The Biggest Challenge Of Blogging

Time - Blogging's Biggest Challenge
Blogging often starts out as a hobby and/or money making endeavor and we’re led to believe it is something we can do in our free time. But, for those who have been blogging for any length of time, we find blogging has a major challenge.

Many declare, “Blogging takes up A LOT of time”.

Unfortunately, if we are using blogging as a stepping stone to catapult us to another goal, it becomes vital we invest our time wisely.

Today’s Lesson

When we look at what all a blogger does, it’s no wonder “time” becomes an issue.

Let’s take a peek at how bloggers use their time AFTER their blog(s) is/are set up.

    1. Thinking of topics for our posts
    2. Writing posts, including adding links
    3, Editing posts
    4. Finding and/or taking appropriate photographs for our posts
    5. Reading and answering our comments
    6. Reading other blogs and the comments
    7. Writing comments on other blogs
    8. Tweaking our themes
    9. Working behind the scenes, doing maintenance on our blogs
    10. Answering emails
    11. Partaking in social networking – Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, etc
    12. Learning SEO (search engine optimization) and other techniques needed to “get found” and putting it in place
    13. Checking and studying our statistics
    14. Updating, maintaining and/or tweaking our feed reader and social networking accounts.
    15. Updating our about page, categories, tags, sidebars, etc.
    16. Updating plugins and the current release of our blog platform
    17. Backing up our blogs
    18. If monetizing, adding, changing, and/or modifying our ads/layouts
    19. Writing guest posts for other blogs
    20. Writing ebooks or other online ezine articles and/or Squidoo pages
    21. Setting up additional blogs and doing it all again.

Just looking at the list, makes me say “Whew”. 🙂

For bloggers who plan on sticking around, it’s essential we hone our time management skills. Anything that can shave off a few minutes each day is a huge benefit.

I’ve found setting priorities has helped, as has minimizing the time I spend checking stats, answering more that one comment at a time, and writing posts in advance when I’m feeling creative.

How about you?

Today’s Assignment

With all of the demands blogging puts on your time, how do you manage it all?

Do you have any shortcuts or tips you use?

Care to share?


P.S. Ricardo of recently shared the results from a poll asking bloggers what their biggest challenge is. Forty five percent of those who voted chose “time”.

Photo Credit:nicksarebi

45 thoughts on “The Biggest Challenge Of Blogging

  1. The best thing I’ve done recently is that I now write the majority of my posts in advance. This makes me feel ahead of the game and then if life intervenes (as it will), I’m not scrambling around for material and don’t write it in a blur.

    That’s a great list btw — it looks like my weekly blog to-do (or should-do) list!

    Jeannette´s last blog post..Eurostar baby

  2. Hi Barbara. What a list — yikes! Honestly? I haven’t been managing it all — not the way I would like to be managing it. Blog maintenance is something I’ve relinquished and I’m very happy about that. I too have been answering comments in large batches, and a recent creative spurt has spawned a few draft posts.

    I’ve also accepted the fact that it’s not possible to read each and every post that all the blogs in my reader publish. I clear out my reader weekly and keep a rough daily log on a scratch pad of the blogs I’ve visited, to try and get around to everyone regularly. I don’t keep Twitter open all the time anymore — that was a huge distraction.

    Davina´s last blog post..Captivated By a Metaphor

  3. Hi Barbara,
    Finding time for it all…not an easy task!

    It seems like it’s been forever since I’ve actually written just an article for my site – and why? Finding the time to do that, amongst everything else. And that’s not to say I don’t love this – I do! It’s just that with this love, there has become more to keep up with. And it becomes about choosing what’s a priority for me. I’ve come to the realization, in the last few months, that some things have to give – and that’s okay.

    Life does go on. (I just have to remember that!)

    Lance´s last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day

  4. Hi Barbara – The best way to manage that I found was to give myself permission to post only when there was something I felt was fun or relevant. So, rather than feel guilty about (lack of) frequency, I liberated myself from a schedule. I’ve deferred a lot of maintenance as well, but I’ll get to that in due time. There are lots of items on my blogging to-do list, but, as Lance pointed out, life takes priority. Thanks.

    Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post..FROM THE ROAD: INTO THE YUKON

  5. Interesting list.

    Some of it I just don’t do. The rest of it I do as I have a chance and the inclination.

    Of course, when I’m not working, I have more time than others, but, somehow, that time gets sucked up by other things — like travel or just sitting on the porch enjoying the weather.

    One thing I do want to pay more attention to is responding to the comments of my readers, which provided the subject of yesterday’s post (see commentluv link).

    Mike Goad´s last blog post..Mea culpa on replies to blog comments

  6. I timeblock, dividing my day into half-hour sections and plowing through the many many tasks I have. For example, this is the last blog I’m commenting on today as it’s now just hit 3pm and it’s time to change tasks – a half an hour on marketing stuff – and then it’s off to the library to write fiction for an hour and a half.

    Here’s how I do it…

    Alex Fayle | Someday Syndrome´s last blog post..Taking Life on the Road: Jim Nelson & René Agredano Interview

  7. I’m finding blogging is very interesting and yes so much more than I realised. I’ve got lots to learn and this blog is teaching me all sorts I didn’t know – never even heard of. One thing is for sure, if you want to be a successful blogger you have to make time. You can be free-spirited and intuitive about what you write but everything else is organise, organise, organise.

    Great post.

    Paisley (Paisley Thoughts)´s last blog post..What Makes Review Writing Ethical? A Real Experience

  8. I’m glad you wrote that list. I hadn’t realized it was quite that bad. As the others, I deal with it by omitting some of the tasks.

    2. Writing posts, including adding links — Adding links and then checking to make sure they’re working is the slowest part of this task. I wish someone would write a plugin or some other software that would make this easier.
    6. Reading other blogs and the comments — I only expand my reading list when I’m feeling energetic. This means I get little new traffic from that source.
    8. Tweaking our themes – I finally hired someone to do this on a one-time basis because I just couldn’t find the time.
    11. Partaking in social networking – Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, etc — I just don’t.
    12. Learning SEO (search engine optimization) and other techniques needed to “get found” and putting it in place — After reading all of SEO School, only to find that at the end she says that SEO really isn’t that important for blogs, I do SEO rarely.
    13. Checking and studying our statistics – Checking yes, studying no.
    14. Updating, maintaining and/or tweaking our feed reader and social networking accounts. — I’ve only added or deleted blogs to my feed reader. Skip the rest.
    16. Updating plugins and the current release of our blog platform — The last time I updated WordPress in response to its nag-o-grams, it broke one of my plugins. Now I update when I want. I wish the plugin authors would stop putting out new versions so often.
    19. Writing guest posts for other blogs – I don’t do this.
    20. Writing ebooks or other online ezine articles and/or Squidoo pages – Nor this.
    21. Setting up additional blogs and doing it all again. – Nope.

    I guess I’m a very lazy blogger. I know my energy is limited and my time needs to be spent resting. I focus on the quality of my posts and on the relationships with my readers. Everything else has to take a back seat because of my health. As a result, my readership has grown at a turtle’s pace, but I’ve had the chance to get to know my readers in more depth.

    Dot´s last blog post..Creating a Household Notebook

  9. I agree, blogging takes up a LOT of time. Lucky for me, I have a lot of time to devote to it. 🙂 I definitely agree that there are some things you can do to cut back on the time you spend (like waiting till you have a few comments to post replies, not checking your stats all the time, and limiting the number of blogs you comment on). I’m looking forward to hearing others’ suggestions!

    Positively Present´s last blog me: to be happy you need to trust

  10. I totally agree. Blogging can be a job in itself. To develop a strong blog, with loyal and returning visitors, you need to spend time developing a series of topics and delivering them in a manner suited to your audience. Hard work – I have a lot of respect for bloggers.

  11. I am still learning how to find a balance with the time I give to blogging and how I prioritize what I do during that time.

    I am good about:
    *having ideas for posts
    *writing several posts when I’m feeling creative and saving them
    *finding or taking photos
    *not checking the stats button that much
    *responding to comments en masse instead of one at a time

    I need help with:
    *Twitter: it overwhelms me, it’s time-consuming, nd I don’t think I’m reaping many benefits from it
    *Reading and Commenting on others’ blogs: I’m one of those readers who tries to read every word

    I’m looking forward to reading any tips that other bloggers share here.

    Chania Girl´s last blog post..Footsteps in the Dark

  12. I’m a fan of batch and focus.

    I try to consolidate and batch things wherever I can. Timeboxing is my other friend. Once my timebox is up, I’m done. It forces me to find way to be more effective and efficient.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Productivity Personas

  13. Hi Barbara. Yep, that’s probably the biggest hurdle for bloggers. It’s definitely mine. As my real business grows, I have to put more and more time into it. Plus I’m always adding new services and products (security upgrades, eBook, workbook, etc.).

    I’m finding it difficult to manage my time. I know the different ways to do it (like Alex’s method), but it’s hard because I’m the type of person that absolutely does not like to leave something I’m working on unfinished and to do for another day.

    I like to do it all now, which is bad because other things I have to work on suffer.

    I’m working on getting better 😉

  14. I finally had to sit down and write out a blogging calendar. On Monday’s I write a post for Tuesday, comment on some blogs, and write a guest post. On Tuesdays it’s maintenance and more writing, and so on. Weekends are for getting ahead for the next week, but in reality end up being catch up time.

    Right now I’m working on expanding my weekly calendar into a yearly editorial calendar so that I will never be at a loss for a post topic.

  15. Apart from additional writing (guest posts and books), I can pretty much manage everything. Being able to write fast would work wonders (I usually take hours to finish one post.)

    Reducing the amount of blogs I follow and setting a limit on time I spend on stumble upon has really helped to find some free time.

    Avani´s last blog post..Following My Heart

  16. Hi! Backing up one’s blog? I so need to look into that.

    I like what Lance says about life going on if we don’t live up to all our self-imposed blogging “shoulds,” what Dot says about getting to know fewer bloggers well than many peripherally, and Vered’s creative space idea.

    I have gone from posting 5 times a week to about half that, and it’s working out really really well for me.

    And Tess, if you’re reading this… “ooogity-boogity.” Make you lol? 🙂

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..Got Gravatar? No? It’s Easy!

  17. “For bloggers who plan on sticking around, it’s essential we hone our time management skills. ” Absolutely!

    Just like you, I tend to write several posts at a time, for my own blog as well as for my clients. So two days each week might be spent just writing – I can probably produce around ten 300-word posts per day – and the rest of the week I can do social media, commenting etc. I find that once you’re in a creative space, it’s best to stay in that space and do all your writing while you’re feeling creative.

    Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post..10 Ways To Hate Yourself As A Woman

  18. The answer is I don’t do it all! I simply can’t right now. It’s my dream to be able to take a work-week, say 40 hours and get all those nagging jobs done and stockpile some posts and feel ahead of the game.

    What I have learned to do is let go of the guilt. It used to seem to me that since I had 3-4 hours free from when my kids went to bed until I needed to sleep plus almost 2 hours of naptime during the day, that I should spend all of that working. Heh, I’m nae a machine, man! So I do what I can and enjoy the ride.

    Fingers crossed my goal is by the time the youngest is in full time school I will be proficient enough and popular enough that I can make blogging and related activities a full time gig!

    Tracy´s last blog post..People who need pupa are the pluckiest people

  19. The absolute BEST blogging tip I can offer is this:


    Many of my blog posts are actually email responses to clients. I take the outgoing email – tweak it and remove the specific client references and VIOLA – a blog post that sometimes can save me from having to write a similar email to another client. (At least it gives me a “link” to send so I don’t have to compose the email over again!!!)

    Kathy | Virtual Impax´s last blog post..Is this a scam? Technically no… it’s great marketing.

  20. Oh Barbara,
    This is a creative day and the muse is with me…as are 4 college graduates preparing for Job Interviews in the big city and staying at my house for 2 nights…
    Your post just reminds me that I have pad, pencil and paper in my pocket to keep writing…and knocking down ideas…but how frustrating blogging can be when something interferes with your time management skills and designated sections of activity.
    Plus I am getting so behind in learning how to do things…like SEO and twitter

    Then my honey took off for an extra long training bike ride and left me all the yard work….hmmm he knows I can’t stand to see flowers or critters suffer
    Some days are just like that!

    I really need to print off this post and hand it out to all those folks who think I am just home eating bon bons all day…
    wow another great post…I am humbled by it and working at making lemonade!

    Patricia´s last blog post..How We Met Entry #4

  21. Hi-
    I left this opened as I wrote this evening- just for reference. Trying most of this.I may have used too many links – are they like little black dresses in my clothes? You never have enough.

    Bunnygotblog´s last blog post..Under Pressure

  22. I don’t do all that is recommended by the internet marketing or blogging experts. I can’t find the time to do them all. Also, it is hard to manage when my priorities also include my kids, offline work and my meditation practice.

    I have started reducing the frequency of my posting. Thanks also to Vered who taught me the art of closing the commenting function to some of my posts. I also try to create my drafts in batches.

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..No Such Thing as Failure; Only Feedback

  23. Barbara,

    I’m glad I found the time to come by. hehe.

    You just have to flat out prioritize and manage your time the best way you know how. Also, you have to just keep plugging away, remember that you are in it for the long haul, and realize that at some point you will have streamlined your processes to the point that you are able to accomplish most of the things you would like.



    Tumblemoose´s last blog post..Tumblemoose writers update

  24. The main thing that keeps me going is my community, and the love of what I do. Yes, it takes time. Often more time than I thought. If I was able to donate more time, I’d be able to do many more of the tasks on your list. However, time management doesn’t allow for that.

    After reading your great list, I think I might have to relook at a few of the things I’ve been doing and allocate time to a few others…………..:)

    Thanks for the great info!!

    LisaNewton´s last blog post..Walking in LA

  25. My sanity in blogging this time around is being aided by my husband’s handle on WordPress and help from another blogger on SEO. Those two things make it so much easier to focus on writing, photography, commenting, putting in links, and social media.

    That and realizing “Slow and steady wins the race.”

    Lori Hoeck´s last blog post..Signs and traits of emotional predators

  26. Hi Beauty – I agree. It would be great if this full time “hobby” paid a full time wage. Someday…

    Hi Davina – I know what you mean about visiting other blogs as often as we would like. The Google reader can fill up fast and the numbers can look over whelming. Cleaning it out weekly is a great idea, as is not having Twitter open when we’re working on other stuff as it can be a huge distraction.

    Hi Lance – You’re absolutely correct. Some things do have to give. Living life is so much more important than our blogs, but we often want to do it all and forget life is for living.

    Hi Jeannette – I hear you. The list does look like a “should do”. With so much to do, we often need to just pick and choose. It sounds like you’ve got writing posts in advance down pat.

    Hi Betsy – You’re welcome. That’s true. We need to remember to give ourselves permission to be flexible. With life keeping all of us so busy, we need to remember the blog will wait.

    Hi Mike – I like how you put that. “…like…just sitting on the porch enjoying the weather”. Taking time to enjoy life is SO important.

    P.S. I’ll be by to check out your post.

    Hi Alex – I like your idea of time blocking. Too often we think we’ll just spend a half hour on a task and before we know it, an hour or two has passed. I’ll come by and read how you do it as whatever you’re doing sounds like it a great solution.

    Hi Dot – That’s a good point. Even though we may not have time to do it all, and our blogs may not grow fast, we do get to know our readers a whole lot better. BTW: I don’t do guest posts or articles either.

    Hi Positively Present – Yes. Bulk answering comments and not checking stats can shave off precious time. Commenting can also take up a huge chunk of time. It comes down to knowing where to draw the line, doesn’t it?

    Hi Phone – Thank you. Yes. Bloggers do put a lot of time and energy into their blogs. I often think we/they don’t enough credit.

    Hi Chania Girl – Like you, in the beginning Twitter was confusing for me. Even that takes time to “learn”. It can have benefits, such as increasing our readership, but it also requires frequent interactions in order to “pay off”.

    Hi J.D. – I remember you writing about batching and focusing previously. It sounds like a fabulous way to handle our blogging activities as too often we get sidetracked and before we know it, the day is gone.

    Hi Cindy – That’s a great idea. When we put everything on a calender, it’s there in front of us. Instead of being overwhelmed by what all we have to do, if we divide it up amongst the days of the week, it becomes much more manageable.

    Hi Paisley – Thank you. Yes. I totally agree. If we want to succeed, we have to MAKE time. As with any goal we set for ourselves, we get out of it what we put in.

    Hi Avani – Haha. I hear you about wanting to write faster. Doesn’t it make you wonder how some can crank out a post in 15 minutes. Take about speed writing.

    Hi Vered – So true. Creativity often has a way of eluding us, so it’s best to take advantage of those moments when our muse is working overtime.

    Hi John – Learning time management also takes time. With a real business, and other obligations, it’s often hard to delegate an hour for one particular task when “the paying job” calls.

    Hi Jannie – Yes, backing up our blogs is VERY important. Having crashed my blogs on several occasions, it was the backups that saved me. Although it’s another time suck, it’s an essential task to add to our list.

    Hi Patricia – Thank you. That’s priceless. “I really need to print off this post and hand it out to all those folks who think I am just home eating bon bons all day..” Others just don’t understand how blogging eats up so much of our time, do they?

    Hi Tracy – I don’t know how you do it either. Any blogger who has children, have an added demand on their time, and I empathize with all of you. Your choosing to let go of the guilt is a fabulous idea.

    I hope your dream of full time blogging becomes a reality. How sweet would that be?

    Hi Kathy – That’s a fantastic idea. Not only are you saving time by not having to find more ideas for blog posts, but you’re teaching us, your readers great lessons, as well.

    Hi Bunny – Although they do take time, adding links in posts is very important. It not only shows our readers where we got some of our information from, but shows “link love”, as well.

    Hi Evelyn – That’s true. Reducing our posting schedule can have a huge impact on our time. Not only are we writing less, but we have less comments to answer. I also agree, closing the comments on some posts can save time, as well.

    Hi George – LOL. I’m glad you had time to read this, too.

    I agree. Prioritizing helps a lot, as does realizing we’re in for the long haul. Knowing we’re going to be around for a long time also takes the pressure off that we need to do everything NOW.

    Hi Lisa – You’re welcome. That’s true. Sometimes time management doesn’t allow us to do it all. By picking, choosing and eliminating those items that will get us closer to our goals, we often find it’s a better use of our time.

    Hi Lori – You’ve raised a great point. Sometimes it’s better for us to just outsource the parts of blogging we don’t care to do ourselves.

    And you’re right, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

  27. I have been consistently blogging for over two years but there are a few things that I want to expand on. I think I am going to have to cut back on my posting frequency to do all those things.

    That being said, blogging is a great hobby that has many benefits. In order to save time I usually prewrite entries on Word. Sometimes I have two weeks worth of entries ready to be posted. This saves me from writing each day and really helps if I have a busy day.

    I have also started to share my autograph collection. Those entries are quick and easy.

    Plus, I can write quickly whenever I have access to a computer and just save it on Blogger as a draft.

    These things work well for me.

    Chase March´s last blog post..Unbalanced

  28. Yep, I’ve felt the pain of allllll those things you have to do to keep things up to speed!

    I think it’s important to keep things in perspective, and only do the most important things when you have the time to do them.. do other maintenance etc when you have free time later in the week.. I guess it’s about prioritising and eliminating wasted time


    Ross´s last blog post..Does integrity count for anything?

  29. Hi Barbara,

    I loved reading through the comments here on this one. I am a relatively new blogger, so these sorts of tips are good for me. I try not to be too hard on myself. The whole point of this in my life is to enjoy it, so I try and stick to doing the things that I enjoy. I love discovering new blogs and then I add them to Google Reader. From Google Reader (in FIrefox), I have a little Grease Monkey thing that lets me add good posts I discover to my Twitter stream. (I added this post!) With my new radio show, I am often highlighting bloggers and this has been a great way for me to get to know people more individually. I like that part. I am always impressed by people who blog regularly and who comment regularly. Many of the people listed here are among that list. I like to comment on blogs, but almost (selfishly) because I love looking at what everyone is writing when people use the Comment Luv like you do. I love it when bloggers use that because it lets me see at a glance what other bloggers are currently writing about. I almost ALWAYS subscribe to blogs in my Google Reader if I enjoy a post so they don’t get lost to me as I wander through my blogosphere. I look forward to going back through these comments and reading what everyone is doing! This is a very important topic for us bloggers. Thanks for writing it!

    Amy Jewell / Cirklagirl´s last blog post..Liara Covert – Upcoming Interview

  30. great post, great suggestions. I also write blog posts in advance when I’m feeling creative. Another thing that has worked for me is creating my own blogging schedule.

    brandi´s last blog post..mission monday:: find joy

  31. Thanks for a useful article, Barbara, and to everyone whose comments are so helpful, too.

    I find the best way to make efficient use of the time I allot to blogging is to regularly ask myself why I’m blogging and what I really want to achieve. It’s so easy to become addicted and just go from one fix to the next, never really questioning why each step seems so vitally important or checking in to see if the goal posts have moved. I find it’s easier to manage me than time. Blogging’s an addiction and I’d urge all your readers to re-read the wonderful article you wrote about that, Barbara.

    Once I clarify my values and aims, I make a personal list of all the things I do (very like yours above only minus the social networking) then I actually number them in order of importance. That’s really hard at first because everything seems equally important, but it’s a very useful activity. I started blogging to have somewhere to house my writing and also to enjoy communities of like-minded people. A few weeks ago, I realised that writing my longer pieces was being consistently deprioritised because the list of other activities seems endless. My first brush with exhaustion, incipient writer’s block (first time ever) and a grubby house were a wake up call.

    janice´s last blog post..How to be Successful by FLIRTing More

  32. Hi Barbara .. what a good post and list .. I can see my to do list starts half way down .. I’m getting there – getting a feel of the way to do things, getting ahead with ideas – way ahead .. but needing to settle down to write and simplify one or two posts – to save some time. Commenting on others’ blogs is essential and I wouldn’t miss it – I’m just getting to find my way round these – there are some brilliant ones out there.

    As everyone says it’s finding that methodology for oneself .. and developing our own time scales – bearing in mind our goals .. just lots to learn – but thanks for the listed points.

    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters

    Hilary´s last blog post..What was red, is now blue .. but actually is green?

  33. I need to do time blocking. In fact I commit to doing it. I’m overwhelmed with social media. If people go to twitter from my blog they don’t find me there and that’s not good.

    I like Kath’s idea about answering emails in blog posts. And Lance’s about life going on.

    I’m not willing to give up my traveling, social life offline etc and probably that shows in my blogging. Auuughgghhhh!
    Does anyone have a magic want?!?

    Tess The Bold Life´s last blog post..Dr. Christine Northrup Freebie/Magic Monday

  34. I find it so interesting that this topic popped up now – while I’m determining my next move.

    With a child, working full-time, volunteering and everything else on my plate, I’m struggling with keeping the blog rolling after two years. I’m also challenged by the thought that I may want to blog in a different way in the future, versus the way I have used that space in the past.

    My best time-saving tips would be to do what so many others do – pick certain days to do the bulk of your writing and schedule out your post. This is easier said than done when you are a mom blogger and your original goal was to share the latest and greatest with your friends and family.

    RC – Rambling Along…´s last blog post..Celebrating today

  35. First of all I’d like to say that I LOVE the picture that you posted with this blog.

    Moving on to my more important musings…
    You’re right, as bloggers we have many time consuming responsibilities in order to maintain a decent or even mildly successful blog. It takes dedication, but on those days where you feel dead tired, you have to remind yourself what you’re doing this for, and what it will bring to you. Something that always helps me going is the thought that I have something intelligent to say, and something insightful to share with the world. And for the few that make it a point to stop by my blog and read it avidly, then… I need to step it up and create something great for them.

    anyway, nice post 🙂

  36. Thank goodness as in life we have choice.
    I don’t do all that’s on the list and don’t see the benefits of doing so. I’m sure there must be benefits otherwise people wouldn’t be striving to do them all.

    I guess at this point in my blogging life ignorance is bliss 🙂

    best wishes and thank you again Barbara for all that you share.

  37. Hi Chase – Thank you for your time saving tips. I agree that cutting back on posting frequency does help. Even cutting back by one day can save us tons of time.

    Sharing quick posts, like your autograph collection, is another great idea. It lets others know about you and your likes, and the short posts don’t take as much time.

    Hi Ross – Definitely. Eliminating wasted time is very important. Being on the computer it’s easy to spend an hour or two just surfing, and before be know it, we’re that much further behind.

    Hi Amy – You’re welcome. Isn’t CommentLuv the greatest? Like you, I love reading the titles of each bloggers most recent post (or the one they choose to show). Google Reader and Grease Monkey are also a great combination for saving time. Thank you for highlighting those as every little bit helps.

    Hi Brandi – Thank you. Creating a blogging schedule is a fabulous idea. Just having our “to do’s” in front of us, gives us a much better grasp on what to work on next.

    Hi Janice – You’re welcome. That’s is correct. We can become very addicted to blogging. I love how you said you find it easier to manage yourself than to manage your time. That got me thinking.

    You make a great point about asking ourselves why we blog and what we really want to achieve. Too often we go through blogosphere willy-nilly and forget we originally had a plan. Thank you for the great reminder to get back on track.

    Hi Hilary – Thank you for your kind words. That’s so true. Each one of us needs to find what works for US. With each blogger having their own agenda, different aspects of blogging can hold more weight. For example, whereas some rely heavily on social networking, others could care less.

    Hi RC – Being a mom on top of being a blogger is hard work. Although many moms do use their blogs as an outlet, often, at the end of the day, there’s no time left.

    Using our blogs in a way other than we originally planned (or started out) is something that happens a lot. Blogs have a way of taking on a personality of their own (often based on our readers responses), so it will be fascinating to see where you might take your blog in the future. I wish you much success.

    Hi Tess – Time blocking does sound like a great idea, doesn’t it? I’ve tried it on occasion, found it does work, but haven’t gotten into the habit of using it regularly. You’ll have to let me know how it works for you.

    You’re right. We should not give up on living life. Blogging is a hobby (unless we’re professional bloggers) and life and our family need to come first. With blogging being such a joy to most of us, I think we often forget to stop and smell the roses.

    Hi Sunglasses – Thank you. Isn’t that the truth? We do need to remind ourselves where (we hope) blogging will take us, especially if we’re building an online presence to advance our careers. Dedication is key. I love your idea of reminding ourselves “why” we do what we do.

    Hi Ribbon – You’re welcome. Often, ignorance is bliss, and although the list looks long, many (including me) don’t do it all. Picking and choosing what works for us as individual bloggers is the key.

  38. If you use blog a personal site to vent and document some stuff there’s no problem. You forget to write for 3 weeks? No big deal. When you’re trying to make money it gets harder – not posting for even 2 days suddenly becomes a huge problem.

  39. I’ve got 3 blogs now and each one is suffering form a lack of time and input. One of the things I find very helpful is to build up a store of posts I can publish over time. That way when I go through a drought of posts I can always let these storied ones out.

    They can’t be time specific ones though for obvious reasons.

  40. Well, you make blogging sound almost impossible 🙂 In fact, it can kill your health and sleep if you are after all those. However, sometimes concentrating on pure content quality alone can fetch you fame, money and what not – though it might take for ever.

    As for me, I have reduced from 4-5 hours a day to 1 hr a day for blogging. Even if this meant that I am going down on post frequency, not much tweeting/social networking, no link building and not much commenting on other blogs.

    Ajith Edassery´s last blog post..Wrong Keywords and risky Keyphrases can kill your Blog

  41. No wonder I don’t have time for reading, knitting and watching movies! I have often wondered how much time I devote to my blog each week, but I’m afraid to actually track the time and add it up. Finding ways to manage my time better, though, is always a good plan. One thing I always try to do is to have a post half written in my head before I sit down to write, rather than trying to come up with ideas and directions at the computer. I can work out ideas while I’m doing other things that matter to me, like gardening, taking a walk, or having a conversation with my husband—he’s a great help as I sort out my thoughts.

    Kristin T. (@kt_writes)´s last blog post..Jesus scrapes wallpaper, too

  42. Barbara – this post hits home in a big way! A as Lakeland real estate professional, I’m constantly on the go. Though I try to keep blogging as often as possible, time just keeps slipping away from me! Slow and steady wins the race – so I hope my pace still keeps me and my readers current!
    .-= Petra Norris´s last blog ..Frank Lloyd Wright’s Legacy is Lakeland’s Treasure =-.

  43. Hiya Barbara!

    Thanks for the shout-out at the end. I have to agree with most of the folks who took the survey…one of the greatest challenges in “Time Management.”

    Between researching a post, writing a post, editing it, and promoting it (it’s all a process), so much time has gone by! How do you manage it all and still continue to write new content consistently?

    Jim and I schedule time (daily) to sit down and write fresh new content. We don’t always publish that content. But we dedicate at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to writing new content (whether for the newsletter, the blog etc.).

    I have articles written in draft mode that I can reference at a later date and go back and publish. Time-blocking however is what allows me to get out there and get everything done.
    .-= Ricardo Bueno´s last blog ..Is Commenting On Blogs An Effective Traffic Strategy? =-.

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