Join Me In Helping A Fellow Blogger

Deb & Peanut

Today I am foregoing my daily assignment and am asking all readers of this blog to ban together to help a fellow blogger.

Debbie Yost of “Three Weddings” just published a post regarding a sad subject.

As some of you know, Debbie’s daughter Peanut has Down syndrome. Although Debbie’s blog may be considered a “mommy” blog, she is on a mission to educate others regarding children with special needs.

In this recent post of hers, Debbie writes how the Down syndrome video “Dreams” has been violated and put on YouTube by some sicko.

I’m asking all readers to go to Debbie’s blog, and Stumble and/or Digg her post and get the information out to the public that tactics like this are wrong. Although YouTube has been contacted and asked to delete the clip, this type of behavior must be squashed.

Please take time to read Debbie’s post. Read to the end, where Debbie makes a plea to all readers. It’s heart wrenching, but something we all need to think about…and act on.

Individually we can all do a little, but as a group, we can do a lot.

Thank you for joining me in this effort.

I know you’ll all make me proud.

15 thoughts on “Join Me In Helping A Fellow Blogger

  1. Thank you Catherine,

    I sure appreciate you and anyone else who can help get that video clip removed and to help others be aware of children with special needs.

  2. Barbara – thanks for letting us know about this. This is truly appalling. I wish You Tube would take a bit more responsibility for what they allow to be broadcast on their site. Anything that is cruel and harmful to children should simply not be allowed. I’ve stumbled Debbie’s post and asked others to do the same.

    Cath Lawson’s last blog post..Cashflow Problems: Idiot Proof Your Business

  3. Hi Barbara and Catherine,

    Thank you both. You made me cry. Having people like you in my life makes dealing with this type of ignorance a little easier. It’s still hard, but it helps to know there are more people out there willing to support my daughter and others with special needs than who would hurt her just for a sick laugh.

    Debbie Yost’s last blog post..We Still Have a Long Way to Go

  4. Hi Debbie – it’s terrible. And I know these type of people are really upsetting, but they’ve got real problems themselves. They have to be really sick in the head to do things like this.

    Keep your chin up and lets hope that the video gets removed.

    Cath Lawson’s last blog post..Cashflow Problems: Idiot Proof Your Business

  5. Hi Debbie,

    You’re welcome. I know you would do the same thing for us or someone else who needed help and support. It’s the least we can do.

    I say, lets use the “power” of blogs and social media to get the word out there about these sickos who have no regard for others, especially for young children.

    Please keep us posted as to whether that video clip gets pulled.

  6. I can’t believe anyone would do that. I don’t blame YouTube for letting the video go up in the first place, since they can’t possibly watch every video first. But now that they’ve been contacted, they should take it down because it’s basically a hate crime. Stumbled.

    Hunter Nuttall’s last blog post..Men With More Than Just Pens

  7. Hi Hunter,

    Granted YouTube can’t review each video, but hopefully Debbie can raise enough awareness to get this one pulled.

    Hi J2R,

    Thank you for joining in. I know you have true compassion for Debbie and this situation.

    Hi Sterling,

    Isn’t it sad that someone has to “raise awareness”. I would think it’s common sense…but, unfortunately it’s not.

  8. as a parent of an autistic child, I understand her feelings.
    I’m stumbling on her page.

    J2R’s last blog post..The new bubble – we caused this by being impatient

  9. Thank you for passing this along. Debbie’s efforts to raise awareness is exactly what’s needed to combat ignorance.

    sterling | bizlift’s last blog post..Walking On Water Miracle Revealed. You Won’t Believe Your Eyes.

  10. Hi everyone,

    Again, I just wanted to say thank you for all your support in this matter. It has helped me to deal with it by writing about it and having so many people support me and Peanut. Unfortunately, there are still some unkind people in the world, but you have all proven there are also wonderful caring people that I am honored to know, if only through cyberspace and it is you that I will put my efforts and thoughts towards. Not those who are undeserving of my time and energy.

    Debbie Yost’s last blog post..A Mother’s Tribute

  11. Hi Debbie,

    I’m hoping by bringing attention to your dilemma, we were able to help get the clip off of YouTube.

    I think I can speak for everyone, when I say, we support all you do in bringing attention to children with special needs. Your good deeds will not go unnoticed.

    We’re behind you, my friend.

  12. What a freaking crappy thing someone did. So many stupid people in this world. I’m digging her post now.

    John Hoff’s last blog post..Negotiating: It Never Hurts To Ask

  13. Hi Debbie,

    That’s great news.

    And thank you to all of my readers for supporting Debbie by visiting her blog, Stumbling and/or Digging her article.

    You’re all awesome! 🙂

  14. Hi everyone,

    I spoke with the director of our Guild today and confirmed that this clip has been pulled by youtube. Yeah! Thank your for all your support!

    Debbie Yost’s last blog post..Tagged Again

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