Stop The Insanity

I’m in the process of switching cell phone companies.

I’ve looked at the website of the one I’m switching to several times and checked out all of the phones they offer.

With so many choices I was excited, but undecided.


I realized there’s nothing wrong with the current phone I have, nor the other two that are sitting in my desk drawer.

I’m sure one of them will work with my new carrier.


Add to that, I rarely use my cell phone anyway.

What am I thinking?

Today’s Lesson

Many things in life are that way. We’re not satisfied with what we have.

We want more. We want better. We want the latest and greatest. Or, as Vered wrote with regard to homes. we want bigger.

Blogging is that way, too.

When my first visitor showed up, I was elated.

But…that first visitor ignited the wanting for more.

So, then I got my second visitor.

Again, I wanted more.

And more.

More came and the want for more came too.

The same thing happens with comments, pages views, RSS subscribers, Twitter followers, Facebook friends, retweets, Stumbles, Diggs, ad clicks, affiliate sales,Β  and the list goes on.

I want more.

And more…



This is insane.

Today I’m looking at what I’ve accomplished with blogging. I’ve met many wonderful people, made dozens of friends online and have learned more than I could have ever imagined.

Today I’m counting my blessings and saying “I have enough”.

What happens from here on in, will be the icing on the cake.

What say you?

Today’s Assignment

With blogging, do you find yourself always wanting more?

If not, how have you taught yourself to be satisfied with what you have?

Care to share?


P.S. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone one of your for your continued support. I TRULY appreciate it.

Blessings to you, as well. πŸ™‚

71 thoughts on “Stop The Insanity

  1. Hi Barbara,

    I am not where you are yet. Yes, I still want more. I was talking with some friends the other day about my blog, and wanting to succeed, to “make it” if you will. I was asked what I meant my “make it”, and although I answered that I wanted it to be successful, and maybe eventually produce a modest income (I have no illusions of grandeur here).

    What I realized later is that I really didn’t know what I thought would signify its success. Part may be recognition, and people getting something out of my stories, pictures and poems, etc. I wondered if maybe I felt I need to prove something, but to whom? To myself, maybe. To create something that says, I was here, so to speak. So no, I’m not ready to say that’s enough.

    1. Hi Linda,

      I think it’s natural to want more, especially when we’re new to blogging. Unfortunately what I found was I was feeling beginning to feel greedy, and that’s not a personality trait I aspire to.

      With regard to how we measure success, I think that’s hard to do with a blog. If we measure ourselves against others, we’ll always find those who excel, but if we can pinpoint what true success means to us, we’re more apt to be happy with our blogging journey.

      From reading your comment, it tells me you want to make a difference; leave this world a better place, so to speak. Keep following your heart and you’ll easily accomplish that.

  2. Nice post Barbara,

    I don’t get as many comments as you do. I know that I would love to have more. I sometimes get envious of your following but I know that I really shouldn’t.

    I’m enjoying what I’m doing and am going to continue to do it. That is good enough.



    1. Thank you Chase,

      It’s funny you should say that about comments, because I’ve looked at the comments other blogs get and felt the same way. I found I was measuring my success by comparing myself to others instead of stopping to realize we’re all successful in our own right.

      Chase, I like what you’ve done with your blog. You’ve taken several of your interests and turned your blog into “Chase’s Place”. A true reflection of your authentic self.

  3. With blogging, do you find yourself always wanting more? Not really…, or at least, not always.

    If not, how have you taught yourself to be satisfied with what you have? I guess, for me, the satisfaction of presenting material online that others can view and and interact with through comments is in the creation and presentation of the material.

    I like to get comments and try to keep up with answering the comments, but all the other stuff? I seldom check page views or RSS subscriber count. I don’t do twitter — tried it twice and didn’t like it — and that lets off the hook for retweets, too, I guess. Facebook is just for keeping up with family and friends — including a few online — and sometimes I go for days without looking at it. I don’t often do stumbles associated with my blogs or web pages. Digg is another thing I’ve tried, but I never did “dig” it. Over the last two weeks, I hadn’t check ad click results until yesterday and I don’t do affiliate sales.

    Often people today complain about the fast pace of life and how busy they are. These are the results of choice they’ve made.

    I choose moderation over obsession — but don’t ask me about climate change, which I’m no longer obsessing about. πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi Mike,

      That’s true. We do end up complaining about being too busy, but it is due to the choices we made/make. I like your idea of moderation over obsession. For myself, that’s where I want to land. And like you eluded to, social networking sites, although beneficial, can also be more time consuming than their worth.

      And I’m guessing, with your new civil war project, your attention is directed to that and not on your stats.

      I think what you’re doing with your new site is truly remarkable. It’s one of those projects that will undoubtedly provide great value to your readers for many years to come.

  4. Like both Chase and Linda, I am not “there” yet (wherever “there” is!) with regard to blogging. I think my years of blogging on a personal blog with just a few readers has helped me with that “wanting more” issue. Now that I am focusing on getting PI out to a wider audience, I would love to see it be as successful as yours and other blogs are with a great commenting gallery. For those of us who are working to put information that can be of use out there, it’s a great joy to know that others are reading.

    As for wanting more? I’m at the place where I need to start releasing some STUFF so I won’t feel so cluttered. πŸ™‚ But I loves me some gadgets, too. I find mostly, though, I can talk myself out of more stuff.

    Hope your weekend is a good one.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Haha! Is anyone ever “there”?

      Getting blogs out to a broader audience is one thing that can get us caught up in the “wanting more” scenario, however I do think if we can pinpoint our target audience, we can make it easier on ourselves. What I found is I was spreading myself so thin, it was like I was spinning my wheels and getting no where. Instead of joining every social networking site, on top of blogging, I think it’s best to concentrate on one area at a time. That way we don’t get that “pulled in ten directions” kind of feeling.

      I’m smiling at your need to release “stuff” statement. Oftentimes when we do that in our real life, our creative side opens up and the possibilities for other aspects of our life (and blogging) emerge. (I’m in the process of getting ready for our annual neighborhood garage sale and am experiencing the joy of decluttering as well as an influx of creativity.)

  5. {raises hand} Yep, I’m always looking for more. At the same time, I put so much effort into this, I have to ask myself what am I giving up here? It’s like an addiction.

    I did get some national exposure to my blog this week, but it trickled off after two days and I’m right back where I was. In a way, I was happy because things returned to normal pretty quickly.

    And you know what? It ain’t bad where I am.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      I didn’t know that; that you got national exposure to your blog. I’d love to hear what happened.

      What you said reminds me of “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” quote. It sounds like you had a taste of what great recognition is like, but it made you realize maybe THAT is not exactly where you want your blog to go.

      I hope the experience didn’t change your dream for getting a book published as I’m looking forward to that autographed copy. πŸ™‚

  6. Oh yes, I can truly identify with this post. As a blogger, I developed a thirst for comments as soon as I received my first one. The same applied to followers and to subscribers.

    I think it’s only natural to always strive for betterment, to always be improving, adapting and growing. But I do think there is a line – a line that divides a healthy desire to share your work with more people and an obsessive need for larger recognition. Whenever I get ahead of myself I stop and say, “Just be thankful for what you have; a substantial audience, regular commenters, blogging friends. Yes, always look for ways to improve, but your main focus should be on content.” I find that this sort of self-discipline is very useful, and it’s a tool I’m sure many bloggers use themselves.

    1. Hi Sam,

      I agree. Comments, subscribers, followers, etc., can become addictive.

      Amen to what you’re saying about being grateful for what we have. I’m also reminded how behind every comment, every subscriber, every Twitter or Facebook friend, is a human being who has a name and is not just a number.

      And yes, self discipline is huge.

  7. I just went through flickr insanity. I deleted my flickr account 2 days ago. It was so crazy…I had so many contacts, so many comments…I was “the it girl” of the moment. And let me tell you…it was life draining and all consuming. And very unhealthy. So I just pulled the plug…pressed the delete button…and “poof” I was gone. Oh I cried. But today, I have a life. And I still have my blog, but I learned a big lesson in balance. And what I have is enough. It’s perfect!

    1. Hi Caroline,

      Thank you for sharing your story Caroline. I also read your blog posts where you elaborated on this. It can get crazy online, can’t it?

      I’m happy to hear you’ve decided to strive for balance, with your real life taking the front seat. Although life online can be very beneficial to us and our futures, it can also drive us mad. I’m happy to hear you’re happy. πŸ™‚

  8. Hi Barbara,

    My guess is that with blogging, if one is in business then having more would be a β€œnatural” growth of that business and if blogging is for β€œpleasure only” then more could in some cases be a matter of self satisfaction or to grow a sense of accomplishment.

    Being satisfied with what we have? Well, in all areas of life it’ll be a problem that some people might transfer also to blogging.

    Also, some people are used to have a lot of interaction with other people and I suppose when blogging they would like to reach the same level of interaction through the net. In my case that’s not that important since it is more for the curiosity, the learning process and adaptation to this modern world (after all I’m an Alien Ghost: Observing and moving alone is part of the deal)


    1. Hi Raul,

      That’s right. You are the “Alien Ghost”.

      That’ a good point about business blogs vs personal blogs. Those who blog for business need a larger following in order to succeed and get their name out there. Whereas personal bloggers may only be online for sharing and networking.

      I’m reading the part of your comment where you mention those who are used to interactions in the real world may be looking for the same online. What I’ve seen is how many bloggers are introverts who find interaction online, but not in their real life. And that too, may account for the popularity of social networking sites.

  9. I think it’s natural to want more. I mean, you can look at things one of two ways. One is the average, and the other is the total. If your post frequency stays the same, you can argue that you should maintain the number of views because you are providing the same amount of content in average. But you can also think that, the amount of work I put online accumulates, so the number of people looking at it should accumulate too. So I guess it’s natural to want more and more if you’ve been hanging there for a while.

    I would not say that I am just blogging for myself. I mean, why would I bother to put those thoughts down in a place that the public can see if I don’t want anyone to notice it? However, I’ve always said that it only take several (less than five) fans to keep me going and so far I am actually satisfied with that.

    1. Hi Kelvin,

      I agree. It is natural to want more, and the way blogs are set up, the more we get, which is usually measured in numbers, the more we may feel successful. Which in turn “says”, even more equals greater success, although that may be a totally skewed way of looking at it.

      I’m like you and think we all blog so others can read our thoughts and opinions and hopefully comment. Setting a realistic number to how many fans we need to keep reading in order to motivate us to continue, I think, is the key to having that balance we all strive for. And by the sounds of it, you’ve found that.

  10. I hear you about the phones. My wife and I went to get 2 new droid phones. I wanted the Droid because there’s an app for WordPress which allows you to login into WordPress and do everything you need to do right from your phone.

    But then I realized something. Do I really need that?

    I never blog on the go, it’s only from home.

    My wife had good reason to buy it, she takes tons of pictures and it has a very good camera, but for me, my current phone is enough.

    About blogging, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want more RSS subscribers, don’t we all. But I am satisfied with what I do. I consider myself a part time blogger and more of an online entrepreneur / marketer.

    Since you can’t be everything, I choose to be really good at somethings and just good at others.

    1. Hi John,

      Isn’t that the truth? We can’t be everything, but we can be really good at some things. All it takes is a little bit of hard work and determination.

      Re: RSS subscribers. I used to watch those numbers all the time, but the dips and peaks drove me crazy. Now I’ve adapted the “whatever” attitude.

      Laughing with regard to blogging from a phone. I thought that would be a pretty cool feature to have, too, but like you, realized I’d probably never do that either. 8)

  11. Wanting more is general human nature. In real life I though satisfy me with minimum but in my digital life with my blog I want more. I want to reach a high where everyone desire for and that’s ok to me. Because if I don’t aim something high I won’t reach anywhere.

    1. Hi Arafat,

      That’s a good point. We should set goals for ourselves and with blogging, those goals are usually measured by numbers and using techniques of getting more. I don’t see anything wrong with going after our dreams, but what I found was chasing the numbers was resulting in an obsessive, greedy behavior.

      1. This depend on honesty and peace of mind. If you have a cool head and want to reach the high using honest way then obsessive or greedy behavior don’t touch you. I believe in one simple sentence – be patience and work hard towards your dream. And I always try to follow this.

        1. Hi Arafat,

          That’s great advice. I know patience is the key to accomplishing our goals, so hopefully now that I’ve decided to kick that “give me more” attitude to the curb, I can concentrate on providing the best I can give and the rest will happen naturally.

  12. First of all, I’d like to say I’m the last hold-out in Eastern Canada….I dont’ even OWN a cell phone. πŸ™‚

    As for blogs…it would be nice to have “More” comments on the posts I put a lot of work into.

    But I’ve long since realized that the quality of a post, and the number of comments you get typically have nothing to do with each other.

    I’m sure I could crank up my comments by playing The Game, and spending 6 hours a day networking and visiting blogs and rubbing elbows with everyone on Twitter and Facebook and such…

    But Meh…I can’t be bothered. My blog is a hobby, not a business.

    Still…I get frustrated when someone gets 100 comments for “15 Tips on How to Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time”.

    Meanwhile other people (not necessarily myself) might write something totally original and creative, and you can hear the crickets chirping…

    But then…that’s just BlogoLand. That’s just the way it is…

    1. Hi Friar,

      I’m proud of you for not caving in to the pressures of the cell phone craze. πŸ˜‰

      I know what you’re saying. Some bloggers have visitors ready to pounce on the comment section as soon as the post hits the airways (is that the right word?), whereas others would be happy with just one comment.

      And you’re right. A large number of comments does not equate to a well written or value based post. I often wonder if it’s just because those who comment want to be seen in the company of what they think is a blogging guru and “maybe” their success will rub off. Hmmmm.

      1. Barb

        You have a point there…

        When a so-called blogging guru writes something, the wannabees come crawling out of the wood-work, to throw in their two cents just so that they can bask in the reflected glory.

        It’s like Grade Nine all over again…everyone wants to be seen with the Cool Kids. πŸ™‚

        1. Haha Friar,

          I remember when I was a new blogger and did that. Knowing first position in the comments of Problogger might bring me more traffic, I kept checking his blog for a new post. One time I THOUGHT I got the first position but by the time I hit “publish”, I was like number six. It didn’t reap me any traffic at all. After that I decided to only comment on Problogger when I felt I had something of value to add and not “play the game”. I graduated and now it’s a whole lot less stressful 8)

  13. I used to want more, more, more with my blog. I used to be obsessed with attracting more readers, raising those stats, getting more and more comments. I think I was kinda addicted to the comments, especially. Each one was like positive reinforcement, building my ego and helping me feel good about myself.

    But then it got *too* big, at least for my tastes. I started feeling like I was interacting with complete strangers instead of building relationships and meeting new friends. It became less like a small dinner party, and more like a wild roving rave. So, I took a step back and killed my blog.

    I’ve since resurrected it, and started blogging again, but this time around, I have no desire to grow it any bigger than it already is, or at least to grow it more slowly, more organically.

    I know that to bloggers who are struggling to get even one comment, this might sound a little bit like one of those whiny “Oh poor me” celebrities, and perhaps there’s a bit of truth to that (even though I’m nowhere near being a celebrity!), but I’m just more comfortable with a small group of regular friends who stop in to visit, rather than a huge anonymous crowd.

    I suppose the old saying holds true: Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it!

    1. Hi Jay,

      I knew you had quit blogging but didn’t know why. Thank you for sharing what happened.

      What you said is very true. The bigger we get, the less intimate our blog becomes. For some, that works great, but for others, it takes some of the joy out of blogging.

      I agree; the old saying of “Be careful what you wish for…” definitely comes into play. As does the saying, “for whom much is given, much is expected”. And unfortunately, we can’t have it both ways.

      Jay, I’m happy you’re back to blogging. I know you find a lot of joy in writing and am happy to hear this time you’re doing it your way. πŸ™‚

  14. I definitely think it’s easy to get caught up in wanting more, and more, and more. I knew things were out of hand when I found myself checking for comments in the middle of the night. Now, I’ve found a balance. My focus is on putting quality content on my blogs, and not how many people stop by to comment. I guess it depends on what you’re trying to achieve, but this feels good to me.

    1. Hi Claire,

      *smiles* That’s a good sign things are getting out of hand when you check for comments on your blog in the middle of the night. I’m happy to hear you found balance.

      I just checked out your blog. I love the idea of sharing that which we’re grateful for (I use a gratitude journal). I’ll be by soon to share with you, as well.

  15. My brother just bought a BlackBerry and he’s all proud of it and I think ‘more power to ya’. He’s of the ‘younger’ generation, so I guess that’s the equivalent of me getting excited about a new Bondi Blue iMac G3. I bought my first cell phone a couple of years ago. It hibernates in my purse since I started working from home and I rarely give out that number. People wonder why I don’t bring it with me when I go for walks. I figure why? I’m going for a walk to get AWAY from things. πŸ™‚ How can you hear the birdies singing if your blabbing into a phone?

    With blogging, do you find yourself always wanting more? I’m content with what I have (comment-wise), though I’d like to see more page views. What I don’t want is to see LESS than I have. You get used to certain numbers. Just like on Twitter recently, tweet counts dropped by 5K. They’re back now and though it really doesn’t make a difference to me, it still felt odd somehow. What IS it with numbers?

    1. Hi Davina,

      What IS it with numbers? I wish I knew. πŸ™‚

      That’s true. We do get used to certain level of numbers and drops in them can lead to anxiety and questioning. It’s just like you said in a previous comment; even though it’s nice to have a post get Stumbled, it’s less stressful if our numbers just stay on an even keel (hopefully increasing over time).

      Like you, I prefer being “unplugged” when I’m enjoying the great outdoors.

  16. When Wes and I married we moved four hours away from everyone and everything I’d ever known. We had nothing except two new teaching jobs, a temporary place to live, and one very-used car.

    For the next few years we worked and accumulated. Friends. Furniture. A new car. And a social schedule to match what I had left behind. (Fridays and Saturdays were NOT stay-at-home options for me.)

    I began to worry myself sick on Sundays if I didn’t have the following weekend filled. And I’d stay that way until the calendar looked good.

    I don’t remember when or why, though well after my children had been born and were growing, but at some point I had an epiphany. My life was full and rich no matter how many social events I had.

    My calendar did not define me… or maybe it did, and the definition was changing.

    Instead of dinners and picnics and cookouts, it began to fill with kid-things, family-things, all things that ultimately were more important to me. And I really had enough. Some quiet times began to look good, even on weekends.

    Today, with technology moving faster than we can hope to run, is there any way to keep up and have it all? Do we need to have the latest and the best? And what for? Are we really competing for the most stuff? Best phone. Smallest netbook? The most apps for both?

    For blogging: I don’t often read the numbers. I love the commenters who visit. I have those who email me privately — readers who want to remain private but still have something to say. They are precious to me as well. I understand readers who come, read, and go. I do the same when my schedule gets harried.

    (As an aside, Barbara, this is one of the blogs I never want to be without, though I may go for a while incognito. πŸ™‚ You ask questions, wonder about them a bit, and throw them out there for the rest of us to chew on. I LOVE that!)

    I have enough years to finally understand there is a balance between what is possible (to have, to do) and what fits me. Whatever goals I set, I must plan time to pursue. So I choose accordingly.


    P.S. My Blackberry is an antique at 2 yrs of age. And I want to downsize — for John Hoff’s reason above. But I covet a Sony Netbook — for writing and then stuffing into my purse. πŸ™‚ Or do I want an iPad, in case I also want to read a book? Ahhh — choices. (See? It never ends, does it?)

    1. Thank you Barb,

      And, thank you for sharing your story of how you went from wanting more to realizing that which was right in front of you was more than enough.

      I like how you said your calender didn’t define you [any more]. I see aspects of blogging that way, too. The numbers don’t define whether we’re good at what we do. We have matured enough to know what we’re putting out is good. If, by chance, more people find us, that’s all the better.

      Yes. Years do teach us a lot. And like you said, we have learned how to choose accordingly.

  17. Barbara, my expectations often balloon out of control if I don’t go into things with a level head.

    As you know, that’s what happened to me with Trottersville version one. I was a like a rampaging Godzilla, hungry for more comments, more traffic, more adulation… more more MORE! FEED ME! πŸ˜›

    I don’t want to go back to that again, so what I attempt to do these days is just enjoy the process of creating and blogging. Who was it that said, “Build it, and they will come”? I don’t remember, but that’s the approach I’m taking these days… and it’s a wonderful way to keep one’s sanity and expectations in line. πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Tony,

      I remember you sharing your story of Trottersville Version 1, and from the sounds of it, the need to be fed was quickly eating into the joy of blogging.

      I like what you said about how you’re blogging now – enjoying the process and keeping expectations in line. That sounds so much more healthier.

  18. “With blogging, do you find yourself always wanting more?”

    Yup, but not just with blogging, everything. Kinda how life is and if we do not keep this is check, we will never be satisfied. Regarding blogging. Our bread and butter comes through the traffic we receive from our website, so we tend to want more traffic. There is never too much traffic, eh!

    1. Hi Colleen,

      Definitely. Keeping our want for more in check is essential if we want to live a healthy life.

      With business sites, more is always desired. Not only does your site act as a resume of what you do, but it gives your potential client a look into your personality and what you can provide.

  19. With my blog, I’m definitely in the wanting more category. My blog is fairly new and I’m still figuring out what my niche will be. I don’t have much of a readership and very few comments. I want more, from myself in the form of better writing and improved focus on finding my niche, but also more in the form of readership and participation, which I think will happen when I meet the goals I’ve set for myself. I don’t know where my “enough” point is yet, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.

    For me, it’s about finding the right balance between wanting the biggest, the best and the most and still enjoying what you have whether you get it or not. I’ve learned a lot from watching others. Being focused on always wanting more and more deprives you of the ability to enjoy what you have and I have too many wonderful things in my life to miss out on enjoying them.

    When you reach the end of your life, all those things won’t matter much anyway. The only things that really matter are those you love and those who love you back. Everything else is just sprinkles on top.

    1. Hi Ven,

      Yes. With new blogs we automatically want more, which isn’t bad, but like you said, it’s also important to find that balance between getting more and enjoying what we currently have.

      That’s so true. When we leave this world, none of this will matter. So hopefully we’ve loved and appreciated those in our life and left this world a better place. πŸ™‚

  20. β€œWith blogging, do you find yourself always wanting more?”
    Blogging is a can of Pringles, you can’t eat just one. Blogging is the same–you want more than one comment, follower and etc. Overall, I am content. I started blogging to give myself a voice. But it is nice to know someone is paying attention.

    1. Hi Silly Girl,

      I like your analogy. And you’re right, we’re not just satisfied with one.

      And yes. Even though blogging helps us to find our voice, it is nice to know others are paying attention.

  21. While you should never envy others (that never ends well), you should never settle either. Wanting more is great, as long as you treat all you have properly.

    Btw, my last real cell phone was in my early 20’s..just turned 40 and do not miss it. πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi Dennis,

      I agree, envy never turns out good.

      No. We shouldn’t settle, but like you said, we also need to treat what we do have properly.

      20 years since you had a cell phone? Was that a bag phone or the one that looked like a brick? πŸ™‚

      1. Nice, lol. No no, You’re talkin’ late 80’s, I’m talkin’ early 90’s. πŸ˜‰

  22. Hi Barbara .. always interesting .. I thought it was going to be about cell phones .. but no!

    I think inadvertently I’ve been lucky .. my blog has had to grow organically and I don’t market, or do social media – I haven’t got into a feeding frenzy with it -that I suspect would have defeated the object of the exercise ..

    .. though I did not know that’s what it was at the beginning ..

    I’ve realised that I do have value on the blog – just simply because people love reading it & I love everyone’s comments .. and I’m being prompted to do something with it .. both on the blog and now here locally ..

    A lot of salient thoughts here – ..

    Barbara .. a thought for another post – β€œWho is your Ideal Reader?”

    Have a good Sunday .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I think you’ve been lucky. too since it’s SO easy to get caught up in social networking sites and the numbers that go with that activity.

      Yes. Your blog does hold value. I’m going to enjoy seeing where you take it.

      Thank you for the idea for another post. I’ll have to add that to my list. πŸ™‚

  23. Hi Barbera
    Bigger, better and lots of new features.
    Sounds a bit like WordPress 3.0.
    I don’t want the super duper additional functionality but you are forced to upgrade just for the increased security.
    It would be fantastic if old versions of WP were frozen but the security features updated. That way you could stick with an old version.

    Problem will be that some themes will not be compatible with WP 3.0 and the error messages will start!

    1. Hi Keith,

      Haha! Yes. That’s what WordPress 3.0 claims; bigger, better, more features. I’m currently using it on a few of my sites and actually am enjoying some of the new features. I worried it would affect the themes I’m using, but so far, so good.

      I hear what you’re saying though. It would be nice to be able to just update security but not necessarily have all the bells and whistles.

      P.S. They’ve also updated the default theme from Kubrick to Twenty-Ten. The new default theme is pretty awesome. A blogger can customize the header and background, plus the menus with only a few clicks and no coding. That part, I really like.

  24. I use scenarios to test things. When I’m not sure if I’ve got is fine or if what I think I need will be better, I walk the scenarios. It sounds simple but it can be very revealing.

    For example, a couple years back I wanted a friction-free picture sharing experience, where I could just stick the card into my laptop and save pics to my hard-drive. The camera I got was perfect. Except, the card didn’t fit my laptop so I had to use a weird extension and it added friction every time.

    So the rule of thumb when I think I need something now is — check the basic scenarios and don’t fall for the features.

    1. Hi J.D.,

      That’s a good point. Whenever we’re thinking of upgrading, to walk through the scenarios like you suggested. It could save us headaches, plus possibly money, too.

  25. Wanting more with blogging is ok in my humble opinion especially when you’re giving out wonderful ideas to everyone. Wanting more of those cellphones, a bigger house, or a more flashy car when nothing is wrong with what you have now is something else. That adds up to more carbon in the atmosphere that cause global warming.

  26. Hi Sam,

    I hear you. With some things it’s okay to want more, but with other things we may need to analyze why we’re wanting it and if it will be beneficial or not.

  27. Hi Barbara, I’ve just had a great few days with friends I have known for years. One of them just changed his job that he’s had for years, another is thinking of doing so, and they both said it is because of something I said to them some years ago about grabbing life with both hands and doing what you want to do. The other, who is a career police officer, said she admired that attitude, and although she felt very ‘safe’ in her job and her ‘secure future pension’ she often wished she had that c’est la vie attitude too. It was interesting to come back and read this post about wanting more. I guess I do, and I’m prepared to go and get it, but I don’t believe I hang on the ‘wanting’, I just take opportunities as they come along.

    Very good post, very good.

    Enjoy the journey.


    1. Hi Mandy,

      Thank you for sharing your story. It goes to show how our words can make a huge difference in others lives.

      I like how you put that…”I don’t believe I hang on the β€˜wanting’, I just take opportunities as they come along.” My sentiments exactly. πŸ™‚

  28. “With blogging, do you find yourself always wanting more?” It used to be that way for me – but not anymore. I’m quite satisfied with where I am!

  29. Wanting for more is that keeps one striving to set and achieve ones goals in the life. I have working for Canadian immigration consultant for some time now and have met many people. I have seen people with very sound financial background willing to leave their country and immigrate to Canada hoping for get more than what they already have in lives.

    It is not insanity, it is the fuel that keeps energizing the life.

    1. Hi Ahmed,

      Yes. The drive to attain more does energize life. I see that as healthy as long as the person doesn’t become so obsessive it stops them from enjoying the journey.

  30. I like where I am with blogging and my cellphone is way too much for me….but my special needs kid is on my plan and it keeps her moving forward and shows off her talents – and she can call me when she is in new territory … is a leash that she needs.

    I wish I was a woman of independent means….I want financial security…this insecurity is making me ill (Literally)

    I think we humans need to want and have choices to keep changing and growing…but I believe we need to learn how to chose the right choices to make….but because we want to live our authentic self and not just be a choice junkie…what is right for us.

    I think you should carry your cellphone on walks and outside….I have fallen 2 times this year and needed assistance and was so happy to have my cell…and when my partner fell on his bike…we found him on a back road with the help of his cell phone – turned on….a valuable tool…just choose not to answer it when in nature….
    but then again my mum was being taken to the hospital when I was on my walk…..the EMT thought to call me…wow was I glad about that…you never know

    1. Hi Patricia,

      I agree. Wants and choices keep us moving forward. I think as long as we can find a balance and be appreciative of what we have before we start asking for more, we’ll stay true to our authentic self.

  31. I have a cell for when I travel. Other than that, I see all of the goodies being offered but it is only good in urban areas. In the rural areas, the signal is just not there to handle all of the apps muchless a phone call.

    As for the blog, I am always searching for more. Whether I apply it or not, is another story. But for now, I am AOK! πŸ˜€

    1. Hi Linda,

      I think us bloggers just naturally do that; strive for more. Although it can be beneficial to our growth, hopefully we also take time to smell the roses.

      You are doing that, right? πŸ™‚

  32. LOL Barbara – This is so true. When I used to get a new contract for work, I used to get the best cellphone possible for me – cos I felt like I was entitled to it, since I was signing up for a large contract.

    Now I couldn’t care less what cellphone I have – I don’t even switch it on half the time. Like you – I was the same when I began blogging.

    When I sunk my third business and lost a lot of money – I realised that to get myself to where I want to be, I’d need to learn to live on less – a lot less. Then Stuart lost his job and we had to leave on a lot less than I’d bargained for. But we did it. For months we lived on a sum that I would have considered pocket money, not too long ago.

    And it was hard but it made me realise that you can sometimes make yourself deeply unhappy working ridiculous hours for stuff you don’t even need. And when you do have those little extras sometimes, you appreciate them a whole lot more than when you took them for granted.

    1. Hi Catherine,

      Isn’t that the truth? We can spend countless hours working for what we think we “have to have”, only to find out we’re still not satisfied. Like you said, not being able to buy the things you thought you needed, taught you, you really didn’t need them anyway. Life lessons. Aren’t they great?

  33. Barb,
    I’m with you on the phone thingy … I have two of them on my hip all day. that is insane.
    With blogging, like life, it is more of a journey for me than a destination.
    We progress through the crawl, walk and run stages and some may find that is enough others will take it to a higher or different level. I’ll always be striving for more.

  34. Hi Bruce,

    TWO cell phone? You’re right, that’s insane, however I do know many in the same boat as you.

    Yes. As bloggers we do go through different stages. As I mentioned earlier in the comments, wanting more is not necessarily a bad thing as long as we also enjoy the journey as well as the acquaintances we meet along the way.

  35. Hi Udegbunam,

    I think we can learn a lot from those who make it big and although we may never be as BIG as they are, studying what they do is a great way to make improvements in how we blog.

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