69 thoughts on “Which One Are You

  1. Great post. I started using “Junk Drawer Kathy” since I wanted people to remember “oh, that Kathy,” but sometimes I worry if that looks spammy. I guess I don’t feel negatively enough about it to change it πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Kathy,

      Personally I don’t think “Junk Drawer Kathy” looks or sounds spammy. It incorporates both your name and the name of your blog all in one. I think it’s a perfect fit. πŸ™‚

  2. I don’t go by my first name only, online, because there are so many of us Barbara’s.

    I sign ‘Barbara’ (formal writing) because it looks better with the rest of my name. (Barbara E. Hartsook)

    My husband and best friends call me Barbie. My sister calls me Barbe. My dad used to call me Bah-Bah, and then Barby in my adult life.

    So I had choices! I chose Barb Hartsook as my blogging and commenting identity because it’s what most folk call me, and my other nicknames seem so, well, intimate. I’m comfortable with Barb — though I answer to all the above. Just not ‘Babs.’ Ha!

    And now you have the short story long. πŸ™‚

    1. LOL Barb,

      I know what you’re saying. I’m not fond of Babs, either.

      I’m sure you also have to be consistent with what name you choose since you’re known in the artist community, as well. I’m assuming you probably use the same name there. Yeah?

  3. You make some excellent points here, Barbara, and I have to say that I agree. πŸ™‚

    If anonymity isn’t necessarily an issue for you, then including your last name can be a smart move. I decided to go with my real name from the get go because I wanted my name to be strongly associated with Trottersville (it is my brainchild after all). That way, folks would get to know my Trottersville gravatar, my name, and hopefully the name of my blog by associating all of these things together.

    However, I can fully appreciate that there would be many who prefer the anonymity that blogging can provide, so a different made up name can be useful in that case… as long as they stuck with it! I like to be able to follow various writer creators from place to place on the net if I really enjoy what they have to say.

    1. Thank you Tony,

      I’m glad you brought that up – how our name, avatar and the name of our blog end up going together. Even though some of us spot a blogger from their avatar first, eventually we end up thinking, “Oh yeah, that’s Tony Single from Trottersville”.

  4. I am always commenting as “Kelvin Kao” anywhere. I think you can get away with just your first name if it is uncommon enough, like “Vered”. (A name like “Michael” obviously would not work.)

    As for Kelvin Kao, there are actually several. I follow one of them on Twitter. I saw a few Kelvin Kao’s on LinkedIn. And I wasn’t able to get kelvinkao.com. However, it seems to me that I am the only one that really has really established a more significant web presence. If you Google Kelvin Kao, most of the search results in the first three pages has to do with me one way or another.

    I do, sometimes, follow someone on Twitter or subscribe to someone’s blog simply because that person is also a Kao. I don’t see those all that often.

    1. Hi Kelvin,

      That’s interesting if we Google our own name, isn’t it? I know I’ve found many Barbara Swaffords, too. Finding others with our last names is fun, too. I always call them “cousins” even though I doubt they are.

      I agree. Someone like Vered could get away with just using her first name.

  5. When I first started blogging, I used a pseudonym. Then I read someone’s post saying that one was more likely to be taken seriously if they used their real name. It made sense then, so I started doing just that. While that still makes sense, sometimes when I’m commenting, I just use my first name — short version — so that it won’t be so likely to show up if someone is doing a search on my name. Usually, I do that if I want to keep the comment a little private. I’m still identifiable through the avatar and link to my blog, just not quite as “searchable.”

    1. Hi Mike,

      It seems like I heard that too; how we may get taken more seriously if we use our real name.

      That’s interesting what you said about your comments being less searchable if you only use your first name. I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right. I’ll have to keep that in mind if I ever want to be a little more private with my words.

  6. I struggled with this issue when I first started blogging, because I was hesitant to give out my last name. I was afraid for my loss of privacy, and that I might get cyber-stalked or something.

    I decided to ignore my fears and use my last name because I didn’t want “fear” to be my only reason for doing something (or, in this case, *not* doing something – using my last name).

    The only time I have ever regretted it was when I have been hurt or upset emotionally, and I have left a less-than pleasant comment on someone else’s blog, and now *that* comes up whenever someone searches for my name. Unfortunate, but at the same time, it’s a powerful reminder for me to choose my words carefully.

    Using my full, real name keeps me “honest” online…I am the same person in the “real world” as I am online, and people in my “real” life are never surprised by the things I say online. I’m just me…no matter how you know me πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Jay,

      I know exactly what you’re saying as I had the same struggle, too. After hearing about how some bloggers have been stalked, it does raise a fear. But I like what you said; how you decided you are not going to let fear stop you from doing something. Amen!

      That’s true. When we use our real name online, it does keep us honest knowing our real life friends could drop into our blog at any time and verify if what we’re saying is online is the same think we’re saying offline.

    2. What Jay said about real name, fear, and authenticity. πŸ™‚

      Although, I do believe my baby self in the bucket avatar is unique. Pete and I coincidentally both have baby/bucket photos, which was a fun discovery. We used them on our wedding invite. I’ve been thinking I should change the avatar to my real face, which I use on Facebook, but have never gotten around to it. So it stays the same.

      1. Hi Betsy,

        Yes. Your baby bucket avatar is very unique, and when I see it, I know it’s YOU.

        I like how your used your avatars on your wedding invitations. That’s a great idea.

  7. OMG I’m following my buddy Jay!

    I use Tess The Bold Life as if you didn’t know! I hope I don’t look spammy! I don’t mean too. I’ve never seen another Tess in all my blogging days so that could have been enough. Not sure. Please tell me if I look spammy. I think people who know me know I’m sincere.

    1. Hi Tess,

      You don’t look spammy at all. In fact with that new avatar, compliments of Caroline, you’re looking beautiful, AND sincere. πŸ™‚

      P.S. I haven’t seen any other bloggers named Tess either.

    1. Hi Vered,

      I don’t think your online name appears spammy. For one, you’ve already developed an online presence, and secondly, your links go to a real blog. For me, that makes a huge difference.

  8. Hi Barbara – I started out using CatherineL – then I realised it made more sense to use Cath Lawson, since that was my blog name.

    One danger I’ve found with using the same name as someone else is that it can destroy your reputation, if they don’t behave themselves online.

    I’ve been a member of a Disney forum for years. A few years ago they switched server – something went wrong and folk were able to sign up with the same names as existing members.

    Someone decided to take my name and be rude and mean to as many members as possible. I was glad when the administrator got the duplicate names problem sorted.

    @ Vered – The way you use keywords doesn’t come across as spammy cos you’re still using your name too.

    1. Hi Cath,

      When I first me you, you were going by Catherine. But I agree, if your blog is “Cath Lawson”, than it makes sense to use that as your login name, as well.

      That had to have been scary on the Disney forum when someone else was using your name. If the administrator hadn’t stepped in, your reputation could have been destroyed.

  9. I use Patricia – Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker or my real name of Patricia Singleton when I leave comments. Both seem to work well for me. Slade Roberson is the one who suggested that I use my first name and add the name of my blog to it as a way to advertise my blog. There are a few other Patricias out there, one of which also comments on this blog. You even, at one point, did an article about the two Patricias a few years ago. On Twitter I use patriciasinglet as my name. On Facebook I use Patricia Singleton.

    1. Hi Patrica and Barbara,

      How Funny! Slade suggested I do the same thing! hehe That’s why I am officially Lisa@Practically Intuitive. I have used other names online (Mystical Chick is one of them) but am now committing to L@PI forever! πŸ™‚

      It does help when I can associate someone with their site, though.

      Good question!

      1. Thank you Lisa,

        I agree. To be able to associate someone with their site is very helpful. It also helps to keep the name of our blog in front of others, and can show others what we blog about.

    2. Hi Patricia,

      Yes. That’s right. I did a blog post titled, Patricia Times Two, when I was showcasing both of you ladies and your blogs. πŸ™‚

      I like the idea of including the name of a blog with a first name. Like you mentioned, it not only introduces who you are, but advertises your blog, as well.

  10. Pingback: Tweets that mention Which One Are You | Blogging Without A Blog -- Topsy.com
  11. When I had started blogging I found another Indian Homemaker … it wasn’t a regular blogger. I think a profile picture helps… and a unique name helps too, but your post made me wonder where that blogger is now…

    I request anonymous commenters (who have no blogs either) on my blog to use pseudonyms for easy identification. One creative anon calls himself, ‘Formerly Anon’ and another one “Moral Police” – now I know which one believes women should stay in the kitchen and which one thinks bloggers are ‘armchair activists’ πŸ™‚

    1. LOL Indian Homemaker,

      I like your idea of requesting anonymous commenters to pick a pseudonym when they comment. Like you said, it lets you know which person is visiting and sharing their thoughts. And I’m guessing they probably enjoy having an online “handle”, as well.

      P.S. Did you find the other “Indian Homemaker”?

      1. When I was new to blogging another blogger tagged me but I did not get a confirming email – so I clicked and found another blog – it hadn’t been updated for a while. I must look for it now…

  12. I picked my user name long before I ever heard of blogging. I used it for my email and on message boards, and I never came across anyone else with the same user name. It includes my first name and my initials. The 4 has personal meaning.

    Once I started blogging, it was a no-brainer to use KirstenL4W. On blogs, I’ll comment as either KirstenL4W or just Kirsten. I don’t mind not being anonymous, but on those occasions when I do want some anonymity I have a hard time coming up with a name to use.

    1. Hi KirstenL4W,

      That’s a great way of creating an online user name. It not only makes it unique, but like you said, you can carry it with you where ever you go.

      Now you have me thinking If I were to use a different name to comment anonymously, I’m not sure what I’d even use. Hmmm..

  13. “How did you choose the name you use online?”

    Well, it’s my name! And, there hasn’t been much competition for it! When KeywordLuv is enabled, I’ll choose “Colleen@Kennewick Homes” but normally it’s just plain Colleen. I tend to comment with a gravatar so folks are starting to associate the two together. Also, I only comment on blogs that are interesting and/or I can learn something, so I’m associated around town with good company. πŸ™‚ Barbara, your blog certainly fits the description!

    1. *smiles* Colleen,

      That’s true. We quickly learn the avatars of those who comment regularly around blogosphere, so a first name is often enough to identify the person.

      P.S. Thank you for your kind words.

  14. I’m pretty lucky, because the name Jodith if fairly rare in cyberspace, so I just use my first name. At least for my on-line business presence. I do use another name for more personal types of commenting. I started by personal blog years ago under another name simply because the folks who read my blog were all people I knew from gaming, and they knew me under my on-line character’s name. I’ve been doing personal blogging under that name for so long now, that I actually answer to it if called that in real life *laughs*.

    As for using keywords instead of a name? Odds are I’ll send your comment to the spam bin.

    1. Hi Jodith,

      I agree. I have not heard of another Jodith, either. It’s a very unique, and pretty name.

      That’s funny how you answer to your online name in the real world. I can see how that could happen since you’ve been blogging for so long. πŸ™‚

      Re: Keyword names. If they link to real blogs or not too spammy sites, I’ll approve them. Otherwise, like you, I send them to spam.

  15. Never did I imagine the time that a blogger with the same first name as mine would appear but it did and I become confused as to how I can differentiate my self from the other. Good thing that I have an avatar. However, there are instances when having an avatar is not enough because there are some site does not display them. Thanks for providing me here with tips regarding this matter. πŸ™‚

    1. You’re welcome Walter,

      Wow! To think that happened to you. I agree. It’s a good thing you had an avatar.

      I know what you’re saying about the blogs that don’t use avatars. On those it’s even more important we differentiate who we are.

      P.S. You could start using “Walter, the Lionslinger”. I think that has a great ring to it.

  16. Hi Barbara .. you’re right .. I’m sure I will use my surname because in due course I will want to be marketing online, promoting my products etc and potential customers will want to contact me .. offline and online.

    Interesting reading everyone’s thoughts .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      That’s true. When we start expanding our reach online, it becomes more imperative we build our online presence with our name. We certainly wouldn’t want to be confused with someone who has the same first name.

  17. Hi Barbara.

    I’ve always used my first and last name. Then shortly after I started blogging James from over at Men with Pens put out an article which made me think and decide to go ahead and throw which company / website I am with, too.

    But lately, I’ve been reverting back to just my name. I don’t want to feel too spammy.

    1. Hi John,

      That can be a tough call; whether to include our blog name, or not. I remember you used to include “WP Blog Host” and I didn’t think it was spammy, at all.

  18. I did not think anything when I first started blogging but gradually realised that Susan was way too common so I started signing Susan Deborah — my two first names. First I used to sign Meanderings and Reflections but then it sounded funny. Whenever I commented it said, “Meanderings and Reflections says.” But now I am settled with Susan Deborah. Hope no one crops up with the same two names.

    Whatever said and done, the blog’s content and specialty speaks for itself. What say, Barbara?

    Joy always,

    1. Hi Susan,

      What you wrote is something many bloggers don’t think about; when it reads “..(insert online name)… says…” And, like on this blog, I have the CommentLuv plugin edited to say, “Check out …(insert name)…awesome post. Like you pointed out, some online names could look rather strange in those circumstances.

      Yes. It does come down to the content of the blog, no matter what name a person uses. Great observation!

  19. Well, I use my name sharbori or my blog i.d depending upon whichever facility is available with the said blog.

    the other reason why my use my name is because it is quite uncommon, for example even when I say my name to introduce myself, the first response is “excuse me”? or “huh?” or ” err, could you pl repeat your name?’ LOL so as of now, it seems just the name would do.

    However, I think your suggestion is very valuable, i.e. leaving one’s full name or a special pseudonym would create a distinctive identity and everyone would recognise you immediately.

    I also associate names with the content of their blogs and i remember those names more whose blog content has left an impact for me.

    good post Barbara, very useful.

    1. Thank you Sharbori,

      Yes. You do have a very unique name. If you have a chance, I’d love to hear about it’s origin.

      I do think consistency online is important. When we’re new to blogging, our name may not hold much weight, but as we progress and realize we need an online presence for our business, or…, that’s when I think it becomes imperative we settle with one identity.

      1. Barbara,
        my name is a word in Sanskrit language and it has multiple meanings: night, starlit night, woman.

        I like all of them.

  20. Hi Barbara
    At last an easy question.
    I use my real first and last name.
    My wife has a clever little name – her name is Hilary and her date of birth is *******
    So she uses hillers54.

    Now I’ll have to pray that she never visits this blog. LOL

  21. I started using my name when I graduated from college in 1995 with a degree in architecture. AOL was the only convenient portal at the time and they used to have a 7 letter maximum on usernames and emails. I wanted something that showed i was an architect in Texas. It has proven to be unique through the years and stuck. You make some very good points about having a unique web presence and how it could go hand in hand with having a one of a kind “handle”.

    1. Thank you Arkitx,

      You just taught me something I didn’t know. I can’t imagine only being able to use seven letters. How ingenious of you to incorporate your profession with Texas. By the looks of it, it’s a keeper. (Just don’t move from Texas.) πŸ™‚

      Oh geez. It must be getting late. Now I’m looking at your login name and changing the “tx” to the abbreviations for the other states.

  22. Hi Barbara Swafford πŸ™‚

    I didn’t think of all the points you mention, but it seems I should be OK.
    Using the name of the blog as the name for comments seemed the logical choice for me since I am my blog and when I visit someone it is the digital version of me, so Alien Ghost was the choice; still, at the moment of signing the comment I use my name, and when people visit my blog they will find my complete name and a picture that (I assume) will help them identify the person behind the blog.

    So far I haven’t found any other alien, ghost or any combination of both commenting in the same places I visit πŸ™‚

    Raul Ojeda

    1. Hi Raul Ojeda, πŸ™‚

      I like how you do that. You get to showcase your blog name via your login, and then you sign your comments with your real name. I think it makes your comment sound more personal, but yet we learn your blog name, too.

      P.S. I haven’t found any aliens or ghosts, either. (except for Ghostwriter Dad)

  23. You know…I wish I put more careful thought previously into using my real last name. It is not fear or anything but more for marketing and differentiating myself. There are many “Evelyn Lims” in the world. I also just found out that this username is already taken up by someone else in facebook.

    Thanks for bringing up this discussion. I may just unleash a new name or pseudonym soon…LOL!

    1. You’re welcome Evelyn,

      You’re right. When we start blogging, we don’t think of how the name we use may be already taken on other social networking sites. All the more reason to sign up right away when a new social networking site premiers, even if we’re not sure we’ll use it or not.

      I’ve noticed it’s not uncommon to see the same name on Facebook. I’ve searched for friends who have common names and there are dozens of them to sort through.

  24. Barbra,
    This is a great post.

    I have always used my first and last name, cause that’s who I am. To remain credible in business or to be a credible source of product information there are probably no other options.

  25. Thank you Bruce,

    That’s true. Using our real names can build credibility. Plus, if we want to take what we learned and shared in blogoshpere into the real world, our online “resume” is there for anyone to see.

  26. HI Barbara,
    oh I have been using name{blog name} for so long now…wow! IN the beginning it was only zeenat..but I came to realize that in order for people to know what i write about…my blogs title is important. I didnt want to have to add the blog title in the comment itself, cause well that is spam πŸ˜‰ {tess & I are spammy paranoiacs πŸ˜‰ }
    But youre right…although there has not been another zeenat I have met in the blogosphere, I still felt the need to make it memorable and easy to understand. I guess its shameless self promotion….or rather subtle shameless self promotion πŸ˜‰
    What do you think? Is my so called sign in name too…anything? Your opinion matters πŸ™‚
    Lots of love,

    1. Hi Zeenat,

      I don’t see anything wrong with self promotion as long as it’s not spammy, and you adding the name of your marvelous blog after your name is not spammy at all. πŸ™‚

  27. I use my first and last names because I’m an author, and I write under my real name.

    I do not allow comments from keywords on my blog. I have it clearly stated in a half dozen places (including above the name field) that if the name field contains only keywords or a blog name, the comment will be sent directly to spam. And I still get a ton of comments from keywords! For a long time, I allowed people to comment under whatever handle they wanted, but I got tired of talking to Cheap Toilet Seats and Philadelphia Lawyer. I don’t mind a nickname or a first name only, and, of course, I don’t have any idea whether the commenter is leaving a real name or a pseudonym. However, they have to leave something recognizable as something they might be called offline.

    1. Hi Lillie,

      What you’re doing is a perfect example of how we can build an online resume by using our real name. With you being an author for anyone wanting to read more of your work, all it takes is a search of your name and there it is.

      I know what you mean about the keyword names. I don’t know about you, but for me, responding to someone like “cheap toilet seats” seems to take away from the comment even if it adds value to the post.

  28. Hi Barbara – I remember the first time I left a comment, it just seemed natural to use my first name followed by my blog name. I figured it was important to have the blog name in there, and I didn’t want to use my last name. I didn’t give it a lot of thought, but I’m really glad I did that. I know people google my full name looking for my business, and I think it’s best that they don’t have to sort through a whole bunch of my blog comments at the same time!

    1. Hi Patty,

      So, it was meant to be; your first name and your blog name. I remember the first time I saw your login name. Just seeing the “Why Not Start Now?” intrigued me and I knew I had to come by and read your work. I’m happy I did. πŸ™‚

  29. An angel is an intricate part of my blog header design. And I blog about blogging to help other people. Angels like to help, so it wasn’t a far stretch for me to come up with the Blog Angel nickname.

    To really cinch it I usually list my name as:
    Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella,
    that way my heavenly name is associated with my real name. πŸ™‚

    It’s actually been fun. Many my blog readers adopt their own way of addressing me based on that. Some call me Blog Angel, some just call me Angel and occasionally I get called things I just won’t mention. LOL

    I really enjoy using my nickname and real name online. Combining the two is very distinctive and I hope highly recognizable.

    1. Hi Joella,

      That’s a great idea, and I’m sure some of your readers feel you’re an angel, indeed, especially when it come to all we need to learn about blogging. I know when I’ve been on your blog, I see a lot of your readers calling you “Angel” which I’m sure you find very endearing. πŸ™‚

  30. There is so much to think about in the branding process. I started my Internet presence using my company name, TLT Consulting, thinking that it was more professional sounding. As I figured out the mechanics of relationship marketing, the aspects of trust and transparency became paramount and I started signing my name. The only issue with that so far is that I’m a Jr. and my Dad hangs out in the blogosphere too. At least we are in different niches, he is a famous theologian and I am a soon to be famous MLM consultant πŸ™‚ Thanks for topic.

    1. Hi Terry,

      That’s so true; there is a lot to learn about branding ourselves online. Transparency is especially important when we’re trying to build trust, and like you mentioned signing your real name has helped you to do so.

      P.S. Have you and your Dad ever commented on the same blog?

  31. Barbara,

    I’m doing some catch-up as I haven’t visited the “classroom” as frequently as I should lately.

    What’s funny is that I just left a comment on another post and started to refer to the comment above mine from James. I didn’t leave my remark because realized it might be hard for you to know which James I was referring to.

    Then I came here and read this post:~) Timing must be everything. I have to think about this. I don’t actually run across to many people with the name SARA, more seem to use the name SARAH, but you make some good points about using our first names…it can be confusing!

  32. It’s good to see you Sara,

    You know, in the past, I used to have two Sara’s commenting here regularly. One spelled her name like you do, and the other one was Sarah. I used to address the second one as “Sara with an H”.
    The spelling of their name was the only way I could differentiate between the two.

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