goes up daily.

    As for SEO, I am confident about basics and using Long Tail Keywords but I think it is all about to change. I don’t know if it is just me but Google seems to be giving a lot more cudos to near impossible Keywords if you were to target them direct.

    I really think SEO will have to be given a different approach in the near future.

    They seem more and more to be giving high SERPS results to my posts that are very comprehensive on a topic. I get high results for words I never even target because I thought there was too much competition.

    Cover a subject well and it is surprising how many people find your post.

    Three Dog Blogger´s last blog post..Dogs Eating Chicken Bones. Facts and Fables

  28. Another great lesson. Working the SEO part is my hardest thing to remember to do. But I am getting there! So much to learn, so little time!

    Linda´s last blog post..The Sahara Forest Project

  29. Great reflection, Barbara. About SEO and content, remember that writing great content is itself a form of SEO.

    Like Seth Godin says, “Be remarkable.”

    Google values quality links to your site. If you write a remarkable article or blog, people will start linking to you.

    And that’s a form of SEO without using SEO 😉

    John Hoff – WpBlogHost´s last blog post..How To Install Google Analytics On A WordPress Blog Without Using A Plugin

  30. Content is key if the person is good at spreading his/her message. If they aren’t, the content will never be seen. I need to work on marketing my message to more people.

    The other side of my blogging passion is enjoying other parts of life. My wife is pregnant and I’m trying to be there and enjoy the whole process. I keep reminding myself to stay in the moment and feel every emotion.

    Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matters´s last blog post..Professional Growth the Google Way

  31. Ok Barbara,

    It’s posts like this that make this site one of my absolute favs.

    You have the ability to put into words what all of us have felt or gone though at one time or another.

    When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Serious.


    Tumblemoose´s last blog post..Ebooks: charge or give away

  32. I honestly think SEO and social networking are the real kings. Content is not as important. How many crappy books are in bookstores as “Bestseller”? The publishers did a great job on marketing the books. If you do a good job with SEO and network with a lot of people, your blog can also be “great” blog with mediocre contents.

    Kai Lo´s last blog post..Google Pagerank 0

  33. “we get what we give”

    🙂 best wishes Ribbon

    Ribbon´s last blog post..Just for Fun!

  34. Pingback: Florida Mortgage | Florida Mortgage Blogger | Real Estate SEO - Don’t Get Left Behind
  35. Hi Matthew – Simply put, and true.

    Hi WereBear – How true. Doing research does make us feel more comfortable as we take on new tasks as it builds confidence.

    Hi Jeremy – It’s great seeing you here again. I love how you worded that, “I think each person helps make the other better.” Together we can move mountains, can’t we?

    Hi Evelyn – That is very good advice. “Best is to sit down first and know who we are at soul level, our purpose and core values before starting a site.” Too often people start blogs for the wrong reason, or without thinking and tire quickly of writing on a topic they’re not passionate about.

    Hi Patricia – Thank you for your kind words and for the comment on my other blog.

    That’s all we can all do – take one thing at a time. It’s when we try to do too much we begin to feel overwhelmed and the joy of blogging/writing begins to feel like a chore.

    Hi B. Durant – Oh, how true, “we can’t please everyone who reads our blogs.” And I think that’s also why different blogs have different “types” of community. Like personalities do attract each other.

    Hi Sunil – It’s great to see you here again. I hope all is well in your world.

    Yes. the golden rule of reciprocating visits, links and/or comments holds true if we want to build community.

    Hi Glenn – I agree. We do need to appreciate and be grateful for our readers and those who take the time to leave comments. Without them, it would be very lonely.

    Hi Linda – I hear you. Learning and practicing it all takes time.

    Hi Three Dog Blogger – That warms my heart to know my words were helpful.

    I have to agree with what you’ve said about change that may be coming via the search engines. And, I hope that holds true as many bloggers are writing well researched articles that deserve to rank high in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). How great it would be if keyword stuffed posts lose their ranking and the well researched posts rank higher.

    Hi John – Hey, I like your new avatar, and…I see you’re now linking to your new beautiful site.

    That’s true, isn’t it? “…writing great content is itself a form of SEO” BTW: I like Seth’s quote, too. 🙂

    Hi Karl – Congratulations on the pregnancy. You’ll have to keep us posted and let us know when the baby arrives.

    Staying in the moment is VERY important. We all have lives to live and memories to make.

    Hi George – ***smiles*** Your words sure are good for the ego.

    Hi Kai Lo – That’s true. There are many books out there that are best sellers due to marketing only. Blogs often follow the same path.

    Hi Ribbon – Yes, we do get what we give. Well said.

    Hi Jeannette – Thank you. There is a lot to learn, isn’t there? I’m heading into year three and learn more every day. What fun!

  36. i like your number 5. checking stats and worrying about the numbers, eventually that will stunt your creativity.

    no. 7 is great to remember too. there is more to life than blogging. we love it, but some times we have to put it in perspective. if it’s a hobby, be good at it, but don’t let it run your life.

    i’ve learned to be myself. not everyone can deal with me, but for the most part, i like who i am. if i want to write something off the wall, if i like it, i post it.

    Natural´s last blog post..Pet Peeve Friday

  37. “Other bloggers are not our competition.” Amen! It’s easy to get caught up in comparing numbers, but then I think about my behavior as a reader: I never just choose one blog in a topic, I read lots. Making that realization made me feel a whole lot better about being a blogger.

    I’ve also realized that it’s important to let yourself evolve as a blogger. Perhaps your original posting schedule doesn’t work anymore. Perhaps your enthusiasm for a certain subtopic wanes. As long as you’re writing relevant, helpful, and authentic stuff, the schedule matters less over time than a beginner might imagine.

    Sara at On Simplicity´s last blog post..Three Things You Do to Cut Down on Waste

  38. Hi Natural – That’s a good point. Be yourself. Although we won’t be what everyone is looking for, we can still build a community of great people.

    Hi Sara – That’s great advice, “let yourself evolve as a blogger.” Isn’t it amazing how when we look back to those beginning days of blogging we’ve changed, and often, so has the direction of our blog(s).

  39. Another great lesson Barbara. I’m constantly reminded that blogging is a giving and receiving experience. It’s about sharing your story and being part of a community.

    Stacey / Create a Balance´s last blog post..Authentic Happiness Series – Part One

  40. What an awesome post – you’ve outdone yourself! I totally agree. Imagine how much faster, easier and less expensive it is to learn from someone else’s real-life experience instead of by trial and error.

    With every passing day, though, it becomes tougher for Newbies to discern between those who know what they’re talking about and get-rich-quick long sales letters and how-to-make-money-online blogs written by people who haven’t made ANY money yet!

    This makes it all the more important that we share and recommend those who DO know what they’re talking about whenever we can.

    Internet Strategist´s last blog post..Making Money with Your Blog – Part 2 – Evaluating Affiliate Programs

  41. A great post. yeah, accept each and every one of it.

    Sometimes, though we know all this, we fail to remember them.

  42. Physical existence offers unlimited opportunities for lessons. This list offers useful tidbits. People have different reasons for blogging; some are measurable, quantifiable and goal-oriented whereas others are unconscious and meaningful in other ways. Thanks for your insight. Discovered your blog though Lance at Jungle of Life.

    Liara Covert´s last blog post..Why did you come here?

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  45. Hi Stacey – Yes, blogging is about sharing and community. THAT is what makes it so special.

    Hi Internet Strategist – Thank you. I do agree. It can be very difficult for new bloggers to discern truth from fiction when it comes to blogging. Like you, I laugh at the get rich quick blogs written by someone who hasn’t made a dime.

    Hi Ganesh – Thank you. Yes. Sometimes it is hard to remember all there is to know.

    Hi Liara – You’re welcome. That’s true. We all blog for different reasons, but to us it’s meaningful.

    BTW: Lance has a fabulous blog, doesn’t he?

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