Free Recent Posts Plugin

Just yesterday I wrote about a free plugin for Meta Tags. Today, I’m writing about a free widget for “recent posts”. I love being able to share the fact that creating and working with a blog, doesn’t have to cost very much.

I used the free recent post widget yesterday on my OM blog. It’s from It’s called “Fuzzy Recent Posts”. It’s a breeze to download, and once activated, shows the number of recent posts you have specified. So easy!

Some WordPress themes come with a recent posts “category”, however, if the one you choose doesn’t come with a “recent posts” section, this widget makes for an easy way of adding your recent posts to your blog.

Since so much of this information is free to us bloggers, think about making a donation to the providers and developers of these plugins and widgets. They’ve certainly spent a lot of their precious time in the creation of these “blogging tools”, so let’s not forget to reward them. Also, if you’re going to use free plugins and widgets, create a link on your blog to the respective sites, so they get the exposure they deserve.