Tag: plugin

Panhandling In Blogosphere

Although bloggers may not use advertisements on their sites, donate links or widgets are something you might see. I include a donate page on some of my blogs and am always grateful for those who have used it (you know who you are. :)), but…I don’t expect my visitors to… read more Panhandling In Blogosphere

A.S.K. Andy Bailey – What Was The Inspiration Behind The CommentLuv Plugin

First, let me introduce Andy Bailey. He is the developer of the famous CommentLuv plugin and has kindly agreed to participate in my A.S.K. (Answers Sharing Knowledge) series. It’s not often a developer of a plugin stays as active in the progress of a plugin as Andy does. Since its… read more A.S.K. Andy Bailey – What Was The Inspiration Behind The CommentLuv Plugin