Living Happily Now

live happily now

Finding blogs to showcase is always a joy for me. There are so many good ones out there, I often have a hard time choosing whom to promote next.

This week, I’m highlighting a blogger who not only has one fairly new blog, but recently added a second one.

I’m not sure how she does it, but she consistently produces fabulous posts. She writes about life and all we encounter.

In her second blog, she is dedicating it to a four letter word called HOPE.

In When Art Heals A Heart, she writes,

…Each day we are given the choice to live our lives. Sometimes we are really living. Sometimes we are relying on others to live for us. Sometimes we are just coasting along, not really living in the true sense of the word. But every day we have the choice to live, to embrace the positive in our lives — however small that positive may seem.

I love how she worded this. We do have a choice how we live our lives, and it’s up to us to make the right decision.

When she shared the The ABC’s of Loving Yourself, I picked out “F” as one of my favorites as it’s so important for all of us to remember, not only in life, but in blogging. It reads,

Forget about comparisons.

Stop comparing yourself to others. No matter what you do, you probably will not ever look like Heidi Klum or Brad Pitt. But that’s okay! You are beautiful in your own way and you will always and forever be you. Accept yourself, love yourself, and stop looking to others to see what you “should” look like.

I was thinking of how this also applies to blogging. It’s one thing to learn from the A-listers, but when it comes right down to it, being authentic and writing from our heart is what makes us a success

This young girl is on the road to happiness. In her first blog, in a post titlted, 13 Ways To Distort Your Thoughts and How To Stop It Doing It, she shares how to reverse those negative thoughts. She offers (in part), the following advice.

* Be controlling. You can control the way you perceive a situation and the world around you. It’s not always easy, but you have have power to think about things the way you want to think about them — so try thinking about the positive.

* Be mindful. Be aware of what you are feeling when you are thinking. Sit with your emotions and figure out why you are having them. Once you recognize the distortions and can identify them, you’ll be more unlikely to be dismissive of your reactions. Pay attention to what you think.

I do agree. When we take control of our thought patterns, we can often find a way to see positive in nearly every situation.

You’ve seen her here. You may have seen her on your blog, too. In fact, you may have already visited her blog.

She is Dani; the author of not only Positively Present, but is now sharing more of her work in Hope Springs Internal

Please join me in re-welcoming Dani to the Blogging Without A Blog community.

Welcome Dani.

Enjoy your reign


P.S. Dani can also be found on Twitter

Photo Credit: bingbing

26 thoughts on “Living Happily Now

  1. “Be mindful. Be aware of what you are feeling when you are thinking. Sit with your emotions and figure out why you are having them. Once you recognize the distortions and can identify them, you’ll be more unlikely to be dismissive of your reactions. Pay attention to what you think.”

    I love this. It’s so hard to keep a blog and still maintain that zen like quality of self-awareness or consciousness. We are hard put to produce posts, to reply to comments, to network and get our personal brand known out there. Keeping still – being mindful as you say – is key. We need to be more reflective bloggers.

    Well done, Dani. And thanks, Barbara, for discovering such great talent. “,)

  2. Congrats Dani and great choice Barbara!

    I like Dani’s stuff … it’s deep, it’s practical and it’s magical.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Influencer – The Power to Change Anything

  3. Excellent, excellent choice! Dani is not only a great blogger and wonderful writer, but a great friend and positive influence all the way around. All of her posts are incredibly insightful, and she has a truly awesome and joyful presence.

    Jay Schryer´s last blog post..God Part 2

  4. Another great choice, Barbara! Congratulations, Dani, it’s been wonderful getting to know your writings.

    Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post..FROM THE ROAD: INTO THE YUKON

  5. Barbara, thank you SO much for writing this post about Positively Present and Hope Springs Internal! 🙂 I am absolutely honored to be mentioned and to be welcomed into your blogging community. I first started blogging in February so I am pretty new to this and I cannot even tell you how much this means to me. It’s so wonderful that you share other blogs with your readers and I am so proud to be one of the ones you’ve highlighted on your site. Your site, by the way, is such a great resource for me and I truly enjoy stopping by every time you have new post.

    Again, THANK YOU! And thank you to everyone who has/will stopped by PP or HSI. You are all awesome too! I don’t know what I’d do without your valuable and insightful comments!

    Positively Present´s last blog me: to be happy you need to trust

  6. Thanks, Barbara. I’ve found so many great bloggers through your blog. When I don’t have time to go exploring on my own, I wander through your back pages to find new ones. I recently discovered Dani’s Positively Present blog after she began commenting on mine, and I subscribed immediately. Her new blog sounds very interseting as well.

    Dot´s last blog post..Happy Birthday to Us

  7. Hi Barbara – Another wonderful choice you’ve made.

    Hi Dani – Congratulations! Barbara is an amazing lady and knows good stuff when she sees it. That you’re highlighted here today is proof of this! Your writing is full of much hope, and even more than that – you speaks from your heart. Continue to be you!

    Lance´s last blog post..The Sunset Of Our Soul

  8. I’m glad Barbara brought you to my attention, Dani. Your writing balances deep heart with impacting thoughts. It’s a nice combo!

    Lori Hoeck´s last blog post..Signs and traits of emotional predators

  9. Yay! Positively Present – what a wonderful pick. I recently discovered her blog and she is a true gem, as are you Barbara, for sharing with NBOTW. And for your sharing blog in general.

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..Gravatar update

  10. Yea Dani!!! Barbara, you picked another winner this week. I love Dani’s blog…she really makes me think. She asks important questions and it’s a wonderful way to explore our lives. Her posts are thought provoking and insightful. Glad more people will get to know her blog.

    Caroline´s last blog post..Wow…I said that?

  11. PositivePresent is truly a gem. I love ever thing she wrotes as it worked like a wake up call to me. Practical and to the point! Awesome.
    I discovered her via @BeMeaningful (twitter), another great blogger that cannot be missed!

    thanks Barbara


  12. Ok I never knew that “Dani” was her real name! Hello, Dani!! She definitely has lots to share and is already creating waves on the blogosphere!

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..No Such Thing as Failure; Only Feedback

  13. Another great choice Barbara and I have been subscribed to Positively Present – Dani for a time now and enjoy all her comments on my blog and on others…It was her comments that helped me find her writing. I have not discovered her new blog, but will get there as soon as I am able once again having some equipment problems…ah me!

    thank you…

    Patricia´s last blog post..There’s a place For Me

  14. Hi Everyone,

    Thank you again for showing your support for another new blogger. You all are why I continue to do this. Each week you open your arms to another person who has found their passion in blogging and so kindly welcome them into your world. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. you BWABers are truly the BEST. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    You’re very welcome, and thank you for your kind words.

    It’s such a pleasure to re-welcome you here and showcase both of your blogs. After reading many of your posts, I feel you not only have a great future as a blogger, but as a writer, as well. I wish you all of life’s very best.

    Happy Blogging!

  15. Great choice, Barbara. In addition to what she writes in her own blogs, Dani constantly supports a lot of folk and always does it positively.
    @Dani – I’m glad I can start calling you by your name now in my comments box!

    janice´s last blog post..45 Life Lessons to Celebrate Growing Older

  16. Congratulations, Dani! Your positivity and joy are truly contagious. I always look forward to finding out what bit of magic you’ll be sharing with us in each post.

    Aren’t you glad you finally revealed your name? This list of comments just wouldn’t be the same if it said, “Cogratulations PP”!


    Lisis´s last blog post..Do You Believe in True Love?

  17. Dani – wonderful blog! A super place to stop each day and recharge my batteries!

    Petra Norris´s last blog post..Lakeland Florida – A Great Place to Live

  18. Hi Barbara… and Dani! Wow, I’m sorry I missed this one. I’ve been reading and enjoying Dani’s blog for a few months now. Great choice Barbara and congrats Dani!
    .-= Davina´s last blog ..Captivated By a Metaphor =-.

  19. Barbara – as usual, you continue to bring attention to some of the most inspiring and uplifting writers out there. Dani is absolutely to be counted in this group! And hey – love the new book header!
    .-= Kevin Sandridge´s last blog ..The Right Way to Receive Lakeland Mortgage Gift Funds =-.

  20. This is a nice endeavour for people like us who are starting to blog.
    Would love to have my site reviewed or commented upon.
    Thanks and keep posting and helping the blogging community.
    .-= Samit´s last blog ..Tips for International Travel =-.

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