How Do You Measure Your Success

measuring up in blogging

Many people are negatively affected by watching beauty pageants, competing in sporting events or partaking in board/card games.  The loser(s) often has their hopes dashed, and their self esteem goes may go down the toilet.  If the winner rubs it in their face, they feel even worse.

Most will pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start all over, but some don’t.

The defeat is too much for them to handle.

They feel they’ll never measure up.

Today’s Lesson

When I look at blogging, I see the same competitiveness. It’s all about the numbers.

You know what I mean.

“So in so” has “x” number of subscribers. “They” have more Twitter followers. “He” is making $x.xx number of dollars with his blog. “She” has dozens of comments. And the list goes on.

What happens if we get hung up on what others are doing?

We can be affected.

Our writing may suffer.

We waste time thinking about how successful THEY are instead of concentrating on what WE want to accomplish with our blog

Instead of honoring our individuality, we may start feeling resentment and jealously.  We may lash out at others.  Maybe even leave a negative comments on blogs.

We may start to feel like a failure.  We tell ourselves, “I’ll never measure up”.

Our self esteem heads South.

It’s not easy to NOT compare ourselves to others.  With blogging, that’s how success is often measured – by the numbers.

But how do we not let the numbers of others bother us?  How do we concentrate on the tasks that lie ahead of us?

When I start to notice I’m comparing my blog to others, I stop and think back to those beginning days of blogging.

I remember why I wanted a blog and how enthusiastic I was to share what I knew with the world.  At that point in time, I was excited if I had one visit, one comment, one Stumble, one email and/or one ad click.

Holding onto those thoughts reminds me to measure my success by how far I’ve come, and not by another blogger’s progress.

Today’s Assignment

Do you get hung up on the numbers other bloggers are showing?

How does seeing them affect you?

Do you ever feel you don’t measure up?

Please feel free to share how you deal with this issue.


Photo Credit: annnna.

53 thoughts on “How Do You Measure Your Success

  1. Great post!
    You can consider comparing blogs as a learning tool as opposed to how you measure up!
    I think that the only measuring tool required is oneself.
    Success can only be measured by your belief as to what it is.

    Ribbon´s last blog post..SNAKE

  2. I feel that I don’t measure up in a lot of areas in my life. However, it is not something that I dwell on. I know that people have different abilities. That is why I focus on doing my best and bettering myself so that I can then top my best.

    I strive for personal bests. So go for your PB and don’t what you perceive around you get you down.

    Chase March´s last blog post..The Book I Wanted to Write

  3. Hi, Barbara. I’m happy if I feel like I’ve truly conveyed in words what I’m thinking. When readers comment, I value what insights they share, thereby filling out the thoughts even farther. It’s like we’re all uncovering little nuggets together, sharing the process.

    Julie´s last blog post..A Storm is Coming

  4. Yes, at first I’d feel a bit jealous of blogs getting a lot of comments but I’ve learned I CAN do the same by “getting myself out there,” really taking the time to get to know other bloggers. And anyone who follows the advice you give on this blog can grow their blog readership too!

    Personally, I feel most successful when I push the “Publish” button on a post I’m happy with and if it inspires a lot of comments, I will think about writing in that vein again.

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..In a nutshell

  5. Hi. Long-time lurker, first-time comment!

    Sometimes, when I visit those other blogs, the ones with 75 million comments and cross-discussions going on, and zillions of people reading . . . I wonder what “they” have that I don’t have. I’m just as smart, as witty, as, well, everything. . . ugh, it’s like being the fat kid in middle school!

    Sure it would be great to have a “following” – a bunch of readers who subscribe to ME and hang on MY every word! But really, in a way, my blog IS me. MY voice, MY thoughts, MY style. I do try to keep in mind that my blog is a creative outlet for me – I write to, well, to quiet the “creative monkeys” – and if I inform, amuse, or interest someone else, great. If not, well I’ve amused myself, which, for me, really is my purpose. I just have to keep reminding myself of that, that’s all.

    Thank you for this post – it’s exactly what I needed to read, I think.

    ToyLady´s last blog post..Hurt in a Car?

  6. Do you get hung up on the numbers other bloggers are showing?

    Yeah. I say to myself, “Man, do I ever want that, and what can I do to make that happen, because I can, and I will. Watch me go.”


    James Chartrand – Men with Pens´s last blog post..Freelancers Aren’t as Green as They Think

  7. Mostly, I’m just fighting to reach the goals I set for myself – like I need to work so many hours, and so on. I don’t think I’ve reached that stage where I can compare my scribbling with other people. But yes, it would be nice to have a few more visitors and someone who actually reads the post before commenting.

  8. Hi Barbara, I must admit I was getting hung up on the number of subscribers i have. Only 50 or so in three months. I wish there were more and I just keep working hard.

    On the other hand the amount of comments I receive has jumped through the roof lately which I love. Some revenue is also, slowly, beginning to appear.

    It is personal though, I don’t really worry about others numbers.

    Although, when I see the number of subscribers to Problogger I may feel a little twinge!!!

    the three dog blogger´s last blog post..A Day In The Life Of The Three Dog Blogger

  9. As Ling, I try to concentrate in the goals I have set up for myself. They are tough enough as they are, and as Robin would say, life is too long to be someone else.

    Miguel de Luis´s last blog post..The triumph of the apprentice; or how not to screw it.

  10. I actually have focussed on and fussed over lot of numbers. Theoritically I know half of them don’t matter. But that doesn’t stop them from mattering. One major change I made to avoid falling into a number trap is to set some challenging goals for myself so that I focus on something constructive. Second big change was to step back from blogging completely for a month – ie take a blog-vacation. It was interesting to see how my blog survives without any input from me.

    Avani-Mehta´s last blog post..Going Home – On A Vacation

  11. The numbers of others matter nothing to me. My goals are my own. If I’m not meeting them, then there are specific steps I can take to correct that. What other people are doing can help me not at all, and worrying about it is only shackles on my ankles.

    Writer Dad´s last blog post..Father Daughter Dance

  12. This is one of my favorite topics. 🙂 I think focusing too directly on the thing you think you want (more Twitter followers, more blog subscribers) is a lot like deciding you want to find a significant other: you probably won’t end up with what you wanted, and if you do, it will most likely be forced and false.

    It’s been interesting to see how focusing on numbers does not just make me feel bad, it negatively affects the quality of my writing and my ability to just be me. And that, after all, is the whole point.

    Kristin T. (@kt_writes)´s last blog post..Making do: less money and a bit of paint

  13. I just ended my first blog, but the numbers never much mattered. Well, they did for awhile, but then I realized I didn’t want to ride the merry-go-round of SEO and whatnot. I may change my mind if I eventually try to blog for money, promotion, or for a different topic.

  14. Mike Goad is so smart.

    In blogging, and in life in general, comparing ourselves to others is a very bad idea. Regardless of how much we have, we will always find someone who has “more.”

    I’ve been blogging for almost a year now and I’m proud to say I am much, much better at focusing on my own blog and not on others.

  15. I went through that about month 4 of blogging. I was working long hours on blogging, and doing ‘all the right things’ but my numbers were nothing compared to ‘the next guy’s’. Now, I really don’t care. I write for me, and I write for the wonderful community of readers who enjoy what I write.

    The numbers game was all about advertising. On my newly designed blogsite (coming soon, I promise), I am eliminating ads all together.

    Urban Panther´s last blog post..Creating a new story

  16. @ Panther – Except ours, right? 😉

    James Chartrand – Men with Pens´s last blog post..Freelancers Aren’t as Green as They Think

  17. A few months ago I was feeling all stressed about it, so like with the comment-response issue I dealt with my stress by writing a guest post (for Remarkablogger) about comparisons:

    I think they’re good if we use them to learn how to do things better or avoid pitfalls, but when we use them to measure our (business’) self-worth then we’re in big trouble.

    Alex Fayle | Someday Syndrome´s last blog post..Carnival of Personal Development: February 9, 2009 edition

  18. Numbers are important and I am just like you and other blogger addicted to Google Analytics, Technorati, and other stuff…
    It shows me the progress.
    What truly success means to me is what I adopted form John Wooden and it is the ease of mind of publishing my blogs.
    My mind is of ease when i ahve solid pipeline of topics, writing is smooth, i deliver valuable NB content, i hang out with other bloggers and share ideas like here. My mind is easy thus i am successful. Numbers will come along.

    Alik Levin |´s last blog post..First Leadership Lesson For Your Kid – Compromise

  19. Hi Ribbon – Well put. We can learn so much from other blogs, especially those that are doing well.

    Hi Julie – That’s so true. We do uncover those “little nuggets” together, and in the process we all become wiser.

    Hi Jannie – Thank you for your kind words. Good point. Pushing the “publish” button should give us a great feeling of accomplishment – knowing our words will be read worldwide.

    Hi ToyLady – You”re welcome. It’s great having you commenting here. I hope to see you again, soon.

    I love how you worded that, “I write to, well, to quiet the “creative monkeys” – and if I inform, amuse, or interest someone else, great.” I think when we open up and share what’s on our mind, others often identify and are naturally drawn to us. They see our authencity.

    Hi James – O.K. I’ll keep an eye on you and “watch you go”. I know you can do it, too. 🙂

    Hi Mike – Definitely. Dwelling on the numbers takes the fun out of blogging.

    Hi Ling – Setting goals is a great idea and for some, it’s the driving force to do better. I wish you well on yours.

    Hi Chase – That’s a great idea, strive for OUR personal best. Comparing ourselves can often set us up for disappointment.

    Hi Miguel – Yes. We all need to listen to Robin and her great words, “life is too long to be someone else.” 🙂

    Hi Avani – That’s wonderful you’re setting goals that are constructive. As much as the numbers can measure our success, it’s what we do with them that makes a difference.

    Hi Writer Dad – You’ve got the right mindset.

    Hi Three Dog Blogger – As you mentioned, I too, noticed your comment numbers are increasing. That’s always a great sign.

    I know what you mean about Problogger – His numbers are phenomenal.

    Hi Kristin – I hear you. It’s like that old saying, “be careful what you wish for – you might get it”.”

    Yes, focusing on the numbers can affect our writing negatively, as well as our ability to be true to ourselves.

    Hi Kim – THAT is success. It sounds like your plate is full and you’re loving doing what you do. Can’t beat that.

    Hi Vered – You’re right. We’ll always find someone who has “more”.

    Hi Panther – We all go through that, don’t we? It’s how we think success is measured; by the numbers. When in fact, like you said, we should be writing for ourselves and the community of friends who take time to read our work.

    Hi Alex – How true. We can learn from those who have the big numbers, but when we check to see how we “measure up” against them, we’re asking for trouble.

    Hi Lori – You will be missed. I just read your latest post and understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. I wish you a very bright and beautiful future. P.S. Don’t be a stranger.

    Hi Alik – That’s right. The numbers will follow. In the meantime, the journey is one to enjoy.

    Hi Mark – ***smiles*** – Good one. “Every waterfall starts with a drop!”

    Hi Betsy – Well put. We should pay attention to what others are doing, but not use them as a measuring stick.

    Hi Pete – Thank you. The benefits we get from writing what we care about is often enough for us to feel successful. As you said, our words are often medicinal.

  20. So many wonderful comments from your readers! If I can have a positive impact in even the smallest of ways I think that is success. Every waterfall starts with a drop! 🙂

    Mark´s last blog post..Suspend Your Reality

  21. Looking back at the runners behind you will break your stride. Looking at the backs of runners ahead of you does what exactly if you’re running your personal best? Perhaps it convinces you to train harder, to build more endurance, to add more versatility in your style, any number of things. But ultimately, you’re competing with a stopwatch, not any other individual in particular.

    So, yes, pay attention to what others are doing, but not to the extent that you focus on them and lose yourself and all you have accomplished. The most bravery is exhibited when you just keep going.

    Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post..COYOTE UGLY – CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF AN URBAN KIND

  22. Awesome post. I had one post go semi-viral and I’ve been trying to reclaim that excitement of tons of traffic. I just need to get back to writing what I care about and enjoy the medicinal benefits of getting my thoughts on paper (or screen).

    Pete´s last blog post..Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar. Choose to Be an Eagle.

  23. I can not allow myself to judge my worth on numbers or measurements. I would be underground already…
    I have to focus on my own goals.
    I have volunteered by life away so far – maybe it is just age or the closeness of the end, I just need to do my own thing and write, and write and write.

    I have never fit into any measuring groups measurements. Now I like it that way.

    I don’t even fit the Health care industries measurements…I only care in so far as I don’t wish to use up my families money or leave debt.

    A Native American Shaman told me on the streets of New York City that I was a profoundly capable healer and a person of great wisdom. That is the only compliment I hold dear to my heart – this person just spoke to me on the street and the person with her had to translate who she was to me….

    It is fabulous to be loved by my children and honey….that too is a fine measurement.

    This is enough….

    Patricia´s last blog post..I Request the Honor of your Comments

  24. When I measure success by readers or comments I feel antsy so I try to measure success by how good I feel about what I’ve done. My goal is to be entertaining for my readers and I think I do a good job of that. It was hard in the beginning when there were few comments and I felt a bit lost – were people not commenting because they hated it? And that was a difficult hurdle to get over until I got to the point where I was getting some feedback in the form of comments.

    I nearly gave up a couple of times because I felt so uncertain of myself. I’m very glad I kept going because now I feel more confident and get a real sense of satisfaction out of what I am doing, instead of anxiety.

    Tracy´s last blog post..Things to do this week

  25. I love the interactivity of blogging, so I’m genuinely thrilled when someone leaves a comment on any of my blog posts (and this doesn’t always happen!) It also allows me to jump around to new and creative blogs that I might otherwise have never discovered.

    You are correct though, at times it can get a little obsessive, and even disappointing when I’ve put together a post about something I want to share with the blogging community, and it results in zero comments. We all feel this way, I’m sure. But I don’t put this down to vanity, or competition alone, but to a loss of that interactivity which is so unique about a blog as opposed to some other more static websites.

    I do have to stop occasionally and remember that someone reading my post may have an internal comment they probably don’t wish to share publicly.

    Jenaveve´s last blog post..Eye Spy…..something delicious

  26. Hey Barbara! Once again, your posts prove timely and important in respect to some things I am going through. I use my mortgage blog to inform consumers but also to generate leads. As such, my entire effort is really dependent on “the numbers.” At times when I see my subscribers dip, I do try to look long term – to building my online SEO castle so to speak – brick by brick…

    Kevin Sandridge´s last blog post..4 Tax Credits You Need to Know About

  27. We live in a world where it’s impossible to clearly define anything without having something else to which we can compare it.

    This is a very cool thing, yes? But conventional “wisdom” has ingrained within us the idea that these contrasts and differences must be rated and ranked… good or bad, right or wrong.

    I find that I’m particularly susceptible whenever I’m stepping from old “comfort” zones into new challenges. As a relatively new blogger working my way up a steep learning curve, I’m constantly being tempted into judging my success solely on the basis of numbers.

    The key to avoiding this trap is awareness–simply paying attention to how you’re feeling.

    Whenever I’m feeling uncomfortable, discouraged or otherwise upset by blog or other biz stats, I know I’m being judgmental… and that it’s time for a fresh set of eyes.

    The quicker we learn to view things as “just is” without any judgment, the easier it is to broaden our perspectives, to begin seeing the inherent value of our “differences” and to reach our desired business destinations.

    Thanks for another thought-provoking post, Barbara.

    Mary Anne Fisher´s last blog post..How to Avoid Being a Victim of Mistaken Identity in Your Online Business

  28. Wow, that’s a great post – you always have amazing ones that make me want to say something!

    I gotta admit that I don’t even try to measure myself against others. There are blogs like yours visited by countless people with a gazillion comments because.. well, because you have a great blog that keeps bringing us back for more.

    I suppose I’m just happy that I have some regular visitors who find what I write interesting enough that they want to keep coming back. Happily for me, they also have some great blogs that I want to visit regularly as well. Happiness in blogging is about doing something you enjoy – so as long as I keep enjoying my blogging, then there’s no need to measure against another.


    Daisy´s last blog post..Hard to say goodbye

  29. I don’t get too hung up by the numbers.

    I think we are our own best judge of how well we are doing. We know deep down if whether what we have wrote is really good or not.

    Often, the numbers is more of a reflection of how good we are at marketing ourselves and doesn’t necessarily explain how good of writers we are.

    Unfortunately, marketing ourselves… You know – getting ourselves out there plays such an important role.

    Bamboo Forest – PunIntended´s last blog post..Glory of the Snot Rocket

  30. I admit that I do get caught up in numbers, but it’s usually at that point in time that I get an email ask for advice. I realize my blog isn’t about how many RSS subscribers I have, but how many people I help work happier.

    Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last blog post..30 Days of No Complaining – Wisdom Multiplied

  31. Honestly, I have no idea how many RSS subscribers I have. Seriously! I do look at my stats and analyze my numbers, but don’t compare myself to others. I learned long ago that when I try to “measure up” then all the fun goes out the window. So, for me, ignorance is bliss!

    Caroline´s last blog post..Where’s my zen?

  32. Hi Barbara,

    I do see this competitive trend in blogging, but I’m glad to say that I’ve never been caught up in this game. Perhaps it’s because my intention was somewhat different from the start, and I am probably too gullible, ignorant or complacent to want to compete. 🙂 After all, I figured since there will always be someone else out there who’s doing the same thing as I do, I’d rather we become friends and share ideas rather than do the “who’s better” tug of war game. So far so good for me.

    Having said all that, I do respect the ones who have chosen to be competitive. It’s somewhat a reflection of their passion. We all create our successes uniquely.

    Irene | Light Beckons´s last blog post..Buzz Buzz

  33. I pay no attention to my stats because I’m mostly blogging for myself and not interested in monetising.

    I measure my success by the fact I have a small group of people who have stuck by me. It’s a nice, tiny little community and I’ve really enjoyed interacting with them and learning more about them.

    Sure, it would be awesome if it was a large bunch of people, although realistically I know I wouldn’t have the time to interact with them in a meaningful way.

    But I can certainly understand how people get caught up on the numbers. It is a real buzz to have new people drop in and comment and to subscribe – and no doubt to make money from doing what you love.

    Frisky Librarian´s last blog post..A sombre 100th post

  34. I can only measure my success with the numbers of people viewing my popular posts. I have some of them that I wrote six months ago and i still have thousand of people visiting monthly. I’m just glad to see that what im writing interest many people! 😛

    KiwiPulse´s last blog post..Amazon: Say Hello To The New Kindle 2

  35. I was lucky enough to be clueless when I started blogging, so I didn’t know what kind of stats were available. I would highly recommend to any new blogger that they don’t check stats for the first month or so as they’re getting used to the format. At that point, genuine comments seem like a much better gauge of what kind of posts and writing connect with people.

    That said, I do get hung up on numbers from time to time. I’d love to match up to the subscribers on bigger blogs, or the amount of comments in other places. For the most part, though, I look for growth within my own blog–those are the numbers I *really* get hung up on.

    Sara at On Simplicity´s last blog post..The Best Organization Resources on the Web

  36. Hi Patricia – You’ve nailed it. The measurement that really matters in life if how much we love and are loved. 🙂

    Hi Jenaveve – You’re right. Many people read our blogs and do not comment. Although we may feel our words are “going to waste” (so to speak), a lot of times, they’re not. Also, keep in mind, linking to those older posts (that got little to no traffic) is a great way to gain them some new visibility.

    Hi Kevin – Yes, it is brick by brick. Even when we measure our own progress, it’s best to look from month to month, and later year to year and analyze how we’ve grown. Watching daily numbers can get depressing, especially if they take a nose dive.

    Hi Mary Anne – You’re welcome. That’s true, isn’t it? When we get to that point where we can be nonjudgmental of our progress, we open our eyes to what is.

    Hi Tracy – I’m happy to hear you kept at it. I know what you’re saying when we don’t have the feedback of comments. Comments can validate what we say/believe and also inspire us to move forward, as well as do better. Your confidence is showing in your writings, so whatever you did to make that shift worked great.

    Hi Daisy – Thank you for your kind words. As you know, I truly welcome hearing everyone’s response. Together we can grow and learn.

    You’re right. When we enjoy blogging there’s no need to compare ourselves with others. It’s all about the journey.

    Hi Bamboo – Good point. The numbers are often a reflection on how well we market ourselves. The “if we build it, they will come” attitude doesn’t play well with blogging, does it?

    Hi Karl – Exactly! How many people we help (or affect) with our blogs is a great measure. Even if it’s just one, we’ve done fabulous.

    Hi Caroline – ***smiles*** “Ignorance is bliss”. That’s a superb way of looking at it. Sometimes a little information is TOO much.

    Hi Irene – I love your attitude. Aligning ourselves with others who think like us, instead of competing with them can result in lasting friendships. That’s priceless, isn’t it?

    Hi Frisky Librarian – You’re right. The bloggers who want to monetize their blogs or use their blog as a stepping stone to something else are more apt to be concerned with their growth, or lack thereof.

    Hi KiwiPulse – That means a lot, doesn’t it? When we know what we’ve written interests or helps others.

    Hi Sara – Your comment is a great reminder to all of us to look at how WE have grown. Just looking at some of our early posts will reveal how far we’ve come. That’s a good feeling, isn’t it?

  37. Do you get hung up on the numbers other bloggers are showing? – yes I do and I hate admitting that because I know better than to do it

    How does seeing them affect you? – I dont get affected because when I feel myself being jealous I give myself a mental SLAP and stop it.

    Do you ever feel you don’t measure up? very rarely and when I do, the comments from the absolutely fab people that comment bring me back to reality and let me know that I am an OK chick with OK things to blog about

    Please feel free to share how you deal with this issue.

    melanie´s last blog post..What can we do to help

  38. One can’t help but notice who’s hot and who’s not, numbers-wise. It’s interesting then to check out the blog and try to guess how they got that way just to see if any of what they did could work for you.

    I’d say hung up is too strong for what occasionally happens when I get hit with the comparison bug. That definitely signals to me that I’m looking too much and too closely on the outside and that it’s time to go within and connect for nourishment.

    Our measures of success ought to be more based on what our purpose for blogging is. Are we delivering on that purpose?

    Tom Volkar / Delightful Work´s last blog post..Building Career Confidence by Feeling Deeply

  39. A lot of it comes down to what motivated you to get into blogging in the first place. If it’s for exposure or profit then those are the benchmarks that get your attention. If it’s to create quality content and gain a following then that’s the focus. Either way, we check out the competition because it’s natural to measure ourselves against other. At the end of the day, though, the numbers don’t tell us who we are. Too many random factors are involved for it to be a true measurement anyway.

    Gennaro´s last blog post..Travelers Must Help Free Rice And Kiva

  40. Hi Barbara,

    Very, very good post here! I think this is something that gets to us at least at some point, for others perhaps regularly. But of course just as with anything else it stems down to our deeper self of how and why do we live life.

    If we live life for others and based on others approval, etc. then I imagine those people will not make it long as bloggers. But if we do what we do for us, for the love of it then it is awesome and numbers really do not matter.

    Sure it is tough to look at a blog like ZEN Habits at times and think geez 80,000 RSS subscribers….but at the end of the day, I realized that I don’t care if I get even 1 person reading and getting something from my blog – if we can just touch the life of one other person out there – that is a huge accomplishment in itself. But again we should be blogging pirmarily for us, to express ourselves and to play with our own creativity, regardless of what others think or do.

    Evita´s last blog post..SkyWatch Friday – Sky Moments

  41. sure the numbers tell a story, they give you an indication on how you’re doing, which is maybe why i don’t check…i don’t want to know too much – my blog is not about the numbers. i enjoy the comments and the feedback whatever that number may be high or low.

    it’s a waste of time to compare ourselves to other bloggers, we can’t use them as our gauge – maybe we want to be like them, but some things we don’t consider is the time they spend getting to where they are. we all have different circumstances and can’t spend the same amount of time growing our blog.

    i don’t have a good definition for success, but i would say it’s a personal contentment and peace. being able to meet and follow through with the goals you’ve set about yourself.

    blogging is all about the numbers, it’s a bit of a turn off. the numbers no longer represent people, just a status.

    Natural´s last blog post..Incognito

  42. Barbara,

    Have you been reading my mind lately? This is my latest challenge…what to do about STATS! I have been pondering whether or not to put the WordPress stats back up on my site. I have some BIG mean gremlins about the stats and, to be honest, they SCARE me…a lot!!!

    I enjoyed your questions and will have to ponder on them. Thanks again for a great post!

    Sara´s last blog post..A Picture for Your Thoughts

  43. Hi Melanie – You’re not alone. Sometimes we do need to give ourselves that mental SLAP and tell ourselves we’re as good as the next guy/gal. Being aware is half the battle.

    Hi Tom – That’s true. We can learn a lot by analyzing what those who are successful are doing. Often it because they’ve been blogging for many years and have built a following. I also remind myself that they, too, started at zero.

    Hi Gennaro – Good point. “Too many random factors are involved for it to be a true measurement anyway.”

    Hi Evita – Thank you. What you’ve said is very true. Worrying about what others think can not only create internal problems, but affect our creativity. If we can learn to concentrate on doing what we love (blogging), those feelings will often dissipate.

    Hi Natural – I’m glad you brought that up. Different bloggers spend different amounts of time on their blogs. For those who have massive hours available, they’re more likely to attract bigger numbers, but for us who have full time jobs, our time is more limited.

    Hi Sara – You’re welcome. One thing about stats is they can teach us a lot about our blogs. Not just how many people are visiting, but how others are finding us, how long they stay on our site, if they are visiting more than one page, etc. Problems can arise IF we start comparing our numbers to others and begin to feel lesser than.

  44. Hi Barbara. This is an excellent topic! I used to worry about numbers, and sometimes I still find it discouraging, but I quickly snap out of it! I remind myself that I’m enjoying the experience so much that the outcome has less of a hold on me.

    I’ve built up some good muscle around this. In my earlier days I was intimidated by certain bloggers whose blogs appeared to be more successful than mine. I would visit them anyway and learned to assert myself and reaffirm what I believed about myself — how my differences were my strengths, not my weaknesses. So, those bloggers in fact, became my greatest teachers.

    Davina´s last blog post..Guest Post: Groceries, Refrigerators and Higher Selves

  45. I’m arriving late here to read and comment. I liked this article.

    I just posted a milestone for my blog, but as I did it, I was aware of a time when someone else posted his numbers and I felt so bad because we had started out together but he was doing so much better. So I don’t plan on posting a lot of statistics, but I do use them so I can know whether anyone likes my writing or not, outside of the ones who comment.

    Dot´s last blog post..OpenOffice Extensions

  46. Hi Davina – I love your attitude. And you’re right. We can learn from those who are more successful than us. Usually they’ll share how they got to where they are, and if we’re willing to listen, the information is priceless.

    Hi Dot – Thank you. That can make us feel inferior when someone starts the same time as we do, and they have better numbers, but we do need to remember some blogs will naturally take off faster than others, and some bloggers are also more aggressive. I know you’re enjoying the journey, so keep doing what you’re doing. I think you’re doing great.

  47. I have my good times and bad times. Yes, the numbers bother me. Yes, I get frustrated sometimes and even depressed. The bottom line is, blogging is A LOT of work. It’s not just the “if you build it, they will come” mentality. You have to comment and stumble and twitter and “fill in the blank”. I have a job and work 20 hours a week. I have 3 kids, one with special needs. I volunteer at the schoo. I teach religion class. I have dance class to go to and flute practice. I have extended family I need to spend time with. I write for Root & Sprout. I am sometimes up till midnight trying to get caught up in my reader so I can keep my readers coming back. Then I go to bed and think “what am I doing?” Should I just throw in the towel? Maybe. I’m not ready to yet, though. I’ll continue to blog for now. I’ll keep trying to find ways to get my blog noticed. But, I will also continue to remind myself that this is supposed to be fun and when it feels like too much pressure and work, I need to step back and reevaluate what I am doing here.

    Debbie Yost´s last blog post..Potpourri – Down syndrome style

  48. Barbara,

    I am always way too hard on myself. If I am to be brutally honest, I hate to look at my analytics too often because I know that if my numbers are down, it puts me into a deep blue funk and I get discouraged.

    And as long as I’m putting it all out there, I do feel jealous when I see other blogs with apparently high numbers.

    I try not to let these things immobilize me and I’m pretty successful at doing so.

    Wow. I can’t believe what I just wrote. Oh well, a little honesty ever hurt anyone.


    Tumblemoose´s last blog post..Who reads your writing?

  49. Hi Debbie – Yes, blogging is A LOT of work, and even though it’s considered a hobby, it appears bloggers are devoting more time to their blogs than they do anything else. When offline responsibilities eat into our day, it’s tough to find a balance we can live with. I know you’ve recently cut back on posting (to 3 days a week). That’s worked well for me and I hope you find the benefit in it, as well.

    Hi George – Your comment reminds me again of how even though stats can teach us a lot, they can also affect our mood. It is hard when we see a dive in our numbers, especially when we’re working our tail off. Knowing you’re successful in what you’re doing should help to minimize the negative effects of the numbers.

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