How Doing Laundry Inspires The NBOTW

Photo Credit Steve Navarro’s photos

I came upon this week’s NBOTW (New Blog Of The Week) in Problogger’s comment section. His compelling comment inspired me to click on his name and check out his blog.

One of the first posts that caught my eye is titled: Why Doing Your Laundry is Good for Your Creativity. The premise of the article is that we “let go” when we are engaged in mundane tasks. He then continues to provide examples of how other household tasks may also spark an idea.

Increased self confidence also generates creativity. This blog also includes 3 Tips For Building Creative Self Confidence

His most recent post is titled: How To Awaken Your Muse” To prove this theory works, he used it to create a great teaching article.

With blogging, we can never read too many “how to be creative” blogs. Each blog author puts their own spin on the subject, and we get to utilize their ideas for creating brilliant posts of our own.

This week’s new blogger is named Mark Penta. Hiis blog is “Creative Journey Cafe” , with a tagline of “Inspiration for creative people”.

Join me in welcoming Mark to the BWAB community.

Hello Mark!

And, to my loyal readers…. make time to stop by Mark’s “cafe”, share in some conversation, sip a cup of cyberspace coffee, and take a look at his “new construction”.

22 thoughts on “How Doing Laundry Inspires The NBOTW

  1. Dear Barbara and Fans of this blog,

    Thank you so much for making my “Creative Journey Cafe” your blog of the week. I really appreciate the honor. Very generous of you and I love the concept of ‘paying it forward’ by helping new bloggers like myself gain exposure.

    I welcome everyone to swing on by the cafe, hang around as long as you like, check out the posts and links (they help me, I think they’ll help you!) and grab a cup of inspiration for the road as you travel along your creative journey.


    Mark – Creative Journey Cafe’s last blog post..How To Awaken Your Muse

  2. Hi Barbara – You’re getting lucky with these New Blogger of the Week’s lately. I know you’ve spent a lot of time trying to find good ones in the past.

    I like Mark’s blog and I’ve just been reading a couple of his posts. He seems like a really creative guy.

    Cath Lawson’s last blog post..27 Ways to Fuel Your Imagination And Come Up With Great Ideas

  3. Welcome to the BWAB community, Mark.

    Last weeks NBOTW was Pat, and we got to “sit at her kitchen table” and chat, and this week, we are coming to your “cafe”. πŸ™‚

    I read all of your posts last night. The books you recommended intrigue me. I may have to run to Barnes and Noble later today and pick up a couple of them.

  4. Hi Hunter,

    I like Mark’s blog. His posts are to the point and his site is easy to navigate, so I think he’s well on his way.

    I’m hoping he will share some of his artwork on his blog. Plus he wrote a book that sounds fascinating too.

    Hi Catherine,

    Yes, I am finding the NBOTW blogs a little faster. When I’m visiting other blogs I’m more focused on finding them, so I think that’s helping.

  5. Hi Sterling,

    I, too, am enjoying this mission I’m on.

    Keep in mind, if you find a new blog (less than 4 months old) you would like to nominate, just let me know and I will consider it.

    Catherine rocks at Stumbling πŸ˜€

  6. Thanks for the kind comments everybody!

    As for me sharing my own artwork on the blog, I’m inclined to avoid that for now because I want the blog to be ‘you’ oriented, not so much ‘me’.

    I do take most of the photos you see there…

    I may draw the occasional cartoon if it applies to a post…

    My plan is to eventually create and sell Creative Journey Cafe oriented products – special books, etc., based around the cafe theme.

    If I produce more personal artwork that I feel you guys might enjoy – a new Mark Penta book or something – I might announce it at the Cafe, or mention it as an example of the creative process.

    The reason you come to the Creative Journey Cafe is to find topics that can help you become a better creator, and I’m trying to keep that as the focus.

    Mark – Creative Journey Cafe’s last blog post..How To Awaken Your Muse

  7. That just reminds me – I found one quite by accident that will blow your mind. A new blogger emailed me at the weekend and I think she’ll qualify dates wise. I was mega impressed. Will email you.

    Cath Lawson’s last blog post..Cashflow Problems: Idiot Proof Your Business

  8. @Barabara – You make me love Tuesdays! Another great find.

    @Mark – I love the Cafe theme. A blog should be like a cafe where people can hang out and enjoy conversation.

    @Cath – This is the first time I’m calling you Cath instead of Catherine. Hee hee. You’re blowing up Stumble, can’t imagine your traffic, new bloggers must be raining down on you. πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see the new blog you’re mega impressed iwth.

    sterling | bizlift’s last blog post..Walking On Water Miracle Revealed. You Won’t Believe Your Eyes.

  9. Hi Mark,

    For some reason your second comment ended up in the spam folder. Thankfully I try to keep that emptied, so it was easy to find and fish out.

    Even though your goal is to help others, I think we all agree we would love to see more of your work.

    I love the idea of having “Creative Journey Cafe” products.
    What an original idea. It’s obvious you have put a lot of thought into what you want for the future of your blog. Your creative side is showing. πŸ™‚

    With that being said, I believe we are all going to be in for great tips, hints, and help on expanding our creativity.

  10. Hi Jodith,

    Just keep adding them. A lot of times I catch up on all (or most) of the posts at one time. Then I decide which ones I want to comment on.

    I really like that Mark is sharing ideas on how to become more creative. As bloggers we can use as much help as we can get.

  11. Hi JEMi,

    Thank you for the kind words.

    Did you used to be a cheerleader? I would be surprised if you weren’t. I just love your enthusiasm. It will definitely take you places in life. Who could ever be feeling down with you around? Have you ever thought about becoming a life coach? You should.

    Thank you for supporting the NBOTW. It brings me lots of joy to showcase someone new. I’m still very thankful to Natural for nominating you.

    Yes, I did read Hunter’s latest blog. It’s a jewel.

    Hi Catherine,

    Stumbling class? That’s an interesting concept. If time permits I would like to “attend” too. Let me know if you hear more about it.

    BTW: I checked out your nominee for NBOTW. That will be the next one. Great find!

  12. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the fact that you are on my radar. There is always something delightful to look forward to when I come to your site. Your readers are fantastic, your content is fantastics, YOU are fantastic

    I love the NBOTW’s site
    I actually find myself coming here and eagerly wondering who your latest pick is.

    Bravo bravo bravo! πŸ™‚

    (Oh and did you see Hunter’s latest post? Can we say wow?)

    JEMi @ InMyHeels’s last blog post..Who Are You Really: The Definition and Redifinition of You

  13. @ Sterling – thanks. People call me both – I like both. My traffic is good. The trouble is I don’t really monetize my blog much yet.

    @ Barbara – I’m still struggling to learn StumbleUpon. I’m sure there is a better way to do it. Caroline Middlebrook is developing a StumbleUpon course, so I think I may try that. The first half is going to be free, which is great.

    Cath Lawson’s last blog post..Cashflow Problems: Idiot Proof Your Business

  14. I love it. Mark has captured that place where people want to come and hang out. I love his table and cafe concept. It goes along with my theme of the kitchen table.

    His post is interesting in bringing in the muse for creativity. I found similarities in writing. Sometimes, I have no ideas on what to write but I just start and somehow it appears.

    I liked his blog and will be back to visit.

    Pat R’s last blog post..This Too Will Pass

  15. I agree with Jodith, my reader is becoming overwhelmed with all of Barbara’s great finds! As I’ve been reading more and more blogs, I’ve had to become more selective about which ones I’ll subscribe to.

    Regrettably, I don’t have time to read everything I’d like to, so sometimes I’ll try out a new blog, and then have to unsubscribe even though I like it. But sometimes I resubscribe to a blog later on, after seeing the blogger comment on some other blogs and getting to know them better.

    @ JEMi, thanks for mentioning my “Top 9 Lessons In Awesomeness” post. You’re such a wonderful cheerleader, and I’m really glad to hear that my post resonated with you so well.

    @ Barbara, if 4 months is the cutoff, then I’d like to nominate myself for NBOTW! Just kidding–for those who don’t know, Barbara highlighted me in a post before she started the NBOTW series. In effect, I was “NBOTW Without A NBOTW!”

    Hunter Nuttall’s last blog post..Men With More Than Just Pens

  16. Hi Hunter,

    I don’t know how someone could possibly keep up when then have hundreds of blogs in their reader. What I find is that I am now reading the newer blogs, and the big name blogs, I’m skimming. I realize I will have to make more time for reading as I follow all NBOTWs in the reader, and as they start stacking up, following all of them will get more time consuming.

    You make me laugh Hunter. “NBOTW Without a NBOTW”. Would that actually be NBOTWWANBOTW? That’s a mouthful. πŸ™‚

    I did think of making you a NBOTW, but you were already such an active part of the community, I knew you were well on your way. And look at you now….I love your new theme. It rocks!

  17. It’s Wednesday for me.

    And for the last day I’ve had this horrible feeling that I’ve missed something. Was it the second episode of the Bionic Woman that’s just aired on UK television? No.

    Was it the fact I forgot to post a birthday but rememered after the vent and sent alte one? No again.

    It was because I forgot to visit new blog of the week.

    Thankfully. I’ve just scractched that itch. And as usual it was a great discovery.

    As ever, thanks Barbara for bringing a great new blog to our attention.

    I don’t bother looking anywhere else now for new and interesting stuff.

    Ian Denny’s last blog post..Sky TV: Bad Customer Service Or Theft?

  18. Ian,

    I’ve missed you! What’s up?

    Aren’t you glad the NBOTW link remains in that slot for a week?

    You’ll have to come by on Thursday, and check out the post I’ll be publishing. It’s a real jewel.

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