Write On


If we relax, release our thoughts and let them flow to our fingertips, the results can be phenomenal.

Today’s Lesson

I love getting comments on my blog.

I carefully read each one and attempt to construct “just the right answer”.

Comments inspire me to share my opinions and/or what I’ve learned.

But, sometimes I get long winded, and don’t know when to stop typing.

What I’ve come to realize, in some instances, my words may have more impact if I convert them into a post.

So I do.

I cut and paste (my lengthy answer) into my “write” screen, add a potential title for the article, and save it for later editing.

When I’m at a loss for a post topic, I go to my drafts.

How easy is that?

Today’s Lesson

What inspires your blog topics?

Do you find yourself getting off topic when you write?

Do you ever turn one post into two or more?

Do you have a backup of drafts to fall back on?

Photo Credit: _StaR_DusT_’s photostream

14 thoughts on “Write On

  1. Hi Barbara,
    Yet again, we seem to be on the same wavelink. Just yesterday I was trying to write something for one of my blogging friend’s new web magazine venture. It’s a parenting magazine written by parents. I had an article written and was proofreading. I found a thought that didn’t really go with the theme of the article, but it was a good point. I copied the paragraph to another page and saved it for later. When I have time or need a topic I will go back and work on it. It’s going to need a little research to do it right. I keep my drafts like this on my computer in a Word document and then copy and paste when I am ready to use it.

    Debbie Yosts last blog post..Dakota’s Pride Documentary

  2. I do most of my blog writing off-line. I write entries in MS Word and then copy and past them onto my blog. I find that this system really works for me. Since I don’t post entries on the weekend, I have that time to focus on writing. Every weekend, I type up a week’s worth of entries.

    Sometimes when writing my posts up in advance I have an idea that just doesn’t seem to be coming together. I may leave it unfinished on the screen or simply give it a title. Next time I open the file, I usually end up writing it to my satisfaction.

    Chase Marchs last blog post..Parents Need to Act to Like It

  3. Sometimes when I’m writing a post, I’ll see that there’s enough for two separate posts, so I’ll split it up. I try to keep each post focused on one thing, because I think that way it’s easier to read and comment. Like you Barbara, sometimes my comment replies turn into posts.

    Hunter Nuttalls last blog post..How To Be A Woman

  4. What inspires my blog topics?

    Well, just about anything LOL. A lot of it is just stuff I know that I think would be helpful to other people.

    Do you find yourself getting off topic when you write?

    All the time! I find it helpful to try and come up with a title first so as to help keep my focus. Then when I feel I’m getting off topic I ask myself, “What does this have to do with ________.”

    Do you ever turn one post into two or more?

    Only a few times. The current real estate one I’m doing I first thought up as one post. But as soon as I started typing and really brainstorming I thought, dang . . . another series.

    Do you have a backup of drafts to fall back on?

    Only a few.

    For awhile I use to write my posts in MS Word like Chase does. But then I was having problems cutting and pasting into the WordPress text area – the formatting never came out right.

    Now I create my posts using MS Frontpage. I like using a html program because if I want to add any effects (like an image map), it’s easy to do. Also, I can preview my post using my blog’s template so I can get a good feel of how it’s going to read and look.

    John Hoff – eVentureBizs last blog post..Tell Me About You

  5. What inspires your blog topics? Hmm. Stuff I wonder or think about. My own crazy mind. I love asking questions just to see if there’s someone out there as crazy as me. Lol. I love conversation, if not always participating in them, I love to know why people do what they do and why they feel this way. I like reasoning, sharing and stuff that makes people laugh, think and learn.
    Do you find yourself getting off topic when you write? Probably, but not too much.
    Do you ever turn one post into two or more? Uh, no…not that I remember. I guess I could.everyday, except the weekends? Your blog is not too overwhelming so I like reading your posts everyday, but sometimes people post long posts every day, sometimes
    Do you have a backup of drafts to fall back on? Yes I do, but mostly from topics I want to talk about anyway or something I find interesting in the news. I’ll make it a draft and then when the “feeling” strikes me, I’ll blog about it.
    Easy enough Barbara. How easy is it for you to blog twice a day. Can’t read them. This is off topic isn’t it?

    Naturals last blog post..4 Ways to Avoid Arguments About Money

  6. sorry not twice a day for you barbara, once a day.

    Naturals last blog post..4 Ways to Avoid Arguments About Money

  7. Hi Debbie,

    Isn’t that great how that works? Now you have another topic to expand on.

    BTW: Congrats on your article for the web magazine venture.

    Hi Chase,

    By the sounds of it, you do A LOT of writing (and from your blog I see you have always enjoyed it). That’s a good system you have doing a week’s worth of entries on the weekend. I usually take the weekend off from writing.

    Hi John,

    Ah ha….another “student” answering all the questions.

    I like the way your real estate series is turning out. Each post gives just the right amount of information, without being too overwhelming.

    Grab yourself an “A”. I’m off to grade Natural’s homework.

    Hi Natural,

    I do like the questions you come up with. On your last post (about not fighting over money), I almost answered, “If you don’t have any money, you won’t fight over it” lol

    Re: my blogging schedule. Once a day, five days a week works good for me. I like that it engages my brain and keeps me thinking (I’m a thinker).

    Another assignment aced. 🙂

    Hi Hunter,

    Blogging about a single item does make it easier for everyone. If I see a post that covers a lot of different aspects, I will choose one part of it to comment on.

    Hi Chris

    Funny how that works, hey? We think we are going to address one subject, and we go off in another direction. Like you, I have dozens of drafts (some with titles only), but they just sit there.

    BTW: I love the picture on your “I’m Tired” post. That’s precious.

  8. At the end of the day, I usually have a new topic in mind for tomorrow’s post. Then tomorrow comes and I end up changing my topic because a better one just popped into my head.

    I have back-up drafts but they are all terrible so I end up always writing a new one.

    I have many stories and topics to share that are related to my work but I made a vow not to write about my work or my student while I’m still teaching. So for now, most of my inspiration comes from my children.

    Chriss last blog post..I’m Tired

  9. Barbara, I keep a running list of ideas to blog about at all times – well, actually several lists that I need to combine. Often times, I don’t even know where a topic comes from. Sometimes I get ideas from other blogs – something that will trigger a thought, sometimes it is from comments on my blog, sometimes it’s from newsletters. A lot of it is from the program I am involved in and the things that my friend Ron passed on to me either first hand or second hand. My best posts seems to come from something I have been thinking about for several days or weeks.

    Yes, I often turn one post into more than one. Sometimes it just keeps flowing and well it’s too much for one post.

    Jennifers last blog post..Help!! I’m in Too Deep and I Need Out!

  10. What a great idea! I only do 2-3 posts a week and even so, sometimes I fear that I won’t have anything useful to blog about. But then, magically, something comes to my attention and, what do you know, there it is – a blog post.

    I usualy get my ideas from things that I am reading and learning about but ocassionally from news stories or from my own life experiences. I always get off track when I’m writing and have to reign myself in, or accept that my post has suddenly taken on a life of it’s own and become about something that I hadn’t originally intended.

  11. Hi Lori,

    Isn’t that amazing how that works? Sometimes I just keep writing and then when I’m done, I often separate what I’ve written into one or more posts.

  12. Hi Catherine,

    It is easy to get carried away with a post, isn’t it?

    Drafts are good to fall back on, even if they need to be edited or completed. It gives us a great place to start when creativity escapes us.

  13. Hi Barbara – Writing two topics in one post is also a bad habit of mine and I often have to change it. Re: Inspiration – I get it from everywhere. Re: Drafts – I have a lot but they’re not usually completely written or edited.

    Cath Lawsons last blog post..Is StumbleUpon Going Down The Tubes?

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