Looking Forward

A new year is a great time to reflect back on the old one and look forward with anticipation for what the new year will hold.

A new year often means making resolutions and although many resolutions never see daylight, others become stepping stones to a vibrant future.

Today’s Lesson

With the new year upon us, I feel it’s a good time for us bloggers to talk about where we hope we will be at the end of the year.

Will we have learned more? Will we have gained notoriety in blogosphere?  Will we have published an ebook? Will we have have used our blog as a stepping stone to a new endeavor? Or___(fill in the blank)___?

As I look forward, a few of my blogging goals are:

  1. Complete and launch my next blogging project
  2. Learn better time management
  3. Spend more time visiting other blogs
  4. Increase my knowledge of coding – both HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  5. Update ALL of my blogs on a regular basis

Now it’s your turn.

Today’s Assignment

What are your blogging goals for the new year?

Care to share?

signature for blog post.

P.S. I’m thinking how fun it will be to revisit this post a year from now and see how far we have all come. 🙂

56 thoughts on “Looking Forward

  1. Hi Barbara,
    This is a good time to reflect on where we are heading. Thinking about that, I plan to find more ways to collaborate with some of the amazing people I have had the honor of meeting. As well, I would like to push myself to develop new connections as well. Regarding the technical side of my blog – I would like to improve it’s performance and simplify the design – which could be myself learning more technical skills, or hiring someone to help with that. I am ready to explore what the next level will look like!

    Looking forward, Barbara, as always – to all that lies ahead for you, too!
    .-= Check out Lance´s awesome post: Sunday Thought For The Day =-.

    1. Hi Lance,

      That’s a great point. With all of the wonderful people we meet in blogosphere, collaborating with others on projects is a great way to divide the load and create something spectacular – such as your “Blog For Cure” project.

      I’m excited to see what you have up your sleeve for 2010. I’m betting it will be great.

  2. My main blogging goals for this year are 1.) to publish an e-book, and 2.) to create a new website which can hold all of my writing, both fiction and non fiction, and to turn that website into an income stream. I really feel like 2010 is the year when I will accomplish my dream of being a paid writer, and a published author.

    Here’s to all of us achieving our goals! Cheers!
    .-= Check out Jay Schryer´s awesome post: The Miracle =-.

    1. Hi Jay,

      An ebook? How exciting. I’m looking forward to hearing more about it, as well as the unveiling.

      Creating a website that will house all of your writings is a great idea. It would be like “one stop shopping”, showcasing all of your wonderful works.

  3. Hi Barbara,
    We share some of the same goals.

    1. Create a “structure” for posting, so it’s more regular
    2. Spend more time visiting other blogs
    3. Using my blog to spread the message of feel-good living
    4. Use video on the blog for certain things
    5. Grow the community/collaboration opps
    6. Create a revenue stream (ebook, video downloads…still in progress)

    Good luck to you and with all of your projects in 2010.

    1. Thank you Stacey,

      Yes. We are do share a lot of the same goals.

      You mentioned sharing video on your blog. Does that mean you’ll be doing video posts? That’s something I haven’t figured out yet, but it sounds exciting.

      Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all create a decent income stream from our blogs? Then we could quit our day jobs and blog full time. How fun would that be?

  4. Barbra, you are so right! Goals are key to our successs. Simply blurting a New Years Resolution will get us nowhere. We need to set our goals, set a deadline and put a plan in place to reach those goals.

    Personally, for Blogs With Wings, my goals are:

    -Launch a new blog featuring down-loadable templates
    -Release the new Ultimate Control Blogger Template by the end of February
    -Increase my RSS Subscriber base
    -Add more community building interactivity to my blog
    -Build the blog’s core content by writing more in-depth articles

    There’s more, but these are the key goals I hope to acheive
    .-= Check out Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella´s awesome post: Speak Into The Mic – My Interview On BloggerStop.net =-.

    1. Hi Joella,

      It sounds like you’re going to be one busy gal.

      And you’re right, setting a deadline for a goal can make a huge difference. It keeps us accountable and on track. I’m wishing you all the best with yours.

  5. I have two major projects in the works besides my regular posting schedule. I’m looking forward to a great 2010.

    Like you, I also want to visit and comment on more blogs. For me, it’s my time to relax, and I need more of that. 🙂
    .-= Check out LisaNewton´s awesome post: The Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook =-.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      TWO major projects? You’ll have to keep me posted on those so I can come by and check them out.

      I know what you mean about also finding time to relax. Often finding just a little bit of free time is just what we need to recharge our batteries.

  6. I’ll be continuing to blog through the year on my current blogs.

    I do have long-term blog project that I am working on, but it won’t, for a reason, debut until late this year, or early next year. It’s a history related blog and the debut will be based on a historical date.
    .-= Check out Mike Goad´s awesome post: The cold continues =-.

    1. Hi Mike,

      You have me intrigued. A history related blog? I know you’ve published wonderful historical type posts before so it will be fascinating to see a whole blog on the subject.

  7. HI Barbara,
    Such thought provoking questions…but ones i have been asking myself since the new year started. Can you believe it..we are already 10 days into the new year…time does fly….really best to make the most of it before it flies away…:)
    My blogging goals include-
    -Help more and more people cause Positive Provocations is all about people and helping them have happier more meaningful lives. If the readers are happy so am I 🙂
    -increasing my subscriber readership
    -better simpler design which means learning css…we have one goal in common 😉
    -publish ebook
    -try a teensy bit to monetize on my writing(i still have no clue whatsoever how)
    I love Blog Angels comment….and her blog is just WOW!
    Oh and I so look forward to seeing what youre going to be doing with your blogs…..you asking this question means its going on in your head too…hmmm…

    Happy bloggin my Darling Blogging Teacher 🙂
    Much Love
    .-= Check out Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s awesome post: Smiles and Laughter =-.

    1. Hi Zeenat,

      Yes, We will both be learning more CSS this year. Fun, hey?

      I see we’ll soon have an ebook from you, too. I can hardly wait. With your knowledge, experience and love of helping others, I know it will be a huge success. WooHoo!

      P.S. Soon you’ll get to see what I’ve been up to. Unfortunately I got sidetracked and may be changing the theme to this blog before I unveil my new project. Needless to say, I am easily distracted. 🙂

  8. Hi!

    My goals are to update my blog on a regular basis. I got myself a digital camcorder so I will be able to post videos. And spend some more time visiting other blogs.

    Hope 2010 is very good to you!


    1. Thank you Silly Girl,

      Adding video to your posts? How exciting? I was just on your blog and watched the one of JJ. I’ll be back to catch up on your other news real soon.

      Happy Vlogging!

  9. By the end of the year, I would hope that my blog has folks really going green and I have a stream of monetizing that works! LOL!

    This year should be exciting with all of the new ideas coming to the surface, my goal is to capture all that I can and let everyone know about it.
    .-= Check out Linda´s awesome post: Induction Lighting Is Green Brilliance =-.

    1. Hi Linda,

      LOL When you find that perfect way to monetize a blog, will you let us know?

      With you blogging “green” you’ll definitely have lots of new stuff to share as that appears to be the wave of the future.

  10. Hi Barbara,

    Goals include doing more writing for me (fiction)
    Learn more about web design
    Finish at least one of the novels I’m working on.

    I hope a great 2010 is in store for all, regardless of goals.

    .-= Check out George Angus´s awesome post: Orb Chapter Four =-.

    1. Hi George,

      Did you say finish ONE of the novels you’re working on? So…how many do you have up your sleeve? You’re not holding out on us, are you? 🙂

      Here’s to being a published novel author in 2010! WOoT!

  11. Hi Teach and classmates

    My goal is to be mindful about how I spend my time and not getting overwhelmed by what is possible.
    I aim to produce quality posts and leave quality comments and build relationships that are authentic and add value.
    I sincerely desire to build a blogging community that allows for authentic and in integrity communication, a community that sees this new media as an opportunity to create an awesome connectedness.
    I have a chance to do things differently in cyberspace world, so let’s do that and with that comes;
    knowing when enough is enough and not overwork myself, it is not about tit for tat and busting gut,
    giving honest and productive feedback when I see that that would add value,
    learning to make requests,
    growing RSS subscriber base (thank you Joella for saying it so eloquently) because people really value what is on offer,
    finding out what your new project is Barbara, I am bursting to know!

    Love Wilma
    .-= Check out Wilma Ham´s awesome post: ‘What is so’ in relationships. =-.

    1. Hi Wilma,

      I hear you. Being mindful of how we spend our time and not getting overwhelmed is a fantastic goal. With blogging there is so much we can do, but like you said, we also need to know when to say, “enough is enough”. I think once we learn that, we’ll be in a better position to concentrate on that which is truly important.

      New project? Soon….. 🙂

  12. Barbara… I throw my hands up in surrender. Right now, I know not what I do where blogging is concerned. Time management is my top priority. Things keep shifting and being flexible enough to roll with it keeps me on my toes. Business is taking a higher priority than blogging at the moment. I’m rooting for you and your goals!
    .-= Check out Davina´s awesome post: Mother Nature Waits for Nobody =-.

    1. Thank you Davina,

      I know what you’re saying. When life and business get in the way of blogging, it’s tough to stay on course. When I think of you with your proofreading business plus being a life coach, I often wonder how you find time to blog, plus Tweet. You’re one busy gal.

  13. I haven’t thought about goals for my blog in any sort of compelling way yet.

    I think there’s something compelling about hitting a 1000 raving fans. The question is, how do I know when I reach that (I have more subscribers than that, so that’s not my baseline.) If I already have 1000, then I’ll up the ante and go for 10,000. … might as well reach for the stars, right?
    .-= Check out J.D. Meier´s awesome post: Lessons Learned in 2009 =-.

  14. Hi Barbara .. interesting comments which cover aspects that we all wish to achieve. First I must move my blog across to WP for starters; then I’d like to create a new one utilising the content – shorter ‘articles’, which can have value added to them in the form of more pictures, video, and more content arising from the questions that arise from the original post.

    So I create one new blog, with lots of mini blogs spinning off that one, out of each of those perhaps .. picture books, video books, talking books, ebooks, physical newsletter booklets, speaking engagements, perhaps an involvement type forum (not open to the public) .. etc etc .. marketed to various arenas – the elderly, people who need an interest (elderly, disabled, seriously ill – but going to recover), blind, deaf, volunteers – who need something interesting, different to talk about – where there’ll be pointers to help .. children, educational (though I’ll need guidance here) …

    I need to learn how to design a site – a future project

    First and most important I need to work out a name for my project – that’s my major priority at the moment .. once I’m clear here of the ‘stuff’ hanging over .. then I’ll start with the name and its spin-offs.

    Some ideas and thoughts – there’s lots of opportunities for us bloggers – however my major priority is still my mother and I must work things in and around her – that is the time management element, energy levels – whcih are improving with only one to look after, and as the weather improves and days get longer, life will be easier.

    Clearing the space – will help the concentration .. I can hit the ground running I hope??!!

    I’m looking forward, like you, to seeing all our projects take off, and learning from all the great friends with their willingness to share, help, guide us all – Happiness and SUCCESS in 2010 – to us all ..
    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
    .-= Check out Hilary´s awesome post: Start of weather forecasting, some stats and memories … =-.

    1. Hi Hillary,

      Those are great blogging goals. I like your idea of separating your topics. You may be able to do that with one blog and have pages for each of your topics (kind of like a website) if they all tie in together.

      When you get closer to putting it together, let me know if I can be of help.

      I agree, 2010 will have all of us seeing success. 🙂

  15. Hi Barbara!
    My main goal for this year is to find a nice comfy cage for MonkeyMind so it allows me the time and peace to go forward with my writing. I have a re-write/edit going on a book and my ebook and second blog to put time into marketing (the ebook is a breath away from being published – getting tech help with this). I have 2 paintings commissioned and the entire lake house to repaint/decorate when the re-model is done in March (?). I’m excited and pumped about each individual thing – it’s when I lump them all together – as in a YEAR of goals – I find myself slip into temporary over-whelm, which is one reason I don’t do yearly goals, but quarterly – blame it on Monkey!
    .-= Check out suzen´s awesome post: 2012 Curious =-.

    1. Hi Suzen,

      Oh, how exciting. You not only have writing/blogging projects, but some in real life too. I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed when you look at the whole picture. Knowing you, you’ll breeze right through them with flying colors.

  16. Hi Barbara,

    This will be a year of major changes on so many levels. We are working on relocating to a new part of the country that is more in line with who we are.

    As for the blog, there are many exciting projects/things are in the works. I am taking things to a whole new level and turning many of my dreams into reality. This will be the most awesome year ever! 🙂
    .-= Check out Nadia – Happy Lotus´s awesome post: Taking Inventory =-.

    1. Hi Nadia,

      It sounds like you’ll have an awesome year. Moving can be both scary and exciting, but I know you’ll have fun picking just the right spot.

      I’m happy to hear many of your dreams will become a reality in 2010. I know I’m going to enjoy following your progress.

  17. Hi Barbara – Thanks for asking! It’s great to hear what others are planning. I’ve added a new feature, Meaning Mondays, and for now that is enough of a goal. I want to carry it through the entire year, and see what happens. But I’m sure other goals will arise as the year progresses.
    .-= Check out Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s awesome post: Meaning Mondays: The Teapot Edition =-.

    1. You’re welcome Peggy,

      I like that title, “Meaning Mondays”. I just clicked over to your blog and read your first post of your new series. I LOVE it. I can see you enjoying the ritual as much as you enjoy the tea.

      I’m going to have to make a daily ritual, too. Thank you for the idea.

  18. I just posted my blogging and social media goals. Time management is an underlying goal for everything on my list, as it will be impossible to do most of the stuff I have planned without a clear schedule of when I will do it. Otherwise, I’ll get too caught up on one thing and never make it to another.
    .-= Check out Kikolani´s awesome post: Blogging and Social Media Goals for 2010 =-.

    1. Hi Kikolani,

      I can identify with that – getting too caught up on one thing and never making it to another. I like your idea of posting your goals online. Not only do you have a list, but by sharing it with others it helps to keep us accountable and more determined to complete them.

      I checked out your list – looks like you’ll be one busy gal.

  19. Spend MORE time visiting other blogs? Barbara, you’re a saint!

    I’ll gladly join your goal of becoming more proficient at basic coding.
    .-= Check out vered | blogger for hire´s awesome post: Fat People Not Welcome =-.

    1. Hi Vered,

      LOL. Saint? Not! My problem has been I’ve been so busy working behind the scenes, I’ve fallen behind on visiting. Hopefully after I launch the new site I’ll have more time to spend in the foreground.

  20. I don’t have Earth shattering goals besides just blogging more. 2009 was an especially difficult year for me in my personal life so blogging took a back seat. I didn’t stop, but I did have to slow down. I just plan on picking up the pace!
    .-= Check out Carla´s awesome post: Check us out on Facebook! =-.

  21. Visiting this section in year’s time will be great. I guess I will have electronic evidence of what I want to accomplish by year ending 2010 gazing at me .So here are some of my blogging goals; To complete writing my own e-book, To Increase my Community on the internet, To understand CSS and Find a new mentor, my old one has relocated..
    .-= Check out Fatibony´s awesome post: Different Ways to Appreciate Someone =-.

    1. Hi Avani,

      Having seen you on Twitter, I must say you’re doing great on connecting. And since that’s micro blogging, you’re getting both writing and connecting done at the same time. 🙂

  22. Barbara — Happy 2010:~)

    Goals…what are these? Let’s see, here are a few of mine:

    I want to learn my new camera so I can take better pictures for my site.

    I am thinking about doing a new site that focuses mostly only on my photography with writing taking a second seat.

    I want to develop my sense of TRUST that my blog is going where it needs to go.

    I want to do more to help bloggers starting out. As I’m not a blog technical person, I’m thinking more in the line of commenting, mentoring…things like that.

    I want to keep the wonderful blogging friends I’ve discovered this year and meet more new friends in 2010.

    Okay…I’m already feeling overwhelmed:~)
    .-= Check out Sara B. Healy´s awesome post: Picture Story: Play the Game Online =-.

    1. Hi Sara,

      Those are great goals. I especially like the one where you want to help new bloggers. A a seasoned blogger I always find it comforting when I see other paying it forward. I think you would be a fabulous mentor.

      Happy 2010 to you, too.

  23. Wish you a great success in 2010 and may you able to achieve all your goals! As for myself, I did place down some goals (mini ones before meeting the ultimate goal) but most importantly, I hope to challenge myself more, more outreaching and definitely, time management as well. It’s overwhelming at times to handle all tasks with just one-self, but I’ll enjoy the process and learn how to be more productive. Yup, a lot of trials/errors may be encountered. Gotta prepare for that. 🙂

    Have a good year, Barbara.

    Social/Blogging Tracker
    .-= Check out Ching Ya´s awesome post: How To Autopost from Multiple Blogs To Your Facebook Fan Page =-.

    1. Hi Ching,

      I hear you. Trying to do it all by ourselves does get challenging, but oh, what fun we have, hey? And yes, we do need to prepare for trials and errors. I don’t know about you, but that’s when I learn the most.

      I’m wishing you success in the new year, too.

  24. My goal for the new year is to grow my business by: speaking at more events, coaching more clients, and designing more websites. Sounds simple. It’s challenging, but I love my work so that makes it easy 🙂
    .-= Check out Ricardo Bueno´s awesome post: Social Media Triage =-.

  25. Those are great goals, Barbara. You really are getting into the html and css stuff, aren’t you?

    Hint: If you’re using a program like FrontPage or Dreamweaver, learn about layers. Using Layers allows you to put things anywhere you want on your page (uses div tags).

    My goals…

    1. Publish a few ebooks
    2. Stick to my time management schedule much better than I have
    3. Better position myself in my niche
    4. Spend more time with my kids
    .-= Check out John Hoff – WP Blog Host´s awesome post: 2 Little Things to Consider When Starting a Website with a Blog =-.

    1. Thank you John,

      Yes. I’ve been bit by the coding bug. 🙂

      By the looks of it, you’re going to have a busy year. I’m looking forward to your ebooks as well as seeing learning more from your blog.

      P.S. Thank you for the heads up on Dreamweaver and FrontPage. I’ll check them out.

  26. Hi Barbara .. thanks – got to start .. can’t believe how much having a mother in a Nursing Centre takes, especially when the powers that be .. suddenly realise that all is not well – as I’ve been saying and questioning for 2 years .. still Mum has survived, it’s been an interesting experience (frustrating and really angry making at times), but I live and learn .. Mum is sleeping much more – so I guess I’ll have more time – even if it’s sitting by her bed making notes, or listening to podcasts, perhaps making audioblogs for later transference.

    Thanks for the offer of help – when I get nearer the time I’ll let you know what I’m doing etc ..
    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
    .-= Check out Hilary´s awesome post: Saint Hilary, Happy Anniversary, Hilary Term and .. =-.

  27. My goals this year?
    Spend time really nurturing LLI and Sirius Graphix and also my new love of photography (without losing ground in any of my other creative endeavors.) Also there is some book writing happening as well that I must find time for. 2010 is the year of getting books finished. It says so in the master plan..so that one MUST happen.

    Oh yes and all that under the umbrella of my Intention of the year of” Living Inspired.” I’m excited to see where the year leads all of us together.
    .-= Check out Wendi Kelly~Life’s Little Inspirations´s awesome post: Roadblocks to the Inspired Life =-.

  28. I certainly know what I’m aiming for this year – spend more time with the people I love!

    Of course, how to do that is the issue. I have to find ways to cut back on all the time I spend on the general running’s of life. Any suggestions?

    One place I’ve picked up a whole lot of good ideas. tips, and tricks is on a site with time management tips for parents.

    Hope this link helps someone else as much as it helped me!

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