My inspiration for blogging came from The Secret
I’m not quite sure where this journey will take me, but I do agree with some of the information that’s written in The Secret
I have since gotten the DVD, The Secret (Extended Edition)
My biggest concern was how The Secret
My observation of this is that I have been on the right path. It pays to stay optimistic, even when things aren’t going the way I had hoped, because something better is just around the corner.
Hi Tom,
You’re right, we do see people saying it’s a bunch of nonsense, but with so many writing about it, and seeing so many testimonials, it does make a person wonder.
I hope you get a chance to watch the movie. If you have time, come on back and let me know what you thought about it.
Yesterday a friend of mine was convincing me to watch that movie. She was so passionate about it so it leaves me no option.. And this post reminded about that movie, thanks 🙂 The idea of the Secret must be true somehow because there are tons of books repeating the same idea again and again, or maybe its just a very big scam 🙂
Tom Bs last blog post..Random blogging tips: be timeless
Hi Mitch – Isn’t that the truth? We can continually learn more by replaying the movie or rereading the book.
The Secret was my inspiration for many other things than blogging, and I’m lucky to have the original version, before certain people dropped out and they changed some things around. It’s a wonderful movie, and to tell you the truth, it’s in my DVD player right now, as I’ve been working out to it lately. How many movies still keep you learning after three years?
Mitch´s last blog post..$100 Million Dollar Challenge