Blogroll, Links, Sidebar, Post, Content: More Definitions

Blogroll: As you’re searching the internet and reading blogs, you’ll see a category on a lot of blogs that says, “blogroll”. I see this as a list of your friends or relatives, or, in the case of blogging, usually strangers, who have helped you as you learned how to blog. Now, you want to introduce these mighty fine individuals to the rest of the world, so you set up “links” to their blog. That way, when someone wants to meet someone in your blogroll, all they have to do is click on their name, and wha-la, they get to meet your “friend”. I like this feature, as it gives me a chance to give credit where credit is due.

Links: Not to be confused with “lynx”, although they are pronounced the same. A link is like a “path” that you create, to take your reader down another road. You might want to take them down the path to your “friends” in your blogroll, or maybe you want them to go down the path to an advertisement you have placed on your blog.

Sidebar: No, this is not the local tavern on your side of town. The sidebar is a column on the side of your blog. It is separate from your “post” or “posting area”. Your blogroll is usually in your sidebar.

Post: This is not like a fence post. This is what you’re going to write for the day, or like a page out of your journal. It’s what you want your readers to see and read. When you see articles about posting, you also see the word “content”.

Content: Content is actually “words” on the page. As you are searching the internet, you will find blogs or websites that only contain advertisements. They often don’t have “content”. If you want to have a well written blog, you must also strive to have good content, or words, that will influence your readers to come back to your blog and see what else you posted.

That’s a short list of my definitions for the day. Stay tuned, there will be more…Lucky you!