NBOTW Author Exercises By Lifting Cows

Photo Credit chefranden’s photos

Well, he doesn’t actually “lift cows”, but in his most recent post,”Confident Goal Setting: How to Pick Up a Cow, Daily” , he writes how Milo of Cronton, trained for the Olympics by lifting a baby calf on a daily basis. The concept is interesting, and the analogy is quite fitting.

This blog has a tag line that reads “Durable Evolution, Meaningful Productivity”.

A sampling of his posts include:

“Photoshopping Your Dreams: Visual Goal Setting, Goal Movies, & Vision Boards”

Productivity Guru SMACKDOWN: Tim Ferriss v. Dave Allen

Healthy, Wealthy, and DEAD?: 5 Reasons Why Getting Up Early Might be Harmful

Although this blog is quite new, the addition of a catchy video in his “About Me” page, a guest post that landed on the front page of Digg, plus the originality he used in a post to introduce himself (dig for that one, it’s another good read) this blog author is well on his way to success.

The author’s name is Clay Collins, and his blog is The Growing Life

This great blog was nominated by Nez. Thank you Nez!

Join me in welcoming Clay Collins to the community here at BWAB.

Welcome Clay!

17 thoughts on “NBOTW Author Exercises By Lifting Cows

  1. Hi Catherine,

    Clay has the makings of a good blog, doesn’t he? I like how he has included a few things that I haven’t seen in my travels through blogosphere.

    Did you check out the video in his “about me” page. It’s short, with a catchy little tune, and gets his message across.

  2. Hi Barbara – I did wonder when I saw the title. A calf is heavy enough – never mind a cow.

    It’s great that you found Clay’s blog, because I’d read the Tim Ferris v David Allen smackdown a few days ago and forgotten to bookmark the blog. I’ve added it to my RSS now.

    CatherineL’s last blog post..8 Random Things About Me – I’m Into Plastic In Bed

  3. Definitely Barbara – His blog stands out – it seems a lot different to other blogs I’ve seen with similar topics. And a video in his about me page is an excellent idea. I haven’t seen that done before. I’ll check it out.

    CatherineL’s last blog post..8 Random Things About Me – I’m Into Plastic In Bed

  4. That’s so funny, I just emailed Clay about BWAB a few hours ago. He had made a comment about people not being able to edit their comments, so I told him about the plugin Nez has, and he asked me how I first came across Nez (which was through BWAB).

    I was thinking about nominating him for NBOTW, but the only thing was I thought maybe you wouldn’t think he needs any help, since he’s already been on the front page of Digg! He has a great blog, and I subscribed after reading the first post of his I saw, which was the Allen/Ferriss smackdown.

    Hunter Nuttall’s last blog post..Learn More, Study Less: Expand Your Mind With Holistic Learning

  5. Thanks for the intro….checked him out. Nice clean looking blog.

    Natural Woman’s last blog post..Money Monday Tip #17

  6. Hi Natural Woman,

    Thanks for checking out Clay’s blog.

    Hi Hunter,

    When Nez nominated Clay, I was thinking the same thing, but it’s good for all of us to see how some new bloggers approach blogging differently. I think we can all learn from each other.

    That was amazing how his guest post landed on the front page of Digg. Quite an accomplishment, isn’t it?

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Author Exercises By Lifting Cows

  7. Barbara – his Smackdown post got stumbled loads too. It looks like he did a lot of research before he started out. It was original too. Most similar posts just use a couple of Bloggers, but I liked how he used Tim’s v Dave’s books. It made it a heap more interesting.

    I don’t know how you’re managing to find these great new bloggers each week. No wonder I can never get to read everything on my RSS feed.

    CatherineL’s last blog post..6 Ways To Make More Money With Less Time

  8. Hi Catherine,

    That goes to show how doing some homework helps with setting up a blog.

    I have Nez to thank for this nomination, however, when I was Stumbling last night, I also Stumbled onto that post.

    Like you, my RSS feed is filling up faster than I can read. I feel like I’m missing on so much good stuff, but I don’t have enough time in the day to do it all.

    I got a thank you email from Clay last night. Hopefully he will be showing up here to say “Hi”.

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Author Exercises By Lifting Cows

  9. Hi everyone! My apologies for not showing up sooner. I’m visiting my family here in California and have been very busy.

    Mostly, I just wanted to write and say THANK YOU for this huge honor. Ok, my dear mother is calling me as I’m late to visit my grandfather who isn’t feeling very well these days.

    I’ll be back soon.

    Warm regards,

    Clay Collins | The Growing Life’s last blog post..David Bohl: Your Life in Balance: The Growing Life E-Book Review

  10. Hi Clay,

    Welcome to the BWAB community.

    Apology accepted. Family is number one. Spend quality time with them, make some great memories, and when time permits, come back and join in the fun.

    See you soon!

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Author Exercises By Lifting Cows

  11. @CatherineL: I’m really glad that you’re coming back. How do you find the SMACKDOWN article the first time. And thank you so much for adding my RSS feed. Please do let me know if you have suggestions for future articles.

    @Natural Woman: I’m glad you like the design. At this point, 25% of it is mine and 75% of it is a custom theme.

    @Hunter: Nice to see you here. Thank you for the nice but constructively challenging comments and for forcing me to think past my own material.

    @CatherineL: Some people have made the comment that I did a lot of research before starting out. It’s half true. I spent about a week researching blogging, and about 1.5 weeks tinkering around with the site before letting search engines see it. So I was effectively blogging before I was blogging. So much (so much) gets ossified after you actually start, and I think that preparation is very important.

    @Barbara: Thanks! I’m back more or less. I’ll be staying in touch, and thanks again for bringing me into your community.

    Clay Collins | The Growing Life’s last blog post..David Bohl: Your Life in Balance: The Growing Life E-Book Review

  12. I happy to see all the positive feedback on Clay’s blog — a number of his articles have certainly caught my eye, if for the simple reason that they are different from a lot of STUFF out there, well thought out, questioning things, etc.

    Nez’s last blog post..The Need to Belong

  13. Hi Clay,

    It’s great to have you back, and interacting with some of the community members. I knew Hunter, Nez and JEMi had already found your site, but your blog was still a great choice for the NBOTW. Much success to you.

    Hi Nez,

    Thanks again for nominating Clay. You’re right, his articles are different from other blogs. I like that he’s showing his individuality, and making his readers think.

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Author Exercises By Lifting Cows

  14. Oh wow! YAY! lol I’m happy to see Clay’s blog as NBOTW. I personally think his writing is unique and I like that about The Growing Life. It’s that inquisitive push for self discovery and the catchy headlines that keep me coming back *smile* Bravo!

    JEMi @ InMyHeels’s last blog post..Overcoming Self Sabotage

  15. Hi JEMi,

    Isn’t his blog great? I knew you were already a fan of it, and I can certainly understand why.

    Barbara’s last blog post..Go Home and Cover Your Crack

  16. I’m happy for Clay and his success and that he has been discovered by you and your great community here at BWAB. He brings to the blogging community such a variety of material and a wealth of information.

    Congratulations Clay – you’re well on your way. Thank you and Barbara for the work you produce. You’re making the world a better place.

    Pat R’s last blog post..What Constitutes Wisdom?

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