Is Blogging A Hobby, A Time Suck, Or…

Addicted to blogging

We all have hobbies we enjoy. For some it’s scrap booking, for others it may be quilting, reading, watching TV, participating in sports, and/or photography.

When Debbie Yost, Mommy blogger and Down syndrome advocate shared her thoughts on How Do You Measure Your Success, her comment reminded me blogging is also classified as a hobby. 

But after reading her comment, I began to wonder if there’s more to blogging than meets the eye.

To quote Debbie, she said,

I have my good times and bad times. Yes, the numbers bother me. Yes, I get frustrated sometimes and even depressed. The bottom line is, blogging is A LOT of work. It’s not just the “if you build it, they will come” mentality. You have to comment and stumble and twitter and “fill in the blank”. I have a job and work 20 hours a week. I have 3 kids, one with special needs. I volunteer at the school. I teach religion class. I have dance class to go to and flute practice. I have extended family I need to spend time with. I write for Root & Sprout. I am sometimes up till midnight trying to get caught up in my reader so I can keep my readers coming back. Then I go to bed and think “what am I doing?” Should I just throw in the towel? Maybe. I’m not ready to yet, though. I’ll continue to blog for now. I’ll keep trying to find ways to get my blog noticed. But, I will also continue to remind myself that this is supposed to be fun and when it feels like too much pressure and work, I need to step back and reevaluate what I am doing here

How many of us are just like Debbie? How many of us continually come back to our keyboards even though real life gives us a plate full?

How many of us repeat this activity day after day?

Why do we do it?

Today’s Lesson

Why do we schedule offline activities around my online ones? Why do we head to our computer the very first thing in the morning, even before we shower or get dressed? Why is the computer screen one of the last things we see before we lay it down for the night?

Why are we sitting at our keyboards when there is so much life to live offline?

Are we blogging, hoping for some type of “end result”? Are we blogging just to write?

Or, does blogging have benefits we’re not getting from the real world?

As I think about these questions, I’m not sure what my answers are.

I’m beginning to think I’m addicted to blogging. I love to write, to share, to read the words of others, to interact, and to learn more about computer technology (the behind the scenes stuff). The time flies by when I’m blogging. Although I post ads on my blogs and make a few dollars, I know that is not what drives me.

Blogging has become a passion of mine. I know it must be filling a need, but I’m not sure what that need is.

I try to psychoanalyze what it is, but the answers don’t come.

Maybe your comments will uncover why blogging becomes addictive.

Today’s Assignment

Why do you keep returning to your blog? To social networking sites?

Do you think blogging provides “something” real life or other hobbies don’t?

Or is blogging just a time suck that keeps us from living our lives?

What do you think? I’m anxious to hear.


Photo Credit: Pål Degerstrøm

41 thoughts on “Is Blogging A Hobby, A Time Suck, Or…

  1. Blogging is more than just a hobby for me. It’s part of the networking I do to build my writing/editing career. It puts me in touch with readers — and customers — I probably wouldn’t find otherwise.

    Elizabeth Barrette´s last blog post..News: Facebook Changes Terms of Service

  2. Well, it’s definitely not money, since I don’t even monetize my site. I consider it a way of staying connected (and making new connections) with people. My first blog was a Xanga. Back then, before the time of Facebook and MySpace (and even Friendster), the only way to be on some sort of network with people is to have a blog, usually either Xanga or LiveJournal. I like the way people are connected and can read one another’s thoughts. Now the landscape has changed a lot, but that’s still a big part of it for me.

    Kelvin Kao´s last blog post..New Video! (With New Puppets!)

  3. I’ve asked myself this a bit lately. Towards the end of last year I realised blogging had taken a lot of time and creative energy away from my novel and my efforts to become a working novelist. I wondered whether I should quit my blog, so while I deliberated I basically stopped almost all my online activities.

    Over three months I probably only posted a handful of times, and at first it was a massive relief. I couldn’t believe how much more time I had. But then I started to miss blogging and I really missed my blogging community. I found myself down, feeling lost and not making the best use of my available writing time.

    I eventually started to lose interest in my fiction, and then it hit me. I love the connection of blogging. Plus I offload my emotions, thoughts and fears at SHE-POWER. I need this release and the feedback of an audience and the camaraderie just as much as I need to tell my stories.

    So, is blogging a time suck? Definitely. But it’s one I choose and gain from. It’s a joy in my life that is important, and what my break taught me is the most important thing is to keep blogging in its place. Be a conscious blogger and choose where to spend your time well.

    Great post and topic, Barbara.


  4. Hi Barbara,
    Blogging has become about community for me. I’m able to connect with people on a deeper level, than sometimes happens in offline life. Or, this can happen faster in the online world. And I think that’s because we’re going straight what matters – and not getting hung up on what you look like, or who you hang out with, or what your social and economic positions are, etc.

    Does it sometimes feel like a time suck? Sure. There are moments when I wonder what I’m getting out of this. The other thing, though, is that the more I blog, the better I also understand “me” – and that’s another very good thing.

    I think Elizabeth makes a great point also – blogging has the ability to get us in touch with others who can be instrumental in our career decisions. And along that same vein – also we can be presented with opportunities to help others in their journeys. And my personal experience has been that bloggers who have helped me along the way are glad to help – filling maybe another innate need we have to do good in the world – and this is one way to do that.

    I’m looking forward to reading the comments to this one!

    Lance´s last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day

  5. I used to spend more time blogging. I have since cut down on my online time. I think we need to have a balance.

    I don’t spend a lot of time online. I also don’t get a lot of comments and this is probably one of the reasons why. But I don’t let it bother me though.

    I just love to write, respond, and have friendly debates or conversations.

    Chase March´s last blog post..My Customized Batmobile

  6. For me, blogging forms the basis of my soon-to-come coaching services, so I keep coming back to blogging because it is my number one market and reputation builder. Simple as that.

    Alex Fayle | Someday Syndrome´s last blog post..Deciding to live: Joely Black interview

  7. Hi Barbara,
    What is a blog for me? It took some time to get answer. Actually it includes everything you mentioned. At times it sucks important time and energy in getting indulged with it. Gradually it becomes hobby and habbit too. Now I feel restless and disconnected with the network community if not able to post at least once a week.
    Above all it is proved to be a good medium for sharing the positive energy and inspiration, providing the sense that we can contribute the blogworld to be more beautiful when we leave:-)

    The Journey Within´s last blog post..Road Map for Spiritual Journey

  8. Our blog is a business gateway and part of a marketing strategy. Blogging pays in new clients and customers – but most actually don’t come from having read our posts and being long-time readers. Our readers aren’t really our target market, you could say.

    Our blog earns money for us, absolutely, but we also have a good amount of readers and invested a good deal of time and money into it.

    James Chartrand – Men with Pens´s last blog post..How to Sell with a Clear Conscience

  9. Hi Barbara – I’ve encountered a lot of “is what I’m doing a time-suck” in the places I hang recently. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re still in the beginning of new year, when people tend to examine, modify and set new goals. Wondering if we’re wasting our time and effort on something that isn’t going to provide a perceptible gain of some sort is natural.

    I think it’s easiest to question when we’re having trouble measuring benefits. If our blogs were making (more) money, justifying our time spent wouldn’t be an issue. So, the quantitative vs. the qualitative element prods the question. Perhaps a goal (or lack of a goal) with respect to our blogging activities would contain a partial answer.

    It’s interesting to see in the responses thus far how value is derived. Lance values the community; James values the portal to his other business activities. Both justify from what they value.

    Pete and I value access to and exchange of thoughts and ideas. During our “day” lives, we can’t connect as easily on that platform. Though we may be in contact with many, it’s for different purpose or requirement. So, like Kelly has stated, blogging is an activity we consciously choose, justifying its value against what is important to us.

    Is all that an addiction? The best definer for addiction is that it’s exclusionary. Are we burying ourselves in that which might exclude the meaningful, or are we seeking the meaning via this mechanism? Are we neglecting other aspects and responsibilities? Is there an element of “should” in our deliberation, as in, I really should spend more time with my family, or I really should do that laundry, or I really should be posting more? Dave Fowler recently stepped out of blogging after thoroughly examining his “why’s.”

    What I’ve observed you doing, Barbara, is striving for a balance. You’ve had additional responsibilities and have adjusted your blogging to accommodate them. We have to balance activities when we can’t fully integrate them, taking from one set to give to another. In my mind, there’s always one set that will have a deficit and one with an abundance, never completely even. I’ve chased integration as much as I can because integrating takes away the need to be constantly aware of devoting equal/appropriate time, or feeling deprived in one area.

    So, you’re fearful you’re (becoming) addicted to something you’re passionate about, and that the time spent with your passion creates an imbalance in life as a whole. What, instead, if life could accommodate our passion in some better way? Maybe the question needs to be, how do we make that happen?

    Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post..CALCULATE WHAT THE BAILOUT IS COSTING YOU

  10. Hi I blog because I can!
    I’m still young in the blogging world and very much enjoying it. If the pleasure turns into an unhealthy stress then I’ll let it go.
    I’m a technology dummy, but have managed to create a blog on my antique computer (that actually isn’t even mine) & I’m mostly proud of it.
    It’s exciting to share…….
    I’m from a creative background and I tend to view a blog as a creative tool not unlike any other creative medium.
    Who knows what the future will bring……. I know more today than what I did yesterday & that’s exciting 🙂

    Best wishes x

    Ribbon´s last blog post..Imagine!

  11. Hi again, Barbara! You know, you always present the most thought-provoking questions. . .

    Blogging is, for me, a lot like college was. I was a “returning student” – I married young and didn’t actually start college until I was nearly 30. It was difficult, at times, sure, sometimes even a bit of burden. But all in all, I loved it and wish I had done it sooner.

    I find the opportunity not just to see other views, but to share mine, as well. I can find pockets of people who think like I do, and other groups that really open my eyes. There are always opportunities to learn something new – and to share my own experiences. I can choose where I want to go and who I want to know and when – as well as what I want to share with those people.

    In a way, blogging seems to provide both a safety barrier – in my case, anyway, it’s anonymous – as well as a forum to reveal as much or as little of myself as I choose.

    ToyLady´s last blog post..Monday Musings – 02.23.2009 Edition

  12. I do it because I love the creativity. The other reason I do it is to build a business. I want to help companies work happier. The best way to do this is to get out there and get noticed.

    At times I do feel pressure, but it’s really just internal. It’s up to me to create the feelings that I need. This isn’t always easy because I can’t seem to align my goals with reality.

    The more that I practice at staying organized, writing better and connecting with others, the more rewarding blogging becomes.

    Karl Staib – Your Work Happiness Matters´s last blog post..Work in the Now

  13. I blog (and tweet and ..) because I love sharing my knowledge! It’s also part of my chosen profession (online educator).

    Not only that, however….it gives me an opportunity to “meet” in VL people whom I’d never encounter in my daily life. I really enjoy the interactions and ideas that are sparked from such encounters.

    Data points, Barbara

    Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog post..RANT – When bloggers are PAINFULLY clueless

  14. Ok, blogging is a time sucker along with I am addicted. I find that visiting other blogs, reading their content, just keeps me updated on what is going on in the world. Kinda neat ……

    Linda´s last blog post..A Freebie For You!

  15. Hi Barbara. As I was reading this post the answer popped into my head about why I keep coming to the keyboard. It goes even beyond the community, the reading, the writing, the learning… it is because every day is DIFFERENT! I’m turning on the same computer, visiting the same blogs (new ones too), but everything is different each time. It’s the newness that is the unconscious attraction — well, now it’s conscious.

    I’ve also decided that it CAN be a time suck if we allow it to be. The last 2 nights in a row I was in bed before 11 am and this morning I was up at 5:30 am to journal with a relaxing cup of tea, topped off with a half hour of yoga and deep breathing. Now… my computer is happily buzzing and I’m clicking away at the keyboard feeling pretty groovy! 🙂 It’s 8 am and I still have the whole day ahead of me…

    Have a great week everyone. Great work Barbara.

    Davina´s last blog post..The Morning Muse — Inspiring Hands

  16. Actually, I think it feels an inner need for interaction with other people, without actually having to go to the trouble of meeting them. Replacement for social get-togethers and parties and that kind of thing.

    I’ve never had to give up blogging per se, but I have abandoned blogs when it felt like it was geting to big for me. Not really worth giving up your real life responsiblities and work.

  17. I’m an onion with multiple needs and interests. Not any one thing will fulfill all of me, and I don’t expect one thing to. In fact, it’s the effect of having multiple interests that culminate together to make me more whole, and more satisfied as a person.

    Blogging fulfills one part of me. However, if I were to let it suck all my time, then that would no longer work. It needs to share time with all my other needs and not one should ever monopolize all the time, or else I will feel unbalanced.

    We’re all familiar with work/life balance – sometimes, we forget that it’s also life/life balance.


    Daisy´s last blog post..Walking Popsicle

  18. Barbara, you have a gift for asking really good questions. And I use the word “gift” on purpose. I think some of us come to blogging to use a gift. You have the gift of encouragement and teaching. Blogging gives you a wonderful outlet for those gifts.

    I have the gift of capturing family memories and making my extended family laugh and/or smile. Along with other things, my blog gives me a venue for those gifts.

    I follow blogs that challenge and encourage me in areas I don’t get challenged and encouraged in “real” life.

    Blogging is a huge hobby of mine, as is following my faves. Also, it’s an outlet for writing for all of us. I THINK it was Mark Twain who said he had to write or the words would catch fire within him. Those of us who “have to write” get a fix from blogging. 🙂

    I’m thankful for the outlet and that others with good things to say, like you, are teaching and encouraging me along the way.

  19. @Betsy – I love the depth in your comment. Lot’s of good reflection points. Thank you and thanks Barbara.

    Like Lance I value community. Like Kelly I enjoy deeper connection. Like James and Alex it’s a gateway to my coaching services. All of these things create interaction so I’m at my best.

    In addition to all that I value blogging the most because it gives me a writing discipline that allows me to flush out my coaching processes that help my clients reach breakthroughs. Blogging forces me to take a stand and to observe what’s troubling so many folks. It’s market research and a just-in-time personal development news wire all in one.

    That said, would I blog if were extraordinarily wealthy? Yes, but I doubt that I’d invest the time to play around in the social media. When I remove the business purpose from blogging it
    is very interesting to see what desires remain.

    It gives me great freedom to not attach the feeling of obligation to anything I do in the online world. Lately I’ve been posing less and enjoying it more. Life is as we decide to make it. Thank God for that.

    Tom Volkar / Delightful Work´s last blog post..How To Get On The Right Track

  20. I’m honored to have left a comment you considered worthy!

    I got into blogging for three main reasons:

    1. As a stay at home daycare provider, I was losing myself and NEEDED adult contact! I was in some ways depressed and certainly unhappy and frustrated in my career change. Blogging gave me an outlet to find the adult contact I craved. (even though I no longer really need it for this reason anymore)

    2. I’ve always loved writing and I saw blogging as a way to practice my skill. I want to write a children’s book someday although, I’ve lost my way on that right now. However, I also saw this as a chance to pursue a career in writing and to some extent it has been successful. I would have never gotten the job as a staff writer for Root & Sprout without blogging. It’s not going to allow me to quit my day job (yet) but it gives me a feeling of accomplishment and worth and makes me realize I can do it if I just don’t let myself get in the way. (see Alex’s Someday Syndrome!)

    3. I wanted to share my experience with Down syndrome with others. I didn’t really know much about Down syndrome before my daughter and wanted to help others learn the beauty of these people and to not be afraid if they are faced with having a child with Down syndrome. A side benefit to this is I have met many families on our same journey and have many many new friends.

    So even though I find blogging frustrating at times, a time suck for sure and absolutely addictive, even by Betsy’s definition, I think I have found many benefits and continue to search for the balance to give me the best of both worlds.

    Debbie Yost´s last blog post..I’m Famous!

  21. I was just thinking about this very thing this morning… Why do I feel this “need” to blog? What is it fulfilling within me? I don’t know if I even have an answer. I began blogging because I had a lot to say… I have worked hard to build a nice community. It’s a part of my life now. I don’t know if I could categorize it as a hobby anymore. I will say that I made a conscious decision not to post on weekends which has helped me keep a life offline. I am better at “turning off” too. When I began blogging I was fanatical. But I have drastically reduced my hours…lol…if I was only paid to do this!

    I will say, that I have learned loads since I began blogging. There are so many insightful people who share incredible stories and wisdom.

    So who knows where this will lead…

    Caroline´s last blog post..Tired…

  22. I am definitely addicted, but now spending less time at blogging than I’d let myself get to for a while. I actually set my stove timer to allow me 2 hours a day.

    Sometimes I do wonder if I am “just wasting my time” and “who really cares what I have to say?” but then I’ll get some nice comments and that gives me a shot in the arm, so the friendships and connections keep me going.

    And I love the creative outlet!

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..Trout-fishing hip waders!

  23. Blogging helps me scale. It also helps me share.

    There might be more effective ways, but it’s a low-friction approach with pretty good results.

    I also think that blogging is working on your life. It’s a good forcing function for taking little actions … as well as tuning and pruning your thoughts over time.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Avoid Mental Burnout

  24. Thanks, Tom! 😀

    Loving this conversation, too, Barbara – you do have the gift!

    Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post..CALCULATE WHAT THE BAILOUT IS COSTING YOU

  25. Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Blog is a hobby for me..Do visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!

  26. Writing keeps me thinking; blogging has the added benefit of satisfying the extrovert in me. I love the interaction.

    When people share personal narratives, like I do on my blog, it’s like going to the therapist, but it’s free. It helps to know we’re not alone. Essentially, I blog because life is messy and complicated, and a blog is a great format for sorting it out together.

    Kristin T. (@kt_writes)´s last blog post..What does non-hypocrisy look like?

  27. i guess it can be a time suck depending on what your goals are in life. i however do view it as a time suck, but i do think i spend too much time on the computer period. not just blogging, but a lot of time is spent going from blog to blog interacting, reading and leaving comments.

    why do i keep going back to my blog. well i was thinking of giving it up, but i really really love to write. i probably just needed to take longer breaks, reduce some activities and not try to visit every blog known to me 🙂

    i love the interaction in the comment section too. being able to make people smile or think about something differently. that’s a beautiful thing – words do that. they have the power to influence. i like that.

    Natural´s last blog post..Answer: A River Runs Through It

  28. Great questions and wonderful comments.

    I wish I had known blogging when I was so isolated taking care of my special needs kiddo and my mum in her last years. I was working 24/7 – crazy hours and truly had no one to talk to or mull, or ask questions of. I filled 17 journals trying to have a conversation with myself and figure things out.

    I love to write as I have said before.

    I love the diversity of the conversation

    I have rarely been heard in my life…I love comments and idea sharing.

    I write for 2 hours everyday. I read something on line for 2 hours a day and I comment on blogs 2 hours 5 nights a week.

    The rest of my day is too full of the other parts of my life. I hope to make some money from my writing….hopefully I will find a connection.

    Patricia´s last blog post..Confessions of a Practicing Self Advocate

  29. Hi Elizabeth – That’s true. A blog does let us connect to people we wouldn’t find elsewhere.

    Hi Kelvin – Yes. Staying connected is a great benefit of blogging.

    Hi Lance – Yes. In blogosphere we do get right down to what really matters, and by thinking about what we’re writing (in posts or comments), we gain a better understanding of ourselves.

    Hi Alex – I agree, blogs are a great marketing tool

    Hi Kelly – Thank you. I love how you worded that; “Be a conscious blogger and choose where to spend your time well.” Even though blogging can be a time suck, it’s also a great way to vent, connect and interact.

    Hi James – Blogs do make great business gateways, don’t they? Even though your readers aren’t your target market, your willingness to share your knowledge with them will often turn them into your biggest advocates.

    Hi Chase – I agree. Finding that balance is very important.

    Hi Betsy – I’m still reeling from your comment. In a good way. 🙂 There’s a lot of meat in what you said. That’s a great observation about bloggers re-evaluating based on it still being the beginning of a new year. Often they choose to drop out.

    Finding the right balance between doing what we love and the other responsibilities life throws at us often becomes the biggest struggle.

    Hi Journey Within – Hmmm. You just brought up a word that I haven’t seen used in conjunction with blogging – “habit”. That makes sense. Habits are built from doing something continually. Your comment makes me wonder; if blogging more of a habit than a hobby?

    Hi Ribbon – “I know more today than what I did yesterday & that’s exciting ” Blogging certainly teaches us, doesn’t it?

    Hi Toy Lady – Thank you. That’s true. Blogging is a great medium to share our views and then hear the views of others and open our eyes to possibilities.

    Hi Karl – Yes, blogging is a fantastic creativity outlet. Even if no one reads our work, we can put it “out there”. Often just releasing it is beneficial.

    Hi Barbara – I hear you. Being able to share our knowledge with (possibly) millions of people is a rush. How fortunate we are to be living in this day and age.

    Hi Linda – Definitely. Blogs are a great way of staying abreast on what’s going on in the world.

    Hi Ling – Good point. Blogging can be a replacement for parties and social get-togethers, but hopefully not completely. Like Lance said, the interaction in blogosphere erases physical boundries.

    Hi Daisy – I love your onion analogy. That’s very true. No one person or one thing can fulfill us completely. Multiple interests definitely create a more balanced person.

    Hi Davina – Thank you. That’s a great point. Even if we visit the same blogs day in and day out, as long as the blog is being updated, it’s a surprise. Just as comments are. I’m thinking there’s something to be said for the intrigue of what the next click will hold.

    Hi Tom – You’re welcome. From the mouth of a life coach, that’s well put; “Blogging forces me to take a stand and to observe what’s troubling so many folk It’s market research and a just-in-time personal development news wire all in one.” Watching what’s being said on blogs is great market research. After all, those who are speaking could very likely be your clientele.

    Hi Debbie – First, thank you for the inspiration for this post. You comment made me realize “something” keeps us coming back to our keyboards.

    I like what you said in #1. Blogging answered your need for adult contact. I’m guessing a lot of moms feel the same as you did. How smart of you to know what you needed and go after it.

    Hi Caroline – Good question. “Who knows where this will lead?” Maybe that’s part of the intrigue. We don’t know where blogging will take us, but we’re enjoying the ride so we keep at it.

    I’m thinking it will be fun to look at this post a year or two from now and check in to see where everyone is.

    Hi Jannie – Yes, time can certainly get away from us when we’re blogging. Setting a timer is a great way to restrict our time and then go on and enjoy the real world.

    Hi J.D. – I like how you put that. “It’s a good forcing function for taking little actions … as well as tuning and pruning your thoughts over time.”

    Hi Val – Thank you for the beautiful compliment. I truly appreciate it.

    The quote from Mark Twain (?) is perfect example. Bloggers are “burning up” wanting to share their words, aren’t they?

    Hi again Betsy. Thank you.

    Hi Ocean – Thank you. I’ll check out your blog shortly.

    Hi Kim – Blogs are a great tool to highlight our skills, aren’t they? On your blog I notice you give hints and tips for free, but if someone needs more help, they know where to find you.

    Hi Kristin – That’s true. Blogging is very much like therapy. We listen to other peoples problems and we can share ours. Usually we can also find someone who offers solutions, as well.

    Hi Natural – I agree. Words are awesome and definitely have the power to influence. And yes, it’s a beautiful thing.

    Hi Patricia – Just think, you were blogging without a blog when you filled those 17 journals. The part you were missing was that interaction which is SO important. As I read your comment, and think back to Debbie’s, it makes me wonder how many people are isolated and would benefit from a blog so they too, could be heard.

  30. Good question Barbara. The simple answer is I do it because I love it. I think my natural inclination is to be a communicator; I love sharing ideas and thoughts and new things with people. Connecting with people through reading their blogs and using social media is always very rewarding to me.

    I also really enjoy learning new skills and I do think that they will prove useful to me in the future when I do have to start thinking about getting paid work.

    The positive feedback is naturally rewarding and when it’s little feedback or negative, the frustration makes me work harder. It fulfills my need to entertain and inform, which are extremely strong urges in me.

    That said, I have had to learn to turn it all off when other priorities are more pressing. My children come first and I am pretty dang important, too. So, if it’s between blogging and sleeping/getting some needed down time I have learned to choose taking care of myself.

    Tracy´s last blog post..I’m going on the Shangri-La Diet

  31. Hmm… I’ve forgotten what I was going to say now. Too swept up reading the varied comments from people around the globe discussing the topic at hand.

    And this is precisely the reason why I love blogging. Oh it’s a love/hate relationship alright, as is any relationship if you want to be honest about it. Some days are harder than others, the feelings change, people come and go… blogging is another extension of community that comes with all the emotional baggage of thought, emotion and expression, but that too makes it a lot of fun, and challenging at times.

    And don’t you just love that if you have something to say, you have a forum? Regardless of who is reading, you are getting those words out of you head and onto a page, and there’s a lot of power in that action.

    What was the question again? 🙂

    Jenaveve´s last blog post..Eye Spy… love

  32. I think Tom asked a great question: would I blog if I were extraordinarily wealthy? Heck yes! I’d be thrilled to have *more* time to blog.

    It’s definitely a time suck for me, but an intentional one. I started On Simplicity because I wanted a hobby to spend my spare time on, so I can’t really complain.

    Still, it’s important to keep in mind that my blog isn’t my livelihood; I can (and probably should) scale it back as it interferes with other parts of life.

    Sara at On Simplicity´s last blog post..The Crux of Confidence: The One Question You Must Be Able to Answer Affirmatively

  33. Blog commenting does take up a lot of my time. However, I realize that my blogging life will be less colorful without the community. I wouldn’t call it a time suck because most of the blogs I visit are in the personal development area. As such, the posts published are positive and uplifting. It has become almost my daily dose of affirmations and inspiration for empowered living.

    I also choose to do what I can with blog commenting. If I have a project that I am working on or clients to attend to, I have less time for posting comments. I don’t feel guilty or beat myself for not spending enough time on the web. I prioritize and do my best in managing my available time.

  34. I’m with Elizabeth on this one: I started blogging as a hobby, but now I see it as a way to get freelance writing and social media projects. It’s work. Which means it’s not as fun as it used to be. And I have less time than ever for my own blog now that I have more freelance work. But I don’t complain (or try not to 🙂

    Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post..The Joys Of Parenthood

  35. I blog to share my experiences. I haven’t found another better way to do this. I’ve kept a journal for ages and find that blogging and writing a journal are very different activities… probably because the blog always has, at the very least, an implied audience. I like the diversity of the blogosphere and part of me also wants to throw my own 2 cents into that. I like that there’s room for so many voices and you don’t have to go through an editor or publisher or anyone else’s judgement to put your voice out there! I think there’s something real in this…. connecting and communicating. Feeling heard….

    Jeannette´s last blog post..I’m just writing this thing…

  36. I started blogging as a way to try and help others who were having a difficult time with alcoholism. I had/have a strong to desire to help and just no one rushing up too me for assistance. So, I started my blog in the off chance that someone might read it and if not ask me for help, at least seek help from someone else. It also helps me to clear my mind of those thoughts that are flying around in my head. I really didn’t know I was going to enjoy it as much as I have or how much of a challenge it was going to be.

    I don’t know if I’ve helped anyone other than myself at this point. I guess I’ll just have to keep trying.

    Social Networks? I keep returning to those because I just have too. Don’t question me 🙂

    Scott´s last blog post..Do You Mind!?!

  37. Hi Barbara – I began blogging as a hobby but then I began to see the potential to use it to help promote other business endeavours.

    I can’t pretend it’s always easy though. As you know, I had a whole heap of time off this year, Bluehost cocked things up for me, my re-divert has diverted my traffic away and I feel as though I’m back at square one again.

    But I guess I still see myself doing this next year and the year after. And you’re right – there is something addicting about it. But I guess you’re right – the whole idea of this Internet thing was meant to be that we could use it anytime. I suppose we should be making our lives fit round our online presence and not the other way round.

    Cath Lawson´s last blog post..You May Not Be Doing As Badly As You Think….

  38. For me, blogging is a little bit of all of it. I would like my blog noticed. I want to be able to connect with others that need the message I’m giving. I also want to want to blog for myself, to release. I’ve wondered many times if I was wasting my time. Who knows. For now, I’ll keep blogging.

    MiaHysteria´s last blog post..The Strength in a Thimble

  39. This post is just another reminder that I want to create a blog to help bloggers balance blogging with the rest of their lives. I went searched go daddy dot com today to look for domain names, but so far balanceblogger just doesn’t seem catchy enough for me.

    I blog to share my passion, my stories, and thoughts on life balance. My blog is a starting place for me to live my life calling. It’s a place of adventure where I can takes risks. It’s a place where I can be authentically creative and just be me.

    The greatest high that I receive from blogging comes from my global online community.

    Stacey / Create a Balance´s last blog post..Let’s Collaborate!

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