Say It Ain’t So

“Ten Easy Ways to Make Money With a Blog”

“How to Become A Successful Blogger Overnight”

“Twelve Tips to Get More Comments”

“The Secret to Getting More Visitors To a Blog”

“Attract Hundreds of RSS Feed Readers In a Matter of Days”

O.K. You get the message.

In hopes of becoming more successful with our blogs, catchy blog titles like these may entice us to read a post, but how good is the message? And will it work for us?

Truth be told, maybe not.

Today’s Lesson

One thing I have learned from blogging is what works for you may not work for me.


Because you’re you, and I’m me.

We approach things differently. We think differently. We write differently. We market ourselves differently. We devote different amounts of time to blogging. We take the information we read and process it differently.

As much as the helpful blogging information might be true for the author of the article, chances we’re not looking at the complete picture of how they got from point A to point B.

For example:

  1. How long have they been blogging?
  2. What is their page rank?
  3. How many visitors do they currently have?
  4. How often do they publish?
  5. Do they have anchor articles in their archives which attract search engine traffic?
  6. How much time do they spend on blogging activities?
  7. How well are they known in blogosphere?
  8. Are they using SEO (search engine optimization)?
  9. If so, what method do they use? And…what search terms/ keywords did they use?
  10. Are they using meta tags and a search engine friendly theme?
  11. What time of the day and day of the week do they post their articles?
  12. How many subscribers do they currently have?
  13. And, do those current subscribers act as evangelists for them?
  14. Are they also promoting their posts on Twitter, Facebook, Digg and other online networking sites?
  15. Have they posted reliable material in the past?
  16. Have they built up their presence off-line, as well?
  17. In addition to their blog, are they also sending out newsletters or doing webinars?

See what I mean?

We can read articles of how to be a successful blogger and spend countless hours tweaking, but if we don’t take the other factors into consideration, all of that work could be for naught.

Am I saying we’re wasting our time reading those articles?


What I am saying is “reader beware”.

Today’s Assignment

Have you ever tried something another blogger is having success with, only to have it flop?

Or, has something another blogger shared, helped you become more successful?

Care to share?

signature for blog post.

67 thoughts on “Say It Ain’t So

  1. “Reader beware”. ….EXACTLY!

    It boggles my mind, how naive some people are, who are under the impression that:

    “Who needs a degree or special skills? Oooh, I’ll just sit at home and tap on my keyboard, not produce something of any tangible value, and the money will just roll in…”


    And everyone’s gonna earn “six figures” too, right?

    Since I was a kid, my parents have taught me two valuable lessons in life:

    (1) There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

    (2) If something sounds too good to be true, it often IS.

  2. Hi Barbara, I totally agree with you. When I started blogging, there was a lot of people saying to go on and submit 10 articles per day. I did as many as I could per day and submitted it to this article directory. It was exhausting, I realized I wasn’t really having fun, and it didn’t really help my blog either.

    We are all different writers and have different blogs. To say one method will always work for another would be ridiculous. I think the best thing for a blogger to do is to take some advice from other websites, but ultimately test them out. If one method works, keep going with it. But if one method does not work, don’t get attached to the method just because you feel comfortable with it. Change!
    .-= Check out Hulbert´s awesome post: My Brother Got Pulled Over by the Police – Part I Interview =-.

    1. Hi Hulbert,

      Oh yes, ezine articles – the way to get tons of traffic. Like you, I tried that, too, but couldn’t figure out how their system worked so I gave it up.

      I like your advice, test different methods, keep what works and stop doing that which doesn’t.

  3. I generally go with the old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t…” I really get a bad feeling from these bloggers who make outrageous promises if you follow their program or buy their book or whatever – many of them come off as old time “snake oil salesmen”.

    Blogging for me is a journey of discovery. It’s learning as I go, what works for me and for my blog. The greatest rewards are found in trying different approaches and finally finding the one that jibes best. It’s like solving a puzzle or a mystery – helps keep this old lady blogger young.
    .-= Check out Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella´s awesome post: Who’s On Top? Who Gets More Visitors, Facebook Or Yahoo? =-.

    1. Hi Joella,

      Yes. Blogging is a journey of discovery. It’s in the learning process we can find the greatest joy and someday we may even solve the mystery.

      I also agree, blogging is a great way to stay young and keep the brain cobwebs at bay. 🙂

  4. Hi Barbara,

    Good point! Yes I started following the gurus advice and instructions only to realize this you explain by crash and burning. Blogging is personal and after copying them it wasn’t my blog anymore, so had to stop, think, adapt and restart.

    Now I just go by experimentation and using the gurus advice only as a reference. What they write is very useful but not “the Bible”

    Something another blogger shared that helped me to be more succesful? Your advice so far it’s been invaluable to learn about blogging and I’m sure it’ll lead to success in the future. Thank you Barbara!

    .-= Check out Alien Ghost´s awesome post: 2012: The Business =-.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Raul,

      That’s true. The gurus do offer some great advice, but it’s not necessarily what will work for all of us. Experimentation will help to find what works best for each of us.

      Thank you for sharing how by copying what the gurus were doing resulted in you realizing it wasn’t your blog anymore. I’ll bet that was a real eye opener.

  5. Ok I have to admit..I do get sucked in by the good catchy titles…and i have tried and flopped many times…
    But in that trial and error….i have found somethings that really work..and that being genuine and loving what you do.
    If youre confident in your writing…then promoting the blog isnt that difficult…it takes time sure…but once you know whats working for you….I think we should just stick with it.
    I know people who swear by some methods of promotion. I prefer commenting and sharing Me is the best way to get out there.
    I might be wrong..but its what works for me. Finally I am my blog…right…
    And only now after reading this I realize what anchor articles mean. Google is generous with me on some of my posts 😉
    Much Love,
    .-= Check out Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s awesome post: Learning To Flow With The Universal Plan =-.

    1. Hi Zeenat,

      Don’t feel bad. I think many of us have gotten sucked into those catchy titles that promise easy street to riches or tons of visitors.

      You’re right . It is through trial and error we find what works best for us and what keeps us true to our beliefs.

  6. Hi Barbara.
    “As much as the helpful blogging information might be true for the author of the article, chances are we’re not looking at the complete picture of how they got from point A to point B.” Agreed. Where these posts go wrong is making it sound like you do this and you get that. Information such as what you’ve listed has been left out — fabulous list BTW. This is information that makes a difference. To not paint the full picture sounds like error by omission if you ask me.
    .-= Check out Davina´s awesome post: Life Coach for the Knobs =-.

    1. Thank you Davina,

      That’s true. Some posts do make it sound like all you need to do is “a, b & c” and you’ll be rolling in the dough. Sadly they neglect to share “the rest of the story”.

  7. I’ve instituted quite a few things recommended by Darren Rowse (at, and have had quite a bit of success with them. Then again, other things I’ve tried I haven’t had so much success with (tips to get comments is one of them. I have the hardest time drumming up any comments from folks who aren’t just marketing their own site).

    It really has a lot to do with your blog, your niche, and your readers how well a lot of the techniques recommended work. However, you don’t know if something will work unless you try them.

    One great piece of advice that I’ve seen from many probloggers is to experiment, experiment, experiment. If it works, great. If not, move on to something else. Mine might not be the biggest blog out there, but I have gotten it up to over 8000 page views a month and over 600 subscribers, so I’m not exactly a failure in the blogging world either *laughs*.
    .-= Check out Jodith´s awesome post: Links Roundup February 19, 2010 =-.

    1. Hi Jodith,

      I agree. On Darren’s blog, we can find some great advice. I especially like his old posts from years ago.

      You’re doing fantastic. Having over 600 subscribers and 8000 pages views a month shows you’re doing something right. With those kinds of numbers, I don’t know if I’d even worry about the lack of comments.

  8. Great list, Barbara; I find your calm energy and common sense attitude really valuable. You don’t jump on bandwagons or surf trends, but everyone over here understands that it’s your passion for blogging that enables you to put so much hard work into creating consistently useful and inspiring posts.

    I’m old school and techno challenged a lot of the time, but I still believe that if folk put as much effort into living authentic, fulfilling lives as they do reading loads of how to have it all and get rich quick now posts, they’d write better, be happier and ‘success’ would be a by-product.

    There’s a side of blogging reminds me of the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes – so many folk willing to believe what they’re told rather than listen to their own common sense.
    .-= Check out janice´s awesome post: 9 Simple Solutions for Procrastinators – and the Scent of Spring… =-.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Janice,

      You’re right. I normally don’t jump on the band wagon, but that’s not to say I haven’t been suckered in by the “get traffic fast” posts. When we’re new at blogging, it’s so easy to be misguided by desperation.

      I LOVE your advice about putting more effort into living authentic, fulfilling lives instead of wasting time on get rich quick schemes.

  9. Hi Barbara! Love visiting you.

    What works and doesn’t work?

    The writer of the blog knows their blogs better than anyone else. I am new so I’m still experimenting. Yes, I’ve put out a book and so far I’ve only had compliments. I hope that doesn’t put people off visiting.

    Has something another blogger shared, helped you become more successful?

    Yes. I was drinking my coffee laughing and taking it all in on one particular day that my stats tripled. It was because a dear experienced blogger told her fans about me. I felt as if I had been kissed by sunshine.

    Thanks again Barbara,

    .-= Check out Julie @ jbulie’s blog´s awesome post: 19 reasons substitute teaching sucks is entertaining and inspirational. =-.

    1. Thank you Julie,

      Don’t worry. You offering your ebook about blogging won’t put people off. It’s not like you’re saying, “this is how you have to blog”. Instead it’s a light read with great photos and wonderful quips about you and your blogging journey.

      Yes. Each blogger knows themselves and their blog best. Thank goodness we’re not all the same. Can you imagine how boring blogosphere would be if that were the case?

  10. I have to confess that when I first got started on my blogging journey, I was a real sucker. I tried to follow what the experts advise. Then, I decided that it was not totally me and decided to do my own thing. But recently, I am inclined to think that they may have something that I can learn from. It’s really up to me to find and create the unique mix and tone I wish to set for my site.
    .-= Check out Evelyn Lim´s awesome post: Universal Studios Singapore Pictures for Vision Board =-.

    1. Hi Evelyn,

      You know, you’re right. It is a matter of finding that balance between what the gurus tell us works and applying parts of it to our blogs in a manner that allows us to remain genuine.

  11. It takes time and patience to build a following. There is no way to ‘Get Popular/Rich Blogging Overnight’.

    The key is to take what others are doing and modify it to fit our needs.

    And you’re right, what works for you, may not work for me. It’s wonderful that others put out there what works for them; share their success stories. But even for them, success was found by trail and error. The sames will be true for the rest of us.
    .-= Check out Heather Villa´s awesome post: Weekend Reading: My fav’s from this week: 2/19/10 =-.

    1. Hi Heather,

      That is so true. Everyone starts out the same; one post, one visitor, one comment.

      And I agree. It is wonderful others share what works for them. Although it may not work for us, it could be just the inspiration we need to try something new.

  12. There really is no such thing as a free lunch. Although…coming to your blog…some days I feel like I am getting a free lunch!! Seriously, you have some terrific ideas here!! But, I really think that you get out of it what you put into it. There are some blogs that are really interesting…every day. Then there are some that are only interesting once in a blue moon. Sometimes I get on a roll and will post a bunch of good things…then…there are days when I have nothing. But, I really think it is pretty unrealistic to think that one can earn six figures off of their blog…if they really have a life too!!
    .-= Check out Jeanne ~ bermudabluez´s awesome post: The Piano Saga… =-.

    1. Thank you Jeanne for your sweet words,

      I think you nailed it with that last sentence, “I really think it is pretty unrealistic to think that one can earn six figures off of their blog…if they really have a life too!!” Although some claim to do it, I question how much time they have to spend with friends, family and the other things that bring them joy.

      The, I you also have to ask, is it worth it?

  13. I don’t even remember where I got it from first. But what really works for me is the advice to be available for your readers. Just like what you’re doing with your blog. I have developed great friendships with them. I’ve met a lot of them offline and I wish that those who are thousand of miles away I’d get to meet before my stint on earth is over. So yes, it’s good to chase after fame and money, but there’s something to be said too about the fulfillment one gets for making meaningful connections online.
    .-= Check out jan geronimo´s awesome post: When a Question Is the Answer =-.

    1. Hi Jan,

      I hear you. The connections we make online can be the best part of blogging and being available to our readers is as important as is cultivating those relationships.

      How fortunate you are to have met fellow bloggers in the real world. That has to be pretty awesome.

  14. Barbara, I really like this post because it suggests that the best place to look for an authentic edge is of course within. Just because something works for you is not a reliable determinant that it will work for me. Individual expression is a more reliable measure of success. We must be aligned with the methods we engage or the lack of eager enthusiasm will doom them to failure.
    .-= Check out Tom Volkar / Delightful Work´s awesome post: Your True Calling Inspired Business Startup =-.

    1. Thank you Tom,

      Well put. “Individual expression is a more reliable measure of success. We must be aligned with the methods we engage or the lack of eager enthusiasm will doom them to failure.”

  15. I tried alot of stuff before I started my blog with glorious failures. Then I dived into blogging in order to at least educate folks. There is where my success lays. All other stuff is just that stuff. Experimenting is encouraged to see if you can get something off the ground in hopes that you could make money from it.

    After two years, I can truthfully say visitors/readers is the success marker I use. The more exposure of getting fellow bloggers to suggest your site to others is the gold medal! 🙂
    .-= Check out Linda´s awesome post: The Semantics of Global Warming =-.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Considering the Olympics are going on now, your advice is spot on; “gold medal”. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing how it’s your readers/visitors which become your success marker. All the money in the world can’t replace that, can it?

    1. Hi George,

      It’s probably best to skim those kinds of posts as in most cases it’s a lot of fluff and not too much actual information – unless you want to hand over a few bucks for the book which tells the whole story. 🙂

  16. Hi Barbara .. as always – interesting read. I think I’m quite pleased I’ve had to go slow because of my Ma and my Uncle – it’s given me time to watch and learn – and see what other opportunities are there – the net is opening so many doors, as well as our local physical opportunites.

    I am pleased I’ve completely inadvertently selected a niche-type blog and thus there are lots of creative ideas I can do with it, the concept and idea. Good to be here .. thanks
    .-= Check out Hilary´s awesome post: February – the half-way month .. =-.

    1. Thank you Hilary,

      You’re my kind of gal. Taking it slow, learning as you go and finding that which works for you in the process. As you’re well aware, we can learn from others by watching, which often saves us a ton of headaches.

  17. Frankly, I avoid those articles now. I do it for my sanity.

    When I started blogging 2 or 3 years ago, I did nearly everything in those kinds of articles in order to drive traffic to my little site. I did that for a solid year, doing 9 hour days.

    It didn’t work.

    Instead, I was getting increasingly bitter and twisted because I still had only 3 regular readers to show for it. I started to hate everything, and that’s when I knew that I had to step away from blogging. Not only was I not appreciating the readers that I had, blogging was no longer fun for me.

    After a long time away, I rebooted my blog in January of this year. I’m determined not to get caught up in the obsession of increasing readership through artificial means, and am just going to let it grow by word of mouth. If it means that I drop dead before I break the “only 10 readers” barrier then I’m just going to have to be okay with that (and maybe even a little grateful).

    Blogging is meant to be fun. It’s meant to be an outlet. And that’s just going to have to be good enough for now. 🙂
    .-= Check out Tony Single´s awesome post: Do Over =-.

    1. Hi Tony,

      Wow! That’s a lot of time you invested in trying to attract a readership. I can understand why you became bitter and closed shop.

      Thankfully the love of blogging stayed with you and now you’re back at it, doing it your way. I’m betting this time you’ll see success.

  18. I came here with the intention of leaving a comment to get a linkback and ended up learning that I am chasing my tail. When I started blogging, not too long ago, I was intent on raising my readers any way I could.

    After reading here I see I will only be driving myself crazy and I better just sit back, relax and have fun with it! I started blogging tips about my 26 years experience with computers and quickly learned that keeping a blog at one subject is almost impossible.

    So yes, I am still having fun blogging and will take the advise of knowledgeable experienced people here on this blog and just keep having fun and quit banging my head against the wall wondering why i can’t get a thousand readers in a day.
    .-= Check out Richard´s awesome post: Google Fears Facebook and Your Facebook Ad Credit. =-.

    1. Hi Richard,

      You don’t know how happy that makes me, knowing that what the others who commented before you, helped you to “see the light”.

      I think a lot of us have been in your position, driven to increase our readership, only to find, like you said, we’re chasing our tail.

      Have fun with blogging and keep me posted on how a change in attitude affects your progress. I’m guessing it will be for the better. 🙂

  19. Barbara — This is an important post because there are so many “how to” articles out there and it is easy to swayed by their promises.

    My approach, when I’m being smart, is to check things out with bloggers I know and trust. For example, I can be comfortable with advice that I get on your site and a few others that I will visit for blogging etiquette and tech issues.

    Regarding mistakes, I’ve made more on my own than from poor advice from others:~)
    .-= Check out Sara´s awesome post: A Picture Story Guest Post =-.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sara,

      I know what you’re saying about making mistakes on our own, too. As long as we learn from them, in the long run I think we end up being better bloggers.

  20. A few of your commenters here hit it smack on the nose.

    Read the advice, as much as you can. Keep it all in mind, jot it down, keep it in some form or another, then…

    PICK IT APART. Piece by itty bitty piece. Tone it, tweak it, make it yours…then release it as what works for you and let others do the same. 🙂
    .-= Check out Dennis Edell´s awesome post: I am Unsubscribing From Your Blog – Again =-.

    1. Hi Dennis,

      That’s true. Like you said, if we take the information and pick it apart, tweak it, tone it and then make it our own, we can usually come out with something that works for us.

  21. What great ideas about blogging. Fortunately the things I like in other blogs and I try have worked. But I sure see a lot of boring, what did I read that for blogs out there and I am trying to avoid being one of those.
    Thanks for the ideas

  22. Hi Barbara
    I’ve learnt lots from other bloggers:

    1 Finish your post with a few questions.
    2 Reply to all comments… in a polite manner.
    3 Give people a reason to comment… use CommentLuv.
    4 Use great eye catching graphics.
    5 Use enigmatic post titles.
    6 Visit, read and comment on other blogs.
    7 Use good SEO plugins.
    8 Use the subscribe to comments plugin to get the comments moving along.

    Wow! I’ve surprised myself with what I’ve learnt from other bloggers.
    .-= Check out Keith Davis´s awesome post: Practice, practice, practice… =-.

  23. There’s a huge industry that makes money off bloggers who hope to make money from their blogs “like others did.” This post should be required reading for new bloggers!
    .-= Check out vered | professional blogger´s awesome post: Spring =-.

    1. Thank you Vered,

      That’s so true. Many know bloggers hope to make money blogging and prey on their naivete. It would be great if new bloggers were required to read the facts prior to starting a blog, but unfortunately I’m guessing it will always be “reader beware”.

  24. Hi Barbara, (and cousin)

    I started blogging to share my art journal online and it grew from there. I found other artists who were blogging and joined some online art classes and kept growing and sharing. Now I’m getting ready to offer my own online art class and see where that takes me. I haven’t really followed any blogging guides or rules, I do what makes me happy and helps me to expand my artistic horizons. Through this process I’ve found some wonderful artistic bloggers and formed friendships that I otherwise would not have. As I continue down this path I hope to increase my knowledge and my friendships. I’m always looking for new ways to expand my exposure to see where my art and my blog will take me.

    It was awesome hearing from you cousin. I’d love your email so we can keep in closer touch. (Seven Sevens!) =)

    .-= Check out Tammy’s Studio´s awesome post: I Almost Forgot … =-.

    1. Hi Cousin Tammy,

      It’s great to see you here. You’ve been very smart not to follow any blogging rules or guidelines but to do what makes you happy and to do what works for you. Having seen your blog, it looks like not only have your learned well, but you’ve put all of that to use on your fabulous blog. Looking good!

      P.S. I sent you an email. 🙂

  25. what a great resource of tips from both you barbara and from the comments.

    i would add that being unique in some way goes really far.

  26. Hi Barbara — this is definitely related to an issue I’ve been thinking about recently — I realized that I’ve been keeping my sort of pointy-headed intellectual side off my blog, basically because I didn’t want to come off that way to my readers. But I ultimately decided to let go of that fear and just start another blog that lets that side out!

    1. Hey Chris,
      I’m interested in checking out your “pointy-headed intellectual” blog. Can you point me to it???
      (No pun intended.) Seriously, I want to see it!
      Hope all is well for you, and you, too, Barbara!
      .-= Check out Lori (JaneBeNimble)´s awesome post: Front Porch: Life Through Mia’s Eyes =-.

  27. I think this post is excellent and a great reference point to get started. Thank you for putting this lesson up today.

    I have not fallen for too many of the fast sell articles because I am very slow at learning all these things. I have the Problogger book which I read start to finish before beginning and now use it as a reference.

    I just am no longer attempting to save the world or be the big star on the door….I just love the conversations and the connections. I attempt to model the changes that I am making and learning about in a way that might inspire others.
    It is a great deal of time and work, but it also brings joy to me to have folks read my writing.
    .-= Check out Patricia´s awesome post: Questions of Practice =-.

    1. Thank you Patricia,

      You’re fortunate to have not fallen for these fast sell articles. Unfortunately too many others do.

      I like your attitude of sharing what you love, and enjoying the conversations and connections you make with others. As you know, that’s where the joy of blogging truly lies.

  28. Hi Barbara. I posted a comment yesterday late afternoon but don’t see it here. I’m wondering if I actually hit the send button.

    I was in the coffee shop — with several interruptions — and spent some time reading others’ comments here. Such good stuff.

    I haven’t tried what others are doing — still finding my way, I guess. I love good conversation.

    I have learned from many bloggers, in many ways. And I’ve written as a reaction or response to what I’ve read elsewhere. I love reading blogs that make me think… or make me laugh. Or teach me something. Or inspire me in some way. I find a lot of that here, among your readership.

    I don’t remember how I found you, but your site is teeming with goodies, and when I have a bit of time, I click on ‘related’ posts just to get more info on blogging basics. I’m an absorbent sponge when it comes to learning new things. And blogging is so much more than writing a post and clicking ‘publish.’

    So you are one I list among my ‘hero-helpers.’

    I read Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, Darren Rowse regularly. None of them present hype, just good food for thought. And of course, Darren teaches me. I read artists’ blogs, writers’ blogs, coaches’ blogs. (Davina’s is another favorite of mine. She offers so much on her site that simply inspires me to do more of what I know how to do.)

    Thanks for another thought-provoker, Barbara. 🙂
    .-= Check out Barb Hartsook´s awesome post: Do Sports Teach Kids How to Live Life Beyond the Game? =-.

    1. You’re welcome Barb,

      Your comment ended up in my spam folder for some reason, but I’m glad to see you posted another one.

      You do know, that’s smart how you’re doing it – reading blogs that aren’t hype, but instead solid information. Although I don’t post a lot of “how to” blogging tips, I find by sharing what I’ve learned plus asking others for their responses, this blog and its comments become a wealth of information. No one has all of the answers, but together we can help each other and become better bloggers in the process.

  29. After reading here and there for the last two years, I’ve found the reliable sources I trust — but I also read them now knowing I can’t be them. Some blogs I read to see how they “do it” even if they don’t blog about blogging. I find also that I change who I read over time. Darren Rowse was great for me as a beginner, Seth Godin helped me through the dip, Sean Platt and Joanna Young stir my writing soul, and your friendship, consistency, and community-building keeps taking me along the path. Your recent post on CommentLuv, for example, showed me something new and very helpful.
    .-= Check out Lori Hoeck´s awesome post: Mindset in self defense is crucial to victory =-.

    1. Thank you Lori,

      That’s true. Different blogs help us in different ways and at different times in our blogging journey. The ones you mentioned are all fabulous blogs, well worth the read

      I hovered over your CommentLuv heart and see you have it working. Isn’t it wonderful knowing now when you comment on CommentLuv enabled blogs, others can find out more about you?

  30. Hi Barbara,

    Great to meet you! And what a fantastic blog you have created!

    I’ve been blogging for less than a year and have definitely put in my time researching, reading, and studying the ‘tips & tricks’ for how to be a great blogger. And there’s a lot of great information out there which has been extremely helpful! I take what works for me and what resonates and put it into action. I’m so grateful for the leadership of other bloggers who care about helping the rest of us succeed!

    At the same time, though, I keep realizing that it’s important to trust my gut, allow my blog to fully reflect “me,” and do what feels right. In fact, I have delightedly received feedback cheering me on and telling me to keep doing what I’m doing; and to keep putting “me” into my blog. That feels great! It’s certainly a balancing act. 🙂

    I’m glad I found your blog and look forward to staying in touch!


    1. Thank you for your kind words Michelle,

      And, welcome to the Blogging Without A Blog community.

      You’re definitely on the right path. Trusting our gut and having our blog reflect who we are, is key. Although there is tons of information out there which “guarantees” success, if it doesn’t feel right to us, we’ll end up feeling unauthentic.

      I can see why you received the feedback you did; to keep doing what you’re doing. I was just on your blog and although I’ve only skimmed a couple of your posts, I like what I see and will be back to read more of your work.

      P.S. I see you’re a life coach. That site looks great, too.

  31. I tend to be a Knowledge Sponge. If it’s out there, I’ll read it. However, I don’t go into anything with blinders on. There is no “get rich quick” or “have 10,000 new followers overnight.” There is still usually something to be gained from reading those claims. Somewhere, buried deep within the outrageous claims, there is occasionally a gem to be incorporated. If it doesn’t work though, I move on. I don’t give up. Every person, every blog, every business is different. There is no one size fits all plan.

    Good post!
    .-= Check out Angie´s awesome post: Elance Jobs =-.

    1. Thank you Angie,

      It’s great to see you here.

      “Knowledge Sponge”? I like that. And with the internet and blog, oh, the possibilities. 🙂

      I agree. There is no one size fits all, but like you said we can occasionally find a gem buried in some of “those” posts.

  32. Pingback: Linking Strategies For Better Blog SEO And Blog Promotion

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