NBOTW Provides Proofreading Tips

Photo Credit sunshinecity’s photos
489063432_d1ce601c09.jpgAs each Tuesday approaches, I make time to find a new blogger. It was in the comment section of a recent post of Problogger, I found this week’s “New Blog Of The Week”.

At first glance you may think, “this won’t be a blog I care to visit”, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find great posts such as

“Never forget Another E-mail”

You May Not Read Minds But Convince Your Boss You Can

As a blogger, my favorite is:

Proofreading Like A Professional

The blog was stated in February 2008, and is written by Jodith Allen.

The name of the blog is “Administrative Arts”.

Having spent a considerable amount of time on Jodith’s blog, I believe she has the start of a great teaching blog. The valuable information she supplies can be applied to Administrative Assistants, as well to anyone who works in an office.

Join me in welcoming Jodith to Blogging Without A Blog

We welcome you Jodith!

10 thoughts on “NBOTW Provides Proofreading Tips

  1. Jodith wins points with me for being into proofreading. The first tip (proofreading backwards) reminds me of when I used to read the newspaper backwards to find my vocabulary words for extra credit in English class. It’s much easier to focus on each individual word that way.

    Jodith, congrats on being NBOTW!

    Hunter Nuttall’s last blog post..Lessons From The 2008 Congress Of Jugglers

  2. Thanks so much for the link, Barbara, and on the compliments to my blog. I’ve been blogging for about 2 years on a personal blog, but this is my first foray into a professional blog.

    When I started trying to come up with a topic for a new blog, I tossed around a variety of ideas about different things that interest me. It finally struck me one day that the area in which I have the most experience is what I do for 40+ hours every week. Sometimes the obvious just eludes us, don’t you think? *laughs*

    Thanks again for the link. I really appreciate the help in getting my blogging endeavor on it’s feet.


    Jodith’s last blog post..Casual Friday

  3. Well this is a blog I can use. I’m horrible at proofreading. I would usually give my writing to a friend that has a keen eye for errors. Will check it out. Thanks.

    Natural Woman’s last blog post..Death of a Blog

  4. Hi Natural Woman,

    Jodith shares great proofreading tips. I’m going to try some of them and see if it helps to eliminate errors.

    Hi Hunter,

    I have never tried reading backwards, but that’s something I’m going to add when I edit my posts.

    Hi Jodith,

    Welcome to our community. It’s blogs like yours that can help all of us as we journey through blogosphere, as well as in life.

    Much luck on your professional blog. I’ll be reading it often looking for hints and tips.

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Provides Proofreading Tips

  5. Hi Barbara – It’s an excellent blog isn’t it? Thanks for finding it.

    I also like the proofreading article a lot and the one on confidentiality. But, I never heard of anyone reading backwards before, although I notice that Hunter also does it. The thought of trying it makes me feel quite dizzy, although I will give it a try.

    CatherineL’s last blog post..Social Networks v Content – Who Is King?

  6. Hi Catherine,

    You’re welcome.

    Like you, reading backwards does seem like a strange way to proofread, but it does force you to read every word.

    That reminds me of a girl I worked with who would try to read the documents I had on my desk. She would be reading “up side down” as she spoke to me (she was in front of my desk and her eyes were on the paperwork and not on me). I quickly got wise and flipped papers over when I saw her heading my way.

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Provides Proofreading Tips

  7. Barbara – that is not good. I never thought about people at work being able to read upside down! That is something I will remember in the future.

    I used to password protect important documents and I discovered that one girl had actually found some service on the Internet to allow her to open them!

    CatherineL’s last blog post..Social Networks v Content – Who Is King?

  8. Catherine,

    It’s amazing what extremes some will go through to find company “secrets”.

    Barbara’s last blog post..NBOTW Provides Proofreading Tips

  9. Hi Ian,

    That is a great blog, isn’t it?

    Telex machine…gosh, I forgot about those. They were a pretty neat machine, in its day.

    Barbara’s last blog post..Your First Line Can Sink You

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